I'm a bit stumped, so I'll leave it to those who have more time and better taste than me.
I purchased a used PS3 a few weeks ago. Once I overcame my unreasonable paranoia that the Blu-Ray Drive would malfunction or die and my fear of the Yellow Light of Death, after my very short seller warranty expired, it occurred to me that even though I'd purchased it for one specific PS3-exclusive game, this was certainly something I could rectify. At the same time, probably about 60 to 70% of my time is spent playing my PS2 titles.
Problem is, I'm a little stumped. I'm looking at PS3-exclusives (no multiplatforms, thank you), and I think I'm just poorly informed as to what games I like. It's not that I have specific genres I only play (I'll play almost everything, though I'm generally fond of simulators, first-person shooters, RPGs, and action games, and I'll play other games as well), I just happen to be reluctant to take risks, since, well, I'm a cheap bastard and PS3 games can be pricey.
So, I want to expand my PS3 collection from one game and one Blu-Ray film to perhaps two games. What gems on the PS3 have I been missing since I stopped keeping track of video games coming out of Japan (and the rest of the world)?
Some notes:
- A friend of mine owns
Killzone 2, and I don't mind borrowing it from him in the meantime.
- Don't suggest
LBP--I've already tried it and I don't like it. I was hoping for something like
The Incredible Machine for some reason, and while playing it remembered something else: I really don't like platformers anymore. Not sure why.
Uncharted: Drake's Fortune is often listed as a must-buy exclusive, if you don't like LBP. There's also Metal Gear Solid 4 (although this may get ported in some form later to other consoles, from rumors).
I don't believe it - I'm on my THIRD PS3, and my FIRST XBOX360. What the heck?
Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction (third person platformer/shooter that is like playing a Pixar movie. It's not the same style of platformer as, like, LBP. There is a lot of shooting and awesome gadgets)
Valkyria Chronicles (beautiful cel-shaded strategy/shooter hybrid with a very JRPG story and kind of a steampunkish alternate WW2 thing going on)
Warhawk (multiplayer only 3rd person shooter w/ vehicle combat. the dogfights are frantic and amazing but the learning curve is steep)
Resistance 1 and/or 2 (i haven't played these but they seem to be popular and have big communities
Metal Gear Solid 4 if you've played the previous entries
Flower (PSN) (artsy game, but soooo relaxing and well worth the $10)
Do... Re... Mi... So... Fa.... Do... Re.... Do...
Forget it...
Not many, truth be told. Primarily King of Fighters XI, Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex (yes, I know, I love GitS and I really liked Bungie's Oni on PC), and Ace Combat 5. I keep telling myself I'm going to beat Kingdom Hearts 2 and Final Fantasy X-2, but then again, I also tell myself I'm going to do a lot of things.
Do... Re... Mi... So... Fa.... Do... Re.... Do...
Forget it...
And 'Valkyria Chronicles' was it? :winky:
My guess would be he'd want it on the 360 if it was multiplatform
Since I own both a 350 and PS3 as well, I can see where he's coming from and generally do the same thing
Actually, I have it and it is very good. Very story/cutscene heavy, but they do switch it up with the missions so the combat never gets old.
Limed for "sweet sweet PS3 exclusive goodness".
I'll also recommend Resistance and Resistance 2 for that FPS itch.
However, if you want to play the best sports game on any platform and you like baseball, check out MLB: The Show 09. It's just an unbelievably beautiful game that's a realistic representation of the sport.
Everyday Shooter is a fine game. Kind of like Asteroids, with cool music.
Warhawk, as mentioned above, is great. Haven't tried the new downloadable SOCOM but I've heard pretty good things from friends about it.
Motorstorm is a fun racer, if you like that kind of thing, and it has a sequel so I suppose the original can be gotten on the cheap. Haven't tried the sequel, to be honest.
Obviously, they're not the same thing, but everyone seems to love it. As for Uncharted--I have given it a try in the past, but I didn't really enjoy it (which is odd, because I still enjoy games like Tomb Raider and the original Prince of Persia, I think it might be the odd combination of gameplay styles). I might borrow it again, but I can't see buying it.
A lot of other good recommendations here, however.
Chances are you'll like Valkyria Chronicles, and be able to finish it. The story escalates at a very even pace, and it's not so long you'll never be able to fathom finishing it. (18 chapters in total, I think, with 1, sometimes 2, battles in each chapter.)
From what I've seen, it's only the odd person here and there who doesn't like it from the people who have played it.
KOFXII is out soon!
Why not get street fighter 4 while you're waiting?
...and also SF2TurboHDRemix?
...and join us in our tournaments!
If the president had any real power, he'd be able to live wherever the fuck he wanted.
Quality voice acting and an interesting story combined with some laughs and faily decent graphics made it an enjoyable albeit short game. If you pick it up used and don't pay more then 30 dollars for it I'd say it's more then worth a once through.
maybe it's more of a rental...
I've heard it's very short...especially for a full-priced game. I think it's one of those things I could find from a neighbor (though I don't live in a very PS3-oriented town, truth be told), finish up in a short time, and not be wholly inclined to play it again. Then again, I've played certain action-games over and over again....
Exactly why. No disservice here, it's just, I'd much rather play them on my 360. Part of it is exclusive content (I didn't like Bioshock, so I don't own it) for the system, part of it is because I only have 1 PS3 controller versus four Xbox 360 controllers, and part of it is, for some reason, I cannot aim worth a crap with the DS3. I don't know, maybe my hands are just retarded, but something about the positioning of the joysticks makes things harder. I've owned a PS2 for years (until it died again and I refused to replace it), and for some reason, I'm still not used to Dual-Shock. Those are just hurdles I can't overcome...so....no multiplatform games, unless you want to recommend an Xbox 360 purchase.
(That might sound like a fanboy thing, but in all fairness, there was a time not long ago when I hated all console controllers and prayed on the alter of Force Feedback 2.)
KOFXII is coming out soon, but even if I overcome my stubbornness over certain missing characters (Why has thou forsaken me, SNK?!), I'm almost certainly going to get it on Xbox 360 (multiplayer is a must, after all). Everyone seems to be very happy with Street Fighter IV, but I'm ashamed to admit I almost exclusively play KOF/FF when it comes to 2D fighters--I haven't played a Street Fighter game in probably about fifteen years, if not more. Fighting games, both 2D and 3D, are one of those things I need a previous knowledge really get into (otherwise, I feel like a button-mashing idiot)--hence the reason I haven't asked for any PS3 3D fighters. O.o Is there a demo out? I don't think I saw one on PSN...
Then come into the G & T thread and talk about how awesome it is
And then get it
Because it is awesome
You should
You'll help the economy and play a great game. A win/win!
Dunno if it counts as helping the economy if you bought it used like me, but you're helping somebody out....
Yes, yes, I know, I know.
I should add the both of you to my ignore list.
I take it you've already played it, but don't have it now? o_O
I dislike chess, however, I will check out the demo.
Ninja Gaiden Sigma is $20 brand new, and it's basically a revamped version of the Xbox original with some extra content.
I can't remember if someone mentioned it, but Warhawk is actually a really good early PS3 flight game, and you can find it really cheap as well. HAWX is coming out as well, but that's multiplatform.
Weaboo List
Also, PixelJunk Eden can be interesting, though not totally in line with your interests. However, I know plenty of people who enjoyed that who wouldn't normally play a game like that, so maybe look at that.
For an arcade/action feel, go check out BlastFactor, Super Stardust HD, and Everyday Shooter. Easy games to pick up, plenty of replay value and they look beautiful.
PSN: TheScrublet