So I'm getting a Blackberry Bold from a friend of mine, i'ts almost brand spanking new and he has that Nokia smartphone so he's staying on that.
I use a Samsung Jack II, the POS that lags when I type and turns off when I press "Hang Up" for more than half a second (or press it). Without making a whole story about it; the Jack II SUCKS. But what options did I have right? I'm with Fido (Canada), the WORST in handset selection in the country next to the pre-paid guys and Koodo (another CND company).
I've only been hearing good thing about Blackberries, normally I wouldn't get one because I do basic texting and phone calls but the Bold seems like a good jump from the shit I carry now (its only redeeming feature being the Napoleon Stromtrooper sticket I put on the back), but I'm getting one for so cheap that really, it's like buying a DS with a bunch of games.
But does anyone have any criticism or praise for Blackberries?
And is it true that I can send free text/pic message/vid message to any other Blackberry?
What makes Blackberries so popular? Smartphones are cool and all I'm only getting it 'cause I need QWERTY keyboards.
Unlocking it is a simple task for Blackberries I'm told, do they have a chance or bricking at all or does someone have something to say about this? (for me Fido won't let me use Blackberries on their network so I gotta unlock one) Does unlocking a Blackberry negate the free-vid/txt-message-to-all-Blackberries feature?
Anyways, with the Bold it's a pretty cool blackberry. My friend has an 8820 and while similar to the bold it's got a few less things and is bigger. I wouldn't trade my iPhone for the 8820 but might for the bold.
Unlocking them isn't that bad, I had to do it to my friends. However, he doesn't seem to be able to get the blackberry messenger software on it. So I would guess unlocking it doesn't allow you to have that, but I'm not really sure if that is true or if he just doesn't have the correct plan. EDIT (Just looked this up, he needs to install the correct version and he should be all set.)
Sending/Receiving pics and video will depend on your carrier I think. I know our Blackberries can do SMS but not MMS on Verizon. When someone else with a Verizon camera phone sends one of our Blackberry users a picture they are directed to go to one of Verizon's websites to view it. There's no actual attachment. Could be that's just a verizon thing.
That said, we've had pretty good luck with the 8830s and no complaints from the couple of people who have the 8300s.
PSN: Broichan
It's just a Verizon thing. I have a blackberry and AT&T and I can send MMS messages and get them without any issues.
I have a Curve on Verizon and get MMS messages just fine most of the time. There are a few people where if I get an MMS from them I have to check it online but usually it goes right through to my handset.
I've had the pearl for a brief period, and the curve for a long time, and I love it. Highly recommend.
Why not just try calling your provider and asking them? It cant hurt, especially if you dont give them your account info.
Actually, Blackberry messenger is a Blackberry specific IM application. It only works between blackberries. IT's good in corporate enviornments, if a lot of your friends have Blackberries, or if you manage blackberries and maintain a network of other people that also manage blackberries.
go there, check out the forums - decide for yourself.
I picked up a Storm a few weeks back with the option to trade it within 30 days if I wasn't happy with it. Initially I was a bit aggravated with the speed of operation (lag, long load times etc) but after being directed to that site by a friendly guy in the LnR department of Telus, I couldn't be happier with it. That site offers links to leaked beta OS's, and many tips/tweaks/tricks for your phone. After a few alterations to the software on my phone, it really changed it from "meh" to wow. Anyone who openly knocks the storm hasn't used one that's been tweaked.
I'm not sure what your phone plan is like, but also check out for information on getting the most for your buck from your cell provider. After being quoted 114$ a month for the packages I wanted in store, I managed to negotiate the exact same features for 57$ a month by dealing with LnR (Loyalty and Retention) at Telus.
SEVEN replacements? WTF do you do to your pearl?
In its current state, as the provider and manufacturer intend for me to experience it, the Storm is the worst electronic device I've ever used.