I bought my car slightly used, about 20k miles. Not too bad. The rest of the car is in good shape.
A little while ago, as me and some friends were getting out of my car, a "citizen who dwells primarily on the streets having no permanent residence" came up to the passenger car door, grabbed the top of it, leaned heavily on it, and asked for a monetary donation to support his caloric intake. As the citizen left us, I noticed that the rubber insulation on the inside of the car door was no longer attached to the door, mostly at the top. about one third of that insular ring now hangs down off the of metal of the door, and does not properly insulate from wind & rain - it rained this week, so I figured its time for my lazy ass to repair it.
So question - will super glue deteriorate the rubber insulation, or should I use a type of silicon glue. If that insulation gets chemically destroyed, it will totally fuck up my day, cause that is the point. But if i spend money on glue and it doesnt work, I will be at least 25% as pissed, and thats no fun.
So, silicon glue, super glue, or some other glue I don't know about?
Thanks guys.
Put glue on both parts and push together.
could someone confirm this is correct. I believe that the "insulation" is called a Weather Strip?
Does that look right?