So what defines a person as a pacifist? What makes someone identify as a pacifist?
This is what the dictionary defines as pacifism. But what does it mean to you?
I would like some money because these are artisanal nuggets of wisdom philistine.
Oh good one... jerk! This is a serious thread man. For serious posters.
some people think that's true, some don't. those that do are called pacifists, and they don't engage in violence.
if your plan to make him stop involved violence, you're not a pacifist.
Pretty much.
A reasonable person will insist upon non-violent solutions until it is clear that all non-violent solutions will fail. If the goal is still one that is necessary, then the old remaining course of action is violence.
Pacifism, in the sense that you will never, ever commit an act of violence for any reason, can only work if all the people with whom you interact are also pacifists. The second a non-pacifist becomes involved, your choices are to abandon pacifism or become a slave to tyranny.
But I'm a man of peace variable, its all about the ends. Like when I asked the genie for world peace and she took away all the people.
It's viable, you can be a pacifist and want to kill people so they stop killing people. See you invoked peace by murder, perfectly fine. As long as your goal overall was peace, than the murder and violence was fine. You started out with a noble goal ergo you're a pacifist.
Umm... I'm not sure pacifism means what you think it does.
Of course it does, I'm seeking out peace ergo I'm a pacifist. Ends justify the means my friends.
Yeah, just like Ozymandias.
Should read "Pacifism? HUH!" etc.
Isn't that... isn't that Fascism?
Are you sure? Because I'm under the impression you can join the army and be an army ranger and still be a total pacifist. Fireflash#1425
Steam Friend code: 45386507
hitting hot metal with hammers
Of course, most pacifist groups realise this, I think. I don't think the Amish expect the entire world to adhere to their beliefs, although I'm sure that they would believe it to be a better world if everyone did. But thinking about an entirely pacifist world is more eschatology than policy, and I think most pacifist groups realise that.
As long as they were a "bad" person and its for the goal of peace yes.
More like vigilantism.
Look if the world is a bad place and you are a pacifist you join the military to "Fix" the world. That way you bring peace through force!
I'm not entirely sure that a faux-thread is the best place for that sort of thing, but Preach isn't crazy. I mean, aside from the times I've caught him standing silently over my bed at night.
To want to see peace, through any means necessary.
The more people that subscribe to it other than me the happier I'll become.
Edit: My sig is pretty great right below that, actually.
Pacifism is about means not ends. As in, violence is never an acceptable means, no matter the ends.
Wait, no... what's the word? Locked.
This thread is so very locked.