We'll know for sure when they're done with Starcraft 2 and its expansions, they'll prep the storyline for an MMO. I expect the Zerg to take over from the undead Scourge as the big bad enemy.
Aren't they already? Warcraft is already basically identical to Starcraft.
Getting one shot sucked, but resilience was a pretty backwards way of doing it. Remember when they increased stamina by huge amounts? Why did they make weapon and spell damage scale at the same rate? Since weapons and magic power have scaled at nearly the same rate, all it means is that those without resilience are still getting killed in seconds by those who don't. Meaning they've put in an unnecessary grind to get gear in order to be competitive where there didn't used to be one. If they stopped at increasing stamina by that huge amount and didn't scale weapon and magic damage to max resilience wouldn't need to exist. But then they wouldn't have a carrot to dangle in front of PVPers.
And no, none of the reps individually take more than the old world ones, I agree, but they got around that by putting in so many MORE reps to grind.
At launch there was one rep worth raising, hydraxian waterlords, and that was only IF you planned on running MC, and most people weren't ready to do that for a long while. Then they slowly added in more.
How come every single one of your complaints boils down to, "I am unhappy that they added things to this game?"
They add gear for pvp, you complain about the requirement of getting said gear. They add quests you can repeat every day, you complain both about being required to do these quests and also not being able to the quests more than once per day (if they were infinitely repeatable, you'd complain "everybody just grinds the same quest over and over again"). You complain when people log in for a short time to do a daily quest, and if they weren't there you'd complain about the lack of something to do if you only had a short time to play. You complain about rewarding players in general, regardless of what it is they're doing. You complain that they've added PURPOSE to activities that were, in the past, purposeless, and for some reason this translates into your mind as forcing you to perform that activity and you feel compelled to rebel.
Everything you complain about is an addition to the game, not a change. You can still play the game the same damn way you always have. You can ignore all the reps, you can delete your War Bear, you can never purchase pvp gear, you can never raid. WotLK is not a requirement.
Or, you can go on a long-winded crusade on an internet forum about how the game is breaking into your house and shoving reputation grinds up your ass.
Additionally, I find the argument that the company is trying to force people to play their game as long as psosible to be laughable. Producers of entertainment aiming to make their product as entertaining as possible? WHAT FIENDS!
Terrible straw man, way to put words in my mouth. My main complaint is they added grinds where there weren't there before. THAT'S what they added. Mainly this is in PVP where before it could be a way to have a bit of fun outside the standard pve environment. You could spend as much or as little time there as you wanted. Now you need pvp gear to be competitive, you have to pvp to get pvp gear. That's adding a grind that wasn't there before, and in my opinion, unnecessary.
Learn to read between the lines, none of my complaints about about them adding something, my complaints are that they didn't add anything new. They just found out a way to put in the same content and spread it out over a bunch of days.
If you think pvp's gotten better and more accessible since launch, you're nuts.
My argument against dailies isn't about the fact that they're artificially extending gameplay to make players play longer. That's their prerogative in order to make money as a business, I get that. The point is, there are better ways to make me, personally, want to continue to play. Making me do the same thing that people complained about in vanilla, and spreading it over a month instead of a few days is not one of them.
When I hit 60 in vanilla there was so much for me to do. I was never bored. 4 weeks after WotLK came out, I had seen everything and done everything. The only thing I could do was log on that one day a week where we cleared all the 25 man content then log in the other day when we cleared all the 10 man content, and do dailies.
I would say the ending of Diablo 2 is pretty final. I'm curious to see where they take the story of D3.
My bet is that Tyrael falls and becomes the new Diablo.
As for Starcraft MMO, I would totally play such a thing, but it would need to be radically different from WoW. I think an SC MMO would have to go in one of two directions:
1-- RVR. It would need to be a fast paced pvp game with a focus on territorial objective based combat. Perhaps like Planetside only not shitty.
2-- If they wanted to do PVE, the game would need to be more CoH style where one player is capable of slaughtering 6-8 enemies at once, and the zerg would not be a playable faction. It would be either Terrans or Protoss fighting NPC zerg in large swarms.
Which really makes me curious, have they had a new ip since Starcraft 1? Not to mention that was made by Blizzard North as I recall. I wonder if anyone from the warcraft/diablo first days are still with the company. Basically they haven't had a new ip in more than a decade, so I'm certainly curious to see what they come up with.
I would say the ending of Diablo 2 is pretty final. I'm curious to see where they take the story of D3.
My bet is that Tyrael falls and becomes the new Diablo.
As for Starcraft MMO, I would totally play such a thing, but it would need to be radically different from WoW. I think an SC MMO would have to go in one of two directions:
1-- RVR. It would need to be a fast paced pvp game with a focus on territorial objective based combat. Perhaps like Planetside only not shitty.
2-- If they wanted to do PVE, the game would need to be more CoH style where one player is capable of slaughtering 6-8 enemies at once. Zerg must be a playable race!
So, yeah, I hear Blizzard's next WoW expansion is gonna be based in the Starcraft universe.
Lilithium on
What's that ringing? Ting-ting-a-linging in my head~? Oh, you're always there, making me whole. You're always waiting up for me. You're my first kiss, ever so pure, and ever so defiling, once lost, can never be the same. Fuck me. Violate me. Deny me.
They should make it like a very in depth version of Star Wars Battlefront where all the worlds are persistent and all the reinforcements are actual players (well, maybe some npcs to balance factions).
"Crap, we're losing Auir to the Zerg. Tim, hop on your Ghost and get the hell down there!"
How would a Starcraft MMO fare if released after the upcoming 40k MMO and Star Wars Old Republic MMO? Assuming, of course, both are comprable in quality to the current crop of post-WoW MMOs.
Sure, built-in fanbase and all, but I'd be skeptical a third to market epic space-opera MMO wouldn't run into the same challenges as LotR:0 or WAR trailing WoW.
They should make it like a very in depth version of Star Wars Battlefront where all the worlds are persistent and all the reinforcements are actual players (well, maybe some npcs to balance factions).
"Crap, we're losing Auir to the Zerg. Tim, hop on your Ghost and get the hell down there!"
How would a Starcraft MMO fare if released after the upcoming 40k MMO and Star Wars Old Republic MMO? Assuming, of course, both are comprable in quality to the current crop of post-WoW MMOs.
Sure, built-in fanbase and all, but I'd be skeptical a third to market epic space-opera MMO wouldn't run into the same challenges as LotR:0 or WAR trailing WoW.
But if we know blizzard,starcraft mmo would just beat down the competition.
That's what I'm questioning; between quality of product, time to market (or order of entry), and IP, I think Blizzard's strength is on the first two.
They're number one in the fantasy MMO space (by a factor of HUGE) because they were the first to release an accessible, quality MMO. A familiar IP helped, certainly, but I don't gather that's what drove millions of subscribers in the western world. The more critical factors were; quality and accessiblity and being first to do that.
Star Wars is better known IP than Starcraft (SWG was hampered by being inaccessible and difficult) and 40k is... I don't think I need to explain.
That's what I'm questioning; between quality of product, time to market (or order of entry), and IP, I think Blizzard's strength is on the first two.
They're number one in the fantasy MMO space (by a factor of HUGE) because they were the first to release an accessible, quality MMO. A familiar IP helped, certainly, but I don't gather that's what drove millions of subscribers in the western world. The more critical factors were; quality and accessiblity and being first to do that.
Star Wars is better known IP than Starcraft (SWG was hampered by being inaccessible and difficult) and 40k is... I don't think I need to explain.
Bet 100 bucks on SOE creating a Pre-CU server for SWG right before the KOTOR mmo comes out.
Guys, a Starcraft MMO would just not work. Think of the huge imbalances between the classes, there's no way your Zergling class can take on my Siege Tank class.
Guys, a Starcraft MMO would just not work. Think of the huge imbalances between the classes, there's no way your Zergling class can take on my Siege Tank class.
But a LOT of Zergling's would. Just imagining a zerg rush in a mmo makes me excited. :P But yeah....a starcraft mmo prob wouldnt work
Hey,and what if the zergs had like an Evolution System? Like from lvl 1-10 u are a zergling,then u can become Zerg X,Y,T,after reaching lvl 25,u evolve again,and so on.
Does it make sense to move between them, though? Wouldn't, say, one of the smaller types be engineered/bred as a horde troop, while a big, tunneling siege-breaker beast would be an entirely separate thing?
Does it make sense to move between them, though? Wouldn't, say, one of the smaller types be engineered/bred as a horde troop, while a big, tunneling siege-breaker beast would be an entirely separate thing?
Yep thats how zerg's works. But how about this. Lets say someone makes a zergling. At lvl...20 he gets to choose to get back to larval state and became a lvl 1 2nd tier meele,he would be stronger but he would lose his zergling skills.
Well...i can still dream about a starcraft mmo. :P
...Mainly this is in PVP where before it could be a way to have a bit of fun outside the standard pve environment. You could spend as much or as little time there as you wanted. Now you need pvp gear to be competitive, you have to pvp to get pvp gear. That's adding a grind that wasn't there before, and in my opinion, unnecessary.
I hate to keep bringing the focus back to WoW rather than speculate on whatever Blizzard's new MMO is, but this is just so blatantly untrue. You didn't need gear to compete in vanilla BGs? Are you serious? I've played with my same 10 or so buddies since before there was a PvP rewards system. We had neither the time nor inclination to raid. I still remember the horror of trying to take down a raid geared player with UBRS blues - you didn't need to PvP to PvP back then, you needed to PvE to PvP. But eventually a PvP system was implemented and IT WAS A GRIND A THOUSAND TIMES MORE TERRIBLE THAN WHAT WE HAVE NOW.
To say that you need to grind BGs in order to get PvP gear is an utter fallacy. You can get best in slot PvP gloves, chest and pants from PvE, buy starter PvP items with 25 man PvE tokens, or even craft an entire set of starter PvP gear with easily available materials. Wintersgrasp tokens can get you an epic PvP helm, boots, and trinket - and after the patch, an entire suit of armor pretty much. Stonekeepers shards, gained primarily from PvE, can get you helm and shoulder enchants with resilience and a 5 minute PvP trinket. You don't even need PvP gear to help out in Wintersgrasp because if your gear sucks you can drive tanks or man cannons. Since the arena system is no longer a gear dispensing system for people who suck, seeing gladiator gear beyond what you can get from PvE is pretty rare so even the starting blue PvP sets make you pretty competitive. On my PvP server, when I hit 80, my buddies made made me a Savage Saronite plate set and a Titansteel Destroyer and I started BGing and felt like I was contributing. On my PvE server, I got the best in slot PvP pants and chest from lucky Vault runs without having to kill anyone and crafted up the rest of my PvP armor.
The more I think about it, the more I think I'm onto something with Blizzard making a hardcore MMO game world with actual consequences. It's the one portion of the player base they've always had trouble courting and wouldn't cut too deeply into WoW's playerbase. I'm thinking their new MMO will be something that appeals to people who want a game like EVE Online but without the spaceships: territory you can take and hold, player driven economy and factions, looting other players... that sort of thing.
...Mainly this is in PVP where before it could be a way to have a bit of fun outside the standard pve environment. You could spend as much or as little time there as you wanted. Now you need pvp gear to be competitive, you have to pvp to get pvp gear. That's adding a grind that wasn't there before, and in my opinion, unnecessary.
I hate to keep bringing the focus back to WoW rather than speculate on whatever Blizzard's new MMO is, but this is just so blatantly untrue. You didn't need gear to compete in vanilla BGs? Are you serious? I've played with my same 10 or so buddies since before there was a PvP rewards system. We had neither the time nor inclination to raid. I still remember the horror of trying to take down a raid geared player with UBRS blues - you didn't need to PvP to PvP back then, you needed to PvE to PvP. But eventually a PvP system was implemented and IT WAS A GRIND A THOUSAND TIMES MORE TERRIBLE THAN WHAT WE HAVE NOW.
To say that you need to grind BGs in order to get PvP gear is an utter fallacy. You can get best in slot PvP gloves, chest and pants from PvE, buy starter PvP items with 25 man PvE tokens, or even craft an entire set of starter PvP gear with easily available materials. Wintersgrasp tokens can get you an epic PvP helm, boots, and trinket - and after the patch, an entire suit of armor pretty much. Stonekeepers shards, gained primarily from PvE, can get you helm and shoulder enchants with resilience and a 5 minute PvP trinket. You don't even need PvP gear to help out in Wintersgrasp because if your gear sucks you can drive tanks or man cannons. Since the arena system is no longer a gear dispensing system for people who suck, seeing gladiator gear beyond what you can get from PvE is pretty rare so even the starting blue PvP sets make you pretty competitive. On my PvP server, when I hit 80, my buddies made made me a Savage Saronite plate set and a Titansteel Destroyer and I started BGing and felt like I was contributing. On my PvE server, I got the best in slot PvP pants and chest from lucky Vault runs without having to kill anyone and crafted up the rest of my PvP armor.
The more I think about it, the more I think I'm onto something with Blizzard making a hardcore MMO game world with actual consequences. It's the one portion of the player base they've always had trouble courting and wouldn't cut too deeply into WoW's playerbase. I'm thinking their new MMO will be something that appeals to people who want a game like EVE Online but without the spaceships: territory you can take and hold, player driven economy and factions, looting other players... that sort of thing.
Which they will in Ulduar, so I guess my main point here is that Blizzard should update more than once every 6 god damn months*
Sorry to harp on old posts, but the game has been out less than 5 months (meaning they WILL update more than once every 6 months, unless 3.1 takes a giant nose dive next week with some game breaking, "we gotta delay the PTR another 4 weeks" bug ). I imagine 3.2 will be out before 6 months from 3.1 as well. It feels like a long time, I know, but it isn't that bad overall.
Does it make sense to move between them, though? Wouldn't, say, one of the smaller types be engineered/bred as a horde troop, while a big, tunneling siege-breaker beast would be an entirely separate thing?
Yep thats how zerg's works. But how about this. Lets say someone makes a zergling. At lvl...20 he gets to choose to get back to larval state and became a lvl 1 2nd tier meele,he would be stronger but he would lose his zergling skills.
Well...i can still dream about a starcraft mmo. :P
Makes sense; when they're absorbed back into the hive fleet spawning pools, the player could act as the Hive Mind choosing a new template for that gene-mass.
It would work for the general category of Hive Nodes too; start as a Tyranid Warrior > respec/build as a Hive Tyrant later on.
Does it make sense to move between them, though? Wouldn't, say, one of the smaller types be engineered/bred as a horde troop, while a big, tunneling siege-breaker beast would be an entirely separate thing?
Yep thats how zerg's works. But how about this. Lets say someone makes a zergling. At lvl...20 he gets to choose to get back to larval state and became a lvl 1 2nd tier meele,he would be stronger but he would lose his zergling skills.
Well...i can still dream about a starcraft mmo. :P
Makes sense; when they're absorbed back into the hive fleet spawning pools, the player could act as the Hive Mind choosing a new template for that gene-mass.
It would work for the general category of Hive Nodes too; start as a Tyranid Warrior > respec/build as a Hive Tyrant later on.
I doubt there will be an starcraft mmo though. Cause it will look alot like the 40k mmo.
Space Marines=Terrans
My dubious humor aside, I agree: a Starcraft MMO after 40k and The Old Republic would be a huge uphill battle for Blizzard, and probably not worth the investment.
Unless they go the LotR/WAR route and look for a niche to capture, but that doesn't seem to be Blizzard's current style. Warhammer and Warcraft look exactly alike, and WAR is holding its own within a niche market. I'm sure Starcraft could do the same, if not first to market.
Aren't they already? Warcraft is already basically identical to Starcraft.
Terrible straw man, way to put words in my mouth. My main complaint is they added grinds where there weren't there before. THAT'S what they added. Mainly this is in PVP where before it could be a way to have a bit of fun outside the standard pve environment. You could spend as much or as little time there as you wanted. Now you need pvp gear to be competitive, you have to pvp to get pvp gear. That's adding a grind that wasn't there before, and in my opinion, unnecessary.
Learn to read between the lines, none of my complaints about about them adding something, my complaints are that they didn't add anything new. They just found out a way to put in the same content and spread it out over a bunch of days.
If you think pvp's gotten better and more accessible since launch, you're nuts.
My argument against dailies isn't about the fact that they're artificially extending gameplay to make players play longer. That's their prerogative in order to make money as a business, I get that. The point is, there are better ways to make me, personally, want to continue to play. Making me do the same thing that people complained about in vanilla, and spreading it over a month instead of a few days is not one of them.
When I hit 60 in vanilla there was so much for me to do. I was never bored. 4 weeks after WotLK came out, I had seen everything and done everything. The only thing I could do was log on that one day a week where we cleared all the 25 man content then log in the other day when we cleared all the 10 man content, and do dailies.
I think Starcraft 2 is going to wrap up the storyline
their new MMO could possibly start a new series, though
all hail the hypothetical starcraft mmo!
I always said I'd drop WoW in a heartbeat for World of Starcraft. I don't know how they'd be able to pull it off, but I'd love to play a zerg.
I think you're right though about Starcraft 2 wrapping things up though.
Some, yes.
I would say the ending of Diablo 2 is pretty final. I'm curious to see where they take the story of D3.
As for Starcraft MMO, I would totally play such a thing, but it would need to be radically different from WoW. I think an SC MMO would have to go in one of two directions:
1-- RVR. It would need to be a fast paced pvp game with a focus on territorial objective based combat. Perhaps like Planetside only not shitty.
2-- If they wanted to do PVE, the game would need to be more CoH style where one player is capable of slaughtering 6-8 enemies at once, and the zerg would not be a playable faction. It would be either Terrans or Protoss fighting NPC zerg in large swarms.
Considering how well that Ghost thing went, I'm not surprised they aren't trying to move SC over to a new genre.
Come on! Who doesnt want to be a hydralisk?
Not sure how much fun it would be to play as the zerg, and I'm not sure how the protoss would work either.
Unless they make some kind of class based thing, like TF2 in space
I would buy that
Shit. Now i want to play some starcraft.
"Crap, we're losing Auir to the Zerg. Tim, hop on your Ghost and get the hell down there!"
Sure, built-in fanbase and all, but I'd be skeptical a third to market epic space-opera MMO wouldn't run into the same challenges as LotR:0 or WAR trailing WoW.
Live for the Swarm!
But if we know blizzard,starcraft mmo would just beat down the competition.
A 40k MMO where my 'race' is Guardsman and my 'class' is Leman Russ and my spec can be 'MBT', 'Demolisher', or 'Punisher'.
Entire nations... will... burn.
I call dibs on Princeps.
They're number one in the fantasy MMO space (by a factor of HUGE) because they were the first to release an accessible, quality MMO. A familiar IP helped, certainly, but I don't gather that's what drove millions of subscribers in the western world. The more critical factors were; quality and accessiblity and being first to do that.
Star Wars is better known IP than Starcraft (SWG was hampered by being inaccessible and difficult) and 40k is... I don't think I need to explain.
Bet 100 bucks on SOE creating a Pre-CU server for SWG right before the KOTOR mmo comes out.
But a LOT of Zergling's would. Just imagining a zerg rush in a mmo makes me excited. :P But yeah....a starcraft mmo prob wouldnt work
Yep,they prob would have to add new zerg types. Something Like Zergling-> Something Meele -> Something 2nd Meele -> Ultralisk
Yep thats how zerg's works. But how about this. Lets say someone makes a zergling. At lvl...20 he gets to choose to get back to larval state and became a lvl 1 2nd tier meele,he would be stronger but he would lose his zergling skills.
Well...i can still dream about a starcraft mmo. :P
I hate to keep bringing the focus back to WoW rather than speculate on whatever Blizzard's new MMO is, but this is just so blatantly untrue. You didn't need gear to compete in vanilla BGs? Are you serious? I've played with my same 10 or so buddies since before there was a PvP rewards system. We had neither the time nor inclination to raid. I still remember the horror of trying to take down a raid geared player with UBRS blues - you didn't need to PvP to PvP back then, you needed to PvE to PvP. But eventually a PvP system was implemented and IT WAS A GRIND A THOUSAND TIMES MORE TERRIBLE THAN WHAT WE HAVE NOW.
To say that you need to grind BGs in order to get PvP gear is an utter fallacy. You can get best in slot PvP gloves, chest and pants from PvE, buy starter PvP items with 25 man PvE tokens, or even craft an entire set of starter PvP gear with easily available materials. Wintersgrasp tokens can get you an epic PvP helm, boots, and trinket - and after the patch, an entire suit of armor pretty much. Stonekeepers shards, gained primarily from PvE, can get you helm and shoulder enchants with resilience and a 5 minute PvP trinket. You don't even need PvP gear to help out in Wintersgrasp because if your gear sucks you can drive tanks or man cannons. Since the arena system is no longer a gear dispensing system for people who suck, seeing gladiator gear beyond what you can get from PvE is pretty rare so even the starting blue PvP sets make you pretty competitive. On my PvP server, when I hit 80, my buddies made made me a Savage Saronite plate set and a Titansteel Destroyer and I started BGing and felt like I was contributing. On my PvE server, I got the best in slot PvP pants and chest from lucky Vault runs without having to kill anyone and crafted up the rest of my PvP armor.
The more I think about it, the more I think I'm onto something with Blizzard making a hardcore MMO game world with actual consequences. It's the one portion of the player base they've always had trouble courting and wouldn't cut too deeply into WoW's playerbase. I'm thinking their new MMO will be something that appeals to people who want a game like EVE Online but without the spaceships: territory you can take and hold, player driven economy and factions, looting other players... that sort of thing.
With Zergs.
Sorry to harp on old posts, but the game has been out less than 5 months (meaning they WILL update more than once every 6 months, unless 3.1 takes a giant nose dive next week with some game breaking, "we gotta delay the PTR another 4 weeks" bug ). I imagine 3.2 will be out before 6 months from 3.1 as well. It feels like a long time, I know, but it isn't that bad overall.
Makes sense; when they're absorbed back into the hive fleet spawning pools, the player could act as the Hive Mind choosing a new template for that gene-mass.
It would work for the general category of Hive Nodes too; start as a Tyranid Warrior > respec/build as a Hive Tyrant later on.
I doubt there will be an starcraft mmo though. Cause it will look alot like the 40k mmo.
Space Marines=Terrans
Unless they go the LotR/WAR route and look for a niche to capture, but that doesn't seem to be Blizzard's current style. Warhammer and Warcraft look exactly alike, and WAR is holding its own within a niche market. I'm sure Starcraft could do the same, if not first to market.