Hello. I am an undergraduate at the University of Illinois, studying physics. I will be graduating in the spring, and am planning on going to graduate school for theoretical/computational astrophysics. I applied to three places - the University of Illinois, the University of Chicago, and Northwestern. I was fortunate enough to be accepted to all three of them. I have been trying to make a decision on which one I should go to, and I have talked to several people to help me decide. However, I am still stuck. All three schools have research that I would be interested in, and they are all fairly well-known in the astrophysics community. All of them have given me comparable financial aid programs when taking into account differences in standard of living costs. However, all of them have aspects that concern me. For Illinois, as much as I enjoy it here, I would be missing out on the experience of going to a new university. For Chicago, I am concerned that the urban environment would frustrate me, as large crowds tend to kind of overwhelm me and make me frustrated. For Northwestern, the department is small enough that my options would be limited. Although I am interested in the research all three professors are doing, if it turns out that is not what I would like to do, I do not have many options. Also, because the department is smaller, there will probably be less activity there (professors visiting to give talks, etc.).
I don't expect anyone here to be very familiar with the astrophysics programs at the schools, but I am wondering if anyone knows of different important aspects to the school that I may not have yet considered. Does anyone have any advice?
tl;dr - Got accepted to three graduate schools. All have their downsides. Not sure which one I should attend.
Have you spent any considerable amount of time in the city? I would suggest visiting a friend if you can, or staying near the campus for a few days somehow. The U of C area isn't right in the thick of things, which my assuage your fears a bit.
Your concerns with Northwestern (program size, limited options) seem to be more serious than your concerns with the other schools, as if you'd only be going there by eliminating the other schools in the interest of experiencing new things and avoiding crowds. Evanston is a nice place though, definitely nicer than the baking swaths of asphalt and strip malls of Champaign-Urbana.
Don't they have open houses for PhD students? We have that here. You come, meet the professors, walk around the campus, meet the prospective students, etc.
It's worth the three plane trips now to be sure about how you're spending the next (don't think about it) years of your life.
I too graduated from UIUC, though with an undergraduate degree in Computer Science and decided to stay there for my MS. I guess Physics is different since you pretty much need a PhD, so the choice has a bit more gravity. I now work downtown Chicago and love living in the city. I guess like others have said, you won't really know if you like it unless you visit.
*If you haven't applied to Hertz/NSF/NDSEG/other big fellowships, make sure to do that next year.
This. When I was choosing a grad school for physics, departments would fly me in and pay for a hotel and food. Since UC and NW are both in the same city, it should be pretty easy for you to set up a trip to go visit them both in a 2-3 day trip. When you go visit, make sure you talk to other grad students. Maybe they'll answer some of your concerns.