As grievances go, this is a pretty damn annoying one.
I got the game on Tuesday, and have only just really started to try it out since I had other stuff to be doing. I'm on the Trial option in the Challenges section, where you have to do a certain move to progress. All well and good with my man Vega throughout the first and second trial bits, but then on what I can only hope is the final challenge of section 2, I'm tasked with doing his Utra Combo, the "Bloody High Claw".
So now we have a problem. It's impossible. I know what I have to do, I have the directions and controls for said attack clearly displayed on both the screen and the instruction booklet in front of me. And yet when I try to perform said move, the masked bastard either just kicks Dan the punching bag, or does one of up to 3 different moves (Scarlet Terror, Flying Barcelona Attack or Flying Barcelona Special to be precise).
Is this move so damn difficult for anyone else? Is it just because I suck major ass at this game, and indeed games in general. Or is it down to the now infamous 360 gamepad which is shit for fighting games (apparently)?
Or, preferably, could somebody put what I have to do for said attack into simpler terms as opposed to the multi-direction "arrows-on-a-red-dot and foot symbols" in the instruction booklet?
EDIT: I managed it once, but that was just by stressing out about it and assaulting the controller. Plus apparently if you don't hit Dan with the move it doesn't count, so I'm stuck trying to do it or figuring out just how in the hell I managed it last time
Plus Street Fighter is meant to be played with an a joystick/thumbstick. That's how it's been made on every arcade cabinet. When you try and play Street Figher with a d-pad, the terrorists win.
so you get:
[c]harge d/b, d/f, d/b, u/f+3K
Compared to some of the stuff you have to do in the hard trials, this is an absolutele joke.
Try doing C.Viper's hard trials and you'll be crying before you know it. Even stuff like Dhalsim's qcf~u/f+3P, b+Jhp, b+mk, hcb+lp, qcf,qcf+P during an actual match is easier. *Shakes fist at Viper*
Make it all one smooth flowing motion followed by the kicks.
Youtube Channel!
1. Charge down/back for at least 2 seconds.
2. Roll from down/back to down to down/forward in a quick motion.
3. Immediately roll from down/forward to down to down/back in a quick motion.
4. Quickly jam the pad to up/forward and at the same time press all three kick buttons simultaneously.
Thats how I did it for Guiles super to ultra. It works fine normally? Well thats better than mine then :P
Youtube Channel!
Until this game.
Try telling that to the top Japanese players =p
I say this as someone who can pull off a few loops of El Fuerte's infinite combo. I don't suck that hard, but there are much easier combos than what they give you in the trials that do more damage.
Do you not have internet access?
And Doc, I didn't mean to imply that they're all the best possible options when it comes to the effort/dmg ration, but some of them are definitely viable.
I'm uh..looking for a new place.
So after charging down/back and pressing down/forward, you would do a half circle all the way to Up/backwards and press the three Kicks (or Punches).
So the terrorists win when you buy a street fighter fightpad?
D-pad's fine on the PS3.