I just saw a commercial for Mighty Taco saying that they will take your old and unused gold and jewelery, weigh it on a scale, and then give you something like 10 tacos for an ounce of jewelery
Is this really what the economy has come to? What are the best things you have ever traded for?
When I was in grade school I traded a bunch of Crazy Bones for a Waynes World game boy game, it was ridiculously hard but I had tons of Crazy Bones so it was worth it
tacos are delicious.
JordynNolz.com <- All my blogs (Shepard, Wasted, J'onn, DCAU) are here now!
Find me a copy of this commercial
SE++ Map Steam
I won that day
tacos arent worth much now but they appreciate exponentially
nu-uh, its like a new car, in that once you drive it off the lot, the value plummets.
(the lot is your butt)
You can tell just by watching their cheap commercials. "Send us your gold and we'll mail you a check for what it's worth! We promise! Pinky swear!"
Of course, it turns out you can almost always get more money for your jewelry at a pawn shop.
Putting gold in an envelope and sending it through the mail seems like such a remarkably poor idea to me.
Especially when it's an envelope that has the words 'CASH4GOLD' or whatever on it.
That would normally make sense but I doubt that's true now. Pawn shops are probably so overloaded they can't afford to buy anything whereas these gold buyers are melting down the jewelry to make money in the booming gold market.
You didn't even refridgerate it, you spineless lobster.
Holy shit, two weeks? Gross.
It's Lost.
I'm surprised it lasted that long.
Dude's called Good Ole Tom
That isn't one of the super sketchy ones, but you get the idea
I see this like five times a day
Them and Airport Plaza Jewelers, where jewelery doesn't cost you an arm and a leg!
for pogs
I had a lot of pogs
I still have a lot of pogs
sometimes I take them out and look at them and sigh longingly
Also, my dad is a doctor so we'd get a lot of pens and shit with pill names on them and I had some for Viagra. One girl thought it was so funny in middle school and begged me for it. I traded it for a kiss.
Coran Attack!