For those of you that recall, we ran a contest earlier this year for our upcoming Anniversary Book, and honestly, the response we got was pretty incredible. We were originally slotted to having one winner, but we wrestled around with the page count to the point we could choose THREE.
So our winners, in no particular order are:
Angel of Bacon
Congratulations to the three of you, and I gotta say, there were soooo many that were just super awesome, but sadly Mike did have to narrow it down to three. If you want to check out the full list of entries, they can be found
If you three could shoot me an email at and we can get everything squared away that would be awesome. Thanks!
Some guy.
All three are great picks
@Bryceforvice on Twitter Facebook
fantastic work!
Our first game is now available for free on Google Play: Frontier: Isle of the Seven Gods
Haha, I got 'em right. 3 for 3.
I can't wait to see these in print.
And congrats to Khoo and Co for picking a top three that were actually the best three.
My Website | My "photo-a-day" 2010
Hahaha wak. There's one in every crowd.
Wakkawa's mad because he's a pro too, but he didn't get the time to paint anything.
He's mad because they all lack breasts.
the entries are a total sausagefest
Grats everyone, fantastic job I say. *smokes bubble pipe*
My Portfolio Site
I think that is cool that PA has fanart from other successful dudes.
Yeah, but Khoo does, numbnuts.