The Phil Hendrie Show was a comedy talk radio program syndicated throughout North America on Premiere Radio Networks and on XM Satellite Radio. It was known for outrageous guests, all of whom were fictional and voiced live by the host, Phil Hendrie.
Though Hendrie often explained that he was doing the voices, listeners unfamiliar with the show's format were invited to call, duped into believing that the guests on the show were real. He rapidly switched back and forth between a studio microphone and a conventional telephone, creating the illusion that his "guest" had called into the show. Adding to the illusion, the telephone line often featured recorded background noises that simulated various locations, such as a bowling alley, or the kitchen of a restaurant, or, on at least one occasion, a bathroom.
The show ran for nearly 16 years, from August 1990 to June 2006.
Anyone who's heard his show surely knows that he is very possibly the world's funniest man. Imagine
Da Ali G Show x
Punk'd + Awesome. He's done voices for Matt and Trey and on
King Of The Hill
In addition to the regular characters he did, all of which were certifiable, he parodied Art Bell, Jim Rome and many others. I listen to him every day at work and the people around me think I'm completely insane for walking around the street with a huge godamn grin on my face.
I do believe there are a few
shoutcast stations featuring his shows at most hours, as well as his own
website having a subscription service for a small monthly fee that allows you to download as much of his old crap as you want.
So, I'd like to talk about favourite episodes, characters, etc.
I'll start off by suggesting
Steve Bosell as the best thing ever. The episode where he sues his neighbor, Roy Hutchins, for sleep-raping him on a camping trip after he finds out that Roy was raised a Catholic, and from what he'd heard Catholics were often molested as children, and molestees become molesters. He also had, as a back-up, a suit against the maker of the cheese they bring along on their camping trips because eating nothing but cheese causes constipation, and blood on your anus could make you think that you've been raped.
Who else has some?
Competitive Gaming and Writing Blog Updated in October: "Song (and Story) of the Day"
Anyone want to beta read a paranormal mystery novella?
Here's your
Why do you eat people?
Scripture states that when we take communion it is the body and blood of the lord jesus christ.
Oh god... that is a Blasphemy... Do you eat up on the booty too?
Im not going to answer that.
He's a genius and possibly the best thing on radio if you discover him not knowing what he does and spend months listening wonding how these people could possibly exist, as I did
Caller: Okay.
Character:........are you Chinee?
Caller: What?
Character: You heard me. I said, are you Chinee?
Caller: No, I am not.
Character: (pause) Well that's a bunch of bullcrap. There's no way you can sit there and talk like that and tell me that you're not Chinee.
The character speaks in this sort of half-ass Southern accent. And no, that's not a typo, he says "Chinee".
I love Phil Hendrie's bits. I've heard, however, that he's a Class A Asshole. Not that it matters.
He's currently playing a radio host on the show The Unit. Not exactly a huge part, and he's not doing characters, but he's there.
Edit: Also, the caller is clearly not Chinese.
His show is some of the worst garbage on the radio and the stunt he pulled with the Opie and Anthony Show displayed him has as total hack who had no control over his program. He had the required female co-host and the whole show was hard to listen to and definitely second rate.
I always wondered who listened to him, I guess I know now.
I rarely found the ideas themselves particularly funny, but the responses of people who called in were sometimes hilarious. And every once in a while Phil would go so far that he'd lose it himself and start laughing hysterically for about a minute.
I stopped listening to him about 9/11, because he kind of turned into an Americentric piece of shit and the shows started focusing on politics and outrage more than actually being funny. Maybe he improved and went back to how things were towards the end of his career, but whenever I heard him it just wasn't the same.
Jezo: Maybe some specific criticism would be more useful here than just blasting him and backhandedly all of us with nothing to back you up besides one show I've never even heard about.
Phil didn't have a co-host. What the hell? I've never heard the thing with Opie and Anthony, but I don't think those two are very funny, myself. Personally, I think that what he was doing was so ahead of its time and against the grain that he had no choice but to be a little bit of a hard-ass sometimes. I didn't agree with half of his politics, but that didn't stop me from loving everything else he did.
I didn't listen to him around 9/11, but how can you fault him for turning down the funny a bit then. Who didn't? The stuff he did about 9/11 later on was always gold. Like having RC Collins join a military academy and talking shit about how he was going to get "Ben Linderman's" head on the end of his bayonet, or Jay Santoz declaring that no kid could smile or have fun on the anniversary.
I'll also admit that some characters got fairly annoying sometimes, particularly Bobby Dooley. But overall it was non-stop awesome. I really appreciated the way he would end the joke if it went too far, because for the most part they were almost social commentary, not unlike its closest peer, Ali G.
Anyone want to beta read a paranormal mystery novella? Here's your chance.
I'm listening to a 24-hour Phil Hendrie shoutcast now... this female caller is fucking enraged.
I got Phil Hendrie confused with The Phillips Phile.
I take back everything I said.