Okay, so I've been recently tasked with taking over the development and upkeep of a side businesses website/store, and I need to get me a copy of a few Adobe products, since PS7.0 doesn't work under the newest version of OSX. Seeing as how I have Photoshop 7.0, would I be able to get the CS4 package that includes all those or am I totally giving too much credit to Adobe and they really mean 'Buy Dreamweaver CS4 and then this and save like... $400
'? That being the case, I really am damn near sure that I would only need Dreamweaver and Photoshop CS4 to do everything I need, but it would be nice to have the Full Monty.
Now for the followup;
I'm looking at courses for said program (Dreamweaver) and design in general for websites, since the last time I really did this in any capacity was back when it was all the rage to do HTML coding in a text editor. Does anyone have any suggestions for the NJ area, or know of any Web based training that they have tried and would recommend?
Thanks a ton!
you need to have atleast ps8, aka CS.
and yes, the bundles are extremely good values versus individual products.
you may be able to buy NOS off ebay, or buy used copies (must complete a transfer of license).
and now, you will most likely still do html coding in a text editor.
Oh I know (about the html thing, was totally just trying to be 'hip' and 'with it') Just been a dogs age since I had to deal with Adobe, and they've never been easy people to deal with, thats for sure :P