2009 Environmental Statistics?

McAllenMcAllen Registered User regular
edited June 2009 in Help / Advice Forum
Hey, I lurk the boards and usually post in G&T, and after seeing Al Gore's 2005 documentary An Inconvenient Truth, I decided I wanted to delve more into how much has been fucked/saved since 2009. I tried looking into the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, but I was so lost even with their FAQ management, so I was wondering if there was a more user friendly site that offers an easier way to do some research?

Btw I know it's still been getting warmer and such, but I'm looking for the cold hard facts.

Much appreciated.

McAllen on


  • DalbozDalboz Resident Puppy Eater Right behind you...Registered User regular
    edited June 2009
    I don't want to start a debate in here, but you've come across the biggest problem with the whole issue. There really is no easy way of examine, inventorying, or regulating things to the extent of what you are looking for. I used to work in environmental sciences in air quality, and no agency to get there act together or get the different agencies to agree on how to handle it (in California, where it's actually State law that they have to do it, although admittedly this law was the politicians telling the scientist how to do their job, again). They were still fighting it out when I quit. So you really may be SOL on this one. I don't think they even inventory GHGs yet.

    Dalboz on
  • RUNN1NGMANRUNN1NGMAN Registered User regular
    edited June 2009
    NOAA has loads of data all over their website, but I'm not sure they'll have what you're looking for. Worth a look though.

    This link has an article on NOAA's report on climate change, and the report is linked at the bottom. It's more focused on effects than causes, but it might be a good place to start. You can at least look at the footnotes and see where the data is coming from. There's also a link to NOAA's National Climatic Data Center, but that is some hard core raw data that probably won't be very useful to you.

    Report: http://www.globalchange.gov/publications/reports/scientific-assessments/us-impacts
    National Climatic Data Center: http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/oa/ncdc.html

  • tsmvengytsmvengy Registered User regular
    edited June 2009
    Someone just released a report about climate change - I will see what I can dig up.


    There is a link to download the full report on that page.

    tsmvengy on
  • LavaKnightLavaKnight Registered User regular
    edited June 2009
    That recent report is a good link.

    Another good start is the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. They release yearly reports, and although (to my knowledge) they haven't released 2009's data yet, you can find a lot of data on their site, and news stories about previous year's reports.

    If you have access to scholarly databases, the best place to look are peer-reviewed journals. That's where you'll find your "cold hard facts." There's a journal named "Climate Change," but you could look at other atmospheric science journals in addition.

    LavaKnight on
  • SakebombSakebomb Registered User regular
    edited June 2009
    The University of East Anglia has a pretty comprehensive climate research program


    Sakebomb on
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