I haven't posted in G&T in a long-ass time, so hopefully this type of thread is allowed. Let me know if it's not.
I haven't played computer games in a while, mostly because of work and college. The last game I played start-to-finish was Bioshock, about a year ago, and even that took me about two months. Now, I'm finally gradumated and in a few days, won't have a job at my school anymore, so inbetween looking for a new job, I'll have a shitload of free time to play games again. I've been out of the PC gaming "scene" for a couple years now, but I want something new to play.
I mostly enjoy action-adventure games like the Prince of Persia series (the new one is first in line for me to play), Beyond Good & Evil, Psychonauts, the GTA series, the Thief series, etc, but I don't really like beat-em-ups like God of War. I like first-person shooters if they have a decent storyline or at least an interesting world/atmosphere, like Bioshock, Deus Ex, Half Life 2. I'm not really interested in run-and-gun games like Halo or Gears of War. I'm not really a fan of RPGs or Strategy games. I dicked around in Fallout 3 for a while, but the slooooow pace of the game eventually made me give up. I also enjoy indie platformers like Cave Story, Knytt Stories, N, and Within a Deep Forest, but right now I'm looking for something a bit more substantial.
I was thinking of maybe giving Mirror's Edge or S.T.A.L.K.E.R. a shot, but if someone has other suggestions, that would be great. I know my tastes are pretty picky, but surely something has come out in the last few years that I'll find enjoyable. My rig is fairly new, it ran Bioshock and Fallout 3 flawlessly.
The Penumbra series has a similarly unique atmosphere, if not as technically impressive.
I never asked for this!
First of all: yes, good game. But don't take it over STALKER. STALKER is such an amazingly "itself" game that you must see it with your own eyes.
You will not find a game with a better atmosphere.
I never asked for this!
Rock Band DLC | GW:OttW - arrcd | WLD - Thortar
i'm on my third and fourth playthroughs right now, simultaneously
i fucking love this game
Streaming 8PST on weeknights
I also heard the new Prince of Persia is almost insultingly easy. It's still worth it, right?
Also also, I enjoyed GTA 4 on the Xbox 360, but I only got maybe 1/3 of the way in before leaving to study abroad. By the time I got back, we didn't have a 360 anymore (the roommate it belonged to move out). I'd like to play it again, but I heard the PC port was extremely shitty. True/false?
Also, the sands of time trilogy, (at least Sands of Time and Two Thrones) are quite fun (read: pinicle of all my gaming experiences bar Rayman 3), although the latter's combat is a bit more brawly, but not that much. If you don't want to get into button mashing, you can pull off some pretty cool attacks, and the platforming is fun. It's also quite possible, and not even all that constraining, to play the whole thing with keyboard and mouse.
Steam // Secret Satan
Steam // Secret Satan
Well mediocre's an opinion, and hey, whilst it's valid to say, doesn't mean that most of us didn't really enjoy it and felt it was a really awesome game. I guess the game's just not for you.
Poorly coded though, perhaps you'd care to elucidate? Preferably beyond something like "This game shouldn't need such huge system specs!"
I may be in the minority but I didn't care much for ME. The cobat was ho-hum and while the story was intresting there was so much filler dialogue in the game it took forever to actualy find it. The final nail in the coffin for me was when I started my second playthrough I realized that the dialogue choices you were given were just being a little dick or a massive douche.
Yeah the dialogue can be a bit skewed to extremes sometimes. Generally speaking, it's easy to get burned out on the sidequest worlds since they're not nearly as in-depth as the story worlds. Second playthrough I actually enjoyed the game more because I only played the sidequest worlds when I wanted a break from the main campaign.
Combat's average-to-good depending on the scenario, and it's difficult to control your squadmates in any meaningful way, but on the plus side it's a lot more immediate and interesting than most RPG's ever aim for.
There are demos available of all three on Steam and elsewhere.
Steam // Secret Satan
If your looking for Atmosphere then give Doom 3 a go, i've been replaying it and forgot how fantastic the environment was. It gets a bit repetative in later levels but totally worth it.
Oh and Duke Nukem 3D, can't play that game enough recently
Bunting, Owls and Cushions! Feecloud Designs
Really this
Fuck this game extremely hard for having no controller configurations supported besides "olol buy a 360 pad." Fuck you, the pair of Logitechs I've had for years has been just ducky for every other game I've thrown them at. Even Prototype goes "Oh, you've got that, let me adjust the on-screen button prompts and everything for you."
Mirror's Edge? Fucking ass-backwards controls all over the goddamn place.
Can trade TF2 items or whatever else you're interested in. PM me.
You forgot some key points
Or just a variety of things can be sprayed?
Paint? Mace? I-can't-believe-it's-not-butter?
Has Saints Row 2 for PC gotten a performance patch though? Last I saw, it ran like utter shit.
TF2 is happiness.
The game focuses heavily on themes of revolution, racism and morality. The game apparently has several endings which vary depending on the choices you make throughout the game. Most of these choices are NOT clear cut like other RPGs (like Fable and Fallout). A few choices I've made have really surprised me with their consequences much later in the game.
It's definitely one of the better PC RPGs I've played in awhile. I'm nearing the end and I'm really enjoying it thus far.
Why the flying fuck would you use a gamepad with the PC version of Mirror's Edge? KBAM controls are so much better for it it's almost painful.
edit: Just to add something constructive, But Zeno Clash on Steam. It's currently reduced, made by a small independent company and a fantastically fun game. It's pretty much the first game I've played outside of a boxing sim that makes melee combat seem brutal. It also looks excellent.
I only just noticed, that guy has herpes, badly...
Bunting, Owls and Cushions! Feecloud Designs
If you thought Fallout 3 was slowly paced, then you should probably avoid STALKER, since it's even slower.
I'll have to second the recommendation for The Witcher, since it's one of the only recent games, RPG or otherwise, that's done the whole "you can choose to be good, evil or neither" with more subtlety than "press A to kick a kitten into a woodchipper in front of an orphan then twirl your mustache and laugh, or press X to give the kitten to the orphan and then buy them both food and a new home".
Mass Effect,
Zeno Clash,
Dead Space.
And any Source engine games are really good too.
Because Prototype did them well enough to make me go "Hmm, maybe PC devs have figured this gamepad shit out after all" - plus, using a KB&M on a couch blows harder than a ported Eaton.
I keep hearing shit about this game, what exactly is going on? All I can figure out from screenshots is that it's some manner of first-person acid trip. :P
Can trade TF2 items or whatever else you're interested in. PM me.