Hey all,
I'm living up at school this summer, living on my own, and working. I've got just over 5 weeks to go before I get to head home for a week then school starts. This is obviously nothing, but after going home for the 4th, I really miss my friends and family. It's the first time I've really ever been homesick, mostly because it's a college town in Bumblefuck, NY and there's not really much excitement up here during the summer. I know a handful of dudes living in town, and hanging with them really helps pass the time, but I feel bad about asking to come by all the time. I also feel that I should be comfortable with a little bit of solitude, and not have to rely on other people to be satisfied with my current station.
I could use a few words of encouragement, maybe a story or two, to feel a little better. I think once I get through the week and have a few days of rest I'll feel that much more able to deal, but for the moment, I just need to be calmed down about the whole thing a bit.
I realize this is fairly immature, bitching about five weeks, but this is really the long stretch I'm in now and I just need some help to see the light at the end of the tunnel.
Do you live alone, share a house, or are you in the dorms?
My best advice would be to not think about it being 5 weeks before you go home. Think about it as 5 weeks where you might be able to find something AWESOME in Bumblefuck. How thoroughly have you searched the town? Have you been everywhere? Found everything that there is to do? Have you asked the folks you hang out with if you've missed anything?
Find some books to read. Study more. Rent some movies or games to pass the time. There will always be something to do if you think hard enough. But whatever you do, don't think of the next 5 weeks as a prison sentence. Imagine all of the FUN you can have.
I'm not that bitter, really. I'm just bored :?
don't spend the next five weeks romanticizing the hell out of being home. Things will have changed by the time you get there. Friends change, places change, people change. And building up home as this utopia in your mind will inevitably lead to severe disappointment when you get there.
So he did. I read over that. My bad.
go diaf op
HG FC: 4942 0608 0811
I have a name for you.
Memorize it.
wow wtf ur a asshat dnt b such a fuking pusshole i was telling guy not 2 b such fuk head & tihnk of otehers
Wow, yeah, that was helpful. Thanks for swinging by.
OK, so mr. OP, I moved away from my home city (I grew up about 15 miles outside of the city) just last february, with my wife who I married last august. Now we arn't alone, we have eachother, but man oh man, adjusting to a new place is a bit awkward, and even with someone else can get quite lonely.
What I advice is just look at the brightside, this is a finite situation, you will not have many opportunities in life where you can just go exploring, meet new people, try new things and do things on your own at your discresion. I really like exploration and taking part in local activities is what's going to do it for you. Also take lots of pictures and post them on like facebook to show to your friends and family back home to show the awesome things you are doing, they will want to talk about it, and encourage it. It will make you feel better.
Good luck dude!
FF X replay
God of War 1&2 HD
Rachet and Clank Future
Prince of Persia
Fable 3
FF: 4 heroes of light
l2fuking reed u moron
In my college experience I had the good fortune to share space/dorms with a few guys who, like me, loved video games, anime, comic books and other nerdy/geeky things. I'm assuming at least a few of those things appeal to you given your presence here. What I might suggest is that not only you find friends who live off campus (you mentioned asking to drop by at your friends' places). I'm not sure how your dorms are set up but I know that we often used the college's T1 network as a sort of college wide LAN and even managed to get dorm v. dorm Halo and Halo 2 action (this may date me as to how long I've been gone from college). Of course this is helped if you have sympathetic folks working in the computer center etc.
If there's a common area in your dorm and there's a community TV that you're allowed to utilize. Try setting up a game system with some extra controllers and begin playing. My college was only about 2000-3000 students so this may not be workable if you're at some massive school but I didn't get that impression from your OP.
When you start gaming in public like that, you might be surprised who turns out to like games as much as you do. The guy who was my best man when I got married thought I was a douche when we first met at orientation. Not long after we started our first semester I set up my newly purchased PS2 (I got a launch PS2) in the common room one night not long after getting it and started to play. He wandered in and his eagerness to try the 'new' console provided the impetus for us to make actual conversation and it turned out that we became very good friends.
So look at these 5 weeks as time that you can try different things in an attempt to meet new people or find new things to do even in your 'bumblefuck' town. Maybe there's a restaurant or (if you're of age) a bar that you've never gone to.
Relying on home so much makes you less independent and creates a crutch for you that could hinder you later. I understand the lonesome feeling and all, but you gotta make do. There won't always be someone to hang out with and things of that sort, become self sufficient. Who says they'll even be able to hang when you get back?
I say this because I went through something similar and am currently going through something similar. You'll be fine man.
I don't think I've ever read anyones posts that were so obnoxious on the forums. Anyway, back on topic, OP, what are your interests?
FF X replay
God of War 1&2 HD
Rachet and Clank Future
Prince of Persia
Fable 3
FF: 4 heroes of light
Thanks for all the help so far. I'm living on my own for the summer off-campus, and it's pretty quiet around. But yeah, I think Penguin's got it right when saying I just have to man up and chill. I think the real downer is that I feel like I'm missing out on good times back home in the summer, but I know I'm really not. My best friends are all working and taking courses for the summer, so hangs would really be at a minimum anyway.
Plus, I've got lots of good shows coming up to look forward to, so there's that. Also I think I'm gonna pick up a cheap Ukulele from the music shop and make it my mission to learn the shit out of it for the next month.