Hello! This poll is to decide the next Graphic Violence forum event. There's more on that in
this thread.
Create-a-hero Contest - A series of contests where a theme for a hero or villain is given, and posters design their own hero/villain. What happens next is still up for debate, but it could be anything from just a series of minor contests to the gradual build up of a stable of heroes for forumers to design stories for.
Comics themed Phalla/Mafia game - A forum based game based on the
Mafia party game. These would all be comics themed. For information on how these games are run on these forums, check out
this thread.
Create a shared universe - A collaborative process where forumers work together to build a comic book universe and tell stories within it.
Comics Mad Libs project - A game where comics creators, characters and situations are mixed together and interpreted by forumers.
Guess That Hero/Villain - Sort of like 20 Questions, with the answer being a superhero or supervillain.
Other - Any ideas you don't see? Don't like the options given? Post them here.
The poll will be open until Monday, at which time we'll look at the results and see what we're going to do. We may do more than one of these options, it depends on how the poll works out.
Okay, go ahead and discuss!
Shared Universe is neck and neck with Create Hero/Villian
can we vote more that once? I wanna vote for Guess that Hero/Villian
The shared universe idea is a bit too ambitious to start with and, as others have mentioned, can best grow organically from the creation of single characters. The mad libs/20 questions options seem fun, but I think that they could be done at any time, with little coordination.
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Geebs is pretty <Adjective>
I choose "rad"
So, one vote for the shared universe.
And damn the naysayers, the unbelievers, those who would not venture for fear of failure. The cowards. They might be content to let life slip by, but I choose to grab it by the throat and shake it for all it's worth. And if we fail, it would be a grand failure indeed, one spoken of for many years to come. We can tell our grandchildren, I was there, I was part of something magnificent.
For more information on the shared universe concept, I refer you to the following posts. And remember, every item mentioned in those posts is negotiable. The ideas can be scaled back.
Personally, I believe we can succeed. I think we can create a living, thriving universe in which to populate our wildest ideas. The votes might be stacked against us at the moment, but a surprise comeback is not impossible, or even unlikely. We are still young. This is the time to dream big.
A Shared Universe is, I think, perhaps better thought of as a second stage of the create a hero / villain concept; walk before you run and all that.
I have to agree with this post, but i voted for Shared Universe knowing that it will not be top pick, maybe second at most.
I feel strongly for this idea and hope that it becomes a natural second stage of the Create Hero/Villain idea.
Crossing fingers!
Nuh-uh. My guy's, um... spydur-sense lets him dodge anything. Yeah.
For those who might be curious what I'm blabbering about:
Be prepared for awesome well in advance of clicking the above link.
You might be able to kindly ask Geebs to do your own phalla.
I'm not overly a fan of them, but I'd be willing to give it a shot. But designing your own hero/villain has so much potential for awesomeness.
Oh ho ho, I've never done one, so I don't think I qualify to run the game. The idea kind of interested me, and doing it in a comic setting sounding fun was all. C'est la vie!
My HARBINGER OF DOOM'S REQUIEM will have to suffice.
Nobody calls me a coward, Teaspoon. Nobody!
<Noun>-Man was in the <Place> fighting <Adjective>-<Animal Name> who threatened to steal the city's vast stores of <Noun>
Am I doing it right?
You missed a few.
Write up an OP and send it in a PM to Geebs. Worst he could do is say no.
Vote for the Shared Comic Book Universe
Second and third place were closer. I think we can possibly do all of the top three, but priority is going to the create a hero contests. Phallas will be, at most, a monthly thing. Nothing more frequent than that, hopefully. As far as the Create a Shared Comic Book Universe goes, we can, hopefully, begin to build a story with the characters we end up creating in the Create a Hero contests. I know that's not exactly what a lot of you were hoping for, but I think we're going to start small and build up.
Have a general theme for each contest chosen by the winner of the previous challenge.
Entries would be a paragraph or so biography and a drawing of the character, nothing fancy expected. Just something to clearly show the visual design of the character.
Guidelines would probably need to be just precise enough to ensure that people are actually competing against each other. If you really want to take it in the "create a universe" direction, the winner of each challenge would be considered "GV canon."
I imagine challenges such as:
"sole survivor of race of mole-people"
"tech-based non-powered billionaire"
"hero personification of christ"
"result of super-soldier program funded by columbian drug lords"
voting would then be based on how entertaining of a character the contestant creates in his mini-bio paragraph and the strength of the visual design.
(in no particular order)
-- Gold/Silver Age style Hero/Villain
-- Anti-Hero
-- Silly Hero/Villain
-- "A List" Heroes/Villains i.e. very powerful, JLA or Avengers caliber heroes
-- "B List" Heroes/Villains i.e. less powerful but still interesting characters such as Daredevil, Booster Gold, etc
-- Tech / Science / Alien / Magic / Mutation / Accident or other origin themed Heroes/Villains
-- Genre themed Heroes/Villains i.e. traditional super-hero, western, sci-fi, noir, gangster, urban, robot etc
Ridiculous Silver Age origin
Exploitation Film character
Worst Super Power Ever
Least Likely Horror Monster to Become a Superhero
I'd be A Mary Sue If Not for One My Crippling Weakness
Aliens Anal Probed Me and All I Got Were These Super Powers
Also, does anyone know if there's folks on the forum that could draw something if our own drawing skills suck the proverbial bisuit?
I like this much better than "sole survivor of race of mole-people"-type challenges. Otherwise, you might as well specify what gender, favorite color, and social security number the hero must have.