so i decided to try mtg online and i get through all the crap that comes with downloading the client and getting it to work correctly with vista
then i try to GIVE THEM MY MONEY and i apparently cant do that correctly
so at the end of me typing in all my info and checking it 2 times i get a CC auth is not vaild.... start over. when i go to put in the same user name i get that the user name is taken... so im wondering if they charged me anyways.. i haven't received an email from their daemon nor have i seen any money taken out of my bank account .
whats goin on here
And while not knowing how the service works, it sounds like maybe you've successfully registered the name, but your account is in some kind of status-lock until money's in the bank. Or, you know, whatever.
3DS FC: 4699-5714-8940 Playing Pokemon, add me! Ho, SATAN!
I am using MTG on Vista so I feel your pain.
Are you putting you billing address in correctly? The MTGO store billing screen is confusing, I know for some reason I always end up putting my name in the cc line for some reason, and have to go back and correct it.
That's really the only solution I can offer, go back and check all the information you entered.
If you still have a problem I'd recommend contacting these people. They provide the support for the Magic Online Store -
I can't speak for whether they are any good or not as I have never used them.
I've called in a few times, and the help I received was always prompt, though at times not quite useful.