So, I'm always a few generations behind when it comes to cell phones. Currently I'm using a Razr and I have AT&T; my contract is up on October 5th.
I'm headed to PAX this year, and I've been thinking on and off about getting a new phone before then. One with internet, gps, a decent camera, etc etc. I'd get an iPhone, but I really think I'd like a full keyboard. If I can avoid canceling my contract with AT&T, that would be great.
Are there good smartphones out there other than the iPhone, G1, and the endless blackberries? Those are all I ever hear about, and browsing through them gives me headaches
Mostly I want to be able to access the internet and send texts/emails smoothly through my phone.
Everyone I've talked to has said that you get used to the iPhone keyboard pretty quick - it correct spelling mistakes for you so you don't actually have to backspace over errors all the time.
If Sprint coverage is okay in your area, you could look at a Pre.