right, so i had this dream
i was this african dictator
i had the sweetest red beret and black aviators. camouflage and everything!
the whole shebangabang
i had this flaming sword. a bastard sword perhaps. i survey my totalitarian african city and wander the streets. everything is grey and houses are collapsing around me
dudes are running around machetin' my loyal followers. i think these dudes are my lackeys
i flip the fuck out and start attacking my lackeys. dead black guys everywhere. there's smoke and this crazy heat pounding on my face. i start running when armed men follow in the wake of me setting dudes on fire
it leaves the first person and like some sort of ghost i start following the dictator as he attempts to lose these guys in the wilderness
i wake up to the sound of my doorbell. it's my neighbor. he apologizes for waking me up and asks me if i've seen his cat with no tail
what sort of dreams have you had?
then I woke up and cried uncontrollably because I wasn't really a vulpix.
Also all my nightmares consist of me being in a class and forgetting my homework. Sometimes naked
getting strangled by gnomes every week
That said, I read your post Anjin and I think you just stumbled on the sequel to The Last King of Scotland.
can't really remember what it was about, but at one point the dream looped around, and I distinctly remember dreaming the same series of events about 3 separate times.
it was very disorienting
Then I dreamed that I woke up and everyone was still passed out and my parents were about to get home and I was like FUUUUUUCK
Then I woke up for real
i'm packing boxes in the storage room of my house and, out of curiosity, peek inside one. there's a woman's head, and it's eyes are open. i drop the box, startled, and she starts crawling out of this box that was just barely big enough to hold a human head, moving all strangely as if her joints are stiff, like a spider or some kind of insect. and then she pins me to the floor and she has these fingers that are like a foot long each and she is inches away from my face SCREAMING and then i woke up.
a simpler time, now gone
I was back in my old middle school, except I knew I was dreaming. The entire school was in this sort of surreal state, and for some reason I had this dog with me? anyways then entire dream was me wandering the school and talking to people from my past who weren't quite as they should be
and my entire quest was to find out what it all meant, since I was aware it was a dream. eventually I ended up where I started in the school and I hadn't figured anything out and then I woke up
kind of a depressing dream actually
It was good
But it disturbed me
shimmy shimmy ya, shimmy yam shimmy anime
I had one a while ago that was like
some epic zombie movie cliche only it wasn't zombies but just like a citywide riot
Need some stuff designed or printed? I can help with that.
I used to listen to him occasionally a few years ago. When he was just a recovering cocaine addict with a tragic past who converted to Mormonism and who had some bad opinions but was occasionally funny or a decent guy.
Then he got a tv show and went totally fucking insane.
i didn't really know anything about politics so he seemed alright
glenn beck did cocaine
well that explains a lot
I get it sometimes
Its really annoying
cocaine is not bad for you it is a personal choice
Secret Satan 2013 Wishlist
skydiving is just as bad for you hth
and it's kind of awful
but it's the kind of awful where i really like it
well shit nobody said skydiving was smart either