[D&D 4E - Recruiting] GIANT ANTS : Casting Call! <PART 2> (LF1M CON/LEAD/HYB)



  • tzeentchlingtzeentchling Doctor of Rocks OaklandRegistered User regular
    edited August 2009
    I still stand by Gwenn.

    tzeentchling on
  • tastydonutstastydonuts Registered User regular
    edited August 2009
    Ben: Two things - that post contains the wrong information, again. the character play question is different. Also, part of my reluctance to allow bards stems from the getting "brutal legend" wannabe type bards.

    Tzeentch: k!

    tastydonuts on
    “I used to draw, hard to admit that I used to draw...”
  • PygmalionPygmalion Registered User regular
    edited August 2009
    Wow, double epic fail, ben.

    Hmmm, you keep trying to draw me back in. Let me look at the Leader/Controller options...

    Bard (Arcane Leader/Controller - Mostly Ranged)
    Guardian Druid (Primal Controller/Leader - Hybrid)
    Preserving Invoker (Divine Controller/Leader - Ranged)
    Devoted Cleric (Divine Leader - Ranged)
    Wizard (Arcane Controller - Ranged)
    Battle Cleric (Divine Leader - Melee)
    Warlord (Martial Leader - Melee)

    I hate Invokers, and I've already played a bard. How about a human Druid? That can't be not fun. Let me make up a story.

    Pygmalion on
  • PygmalionPygmalion Registered User regular
    edited August 2009

    1) PbP Games
    Arivia's Forgotten Realms game.
    Arivia's Amnesia Gothic Horror game.
    I've run a few games tabletop and Maptools, but none on PbP.
    2) Availability.
    I'm a writer, so at least once a day.
    3) Druid
    A tall, lanky human with a forgettable face. Carries a scythe, but as a farmer. Goes from village to village prognosticating the health of goats and assisting in medieval agronomy. Not ostentatious, he manifests his power only when forced and stops as soon as possible. Cheerfully pessimistic, having seen the hard-headed peasants stuck in their ways and extrapolating human nature from there.

    4) Character Builder (rough)
    Job, level 1
    Human, Druid
    Build: Guardian Druid
    Primal Aspect: Primal Guardian

    Str 12, Con 16, Dex 13, Int 11, Wis 16, Cha 10.

    Str 12, Con 14, Dex 13, Int 11, Wis 16, Cha 10.

    AC: 16 Fort: 14 Reflex: 13 Will: 15
    HP: 28 Surges: 10 Surge Value: 7

    Insight +8, Nature +8, Perception +8, Endurance +7, Athletics +5

    Acrobatics, Arcana, Bluff, Diplomacy, Dungeoneering +3, Heal +3, History, Intimidate, Religion, Stealth, Streetwise, Thievery

    Druid: Ritual Caster
    Human: Enraged Boar Form
    Level 1: Ferocious Tiger Form

    Bonus At-Will Power: Thorn Whip
    Druid at-will 1: Grasping Claws
    Druid at-will 1: Call of the Beast
    Druid at-will 1: Pounce
    Druid encounter 1: Frost Flash
    Druid daily 1: Faerie Fire

    Adventurer's Kit, Hide Armor, Scythe, Totem, Rare Herbs (Nature) (35), Climber's Kit, Rope, Silk (50 ft.), Ritual Book
    Animal Messenger, Create Campsite

    5) You've been traveling with another adventurer and a monster attacks. The two of you manage to bring severely wound it, but not before your friend is severely wounded. The monster is clever, putting you into a situation where you must choose between your partner's life or pursuing it. Though you didn't know it beforehand, your partner would die from the wound regardless. With his dying breath he tasks you with returning an heirloom to his family at the nearest town. When you get there they ask you what happened. Did you run? Did you leave him? Are you the monster? (Behind a spoiler in-character what does your character do/say?).
    Job stops to try to save him as the monster escapes. He returns to the town and returns the heirloom and commiserates with the family. "I am sorry, I couldn't save him with the tools that I had. He fought to protect you."

    Pygmalion on
  • NotoriusBENNotoriusBEN Registered User regular
    edited August 2009
    tsk tsk, tasty. alright... I guess Ill just leave Vic as a thought exercise. I think he could have fit into the world, but I may just be biased.

    I dunno what to do for a leader then since:

    the artificer is already in the game.
    I have an extreme aversion of the cleric. (possibly just a WoW carry over of being a healbot)
    shamans most likely arent allowed.
    I've tried a warlord in sniperguy's game, but it just seems they are weak on the healing possibilities. The vibe I got was as a second string defender, but maybe I just didnt spec him right.

    I guess Im just different for wanting a bard that plays rock n roll and metal music in a fantasy setting.
    Yea, Vic has a *heavy* brutal legend overtone (he looks like the guy) but I just think it'd be cool to play a riff on a guitar and actually have flames blaze over the "crowd". Plus, its alot better than just playing a lute.

    Maybe when an eberron game comes around, Ill tone him way down, but keep the guitar... plus, Ive noticed a bunch of rituals (like pyrotechnics, as just one of those) that just scream concert.

    I guess Ill sit on the sidelines for this game and read along with the masses, cuz I've got nothing for character ideas. Good luck all.

    NotoriusBEN on
    Steam - NotoriusBEN | Uplay - notoriusben | Xbox,Windows Live - ThatBEN
  • PygmalionPygmalion Registered User regular
    edited August 2009
    As far as I'm concerned, that is the most annoying character concept since Jake the Kung Fu Hamster with a Chaingun, spawned of darkness in the labs of The Second United States And France, sent back in time for a secret mission: The Introduction of One-Joke Anachronisms into a Perfectly Good Setting.

    Pygmalion on
  • NotoriusBENNotoriusBEN Registered User regular
    edited August 2009
    Pygmalion wrote: »
    As far as I'm concerned, that is the most annoying character concept since Jake the Kung Fu Hamster with a Chaingun, spawned of darkness in the labs of The Second United States And France, sent back in time for a secret mission: The Introduction of One-Joke Anachronisms into a Perfectly Good Setting.

    But it's a *guitar*, Pyg. The most righteous of musical instruments and it hands down beats anything similar to it. Also be glad the guy is heavy metal. A hair metal/glam rocker character is just taking it too far.

    I dont like LOTR soundtracks to my fantasy. I like Falconer, Nightwish, Mastadon, Dragonforce! Something with a beat to get the heart and adrenaline pumping.

    But to each his own, man.

    NotoriusBEN on
    Steam - NotoriusBEN | Uplay - notoriusben | Xbox,Windows Live - ThatBEN
  • tastydonutstastydonuts Registered User regular
    edited August 2009
    just a note: i think this is the only game on these forums afaik that is allowing hybrid...

    i'll read over the other things and reply when I get home..

    tastydonuts on
    “I used to draw, hard to admit that I used to draw...”
  • PygmalionPygmalion Registered User regular
    edited August 2009
    I don't know what "Hybrid" is, and I didn't ask because I was specifically told not to. And I don't care. What's hybrid?

    Pygmalion on
  • tastydonutstastydonuts Registered User regular
    edited August 2009
    A hybrid class is a combination of both two classes. it has a specific set of rules that one would have access to at this point if one had a DDI subscription. It is currently in playtest and will be available later down the line.

    IE: Sorcerer + Bard.

    tastydonuts on
    “I used to draw, hard to admit that I used to draw...”
  • PygmalionPygmalion Registered User regular
    edited August 2009
    That's stupid. I'm not doing that, nor will I acknowledge that it exists.

    Pygmalion on
  • tastydonutstastydonuts Registered User regular
    edited August 2009

    tastydonuts on
    “I used to draw, hard to admit that I used to draw...”
  • feeddannowfeeddannow Registered User regular
    edited August 2009
    Pyg never found the joy of multi/dual classing in classic dnd. He "doesn't get it".
    I like the new hybrid option and embrace the JOAT possibilities.

    feeddannow on
  • tzeentchlingtzeentchling Doctor of Rocks OaklandRegistered User regular
    edited August 2009
    I admit, I was thinking of submitting my half-elf paladin/bard of Avandra, just because that's an awesome combination, but then you mentioned no bards, and I though, ehhhhh. So Druid it is.

    tzeentchling on
  • HermenegildeHermenegilde Registered User regular
    edited August 2009
    So. hum.

    was someone picked for this ?

    Hermenegilde on
  • tastydonutstastydonuts Registered User regular
    edited August 2009
    tbh, after the forums vanished I kind of forgot about the sixth.

    The following people were still interested from the original set, yes?
    Pygmalion - Job, Human Druid
    tzeentchling - Gwenn, Human Druid
    Hermenegilde - Demetrius Junior, Human Wizard

    tastydonuts on
    “I used to draw, hard to admit that I used to draw...”
  • tzeentchlingtzeentchling Doctor of Rocks OaklandRegistered User regular
    edited August 2009
    Definitely, as I have now been rejected from the other two games I've applied to be part of (including one, twice).

    Edit: I would also like to add that Gwenn, my druid, has indeed heard the rumors of giant ants, but dismisses them as nothing but rumors. After all, everyone knows ants don't grow that big. Trust her, she's a druid. ;-)

    tzeentchling on
  • feeddannowfeeddannow Registered User regular
    edited August 2009
    I know pyg's on vacation for the week, at least until friday.

    feeddannow on
  • tzeentchlingtzeentchling Doctor of Rocks OaklandRegistered User regular
    edited August 2009
    Would you allow a second/alternate submission? I've come up with a really cool character that would be fun to play and also help out the party: Kat Brighteyes, Half-Elf "Weather-Singer" (Bard/Wizard). Again, a Bard, so it's up to you. :rotate:

    tzeentchling on
  • tastydonutstastydonuts Registered User regular
    edited August 2009
    Definitely, as I have now been rejected from the other two games I've applied to be part of (including one, twice).

    While I admire your honesty, that's like the worst thing you can say to somebody. rofl. "hey, Mr Interviewer, I didn't get into those games, but I'm totally stoked for yours since you're my like nth choice!"

    If you want to change what you want that's fine. I'll probably come to a mental consensus on this by Wednesday... the only thing though is that I was reassured that I might not need the sixth. So. I dunno. I'll have to see. Go for it though. ;p

    tastydonuts on
    “I used to draw, hard to admit that I used to draw...”
  • tzeentchlingtzeentchling Doctor of Rocks OaklandRegistered User regular
    edited August 2009
    LOL, if it helps I applied here first! Indeed, this game was the initial reason I joined the forum. It's not my fault the other games made choices before you! Although technically you made your first choice before the other games... bah, it's all confusing. Point is, I enjoy roleplaying, and thus apply to as many as I can! They all have different flavors, like an ice-cream store; one can't stop with just one! A campaign with Giant Ants is like pistachio - full of nuts, but intriguing and flavorful nonetheless. :lol:

    Anyway, my alternate/replacement character: Kat Brighteyes, Half-Elf Weather-Singer:


    Kat never could stay still. A spontaneous and mischievous girl, she would often steal away from her parents, wandering the town she grew up in in search of adventure. She would often stop and listen to the street performers and visiting musicians, soaking in stories of dragons and treasure, swords and sorcery, heroes and villains. Her parents, well-to-do merchants, despaired of ever making her respectable. Hoping to instill some discipline in their rambunctious daughter, they apprenticed her to the local mage's guild.

    There, Kat chafed under the strict discipline. She enjoyed the effects of some of what she had learned, but found book learning dull, particularly when she could be outside roaming in search of new stories. Kat's affinity for unpredictable, wild weather magic did not surprise her teachers, who had noticed Kat's natural tendencies. More forward-looking than most, they installed her on a traveling merchant ship as a weather wizard, and ideally a bit of a deterrence to casual pirates.

    Initially, Kat enjoyed her time on the "Lady Luck." She climbed the rigging like a monkey, roamed the ship, and learned to swear like a sailor. From the crows nest, she'd play her lute and sing, words of power blowing breezes and diffusing minor storms. At nights, she'd entertain the men with music and stories. But the life of a sailor is, for the most part, dull, and Kat soon tired of her sailing experience. She came aground at the last port of call, and after convincing the local mage's guild to send a replacement, she began wandering in search of new adventures. Lately, she's heard rumors of giant ants in the Saccharine Plains. Remembering the stories she heard as a child, Kat set off to learn the truth for herself.

    Kat is a youthful young woman, bright-eyed as her name suggests, with medium length light brown hair and a moderate build. She's not exactly curvy or busty, but she's good looking. She is very much a tomboy, still. Her goal is to travel the world, see all there is to see, and tell outrageous stories about it later. A good person at heart, she can let dreams of glory and excitement cloud her judgment and interactions with other people on occasion.

    A friend who's dying:
    "The odds were twenty to one against us that day! The orcs seemed everywhere, stabbing and shouting at us as we defended the helpless travelers on the road to Winterhaven!" The tavern crowd drew closer, captivated by her tale. "Darren, my companion and a student of the sword, was like a whirlwind, his blade swinging this way and that- I'm sorry my good man, do watch out," Kat apogized, after a particularly wide sweep of the arms bowled over a close listener. "I held them at bay as best I could with my sword and my spells, and together we drove them away, fleeing in cowardice like the pigs they were!" The crowd cheered. "Alas, my brave friend Darren was wounded to his core, much like an apple. Axes and spears had pierced his body through, and I could do nothing to save him." The crowd grew quiet and leaned in, as Kat began to whisper. "As I held him to my bosom-" several men noticeably found their eyes drawn to her chest - "he gasped his dying words to me. 'Dear Kat, take my sword and my belongings back to my ma-ma, for she and my 12 younger brothers and sisters may not make it through another winter, what with pa gone and now me. Alas and alack, I die!'" Kat stands up. "And so I swore to fulfill Darren's dying oath, should it cause the death of me!" The crowd cheers. Kat smiles, and thinks to herself, 'not a bad story, considering that klutz tripped on a rock and impaled himself on his own sword.'

    CB Summary:
    Kat Brighteyes, level 2
    Half-Elf, Bard
    Build: Cunning Bard
    Bardic Virtue: Virtue of Cunning
    Background: Occupation - Mariner

    Str 10, Con 12, Dex 10, Int 16, Wis 12, Cha 18.

    Starting Ability Scores
    Str 10, Con 10, Dex 10, Int 16, Wis 12, Cha 16.

    AC: 18 Fort: 13 Reflex: 16 Will: 17
    HP: 29 Surges: 8 Surge Value: 7

    Arcana (+9), Athletics (+5), History (+9), Perception (+9), Nature (+7).

    Acrobatics (+1), Bluff (+6), Diplomacy (+8), Dungeoneering (+3), Endurance (+3), Heal (+3), Insight (+5), Intimidate (+6), Religion (+5), Stealth (+1), Streetwise (+6), Thievery (+1)

    1: Ritual Caster
    1: Arcane Initiate
    2: Melee Training (Charisma)

    1, At-Will: Guiding Strike
    1, At-Will: Vicious Mockery
    1, Encounter: Blunder
    1, Daily: Stirring Shout
    1, Encounter: Thunderwave
    1, Encounter: Cloud of Daggers
    2, Utility: Song of Courage

    Ritual Book, Adventurer's Kit, Climber's Kit, Implement, Wand, Lyre, Dagger, Harsh Songblade Longsword +1, Dwarven Chainmail +1, Amulet of Protection +1, 16 gp on hand

    Comprehend Language, Glib Limerick, Traveler's Chant

    tzeentchling on
  • NotoriusBENNotoriusBEN Registered User regular
    edited August 2009
    Well, if you'll have me in the running, after my defense of all that is metal, I'd be happy to post a wizard character. Yes, he *was* submitted for Eternal if you've been cruising the forums, but I've come across some rough and base ideas about this character during that submission that I like and Im willing to roll with it.

    I present this wizard in sharper focus and detailed for this campaign.

    Edwin Charce, 14-year-old Human Cold/Illusionist Wizard (mostly Illusionist build)
    1) Current pbp games you are in or run. If you feel you were awesome in some game or whatever you can mention past ones too?
    The only campaign I'm in was Sniperguy's KOTS campaign, but that is on perma-stasis pending his return. and Im willing to admit Im jonesing for some DnD action.

    2) Availability M-F for maek post, and time zone you are in.
    Available M-F from about 5pm to 10pm and maybe some mornings from 4-6am. Home is in Pacific time, but I travel alot for work, so it varies depending on where I am.

    3) A brief description of your LEADER, CONTROLLER OR LEADER/CONTROLLER HYBRID character's appearance and personality.
    Edwin Charce, 14-year-old Illusionist Wizard
    Edwin learned to love books and magic from them. For a time his life was wonderful until tragedy sweeped over their farm. The only thing Edwin remembers of the night was an incessant scuttling noise and that his parents' farm was completely stripped bare. Corn, tomatoes, cows, chickens, the very house was gone except for a swath of barren dirt and what few heirloom trinkets Edwin managed to find. The only reasoning Edwin could piece together his survival was that maybe his parents clouded his mind and warded him from the terror of that night.

    Since then, Edwin was found by merchants and brought to the nearest town where he was adopted by the local barkeep and his wife. Little after Edwin's adoption, the tavern became very popular due to the cool breeze that wafted throughout the building (not surprising really, the barkeep set Edwin to work in a ventilatted second floor room by making him cast his cold spells to cool down the bar). The beer and food may be cheap, but nothing can compare to a cool breezy bar on the hottest days of the year.

    Edwin is a bookish boy in his early teens and can be seen running errands for his step father in the early morning or late evening. Sick and tired of being used for the barkeeps gains, Edwin is spoiling for the chance leave and make his own way in the world, and a group of adventurers might just be the ticket he was looking for.

    4) If available, a link to Mythweaver's character sheet or whatever (CB or other coherent sheet).
    Character Builder for the moment. Ill have the Mythweaver's sheet up tomorrow.
    Edwin Charce, level 2
    Human, Wizard
    Build: Illusionist Wizard
    Arcane Implement Mastery: Orb of Deception

    Str 8, Con 12, Dex 11, Int 18, Wis 14, Cha 14.

    Str 8, Con 12, Dex 11, Int 16, Wis 14, Cha 14.

    AC: 16 Fort: 14 Reflex: 17 Will: 17
    HP: 26 Surges: 7 Surge Value: 6

    Nature +8, Arcana +10, Dungeoneering +8, Diplomacy +8, Insight +8

    Acrobatics +1, Bluff +3, Endurance +2, Heal +3, History +5, Intimidate +3, Perception +3, Religion +5, Stealth +1, Streetwise +3, Thievery +1, Athletics

    Wizard: Ritual Caster
    Human: Phantom Echoes
    Level 1: Implement Expertise (orb)
    Level 2: Distant Advantage

    Bonus At-Will Power: Magic Missile
    Wizard at-will 1: Chilling Cloud
    Wizard at-will 1: Phantom Bolt
    Wizard encounter 1: Grasping Shadows
    Wizard daily 1: Horrid Whispers
    Wizard daily 1 Spellbook: Freezing Cloud
    Wizard utility 2: Expeditious Retreat
    Wizard utility 2 Spellbook: Arcane Insight

    Spellbook, Orb of Judicious Conjuration +1, Agile Resolve Vestments Cloth Armor (Basic Clothing) +1, Amulet of Protection +1, Adventurer's Kit, Potion of Healing (heroic tier) (2), Dagger, Alchemist's Fire (level 1) (2)
    Tenser's Floating Disk, Make Whole, Arcane Mark, Corpse Light, Eye of Alarm

    5) You've been traveling with another adventurer and a monster attacks. The two of you manage to -yadda yadda- With his dying breath he tasks you with returning an heirloom to his family at the nearest town. When you get there they ask you what happened. Did you run? Did you leave him? Are you the monster? (Behind a spoiler in-character what does your character do/say?).
    "Crops are looking fine, son, thanks to your help." The large man that was Edwin's father clasped him on the shoulder. "We may have tomatoes good enough to win at Summerset again this year."

    "You kidding, old man? With how many times we've won they might as well just skip the judging and give us the medal," piped the young boy, Edwin.

    "Haha, that's the attitude m'boy. Well, I think we're done for the day, go see what mom's cook-" A low chatter and the scuttling of many legs began to build in both volume and tempo. In the distance, plumes of dust rose and shrouded the seething mass within. "Get to the house, boy."



    Dashing for the house as fast as he could, the noise keeped building and the ground trembled more, spurring the boy to run faster. He could feel them getting closer by the moment, the noise grew louder, deafening. He ran just so that he wouldnt feel the rumbling in the earth. As Edwin reached the door, he saw the terrible look on his mother's face "Dont worry, they wont get you!" and then... darkness...

    Edwin sprang to his feet and flitted about in the dirt with fear in his heart just as real now as it was hours ago. Looking around the land, it took Edwin a few moments to realize he was at the farm, except, there was no farm, no field, no livestock, and no parents. Around his neck, the trinket Edwin's mother received from his father...

    NotoriusBEN on
    Steam - NotoriusBEN | Uplay - notoriusben | Xbox,Windows Live - ThatBEN
  • cptruggedcptrugged I think it has something to do with free will. Registered User regular
    edited August 2009
    Curses.. what is with my luck today. The only leaders I had ready for recruitment were an artificer and a shaman *survey says* *points* BRNNNMP

    cptrugged on
  • fe1dmanfe1dman Registered User regular
    edited August 2009
    Didn't see any updates to this thread, so I figure I'd throw in a submission of my own :winky:

    Vespoideus, Elf Hybrid Cleric/Invoker (mostly cleric, but keeping invoker attack options open)
    Worships Melora (hope its the right setting)

    1) No current PbP games

    2) Available Sun-Sat 9AM-12AM, Pacific Time Zone

    3) Character Concept
    Vespoideus is an elven cleric/invoker ordered by the leaders of his faith to set forth and destroy the aberrations of nature. His particular sect of elven worshippers of Melora typically works in pairs, but Vespoideus was recently relieved of duty and told to "take a break". Unable to sit idle for long, Vespoideus set off on his own to bash monsters with or without commission from his leaders.

    Vespoideus is one of the shorter elves you'd see. His snow-white hair is pulled back into a topknot to keep it from snagging in his chainmail armor. His violet eyes are wide and full of ponderous curiosity. He is quick to jump to conclusions using his instincts more than his knowledge. Generally agreeable with all races, but quick to shirk blame and turn arguments against his detractors.

    4) Character Sheet

    5) IC Response
    Vespoideus knocked on the door and waited, admiring the lovely flower garden Errol's mother had planted just off the step. Errol's mother, Merrill, greeted Vespoideus and welcomed him in. They sat at the dinner table for a short moment making uncomfortable small talk, before Merrill asked about her son.

    "Errol's dead isn't he? That's why he's not back with you?" sadness already creeping into her voice.

    "What? Dead? Heavens no!" Vespoideus stammered. "He's actually sent me to return you this necklace. He uh... he said the necklace is silly and girls laugh at him."

    "This was my father's lucky adventuring necklace! It saved his life more than a dozen times!" Merrill said, astonished.

    "Yes... well he said that it embarrasses him. And... that he hates you for it and is never coming home again."

    "Well that ungrateful wretch! I can't believe my Errol would say that to me! He knows -" Merrill said, taking the necklace gingerly from Vespoideus.

    "Wait, you said that necklace is lucky?"

    "-wha.. I.. yes, the necklace is supposed to protect the wearer against danger using my father's own magic" said Merrill.

    "Can I see the necklace again?" Vespoideus asked, taking the necklace and examining it closer. "This necklace is a sham!"

    "HOW DARE YOU!" Merrill exclaimed.

    "Now it all makes sense. No wonder why Errol stood his ground when that unicorn charged him."

    "A unicorn charged him? What are you going on about?"

    "Yeah, a unicorn gored him right in the eye, it did. I was going to help him, but he shouted some nonsense about some magic that will save him and told me the go after the unicorn."

    "Oh! My Errol, is he okay? Is that why he's upset with me?"

    "Errol? Oh Errol's dead. Yeah he was long gone after I got back from chasing that unicorn. I thought magic meant he had a potion or something. It wasn’t even a dire unicorn, it was just a crazy-eyed goat missing a horn."

    "Errol's dead?" Merrill sobbed.

    "Yeah he's dead. I'm pretty sure it’s your fault for making up this necklace story."

    Merrill just continued to weep for her son. Vespoideus just sat there pondering this new revelation that lead to his colleague's death, relieved that Errol's fate was not completely due to his neglect to deal with a grievous injury.

    "Listen I'm going to go Merrill. You probably shouldn't visit the temple tomorrow. Because I'm going to go back and tell them what happened now and they won’t be happy to see you. magic necklace... feh.. magic bulls-"

    fe1dman on
  • tastydonutstastydonuts Registered User regular
    edited August 2009
    Okay, after much consideration I decided that I wasnt gonna run with the sixth at this point. Anybody who posted would be a reserve for now, unless Things change. Thanks again and sorry.

    tastydonuts on
    “I used to draw, hard to admit that I used to draw...”
  • tzeentchlingtzeentchling Doctor of Rocks OaklandRegistered User regular
    edited August 2009
    As you wish. I believe there is only one thing to say in response:


    tzeentchling on
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