So I've been looking for a job lately. This has not gone well. So I thought I'd turn to the internet, but, well...
Of the two websites I've checked so far, two of them have been scams of the "Give us a bunch of money so we can [strike]bone you in the ass for being a gullible idiot! :winky: Yeah![/strike] get you a high-paying awesome job!" variety. So I'm not exactly in a trustworthy state right now, and not really inclined to just grab random job-search websites off of google.
What are a couple decent online job-search websites? Are there any, or are they yet another fictional creation like the easter bunny?
I think it's hard for someone not to rage at mario kart, while shouting "Fuck you Donkey Kong. Whose dick did you suck to get all those red shells?"
Arkan on
ChanusHarbinger of the Spicy Rooster ApocalypseThe Flames of a Thousand Collapsed StarsRegistered User, Moderatormod
edited August 2009 and are at least reputable. Can be hit-or-miss as far as what you'll find, though.
Chanus on
Allegedly a voice of reason.
Quoththe RavenMiami, FL FOR REALRegistered Userregular
edited August 2009
Your local Craigslist site is also likely to have some decent stuff. Just about any job search site is going to have those BS scam-type listings, so just be cautious. If it seems too good to be true, it probably is.
There are plenty but the ones I know of tend to be geared toward people with college degrees related to the job. Is this you, or are just looking for hourly work? If it's the latter then you are usually best off applying at places in person or maybe checking the newspaper want ads. Also work your network. Family members, friends, friends of family members, family members of friends will probably be able to point you in a couple directions. You need to apply to as many places as possible. Even if you are using the internet, job searching is hard and looking for easy ways out will not get you anywhere.
Deebaseron my way to work in a suit and a tieAhhhh...come on fucking guyRegistered Userregular
edited August 2009
It would really help if we knew what type of work you are looking for. It really depends on where you are professionally and what sort of industry you are looking in. seems to be fairly decent regardless of your level of education. You could search for positions as a janitor or a radiologist. Both of which seems to have numerous openings across the country, best of luck.
It would really help if we knew what type of work you are looking for. It really depends on where you are professionally and what sort of industry you are looking in.
Pretty much anything, at this point. I've been unemployed for several years at this point and I have very little experience/references, so I seriously doubt I'd be able to get anything high-end.
What is the point of these personality assessment questions that pretty much all of these online applications use now?
I mean, all they're really doing is screening out honest people. Everyone has flaws, so that means if it auto-screens out everyone who answers with a certain amount of "wrong" questions then most of the people who pass it are the ones who lie on them.
What is the point of these personality assessment questions that pretty much all of these online applications use now?
I mean, all they're really doing is screening out honest people. Everyone has flaws, so that means if it auto-screens out everyone who answers with a certain amount of "wrong" questions then most of the people who pass it are the ones who lie on them.
Because they know what flaws they're ok with and what ones they're not. They also use them to spot people who change their answers for similar questions as if they're trying to find the 'right' answer.
The questionnaires also get rid of the liars who think it is a good idea to answer the "right" way to every question. It is far more likely that someone appearing to be perfect is actually lying than for that person to actually be perfect. They also may compare the answers to the test with answers given in a live interview. It is a very simple and easy two-step truthfulness (truthiness?) detector.
Answer truthfully or not, but don't answer perfectly. Flaws are to be expected.
MurphysParadox on
Murphy's Law: Whatever can go wrong will go wrong.
Murphy's Paradox: The more you plan, the more that can go wrong. The less you plan, the less likely your plan will succeed.
craigslist for random jobs.
just about does it for me in NYC.
I'm Jacob Wilson. | facebook | thegreat2nd | [url="aim:goim?screenname=TheGreatSecond&message=Hello+from+the+Penny+Arcade+Forums!"]aim[/url]
It's one of the best aggregate sites. for more tech related, Monster, CareerBuilder have been mentioned.
Really you'll need to check the individuals companies too. By now I think I've seen the same three HR database programs 1000 times.
Pretty much anything, at this point. I've been unemployed for several years at this point and I have very little experience/references, so I seriously doubt I'd be able to get anything high-end.
Also, Dey tuk yer jerb.
What is the point of these personality assessment questions that pretty much all of these online applications use now?
I mean, all they're really doing is screening out honest people. Everyone has flaws, so that means if it auto-screens out everyone who answers with a certain amount of "wrong" questions then most of the people who pass it are the ones who lie on them.
Because they know what flaws they're ok with and what ones they're not. They also use them to spot people who change their answers for similar questions as if they're trying to find the 'right' answer.
Answer truthfully or not, but don't answer perfectly. Flaws are to be expected.
Murphy's Paradox: The more you plan, the more that can go wrong. The less you plan, the less likely your plan will succeed.