Welcome To Sharn
The Players:
The great expanse of the City of Towers looms above you, from below you can hear the faint clangs of the great forges. In front of you is simple unmarked entrance to what you can only hope are the steam tunnels under Morgrave University. The youthful face on the missing persons flier still swims in your mind, a pudgy and rather unremarkable face. The University needs to sort out this mess and they have hired you, at a price much higher than you would have expected, to find and retrieve the wayward student, who is suspected to have run off into the Steam Tunnels several wards below the University itself. You have made your way to the bottom tiers of the Menthis Plateau and now stand ready to begin your search.What is going on here:
I intend to run a city based adventure; however, and this is important, I want to allow as much sandbox game play as you, the players, are up for. With that in mind, any races and classes are acceptable for character submissions, but please make it interesting.
What you should expect:
The first portion of the game will begin with a dungeon crawl where in you (as a party) must keep track of your progress. I will present maps of the immediate area for combat, but otherwise you are in charge of documenting your progress. To be clear, I intend for you to draw your maps as you progress, at least in part. The tunnels and caves that run under Sharn will give plenty of opportunity for an old fashioned dungeon crawl, however the city above will also be available for you to explore if and when you choose.
I want to throw a relatively difficult dungeon at you, not because I want to see you fail, but because I want to make you try out new things. In the same vein as above, I am willing to entertain any ideas you have, with the caveat that I enjoy reading entertaining things and will probably be more agreeable to a stupid/crazy/extravagant idea if you can sell it well.
The game itself will hopefully run as long as we are all having fun. I think there is enough material to go to epic levels, but it will depend on how long you guys are interested in playing a pbp game.
Recruitment Information Archive:
What I am looking for
-Five players
-Level 1
-22 point buy
-100gp starting money
-Any material is alright for submissions. If you need to ask, then yes.
-Interesting characters
-Characters that can work together (though not necessarily cooperate)
-Eberron, while the game takes place in Sharn, this might not be the Eberron you expect. Partially because I am not a huge Eberron buff and partially because I don't want to put too many constraints on what can and can't happen. That means that you drow can be evil, you halfling can ride a bear and your gensai can (still) be a swordmage. But please tell me why.
-Multiple submissions are permitted
If it comes down to it, I will probably allow a party of five strikers. But why that would happen is beyond me.
A few additional notes on character creation:
-If you want to add a bit more to your characters, try coming up with two goals for them; one in character and one that you have for the character. The general idea being that I want to see how you envision the character growing.
-If possible, uploading CB files would be nice. Infidel's site should be up at some point, but for now Sendspace is alright.
-If you want to keep secrets from other players, please go ahead and PM me information about your character.
On character sheets
We can try to use iplay4e.com right now, but Infidel is promising to outdo them soon! I am not requiring it, since not everyone one has the CB, but it does make my life easier. I will probably end up making a CB sheet for you if your character is accepted and you don't have it.
I am not an expert DM nor an expert on Eberron, so why would I choose to do this? Well, I want to have some fun and run an exciting game that people will want to post in and that other will want to follow. Hopefully it will be a good way to try new things, as players and for me as a DM. If that sort of game philosophy appeals to you, then I invite you to submit you character ideas.
You enter the Steam Tunnels August 17.
Date is tentative, but no sooner than the 17th
Those Who Dared to Attempt:
OptimusZed Thunk, Warforged Cleric
ProfMoriarty Leon d'Cannith, Human Artificer
ProfMoriarty Theron Wain, Minotaur Fighter
SuperRanger Stolk, Revenant Predator Druid
susan Jingo 'Scabby' Badmoon, Goblin Rogue
samurai6966 Vanri, Genasi Swordmage
samurai6966 Rizzen the Kalashtar Bard/Warlock Hybrid
Helix09 Lars Sabian, Tiefling Bard
Mike Danger Samm d'Lyrandar, Half-Elf Sorcerer
Mr_Rose Ire, Revenant Warlock
streever Thoin Stormhammer, Dwarf Warden
Rainfall Ash-Kai, Genasi Windsoul Barbarian
SimpsonsParadox Jack, Warforged Monk
lodwilk Qodax, Changeling Sorcerer
lodwilk Erelis, Eladrin Psion
feeddannow Bait, Kobold Rogue
Helix09 Orin the Gnome Illusionist Controller
SimpsonsParadox Meva kri, the Kalashtar Bard (Prescience Bard) And Shutup (The Parrot Familiar)
Zarcath Cyndorl the Gruesome Dragonborn Bard
Hermenegilde One, Warfroged Barbarian
Hermenegilde Two, Warforged Fighter
Hermenegilde Three, Warforged Bard
Hermenegilde Four, Warforged Druid
Hermenegilde Five Warforged Hybrid Ranger/Warlord
Hermenegilde Oss, Bugbear Monk
Hermenegilde Shai'ella, Changeling Psion
Hermenegilde Idrian the Toymaker, Human Artificer
Hermenegilde Zzod, Bugbear Fighter
Hermenegilde Hunter 43, Warforged Beastmaster
Hermenegilde Sergeant Daefin, Bard Emeritus
Hermenegilde Corporal Caeliss, Psion
Hermenegilde Taevon, Monk
Hermenegilde Taelor the Blessed, Fighter
Hermenegilde Naerval the Defier, Avenger of Dol Dorn
Hermenegilde Sergeant Gaeliss, Swordmage
Hermenegilde Corporal Smaelin, Artificer.
Hermenegilde Daelon the Unlucky, Fighter.
Hermenegilde Saeron, Wizard
Hermenegilde Reaval the Thrower, Ranger.
Hermenegilde Legion Devil with no name
Hermenegilde Morshk, Insane Dwarven Warlock of Doom
Hermenegilde Adrienne, Half-Orc Brutal Scoundrel
Hermenegilde Xendel, Genasi Tactical Warlord
Hermenegilde Trinn, Dragonborn Sorceress
Hermenegilde Shae, Elven Avenger of Corellon, Killer of spiders
graph as of 8/12
Multiple submissions are allowed.
Choices have been made, see first post.
<ProfMoriarty> oh yeah. one time I PMed a picture of my penis to a forumer, and then I got a PM from Thanatos saying "nice girth"
The two did not survive: Uxon, of course, awoke months later and made his way back to Sharn, following the lines of the lightning rail. J'att, son of W'att, died--after a fashion. Something in the Mourning combined with Uxon's regenerative abilities, and J'att was able to hang on as a spirit. Uxon found that he had opened a door of sorts to these fetches and haunts of the Last War, and soon came to the attention of the Sharn Watch when he began assisting the dead with putting matters to rest--ensuring the discovery of hidden wills, bringing murderers to justice, etc.
The Watch called upon him again and again to join the ranks, but Uxon prefers to work at his own pace, taking on whatever dilemmas of the dead (or the living) are of interest to him. J'att is the "silent partner" of the duo, usually preferring to whisper in Uxon's ear (although he sometimes bangs on furniture and throws glasses in the hopes of scaring away clients he doesn't care for).
Uxon and J'att, with their reputation and "reasonable rates", are quickly hired on by the university to locate the missing student. Uxon only hopes that he will not have to summon up the dead of the War to help him accomplish his goals this time.
Character Stats
Esordiel, level 1
Deva, Shaman
Companion Spirit: Stalker Spirit
Background: Sharn (Streetwise class skill)
Str 9, Con 14, Dex 10, Int 12, Wis 20, Cha 10.
Str 9, Con 14, Dex 10, Int 10, Wis 18, Cha 10.
AC: 11 Fort: 13 Reflex: 11 Will: 16
HP: 26 Surges: 9 Surge Value: 6
Nature +10, Insight +10, Perception +10, Streetwise +5
Acrobatics, Arcana +1, Bluff, Diplomacy, Dungeoneering +5, Endurance +2, Heal +5, History +3, Intimidate, Religion +3, Stealth, Thievery, Athletics -1
Level 1: Battle Intuition
Shaman at-will 1: Wrath of Winter
Shaman encounter 1: Twin Panthers
Shaman daily 1: Wrath of the Spirit World
Cloth Armor (Basic Clothing), Adventurer's Kit, Implement, Staff
And by that I mean a character.
But there might be a good and proper post coming down the road.
I'm with kuhlmeye on this one. Even though the odds of my characters getting picked... Must be from my feeling that lvl 1 characters can't have had much of a life. I mean, you can get to lvl 2 with a couple of tavern brawls :P.
"Go out and kill a bunch of dogs. Come back when you're lvl 2."
Thunk, Reactivated Penitent of Dol Dorn
The earliest thing that Thunk can actively recall is his reactivation in the Cathedral of the Sovereign Host in Sharn. This particular situation might have been a shock to virtually anyone else on the planet, but Thunk thankfully lacked the context necessary to really comprehend what was happening to him. According to the assorted clergy that were tending to him, he had been brought there by a group of robed men who claimed to have found him in his inert state in the undercity.
Upon being handed this blank slate of a potential convert, the clergy of the Sovereign Host wasted little time before inundating him with the details and tenets of their various sects, and Thunk was equally swift in forgetting the vast majority of it. As it turns out, killer robots don't tend to make great theologians.
With that in mind, Thunk threw in with the battle clerics of Dol Dorn. Their worship being of the more martial variety, Thunk took to them with ease. While not the most worshipful of beings, the construct found a degree of clarity and certainty in the reverberating *thunk* *thunk* of his training gear hitting the practice dummies. Having no other personal direction, Thunk formally enlisted with the church and spent the next few months in the Dornite equivalent of seminary, and has now been unleashed on the world, a newly minted servant of Dol Dorn.
Already, Thunk has gained a reputation for being direct and aggressive in pursuing the interests of the church.
The closest Thunk comes to true happiness is when he's cracking skulls. His faith in Dol Dorn may waver, but his weapon never will. In battle he's an effective, decisive leader. Outside of it, he's taciturn, sarcastic and prone to long periods of silence.
Thunk has fairly extensive knowledge of things that he probably shouldn't, given his memory loss and recent reactivation. He himself is not entirely clear as to the source of this knowledge, though he also seems far less concerned by it than are the other members of his church.
The old warforged's face is regal in appearance, at least relative to the rest of him. Composed of darkwood, oak and bronze, with a number of ridges and studs that give the impression of some sort of short headdress or even a crown, it gleams in the sun when he actually takes the time to polish it.
Build Summary:
Thunk, level 1
Warforged, Cleric
Build: Battle Cleric
Background: Unstoppable Soldier (Athletics class skill)
Str 18, Con 15, Dex 11, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 16.
Str 16, Con 13, Dex 11, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 16.
AC: 16 Fort: 14 Reflex: 10 Will: 16
HP: 27 Surges: 9 Surge Value: 6
Religion +5, Arcana +5, History +5, Athletics +8
Acrobatics -1, Bluff +3, Diplomacy +3, Dungeoneering -1, Endurance +3, Heal -1, Insight -1, Intimidate +5, Nature -1, Perception -1, Stealth -1, Streetwise +3, Thievery -1
Cleric: Ritual Caster
Level 1: Battle Healer
Channel Divinity: Healer's Mercy
Cleric at-will 1: Righteous Brand
Cleric at-will 1: Recovery Strike
Cleric encounter 1: Healing Strike
Cleric daily 1: Shield of the Gods
Ritual Book, Chainmail, Morningstar
Gentle Repose, Make Whole, Explorer's Fire
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Thunk's Deep Dark Secret:
And shame on all of you for getting this far.
Thunk's Motivations, Desires and Dreams:
He seeks to serve his order and become one of the influential members of the church, again for reasons he doesn't really understand. He's not ambitionless, but his ambitions seem to stem from somewhere outside himself.
Thunk has also found himself seeking out capable individuals (like his party mates) and becoming acquainted with them. As though he's taking stock of resources, or gathering an army for some purpose...
They tried to bury us. They didn't know that we were seeds. 2018 Midterms. Get your shit together.
types...). Never PbP'd here on the PA boards, though I've done a bit in the past on other boards. I'll try to get a build done within a day or so.
2011 PAX Warmachine/Hordes Champion
It is always a bit awkward for a "trained assassin" or "practiced mage" to be fumbling around whiffing attacks against kobolds.
Then again there is some interesting stuff that can be done without trying to make your character seem "experienced" as it were.
<ProfMoriarty> oh yeah. one time I PMed a picture of my penis to a forumer, and then I got a PM from Thanatos saying "nice girth"
"Leon, I need to speak with you a moment."
"Can it wait? I'm on my way back to my lab to--"
"Tut tut tut tut. You know the rule. I am not to be made explicitly aware of your experiments. As far as I know or care, everything you are doing is legal in the eyes of Sharn and House Cannith."
"Merrix, I--"
"Quiet, Leon. There playtime and then there is listening time. Right now is listening time.
"I have a task for you. If you want to continue your experiments with your copious funding and expected... privacy, you'll do your best to fulfill my request. Morgrave University has put out a search for a boy in the tunnels below, and I want you to help. It's for House Cannith's image, you see. For too long people have suspected our own creations haunt those tunnels, stealing people away..."
"There was that one ti--"
"Tut tut tut tut. You want to be able to continue your work, don't you?"
"Then you'll do it."
"Good, Leon."
"Can I bring the disembodied Warforged head? The one that still talks and thinks it has free will?"
"No, Leon..."
Character Sheet
====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
Leon d'Cannith, level 1
Human, Artificer
Str 9, Con 13, Dex 10, Int 18, Wis 16, Cha 10.
Str 9, Con 13, Dex 10, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 10.
AC: 16 Fort: 13 Reflex: 15 Will: 15
HP: 25 Surges: 7 Surge Value: 6
Dungeoneering +8, Arcana +9, Perception +8, History +9, Thievery +5, Heal +10
Acrobatics, Bluff, Diplomacy, Endurance +1, Insight +3, Intimidate, Nature +3, Religion +4, Stealth, Streetwise, Athletics -1
Artificer: Ritual Caster
Human: Mark of Making
Level 1: Combat Medic
Artificer at-will 1: Magic Weapon
Artificer at-will 1: Thundering Armor
Bonus At-Will Power: Aggravating Force
Artificer encounter 1: Spike Wire
Artificer daily 1: Obedient Servant
Ritual Book, Adventurer's Kit, Leather Armor, Implement, Rod, Dagger, Alchemical Reagents (Arcana) (37)
Brew Potion, Disenchant Magic Item, Enchant Magic Item, Make Whole
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It will depend on the players but Eberron (and Sharn) has lots and lots of stuff to explore and I'm interested in that.
I guess that's another thing. You guys can sort of map out how you want to make the character progress. I will go in and put a few more ideas/guidelines for character submission into the OP.
Just as a quick note: if you want to give me two goals, one that your character has and a goal that you have for the character (so, find his lost love and become an avatar of his god, respectively), in addition to the goals, a secret could also add some depth.
Not requirement per se, but something to chew on.
<ProfMoriarty> oh yeah. one time I PMed a picture of my penis to a forumer, and then I got a PM from Thanatos saying "nice girth"
They tried to bury us. They didn't know that we were seeds. 2018 Midterms. Get your shit together.
Edit: Revenant Predatory Druid
Background story:
This city is changing me. I was once a little girl, looking for my prince charming. Now, in a few months, Ive become a Bounty Hunter. I barely remember how. I'm looking for a man. This man is powerful. Some one in the Morgrave University. I probably wouldn't have tried to hunt him down, if it wasn't for the fact that he has something special to me. Sure, he killed my family to get it, but they can't come back. The Hollow Storm is too powerful for revenge. A spear that can summon the might of a storm itself. Genasi in my family have guarded the spear for centuries. And I messed it up. So I came to Sharn. To the University.
I needed money and an identity. That came when I took my first job. It was a simple job. Find this deadbeat and bring him back alive. I got lucky. I found him at a tavern, gambling away with loaned money. I wasn't even looking for real. I was hungry and it looked to be a place to eat. I knocked him out and dragged him back over to the loan sharks. They were so pleased that it took so little time. As the man shock my hand, I saw a tattoo on him arm of the University's seal. "Whats your name?" He asked. I looked at the first thing I saw, a rum bottle. "Vanri" I said. "Like the rum." I heard the gambler scream as they cut off his hand. He's fault. He shouldn't gamble with other people's money.
I've been working odd jobs since. Hunted people more then anything. And I make a scary girl. Or a beautiful one. I've pretend to be all sorts of people. I've been a noblewomen, a beggar, a thief, a lady of the night, and many more. Before Sharn, I was a guardian. Now, here in Sharn, I'm a hunter. Funny how a city changes a girl!
Genasi, Swordmage
Build: Assault Swordmage
Swordmage Aegis: Aegis of Shielding
Elemental Manifestation: Stormsoul
Background: Occupation - Bounty Hunter (+2 to Perception)
Str 13, Con 15, Dex 10, Int 18, Wis 10, Cha 13.
Str 11, Con 15, Dex 10, Int 16, Wis 10, Cha 13.
AC: 17 Fort: 13 Reflex: 14 Will: 13
HP: 30 Surges: 10 Surge Value: 7
Arcana +9, Athletics +6, Intimidate +6, History +9
Acrobatics, Bluff +1, Diplomacy +1, Dungeoneering, Endurance +4, Heal, Insight, Nature +2, Perception +2, Religion +4, Stealth, Streetwise +1, Thievery
Level 1: Intelligent Blademaster
Swordmage at-will 1: Booming Blade
Swordmage at-will 1: Lightning Lure
Swordmage encounter 1: Lightning Clash
Swordmage daily 1: Dimensional Thunder
Adventurer's Kit, Leather Armor, Falchion
Jingo 'Scabby' Badmoon, level 1
Goblin, Rogue
Rogue Tactics: Artful Dodger
Background: Darguun (+2 to Endurance)
Str 8, Con 11, Dex 20, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 16.
Str 8, Con 11, Dex 18, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 14.
AC: 17 Fort: 10 Reflex: 18 Will: 13
HP: 23 Surges: 6 Surge Value: 5
Stealth +12, Thievery +12, Bluff +8, Streetwise +8, Acrobatics +10, Intimidate +8
Arcana, Diplomacy +3, Dungeoneering, Endurance +2, Heal, History, Insight, Nature, Perception, Religion, Athletics -1
Level 1: Backstabber
Rogue at-will 1: Piercing Strike
Rogue at-will 1: Sly Flourish
Rogue encounter 1: Fox's Gambit
Rogue daily 1: Trick Strike
Dagger (5), Leather Armor, Thieves' Tools, Adventurer's Kit, Footpads, Camouflaged Clothing
Scabby smirks as he places his tiny calloused hand in the plump sweaty paw of the University staff, accepting the job of finding a runaway student before the idiot gets himself killed. How nice is this? Barely in the city a month and already he's landed a nice cushy pickup job, low risk high pay, with an employer that'll probably give him even more work down the line. He's almost a little disappointed that he's not going to get a chance to really get some knife work in on this one, but you can't have everything.
MYTHWEAVER CHARACTER SHEET: http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=145951
2011 PAX Warmachine/Hordes Champion
Background Story:
As his father sat up, a javelin pierced through his chest. As his eyes grew cold, Stalker held back his emotions. Emotions that could cripple him. He turned and ran to the village.
As he arrived at his village. The view was morbid. The fight was well underway. There was nothing left for him to do but die with his people. To be with his father.
A brisk pain shot through Stalker's side. He looked down at the spear that stuck out of his body. A fitting way to die, in battle. He fell to his knees.
"NO! This can't happen. There was supposed to be more. THERE WAS SUPPOSED TO BE MORE!"
Stalker awoke in a city. Memories, not but fragment. As if remembering pages of a book long-since read. He sat up and looked down at his hands, his body mishapen and disfigured. He stood and walked out the door, joining the crowds of the city. Lost in the shuffle, he only remembered on part of his identity: Stolk.
Natural Form: Stolk is a medium-sized figure, not too tall to heavy. He has long black hair, as well as a thick beard that he keeps to remind him of his past life as a razorclaw shifter. He has since left this life behind. His eyes are the most daunting part of his facade. They are black as night with only a pinpoint of red in the center to suggest that life hides in the dark form.
Secrets and Goals:
My goal: I see him eventually becoming a hit man for the raven queen. An enforcer if you will. Perhaps mid-campaign, he can recieve a list of names? Could possibly lead to a few adventures...
Turns out that, when you run alongside a road people keep showing up. So Khandareth spent a lot of time hiding. And running away, screaming his panic for the whole world to hear. Aimless, unfocused, panicked flight across the lands of Eberron. It lasted 4 years.
Then he grew calm again. Far away from his home he found peace in the belief that he could make a difference. That with him on its side the Light would prevail.
Of course, that might require fighting rather than running away. So he set out to do that, found odd jobs to sustain himself and buy weapons, and found an old master of arms to teach him the rudiments of weapons and fighting and armor and stuff.
Turns out that his belief in the Light can actually be turned into power to oppose the forces of evil.
Now that he has basic training and a vague idea of how to conduct himself in a fight, the time has come for step two of his master plan " honing his skills to perfection and recruiting allies. Oh and incidentally, oppose darkness and evillity in its various forms.
For now, Khandalesh's will is strong, but the fragment of Quori soul is not silent, it whispers of the hidden agents of the dreaming dark. Always after him, lurking in the shadow and hiding under inn's beds...
Builder stuff
Kalashtar, Paladin
Kalashtar: Diplomacy Bonus
Background: Vigilant (+2 to Intimidate)
Str 10, Con 12, Dex 12, Int 8, Wis 18, Cha 18.
Str 10, Con 12, Dex 12, Int 8, Wis 16, Cha 16.
AC: 20 Fort: 12 Reflex: 14 Will: 15
HP: 27 Surges: 11 Surge Value: 6
Religion +4, Insight +11, Heal +9, Diplomacy +11, Intimidate +11
Acrobatics -3, Arcana -1, Bluff +4, Dungeoneering +4, Endurance -3, History -1, Nature +4, Perception +4, Stealth -3, Streetwise +4, Thievery -3, Athletics -4
Level 1: Hero of Faith
Lay on Hands: Ardent Vow
Paladin at-will 1: Ardent Strike
Paladin at-will 1: Bolstering Strike
Paladin encounter 1: Valorous Smite
Paladin daily 1: Majestic Halo
Adventurer's Kit, Plate Armor, Heavy Shield, Longsword
Tiefling Bard
Character Summary
Note: As a consequence of his military service, Lars has an unconscious nonchalance around undead no matter how disgusting, specifically rotting zombies. Others may find this unnatural and eerie.
Lars Sabian, level 1
Tiefling, Bard
Build: Valorous Bard
Bardic Virtue: Virtue of Valor
Str 10, Con 16, Dex 10, Int 13, Wis 8, Cha 19.
Str 10, Con 16, Dex 10, Int 11, Wis 8, Cha 17.
AC: 11 Fort: 13 Reflex: 12 Will: 15
HP: 28 Surges: 10 Surge Value: 7
Arcana +6, Acrobatics +5, Heal +4, Streetwise +9, Bluff +13
Diplomacy +5, Dungeoneering, Endurance +4, History +2, Insight, Intimidate +5, Nature, Perception, Religion +2, Stealth +3, Thievery +1, Athletics +1
Bard: Ritual Caster
Level 1: Strength of Valor
Bard at-will 1: Vicious Mockery
Bard at-will 1: War Song Strike
Bard encounter 1: Shout of Triumph
Bard daily 1: Stirring Shout
Ritual Book, Adventurer's Kit, Scythe, Lyre, Chainmail, Dagger, Fine Clothing
Comprehend Language, Glib Limerick
====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&DI Character Builder ======
I personally would like to get Lars involved with the more criminal organizations of Sharn/Eberron at some point.
EPIC !!! Can I submit more than one character ? Say fifty or so ?
"What's the good word?" he asked.
"I got the burn," the half-elf replied, kicking back one foot so that the table shook slightly. Those who were paying attention might have noticed him glancing around the room, but most were too concentrated on the heated game of Time for the Other Eye to notice.
"I told you not to go home with those Torchlight girls," the changeling snickered, waving for a waitress.
"No. Beach Until Rightful Notice. They took my wings."
"So?" He arched a gossamer-thin eyebrow. "Go back to Uncle what's-his-name in Stormreach and beg for 'em back."
"You don't understand," the half-elf said, his voice becoming heated and quiet. "I've got no cash, no line-a-credit with the dwarves, and as far as employers are concerned, they don't know me from Johnny Riedra working down at the docks. I'm stuck in Sharn," he said with more than a little disgust.
"So now what?" the changeling said, wiping his mouth on the cuff of his sleeve.
"I'm gonna have to go freelance," the half-elf replied, splaying out one hand on the scarred table, the dragonmark swirling on his knuckles as he drummed his fingers. "Work with what I got." He held up one finger. "Gunshy ex-girlfriend at Morgrave." Another. "Friend who used to snitch on me to the Boromars and Daask?"
The changeling held up a hand. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Listen, I don't do any business with Daask any--" He cut short his comment at a glare from the half-elf.
"And there's always family, too," he said with a sigh, draining the last of his drink and staring at the wall of mounted hunting trophies the bar's patrons had brought back (some signing a small card underneath). A kraken's tentacle flailed menacingly, with only an L underneath.
Gold pieces skittered across the table, and the half-elf pushed himself up to leave. "So, while we're down to brass tacks: until I figure out who grounded me--and why, I'm not going anywhere."
He enjoys games of all kinds, and finds book reading a waste of time (unless it's a rip-roaring adventure yarn). He prefers loose clothing, and coats over cloaks for when it gets cold. He hopes that in his time away from the House he can learn to fight with a sword better, and get some real action.
Character Stuff
Samm, level 1
Half-Elf, Sorcerer
Spell Source: Storm Magic
Background: Sharn (Streetwise class skill)
Str 11, Con 12, Dex 14, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 20.
Str 11, Con 10, Dex 14, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 18.
AC: 12 Fort: 11 Reflex: 12 Will: 17
HP: 24 Surges: 7 Surge Value: 6
Arcana +5, Streetwise +10, Intimidate +10, Bluff +10
Acrobatics +2, Diplomacy +7, Dungeoneering -1, Endurance +1, Heal -1, History, Insight +1, Nature -1, Perception -1, Religion, Stealth +2, Thievery +2, Athletics
Level 1: Mark of Storm
Dilettante: Cutting Words
Sorcerer at-will 1: Lightning Strike
Sorcerer at-will 1: Storm Walk
Sorcerer encounter 1: Thundering Roar
Sorcerer daily 1: Howling Tempest
Cloth Armor (Basic Clothing), Adventurer's Kit, Implement, Staff, Dagger (9), Disguise Kit, Inquisitive's Kit
If you can write up fifty characters before the 17th I will mail you a cookie.
Not a joke.
<ProfMoriarty> oh yeah. one time I PMed a picture of my penis to a forumer, and then I got a PM from Thanatos saying "nice girth"
Ire has offered her aid in the search for the missing student for two principal reasons; the first is that the face on the poster seems familiar to her though whether it is of a friend in a former life or a relative of one of her former lives, she knows not. The second reason is to have relatively free access to the university's resources of both knowledge and arcane power.
All Ire really wants is to find out why she would have made a deal with the Traveller and, more importantly, why the Traveller would have made a deal with her....
I kinda want to see where this whole mysterious past thing goes as well, also, it would be nice to get to Paragon or Epic and pick up some of those lovely "dark knight" type paths/destinies.
Ire, level 1
Revenant, Warlock
Eldritch Blast: Eldritch Blast Constitution
Eldritch Pact: Vestige Pact
Choose your Race in Life: Half-Elf
Str 10, Con 20, Dex 10, Int 14, Wis 11, Cha 10.
Str 10, Con 18, Dex 8, Int 14, Wis 11, Cha 10.
AC: 14 Fort: 15 Reflex: 13 Will: 11
HP: 32 Surges: 11 Surge Value: 8
Intimidate +7, History +7, Religion +7, Insight +5
Acrobatics, Arcana +2, Bluff, Diplomacy, Dungeoneering, Endurance +7, Heal, Nature, Perception, Stealth, Streetwise, Thievery, Athletics
Level 1: Dark Feasting
Warlock encounter 1: Life Bind
Warlock daily 1: Armor of Agathys
Leather Armor, Dagger, Backpack (empty), Bedroll, Flint and Steel, Pouch, Belt (empty), Rope, Silk (50 ft.), Flask (empty) (5), Oil (1 pint) (5), Candle (10)
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Nintendo Network ID: AzraelRose
DropBox invite link - get 500MB extra free.
Dwarven Warden
Finding the Student:
Thoin first saw the help needed poster at a favorite tavern of his. "There's none better than me for this job", he told the University administrator assigned to the issue. "I know the tunnels beneath Sharn like few others--and even the tunnels I've yet to enter, I'll be able to feel my way about in. I was born in rock, & I can sense it's intentions--it's meaning--even hear it's voice. I'm as tough as the earth itself, and I'll happily suffer the wounds of any we encounter down there so that we may get through & save him. First, it's the right thing to do. Second, you've put the right price on the job."
While exploring, he was attacked by a small group of goblins--heavily wounded, bleeding, & past even his race's limits of endurance, death was certain. Regardless, he swung his hammer with all of his might--and was amazed at the effect it had on the goblin's leader. A clap of thunder shook the tunnel, and the goblin was thrown over 20 feet. He died before his body slammed into the ground--and the other goblins realized they had no chance of winning. The suddenly re-invigorated dwarf could hear the earth speaking to him, encouraging him to purge it of the monsters who had spilled his blood here. His blows gave him strength, & when he finished slaughtering the goblins, he knew he had an ally for the rest of his life.
Realizing his powers would be of use to others, he's dedicated himself to braving the underground horrors of Sharn, to protect life, and to reclaim the sacred ground. He feels the connection from this stone to the stone of his homeland--and even further back to the dwarven ancestral lands of Frostfell. He feels the connections in the stones that surround him, & this gives him the strength and dedication to fight.
Hooks/Short background pieces:
Thoin has spent so much time resenting his family, and only recently realized that he was wasting his time. His father still works in house Kundarak as a powerful & influential banker, setting prices, stockpiling goods, & manipulating the supply & demand to improve market conditions.
Thoin is given strength not by a god but by an ancient, ancestral connection to the earth. He worships the stone he walks on & is greatly disturbed by acts of evil occuring underground. He has an affinity for navigating underground.
Thoin only uses hammers. His main weapon is a massive one-handed crag hammer, the weight & heft of which reminds him of his ancestral home. He also likes to send his enemies careening into the walls of the catacombs under Sharn, hoping to do additional damage.
Character Builder dump:
Thoin Stormhammer, level 1
Dwarf, Warden
Build: Earth Warden
Guardian Might: Earthstrength
Background: Geography - Mountains (+2 to Dungeoneering)
Str 17, Con 18, Dex 10, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 8.
Str 17, Con 16, Dex 10, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 8.
AC: 19 Fort: 15 Reflex: 12 Will: 12
HP: 35 Surges: 13 Surge Value: 8
Nature +6, Perception +6, Athletics +5, Dungeoneering +10
Acrobatics -3, Arcana, Bluff -1, Diplomacy -1, Endurance +3, Heal +1, History, Insight +1, Intimidate -1, Religion, Stealth -3, Streetwise -1, Thievery -3
Level 1: Dwarven Weapon Training
Warden at-will 1: Strength of Stone
Warden at-will 1: Weight of Earth
Warden encounter 1: Thunder Ram Assault
Warden daily 1: Form of the Fearsome Ram
Craghammer, Throwing hammer (2), Hide Armor, Heavy Shield, Adventurer's Kit, Climber's Kit, Identification Papers, Standard
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I believe you are grossly overestimating my need for sleep.
Just to have you pass food through customs...
If you could upload your CB files and link to them (for those using CB) that would be pretty snazzy.
Also feel free to PM me deep dark character secrets if you'd like (ie: my human paladin is really a changeling, or what have you).
Hermenegilde: 1/50, 49 to go!
Great submissions so far, thank you all for the interest!
<ProfMoriarty> oh yeah. one time I PMed a picture of my penis to a forumer, and then I got a PM from Thanatos saying "nice girth"
In general worship in Eberron is less about a god in particular and more about an idea, though adhering to one god is also fine.
<ProfMoriarty> oh yeah. one time I PMed a picture of my penis to a forumer, and then I got a PM from Thanatos saying "nice girth"
See the line about "characters that can work together." So, if you are going to be anti-social, rape shopkeepers, burn orphanages, et. c, then probably not. But I am willing to hear you out if you have an idea for an evil character that is functional.
As a tangent (sort of): the comment mostly was meant to point out that you don't HAVE to stick to Eberron stereotypes.
<ProfMoriarty> oh yeah. one time I PMed a picture of my penis to a forumer, and then I got a PM from Thanatos saying "nice girth"
Oh I was going to have a Paladin who worshiped Dol Dorn. What I meant was what domains would you assign to the gods for the chance to choose domain feats? From looking at the description of the god, I'd think he'd belong to the War, Strength, and Skill domains.
Ash-Kai, Genasi Windsoul Barbarian
"Kalok Shash! It's so big!"
The slim Genasi stared up at the walls of Sharn with wide eyes. It had taken her months to get down here, fighting off wolves, rats, and other vicious creatures that prowled Khorvaire. But at last... Sharn.
It was a big step for an elemental manifestation that had originally decided to manifest on the Demon Wastes. Then again, it's not like she had made a lot of good decisions since she had shown up there, anyway. Quickly realizing that she couldn't do any good against the demons as a baby, she began training, taking on the weapons of the Ghaash'kala and using them with deadly skill and a wholly unnatural strength belied by her small frame.
Then she had outgrown the weaker threats of the Demon Wastes, and still couldn't hope to scratch the true terrors of that place. And so now she was here. Sharn. A warrior of her skill could easily enough find work, and time to train without demons roaring down her back would be nice.
And it was so civilized! Everyone here was sure to be nice, right?
Personality -
Not very bright, prone to trusting people and making plans that look good on paper but have no hope of working out in reality, Ash-Kai is the biggest mark walking into Sharn. Or she would be, if she wasn't a poor barbarian from the Demon Wastes with nothing more than a few pieces of jewelry, an old woodwind, and a giant weapon to her name.
CB Summary(Click on the name for Mythweavers link)
Ash-Kai, level 1
Genasi, Barbarian
Feral Might: Thaneborn Triumph
Str 18, Con 13, Dex 10, Int 13, Wis 8, Cha 16.
Str 16, Con 13, Dex 10, Int 11, Wis 8, Cha 16.
AC: 15 Fort: 16 Reflex: 12 Will: 13
HP: 28 Surges: 9 Surge Value: 7
Acrobatics +4, Athletics +8, Endurance +9
Arcana +1, Bluff +3, Diplomacy +3, Dungeoneering -1, Heal -1, History +1, Insight -1, Intimidate +3, Nature +1, Perception -1, Religion +1, Stealth -1, Streetwise +3, Thievery -1
Level 1: Improved Roar of Triumph
Barbarian at-will 1: Howling Strike
Barbarian at-will 1: Pressing Strike
Barbarian encounter 1: Vault the Fallen
Barbarian daily 1: Swift Panther Rage
Adventurer's Kit, Hide Armor, Greataxe, Woodwind
====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&DI Character Builder ======
OOC: I want to try playing a character who is not the brightest, and who's also totally 100% friendly. It's not something I really do a lot, and I'm looking forwards to it.
"So tell me... Theron, is it? What makes you qualified to search a series of dangerous, maze-like tunnels?"
"I've been in a few maze-like tunnels in my time."
Personality and Background
Many of his kin have been forced to make the choice between man and beast, and at a very young age, Theron had decided he wanted to walk amongst the civilized races and behold their wonders.
However, the call of the beast still lies deep within Theron's minotaur heart. To quell it, Theron chose to become an explorer of sorts. Rebuking the skies and water for caves and dungeons, Theron decided to live a life of adventerous delving for two reasons. First, it allows Theron to take out his bloodlust on the various creatures that choose to make the underground their home. Secondly, he found that the various shapes that these tunnels took were almost hypnotic. While focusing on tracking his path through a variety of labyrinths, Theron has allowed himself to meditate in his exploration. Both have served well to quell the beast inside.
Theron is quiet for the most part, on a calculated level. He sees no need for riotous discourse, and he has found that indulging in it tends to lead him too close to a form of frenzy he hopes to never engage in.
When not searching for treasure or exploring for payment, Theron earns his coin and seeks his entertainment as an arena fighter. This also helps prepare him for his various excursions.
Character Sheet
Theron Wain, level 1
Minotaur, Fighter
Fighter Talents: One-handed Weapon Talent
Str 16, Con 18, Dex 14, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 8.
Str 14, Con 16, Dex 14, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 8.
AC: 19 Fort: 16 Reflex: 14 Will: 11
HP: 33 Surges: 13 Surge Value: 8
Athletics +6, Streetwise +4, Endurance +7
Acrobatics, Arcana, Bluff -1, Diplomacy -1, Dungeoneering +1, Heal +1, History, Insight +1, Intimidate -1, Nature +3, Perception +3, Religion, Stealth, Thievery
Level 1: Opportunity Gore
Fighter at-will 1: Footwork Lure
Fighter at-will 1: Tide of Iron
Fighter encounter 1: Shield Bash
Fighter daily 1: Lasting Threat
Adventurer's Kit, Scale Armor, Battleaxe, Heavy Shield
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If Jack knows what his backround is, he certainly isn't telling you. Jack considers his backround 'his' property, and thus not to be shared with others. What he will shares is this: He didn't fight during the Last War, instead spending a large amount of time in a Monastery training himself to harness and control his natural Warforged strength. Since the Last War, he has spent a large amount of time in Sharn, and an even larger time in Sharn's jail system. After seeing a young woman abducted and forced into the prostitution industry, Jack went on a one (warforged) man justice spree. He was 'at large' and fighting those who he considered to be kingpins in the human trafficking business for roughly a year before one of those he attempted to imprison turned the tables and got him thrown into jail for attempted battery. It is only recently that he got out, and even then it was only on a technicality.
There are two sides to Jack's personality: The quiet side, and the robot side. He finds that being a 'robot' Warforged is much easier for people to feel at ease near by, as it fits the stereotype of how a Warforged should act to a T. He will normally act this way when around people he doesn't trust. He'll speak in a monotone, respond to questions with only a short "Positive" or "Negative" should his input be required, and in general shut up and stay in the back. His 'quiet' side, however, is only shown to a very select few. It's hard to detect the difference between the two sides at first glance. He still speaks in a monotone, still only responds with short answers to most questions, and still prefers not to talk. However, if pressed or given enough time to answer, he will drop the monotone and start to express how he really feels. To see him drop his 'robot' facade, however, is extremely rare.
Jack carries around a small locket with an even smaller drawing inside of it. The drawing looks like the rough sketch of a young teenager. Whenever stressed or faced with a decision, he'll take out the locket and slowly roll it between his hands. He'll also occasionally talk to the locket, although never in front of anyone.
Mannerisms and Appearance
Jack is 6'2" tall. His 'metal' skin is a very dull silver, and the cords binding him are a dull brown. His jawline, far from having even a semblance of teeth, is a mere three blocks: two on his lower jaw, one on his upper jaw. Other than that, his entire body could be considered generic. His marking is a set of overlapping, chaotic triangles. The more 'pure' his emotion, the fewer triangles are lit up; the more 'chaotic' his emotion, the more are lit up. Jack wears very simple clothes, although he shows a very strong attachment to a sand colored hooded cloak he wears.
Character Sheet
Clink the name for the Mythweaver's link
Jack, level 1
Warforged, Monk
Build: Centered Breath Monk
Monastic Tradition: Centered Breath
Background: Sharn
Str 13, Con 12, Dex 18, Int 8, Wis 14, Cha 10.
Str 11, Con 10, Dex 18, Int 8, Wis 14, Cha 10.
AC: 16 Fort: 13 Reflex: 15 Will: 14
HP: 24 Surges: 8 Surge Value: 6
Thievery +9, Stealth +9, Acrobatics +9, Athletics +6
Arcana -1, Bluff, Diplomacy, Dungeoneering +2, Endurance +3, Heal +2, History -1, Insight +2, Intimidate +2, Nature +2, Perception +2, Religion -1, Streetwise
Level 1: Weapon Focus (Staff)
Monk at-will 1: Dancing Cobra
Monk at-will 1: Crane's Wings
Monk encounter 1: Open the Gate of Battle
Monk daily 1: Whirling Mantis Step
Shuriken (10), Quarterstaff, Cloth Armor (Basic Clothing)
Jack's Goal: To rescue the teenager that he saw kidnapped over a year ago. He carries around her 'portrait' in a locket that he found at the scene of her abduction, and since then he's talked to 'her' almost as if she was his muse. He believes that rescuing her will balance the scales.
My Goals: I want to make Jack as sort of a Samurai Jack character. I usually play thinking characters that tend to talk alot, so creating a character in which most of the speech out of his mouth will be single character and yet still put some personality into the character is a challenge I look forward to. That, and I REALLY (REALLY) want to brain someone with a staff. REALLY
Chance of Inspiration From Samurai Jack
-edit- Minor change to Personality. I realized I had an old paragraph hanging in there from a different character concept. I'll fix it on mythweavers as well.
-double edit- Do'oh! GOALS!