Official site: Wiki: (prepare for bald space marines)
Section 8 is a first person shooter set in a futuristic universe. The players wear armor that covers their entire bodies and features shielding technology which is able to absorb enemy damage.
Players will be able to “burn-in†by dropping onto the battlefield from orbital dropships hovering at 15,000 feet from the surface, thus eliminating fixed spawn points. “Burning-in†also creates the opportunity for the player to choose where they drop on the map, making the game unpredictable. This process is an interactive experience as players can be shot down upon entry by players and anti-aircraft turrets alike, though these situations can be avoided or mitigated by using the “air-brake†feature which allows the player to make mid-air adjustments.
Section 8 will feature a single-player campaign mode that allows the character to play as a member of the 8th Armored Infantry named Alex Corde. Previews indicate that the single-player campaign will be more objective-based and deals with the motivation behind the ARM of Orion and Alex Corde.
Section 8 features in-depth character customization. Players are able to choose not only their primary and secondary weapon choices, such as assault rifles, pistols, shotguns, and sniper rifles, but from items called “Active Gear:†grenades, explosives, knives, shoulder-mounted mortar launchers and healing units. The player is also able to create their own player-class through various stackable modules that increase the player’s speed, stealth, or the regeneration of the limited-use jetpack. Excessive damage endured by the player to certain parts of their body, such as their legs, arms, head, or chest, may disable or hinder the use of these enhancements.
Players will be able to deploy a variety of vehicles in the game, including heavy-armor suits and a four-person tank. A variety of turrets, healing supply depots, and sensor arrays that place enemies on a map will be available and can be purchased within the game using “Requisition Points.â€
A feature called “Dynamic Combat Missions,†or DCMs, will be featured in the game. These have been described as a meta-game within the game itself and can be activated mid-combat by the player. DCMs reward the player with Requisition Points when completed successfully. Some DCMs will include protecting a convoy, destroying a bridge, or assassinating an enemy VIP.
16 players confirmed on X360 with the surprising option to boost that number to 32-players by turning your PC into a dedicated server via supplied X-server software
40 player servers on PC
Empty slots can be filled in with bots
In the meantime, have some videos you palookas
Official Trailer: Trailer: multiplayer:
"...only mights and maybes."
The intro movie was definitely captivating.
Steam Name: Dr.Oblivious
If you can't live for the now, at least live for the future.
Explain the auto-aim thing though. Is that the "LOCK ON" thing I was seeing in a couple of vids?
"...only mights and maybes."
The whole "armor+Shields" is really awful on a BF2 clone.
Tribes 3 was not passable by any standard.
I was worried when I read over the weapon list and it read as "The US has this stuff. The bad guys have identical weaponry because they reverse-engineered it! ZOMG!!!"
I mean, ignoring the fact it's just an excuse to only work out one set of weapons... if you're capturing weapons and then 'reverse-engineering' identical models from them, you could just keep capturing the original weapons and use them as is.
1. Capture a box of guns (10 guns inside).
2. Look at guns, figure out how they're made.
3. Manufacture enough guns for your entire army.
1. Capture a box of guns (10 guns inside).
2. Send your 10 best mans against the entire enemy army.
Which process do you think will have a better result?
I'm having fun with it. The movement tricks are nice, and the DCMs make things more interesting than just kill guys > cap points. The weapons all feel pretty good, the lock-on makes for a neat tactical decision, and the purchaseables are cool. Modifying loadouts with the passive modules is great too, especially since a lot of people rely on the lock-on, fucking them over with jammer plates is excellent. I just wish you could make whole new loadouts rather than just modify the existing ones.
It's no Tribes Redux, but it's got plenty to stand on all by itself, I think.
Motherfucking, this is what I've been asking for every single time an xbox live dedicated server argument. I wanted Microsoft to make this a feature for all live games.
Auto-aim is exactly what it says it is you can lock on to a person and automatically aim at them. They can't escape by moving too fast or anything. If you are locked on you will hit them. Though you can only do it for so long before it has to recharge.
Though you can also basically drop in the power armor from District 9 and totally wreck shit up. It even has fancy melee animations for if you kill someone. Best part of the game by far.
I never asked for this!
It gets old pretty quick when each game just turns into a pattern of getting into the armor as fast as possible and camping a CP until the end of the game. =[
Steam Name: Dr.Oblivious
If you can't live for the now, at least live for the future.
Though you are right once someone gets armor of any kind be it power or tanks the game is pretty much done in their favor.
I never asked for this!
Conservation of gunjutsu tells me the latter will be a stellar success.
I never asked for this!
Console design, to put it basically. You'd be sitting at a distance from the screen, so everything on-screen preferably has to be larger. Wider FOV means more viewing area but it's also more difficult to pick up details since everything's smaller. On-screen weapons also tend to be larger and take up more of the screen in console games as well. Playing Halo 2 on the PC I couldn't help but be struck by how big all the weapons looked when you equipped them. Not sure whether that's the case here, I haven't had the chance to play it yet.
Only suggestion I have for that is power armor pop up head action a la Rock 'em Sock'em robots
"...only mights and maybes."
I love support roles, so I customized the engineer loadout for close combat - machinegun and shotgun, bunch of points in more armor and faster repair/better shields.
I then slap down deployables and keel anything that comes close and generally lock a place down real good.
And that was just my first two games
One minor gripe is, it seems too easy to do everything in one build. Equip either MG or Assault Rifle primary, Sniper Rifle second, and invest heavily in the small number of passive upgrades that actually affect two or three useful stats. Repair tool and nades, and you're set.
So far my only deviation from this formula has been my ODST loadout. Rocket launcher, nades, and the anti-turret, anti-AA passives. The idea being, drop right into a heavily defended base and do as much damage as possible, then do it all over again.*
*May limit life expectancy of Orbital Drop Shock Trooper
It's a game feature. You use the targeting computer instead of the Force, Luke.
It's also time-limited, needs to recharge after use, and you can slap on suit mods that reduce the time people can lock on to you.
The suit mods in question also boost running speed and shield capacity. They're no-brainer picks, so basically, if you lean on auto-aim as a crutch, you're going to lose very, very badly.
I had fun with it but there was definately some odd things. Like the pistol being better than the heavy machine gun close up, which is pretty much the only place the heavy machine gun is decent. I kept trying to find a use for the heavy machine gun but I couldn't find a situation where it was preferable over the pistol or the assault rifle other than shooting deployables and in that case the rocket launcher is far better.
The maps do feel empty, though. It would've been awesome to see cannon fodder grunts moving everywhere with you rolling through as juggernauts of destruction.
that's one of the things I noticed when I gave the recon kit a try. Some dude rolling after me with the "never ending gun" and I think I popped him 4 times in the head with the pistol and dropped him like a sack of old pogs. also killing a dude by super running into him is Hi-lar-i-ous
All I could think was "CAN'T STOP THE TRAIN BABY!"
"...only mights and maybes."
Briefly got to beta test it myself, the only kill that's more of a laugh then the "running them down" kill is the "oh did I just orbital drop right onto your skull? My bad." kill. Rare, but possible, and hilarious.
watch them do something tyrannical like making an achievement for doing that or something.
"...only mights and maybes."
Also I don't know about you guys, but the machine gun is pretty useful for me. I might switch to just Assault Rifle/Sniper to see my results though
assault rifle got more use from me if I was going to be engaging other single targets at a high-med distance out in open field.
the machinegun saw more use from me in mid-close quarters but usually on base defense. I dunno what the complaints about the weak sniper rifle were but it seems like that thing is pretty brutal in the right hands
"...only mights and maybes."
"...only mights and maybes."
"...only mights and maybes."
The game needed some more polish though.
Also yeah the lock on stuff is not as useful as you think, plus the fact that you have to zoom in to do it. it's nice for quickly lining the rocket launcher up on the stationary targets though
Had an awesome game a few hours ago where all of us were randoms matched up but my teammates actually let me heal them and they would drop mech suits for me, awesomesauce
also dropping ODST style should be retroactively patched into every FPS ever. It will be interesting to see the final game because you'll be able to deploy your own AA guns. Wonder if the deployable's radius is going to be a lot smaller or something. Also wonder how fine a control servers will be able to have, ie turn off certain deployables.
Also the turrets and such being dropped in is a nice touch.
apparently you can stick detpacks on your team mates as well.
This sort of thing is RIPE for delicious abuse.
I imagine a situation where you stick a bunch of them to a sacrifice and have him barrel into an enemy stronghold while trilling a war cry
"...only mights and maybes."
Like those fucking headless guys from Serious Sam.