I'm a consumer whore. (and how!)
I've heard people saying what a good idea it is to do things like throw out your TV and computer, or even your music. (of course, some of them are crazy and questionable like Dave Sim. but questioning isn't dismissing)
I can personally see the advantage of this, not that I'm anywhere near ready to do it. I also think it's a bit extreme. but is this something everyone CAN do? SHOULD do?
What is the purpose of music and other technology? how does it fit into a human life? it seems even music is a dangerous tool that can easily be abused like any substance. (addiction to acohol, smoking, but also to the internet, or other stimulus like constantly listening to music) does anyone in this country know how to moderate? all our limitations seem arbitrary without a reason, and I think most of this society feels "why avoid doing something if I'm capable of doing it? if I can afford to spend the rest of my life playing video games and watching movies, there is no reason NOT TO."
having the purpose of computers be "everything" is really actually more of a burden than a blessing. if computers are good for everything, then why ever leave the computer, other than to handle basic requirements of life? that's a scary thought. (and a situation which is very realistic)
There is no "purpose" for a thing other than the purpose given to that thing by purposing beings. We decide what a thing's purpose will be. So there is no "inherent" purpose for music or technology. Music and technology are just things and we use and interact with those things.
It fits into a human life in the manner in which we let it fit.
Why would one want to throw away technology?
Humans have listened to and made music since forever, it is a mean to communicate, to get together, to feel happy, to dance to and a way to express who you are.
Why would one be afraid of music?
Your comments about music actually are quite aggravating (comparing music to drug addicition???). You might want to elborate more on what you said.
I'll purpose all I want, for I am a purposer.
So purpose off.
nothing has purpose that you don't give it, but you don't give purpose if you have no purpose to begin with, so you in turn need to be given purpose. where does it come from? is it so easy to stop a person from being involved in purpose? do whatever it is you do to a kid to make them mindless zombines for the rest of their lives?
Is it bad to combine replies to two different posts like this?:
I don't know. you tell me why anyone would want to do anything. I don't understand any of it at all. it's all theoretical to me. like some kinda advanced math. real life seems to have nothing to do with it.
to feel happy? what about sad or depressing or angry music? so what is it... a mood altering tool? or merely a mood amplifying tool? what is it's social use? are amplified emotions more easily able to alter other people's moods? uhg. I don't know. :S
So Eagles of Death Metal, too.
This question also assumes that everyone in the world is apathetic and lazy.
Knock it off.
If you're going to go that far, why don't you go a step further, pack up your shit, grab some knives and go live in a log cabin out in the woods? Seems kind of hypocritical to say "Technology X is bad, buy Technology Y keeps my fat ass warm, so I'll keep it around"
Technology has a purpose, and that's to make our lives easier and better. In fact, life would be much less meaningful without such advances. If you were out in said woods with said knives living in said cabin, your only purpose in life would be surviving. As it stands, your "purpose" in life is getting educated, working to provide a valuable service to your fellow man, earning money in order to provide for yourself and helping to create a safe and productive environment for other people, namely children. And surviving.
And to survive in today's world, there are certain things and tools that you need or cannot avoid using.
So what would be the point of shrugging these things off? Would your ultimate goal be to shed your "consumer whore" status? You still need clothes, you still need food. You'll still need to pay bills and rent. Just because you live in an empty apartment doesn't mean you're still not a consumer whore. It's the system we're born into and it's the system we'll die in.
for me, music and tech are just means of enjoying myself and passing time. It's just something to do and I hate to be bored.
So is there an optimal level of "easy"? Because if we didn't have time to do anything except survive... we'd... probably... never... evolve?
well... it doesn't really MATTER. they've taken all my purpose away from me. (well don't just whine about it, make some purpose for yourself! you know, pull yourself by your own bootstraps. that's a real crowd-pleaser.) I don't even need to do any of that stuff. I don't need to make money. I'm really lost. I think I'm blocked in more than one area too. why does it seem like a person's life reinforced itself against change? I thought change was an inevitability of life.
Human beings have no purpose yet they give things purpose. They say "the purpose of a bowling ball is..." yet themselves have no purpose.
ENC 101 - Will teach you that everything has an "Opportunity Cost".
Since there are only 24 hours in the day, people have to prioritize the things they are going to do each day.
By saying someone should do more "X" and less "Y", you are basically trying to impose your opinion (and priorities) on others.
Srsly, I'll mock anyone who thinks they know better how to live my life than I do.
KATE: "And now you do?"
ANGEL: "Not all of it. All I wanna do is help. I wanna help because - I don't think people should suffer, as they do. Because, if there is no bigger meaning, then the smallest act of kindness - is the greatest thing in the world."
-- (Terry Pratchett, alt.fan.pratchett)
First of all, evolution is a passive process. Think about it all you want, you'll never grow that sixth finger you've always thought would be handy (pun not intended). Natural disasters, camping and animal attacks aside, I can't imagine a single thing that would happen which would make me wish I had paid attention in class when they were teaching the fine art of lion hunting, or other such "REAL life" activities.
They've taken all your purpose away? Think of it this way: "Purpose" is a word tied to an idea that only humans can fully grasp. Since it's a human idea, it's humans that assign purpose. Since it's your life, you assign it a purpose. I don't remember being handed a "purpose card" at birth. My forehead wasn't stamped with some random occupation that I must fulfill in my life. I think you've got something going on that's a little deeper than the strange-ass question you started this topic with.
I'm confused as to why you lump music in with technology.
Every person, at every point in their life, has an ideal of how their life could be "perfect". Though it may change at different points, they always know exactly how they want to live their life.
Not to say that they do...
For the OP, if some sort of technology is bothering you, don't use it. Everyone has preferences on what kinds of technology they're comfortable with and at what level to incorporate any given technology in their life.
If you want to live a life without a computer, go ahead. My grandparents lived 90+ years without touching a PC. It's not how I want to live my life, but if you want to, knock yourself out.
Of course, I remember reading a sci-fi story about an alternate reality where everyone in the universe was at peace because they didn't have the right physical conditions for solid state electronics. But this isn't the book thread.
I would say that looking into alternate technologies may provide a bit of a renewed interest. I especially enjoy the idea behind "Fab": http://fab.cba.mit.edu/, making technology as transparent a tool as possible for making life more livable, with less useless mass-produced crap. The book about it was really interesting.
Go back to the late eigtheenth century, hippy.
Maybe it's just me but the OP seemed somewhat disjointed.
I've been using it wrong then.
This is true of life itself, let alone the trappings of our particular way of life.
Diff'rent strokes for diff'rent folks, kiddo.
People get different things out of different things.
I, for instance, only watch TV because I need some background noise, and video games have a bazillion load times.
I play video games because this forum is only so interesting so often (Seriously, if this place was happenin' 24/7, I wouldn't actually bother playing video games, ever...).
I chat on here because I don't have people to hang out with right now, I can only go to the club so many times a week, and I'm not quite in the mood to get back to my book yet.
And I'm only bothering with reading a book rather than writing one because, right now, I have no girlfriend, and for some reason my ability to write is directly related to how much cuddling I've been doing (though my recent stint of clubbing has helped me along enough that I wrote a crappy four-line poem earlier today).
But always, there is a place for music. Even deaf people often love music (seriously).
I don't see a reason to throw things out, because at one time or another, I will have nobody to cuddle with, it won't be club night, the forum will be boring, and a video game will have a loading time.
Endorphine increase. Just like sex, watching your kids grow up, and playing with kittens.
Everything can be overdosed on. It's just sorta... you know... life.
Stupid, stupid question.
If moderation was beyond us, we would all be extinct.
Here's the trick though:
Everything in moderation. INCLUDING moderation.
Sometimes there is a benefit in going too far.
If that is the thing which provides you the most happiness and does not detriment others, there IS no reason not to.
Because a computer is not the greatest possible source of happiness for most human beings.