Ok, this game is really awesome if you are into this kind of thing.
To be actually prepared for this game tho you have to understand one thing, it is a very long-term game.
Don't expect to build an army in like 20 mins and "zerg rush" your enemies. While that is all well and good, it belongs to another type of RTS. This game you harvest resources by the actual hour so players of this game often "queue a building or two" and then do something else for the 20 mins to an hour it takes to actually build something.
The website for this game is [url]
Http://www.space-project.net[/url] free sign up and free to play with the option to pay for faster building construction, % increase in resource production etc...
Just had to share it and see what you all thought.
Also feel free to post if you agree that these wonderful people totally ripped off Starcraft in a legal way.
This coming from someone currently playing Ogame. . .
I used to love Civilization 2 and most of my friends couldn't understand why. Its not for everyone, not claiming that it is. Just that if you like RTS games you might like this one.
I bet it costs $0.30 per line in chat
The deciding factor is amount of breasts in the ads.
Theres a reason why I don't play Evony. Actually, theres a lot of reasons, but paying for ingame shit is definitely at the top of the list.
I totally thought that looking at the webpage.
I am familiar with rudimentary RTS strategies, but I don't like to support any game that has such a mercantile aspect to it.
LOL *Cough Maple Story Cough*
I agree that it tends to ruin plenty of games.