Fritz waits until prompted to tell his little tale so as not to be rude or overzealous and also to create it, best he could in the seconds before confidently going into it. Looking Padraig in the eyes with his trademark sideways half smirk.
"If your Lordship would care to hear what I gleaned from that scaly fiend... After our skirmish on the path to your wonderful town with the brazen band of kobolds I heard one dashing off through the woods. With no time to lose I sprang after him as my comrades regrouped after the fight. The kobold was a ways ahead of me and I wasn't gaining very fast so I loosened a bullet from my sling. It struck him square on the noggin and knocked him cold. I disarmed the kobold, throwing it's spear off into the woods. Then I shook him awake. He tried to flee but I had him pinned to the ground. The thing was very confident, even after I cuffed him a few times for good measure. He told me, and I quote here, 'One day koboldsssssss will rule thissss continent! We will take Winterhaven from ssssstupid humanssss! Yessss Winterhaven will fall eassssssssily.......' I thought he was bluffing at first (heh) so I told him so. 'You lie!' I said to him 'The kobolds will never take Winterhaven, much less the entire continent!' And it replied 'Ig-Ig-Ignorant humansssss! Koboldsss have great and wisssse leadersss! Winterhaven will only be a ssssssteping ssssstone!' I told him to tell me where the kobolds lair was on pain of death but the bugger knew he was done for either way. He just laughed then spat at me. So I slit his throat. It's hard to say if it was telling the truth or not.. but I would hate to find out the hard way if you know what I mean..."
"Good Heavens!" His Lordship intones, pulling most anxiously at his beard. It looks like Fritz's hyperbolic tale provided the extra little push to bring Lord P. Raggy into your camp.
Once the remaining protocol and detail ironing has been dealt with, things stand thusly: you have been granted access to the keep and all other local territory with His Lordship's blessing, and charged with the task of investigating whether the abandoned keep has become Kobold HQ. If this is proves so drive them out if you can, and return to Winterhaven to brief the Town Militia on the Kobolds' remaining numbers, weaponry, etc. Your compensation will be determined by how much of this you accomplish. The wizard Valurum has been instructed to aid you in any way you require.
It is suggested you pay him a visit in his lofty tower. Your party may consider splitting up to explore the various buildings of Winterhaven, to reconvene in the Inn at dusk to plan tomorrow's excursion.
Winterhaven again. So, I'm thinking a couple days (IRL time) to explore Winterhaven, most importantly to talk with the wizard Valurum, and then setting off for the keep once you're ready? (Suggestions, in case you want some (do as much or as little as you like, I'm just trying to gauge what level and what sort of RP my players like): renting horses and a wagon from Coalstriker, visiting the temple to pray for protection and fortune during tomorrow's exploration, perusing the market square or Bairwin’s Shoppe for provisions and amusements.)
O little town of Winterhaven.
Population 977
The rutted King’s Road leads to the foot of a broad hill that holds
the walled village of Winterhaven. The village is nestled in the
southern foothills of the Cairngorm Peaks. The walls are weathered
stone topped by defensive palisades.
Small thatched homes stand around Winterhaven, each
fronting a small piece of farmland or pasture. Beyond the farms
to the west and south lie dark woods, and to the north, tall mountain
Map Legend
1. Outer Gate and Walls
2. Wrafton’s Inn (immediately upon entering the gates, you stand before what is obviously the town inn, which has a large weathered sign displaying the name of the inn accompanied by a bas relief of a stallion applauding enthusiastically.)
3. Market Square
4. Stables
5. Blacksmith
6. Tall Mysterious Tower
7. Bairwin’s Grand Shoppe
8. Warrior Guild
9. Tenements
10. Temple
11. Inner Gate
12. Supply Storehouse
13. Barracks
14. Manor House
H = thatched roof cottages
I think Fritz will be pretty much ready to roll when the old wizard tells us which way to start walking.
illgottengains on
TiamatZGhost punsThe Banette of my existenceRegistered Userregular
edited September 2009
Yuriel bows respectfully to Padraig, and says "Thank you kindly, your Lordship. We'll start early the next morning, find the Keep, and slay the vile draconic fiends."
Once outside, Yuriel turns to the group, folds his arms and states, " Well, we got the rest of the day off. Fighum and myself will try to talk to their wizard, to hear what he has to say about the Keep and it's surroundings. Anyone else who wants to come are welcome to. We will however, need some horses to get there. I suggest we meet up at Wrafton's Inn at dusk to plan our expedition to the Keep."
"Any questions ?"
I think I'll look into this Wizard first, to hear if he got any information regarding the keep and to see if he's got more quests/jobs to do, afterwards I'll probably visit Bairwin's Shop to see what trinkets he's got, then meet up with everyone at Dusk to plan the next day's expidition.
I'll wait for Bhow, so we can talk to the Wizard.
Also ILL, there's bound to be some people walking around with 'loose' coinpurses if you know what I mean.:winky:
TiamatZ on
BhowSunny day, sweeping the clouds away.On my way to where the air is sweet.Registered Userregular
edited September 2009
"Capital notion, Yuriel. The Wizard Valurum awaits us. He's probably privy to our entire meeting with Lord Padraig, either through scrying or"--his eyes scan the sky, searchingly, as his voice trails off--"a familiar..."
Ya, I thought about it. But Fritz isn't really into just robbing common folk. They don't have enough money . He might consider burglarizing the lord's manor though.
illgottengains on
Powerpuppiesdrinking coffee in themountain cabinRegistered Userregular
edited September 2009
Fritz and Thaladh should get up to some shenanigans.
Powerpuppies on
TiamatZGhost punsThe Banette of my existenceRegistered Userregular
I don't want to hold you guys up, so suffice to say you were welcomed into the tower by the wizard and he is willing to answer your questions.
I'll try to make this into the post it originally was eventually. (maybe.)
Basically, autolighting torches and candelabras led you to his study at the top of the tower, where he served you tea and asked what you wanted to know.
PS I'm thinking we should be ready to start out around Friday.
After the meeting with the town's governor Fritz had the undeniable urge to steal something. He didn't see much of interest at the old fool's manor. Sure some of that artwork had to be valuable, and it would be easy enough to steal, but it didn't seem very practical to break into the mansion. There would be gaurds, and some of them might die. This would not due.
Fritz had another idea. He approaches Thaladh with that damned smirk spread across his face.
"Lets go for a little walk outside of town. I want to get a feel for the area. See if there are more kobolds lurking." He winks.
Assuming Thaladh is okay with that...
Once they got out of earshot of the hamlet Fritz turns and walks into the shade of the trees beside the path. He listens for any motion before going into his proposition.
"Alright Thaladh. I'm getting a bit bored out here in the sticks. How about we have a little fun tonight?" Fritz looks to him inquiringly as he continues, gauging the elf's reactions. "All you have to do is get the dwarf smithy drunk again. We'll go into his shop. You must challenge him to another match. Insult him if you have to. When he closes up be waiting in the inn. Don't get too drunk before he gets there though, I need you to distract him as long as you can. What say you?"
illgottengains on
Powerpuppiesdrinking coffee in themountain cabinRegistered Userregular
edited October 2009
"Your plan seems a good one, sir Fritz, with much potential for mirth and merriment, though I'm confused as to why you want me to moderate my drinking. Surely you don't entertain the possibility that I could lose?"
"Not at all, my friend! I have no doubt that you can drink the smithy under the table. No, no, the point is that you must keep him occupied as long as you can. You must keep a clear head My work can take time and I would like as big a window as I can get... hmm I suppose you could just knock him out with a tankard." Fritz shrugs.
illgottengains on
TiamatZGhost punsThe Banette of my existenceRegistered Userregular
edited October 2009
Time passed in the tower, and Yuriel and Fighum travel to the top of the tower
“So, Valthrun, if I'm not mistaken. I should thank you once again for allowing me and my colleague Fighum a meeting with yourself. No doubt a wizard of your experience hasn’t quite much to talk to the many folk around Winterhaven. Tell me, what brought you here to Winterhaven. Were you born here and raised by the previous wizard of the town?”
Yuriel makes a quick glance to Fighum before continuing on. “Or were you just another wandering wizard before you decided that you had enough traveling this land and decided to stop and live in the closest town you could find.”
History on Tower’s age (or origin) : (1d20+9) = 15
Also I think Bhow/Fighum should diplomify our dear wizard for info on the Keep
“Also, how did you know we were here in this ‘wonderful’ town or yours? Any rituals you knew and used? Or was it one of these ‘Fah-Mih-Liars’ I kept hearing about?”
Yuriel has never seen a familiar in the White Lotus Academy. They were banned by the Headmaster. Nobody know why really, but some say that it had to do with the Headmasters previous ownership with his familiar.(Plot hook?)
TiamatZ on
BhowSunny day, sweeping the clouds away.On my way to where the air is sweet.Registered Userregular
edited October 2009
Arcana to identify anything noteworthy or out-of-the-ordinary about the wizard or his tower: Arcana: 1d20+926
Anyone watching Professor Fighum's face as he travels farther into the tower (farther than seems possible given the tower's exterior dimensions) would guess him to be pleased though not particularly impressed by the magical environment.
"Professor Valurum, you have a wonderful edifice for study, but I'm surprised to discover it so far removed. What brought you to develop this tower in WinterHaven?
"But before you answer, you must wonder what brings a scholar such as myself to your remote hamlet. My associates and I have been commissioned to learn more about the nearby ruined fortification. I signed up because my personal research has indicated it may have been the site of" quickly glancing at his companions, "interesting events. Any advice you can share in this regard will, of course, be greatly valued."
I'm assuming the good word from Padraig is all we need, but don't hesitate to let me know if you'd like a roll for diplomacy or something else.
"A ritual to detect your presence? Not quite." Valthrun slides an envelope out from a stack of papers. It bears the Padraig seal: A knight in a suit of armor covered with a light layer of snowfall.
"Is it me that you came to Winterhaven for, after all, or are were you simply being polite? No, it's quite alright, just a little joke." He clears his throat. "Very little. I simply came upon Winterhaven around the time these bones of mine were getting too weary for life on the road. The tower was here long before I was, before the village itself, actually. I found it in want of an occupant, so I obliged it. The books of its former residents, as well as my own small library, occupies most of my time. From the looks of it, you gentlemen can understand ho,w study of the arcane and historical lore can engulf the hours of one's day before they've realized it. Otherwise I'm aiding the villagers with whatever trouble of the week they've brought to me. I like them though; I've no complains lending a hand now and again ask thanks for permitting me to reside here."
"So you make for the keep tomorrow, then? Just a primer is all we'll have time for, but I'll do my best. It's been awhile since I've lectured, I wonder if these old windpipes are up for it." The old man struggles to lift a massive tome onto the table, rattling the teacups and plates when he successes. "Let's see," he murmurs as licks his thumb and begins paging through the dusty volume. "Winterhaven is so named not for being a haven from winter, as you might expect, but for being a haven for winter. The spring thaw always comes about a month late in this area. Most, including myself, chalk it up to the residual environmental effects of the death of Frost Dragon which occurred..." he thumbs forward several pages, "about 500 years ago. The cause of death hasn't been specified in any of the accounts I've access to. To people inhabiting these lands at that time, to tamper with the corpse of a dragon was strictly taboo, so the creature was simply left there to rot. And so it did. Natural landscaping being what it is, only the tips of the wingbones are just barely visible now, or were when I last visited the site two years ago. Could be that the skeleton is covered entirely now. Dragon Hill, I expect they'll be calling it."
He turns the book around so you can see the map in the corner of the page. A small dragon skull is located two inches (miles) east of what you recognize as the tower you are now sitting in.
"Hmm? Oh, the keep! Yes, yes, I was getting to that. That site is one with a peculiarly busy history..." he says with a small gleam in his eye.
PS In the writeup I'd lost to the database error, I'd suggested that Fritz and co. could explore the unlit portions of the tower if they had a mind to.
I think fritz has his mind made up on robbing the dwarfsmith's shop
"Come then Thaladh! Let's to the dwarf's shop!"
Fritz begins to head back to the town. He gives the guards at the gates a polite nod and a grin as he enters Winterhaven. Casually he strolls up to the dwarf's shop. He checks the front door to see what sort and what quality the lock may be.
1d20+4 → [8,4] = (12) Perception
Once inside he greets the shopkeeper warmly and begins to have a look around. He is especially interested in things that are small enough to be hidden in his pack, ruling out most large weapons and armor pieces. No, fritz is looking for smallish trinkets that might be in some way magical.
1d20+4 → [14,4] = (18) Perception
illgottengains on
TiamatZGhost punsThe Banette of my existenceRegistered Userregular
edited October 2009
Hmmm... So the tower existed long before the town itself? Perhaps one of the many Keep's outposts? If so, that would mean that we must be surely closeby (by a day I think), Yuriel ponders. Perhaps the Keep was designed to repel the dragon or it's spawn? This requires further investigation...
Yuriel takes a sip of the tea before asking Valthrun, "Tell me Valthrun, was the Keep designed to repel this draconic force, or was the keep long since here before the dragon's arrival?"
Yuriel was curious about Dragon Hill. Kobolds were well known to worship dragons. Perhaps the nest is close-by to Dragon Hill. Yuriel turns his head towards Fighum.
"Tell me Fighum, did the R.A.S.S know of Dragon Hill. If not, it could prove benificial for the academy (as well as ourselves and the town) to take some time visiting this dragon's grave."
Roll History as always (find info on dragon's name, or perhaps how powerful he was [what type of hoard would this dragon hold]): (1d20 + 9) = 18
Also Insight on Wizard's gleamin eye (what's his angle? What's his catch?): (1d20 + 1) = 14
Bhow, I expect Diplomacy on your part...
TiamatZ on
Powerpuppiesdrinking coffee in themountain cabinRegistered Userregular
edited October 2009
Are we going to replace NorthGuard, and is Arkan still around?
Powerpuppies on
BhowSunny day, sweeping the clouds away.On my way to where the air is sweet.Registered Userregular
edited October 2009
Diplomacy, per TiamatZ’s request, to sweet talk the kindly old magic man: Diplomacy: 1d20+418
Delightful brew, Professor Valurum. Do I detect a hint of Stag’s Tail root, with just a gloss of Eventide? Most refreshing! I’m sure it makes a stimulating accompaniment to the illuminated tomes surrounding us. Perhaps I could indulge your hospitality on our return trip to look over your shoulder at one of your favorite texts?
Prof. Fighum leans toward Yuriel, “Yes… No, the R.A.S.S. didn’t mention a dragon in the briefing. However, my studies have revealed to me that…Well, allow me to collect my thoughts a moment.
What do I know about dragons in the area? History: 1d20+922
Are we going to replace NorthGuard, and is Arkan still around?
One reason TR stated for picking six players originally was so we could drop one if necessary.
Arkan hasn't posted here since Monday, but he was signed into PA last night. Does someone who knew him before this game want to send him a message? Maybe he's waiting to post until he feels Thom is called into action.
Bhow on
Powerpuppiesdrinking coffee in themountain cabinRegistered Userregular
Are we going to replace NorthGuard, and is Arkan still around?
One reason TR stated for picking six players originally was so we could drop one if necessary.
Arkan hasn't posted here since Monday, but he was signed into PA last night. Does someone who knew him before this game want to send him a message? Maybe he's waiting to post until he feels Thom is called into action.
Are we going to replace NorthGuard, and is Arkan still around?
One reason TR stated for picking six players originally was so we could drop one if necessary.
Arkan hasn't posted here since Monday, but he was signed into PA last night. Does someone who knew him before this game want to send him a message? Maybe he's waiting to post until he feels Thom is called into action.
Are we going to replace NorthGuard, and is Arkan still around?
One reason TR stated for picking six players originally was so we could drop one if necessary.
Arkan hasn't posted here since Monday, but he was signed into PA last night. Does someone who knew him before this game want to send him a message? Maybe he's waiting to post until he feels Thom is called into action.
Well I sent a PM yesterday to Arkan, but haven't received a reply yet.
Also Powerpuppies, aren't you and Ill supposed to be on some shenanigans? This could be very entertaining. Now where's my popcorn?
It would be funny if we lost ANOTHER defender in this campaign...
TiamatZ on
Powerpuppiesdrinking coffee in themountain cabinRegistered Userregular
edited October 2009
Tiamatz I actually think stealing while inside the fucking town that the adventure revolves around is a terrible idea and am hoping that as more people post there will be a way for me to get out of this without breaking character. Cuz Thaladh is totally cool with fighting the dwarf and while he doesn't actively appreciate Fritz stealing shit he doesn't mind either.
Tiamatz I actually think stealing while inside the fucking town that the adventure revolves around is a terrible idea and am hoping that as more people post there will be a way for me to get out of this without breaking character. Cuz Thaladh is totally cool with fighting the dwarf and while he doesn't actively appreciate Fritz stealing shit he doesn't mind either.
Didn't you suggest we get up to something?
illgottengains on
Powerpuppiesdrinking coffee in themountain cabinRegistered Userregular
edited October 2009
@Fritz: Yup, pretty much. I painted myself into a corner here and am hoping Thom or some new dude will stop us from getting ourselves into legal trouble.
Bah! Are you questioning fritz's thieving abilities? Even if he does get caught he'll just scale the wall and murder anyone dumb enough to follow him. lol.
So go insult that dwarf! Fritz is inside casing the place right now!
illgottengains on
BhowSunny day, sweeping the clouds away.On my way to where the air is sweet.Registered Userregular
Bah! Are you questioning fritz's thieving abilities? Even if he does get caught he'll just scale the wall and murder anyone dumb enough to follow him. lol.
So go insult that dwarf! Fritz is inside casing the place right now!
Ooooh, man. Now it sounds like you're taunting Fate.
"The keep, or what's left of it at least, is far from being the first structure built on that perculiar patch of land. Before that there was a monastery dedicated to Bahamut, which was really more a monastery/fortress, as any building built in the name of Bahamut tends to be; and it lasted for quite awhile, as they tend to do. I've the monastery's log here, but the monks barely mentioned what they found at the site. They never state why they choose this site to build on either, which is a strangely recurrant theme for structures built on the site in question. It's bedrock below, yes, but it's honeycombed with caves. Records indicate cave-ins were infrequent , but even one incident is usually enough to diswade any future construction. Having a whole section of a structure drop down 100 feet without warning is a bit of an inconvenience, yes?"
Val pauses, and takes a long sip from his tea.
Mmm. I haven't spoken this long for years. It parches the throat, it does."
The bored clerk of less than 17 summers watches the stubble faced rogue as he wound his way around the storefront of the town smithery, picking up and examining the various horseshoes, nails, tools and the occasional sword or mace.
"Feel free to browse to your heart's content," the young villager said in a bored drone. "High quality goods at low, low prices. Craftmanship to rival the legendary works of the legendary Leggerpuck brothers. Everything you see is for sale, yes sir."
Except for that."
Jutting out a thumb, the clerk gestureds to the far corner of the shop. There, dusty and unlit, a small ash table stands. A small solitary drawer is its only noticeable feature. In the center of the drawer there is a large brass keyhole.
even if there's not much for you to say that day, if you're on the internet already, a short post would be nice, to keep everyone involved. maybe? something like that.
There's a word on the tip of my tongue to describe what kind of post it would be. "just reminding everyone I'm here", that sort of thing. [strike]Perfunctory?[/strike] no.
Vallerie talks until the skylight above turns sunset red. He details the many many buildings which have occupied the site: crypts and castles, outposts and palisades. He provides you with a rough map of the keep which he constructed based on the accounts in the monks' logbook. He also makes a request of you.
"I've long wanted to explore the interior of the keep to try and find out why the site is so often occupied." But I've not been the dungeon exploring type for decades, and the treacherous terrain alone would likely be enought to do me in. Bring me back whatever information you can glean during your expedition, and I'll make it worth your while. To tell you the truth, I've embraced my role as historian and archivist for Winterhaven with no small enthusiasm, and it erks me to have such an obvious gap in my records."
He waves you out and wishes you luck, and as the door creaks to a close behind you, you can't help but feel that you left with more questions than you came in with.
That's pretty much all I've got? So feel free to make it morning and hit the road whenever you feel like it.
Sorry, been under a lot of stress the last few days and I don't know why. It's probably a bad sign that it took me several hours just to post here.
Progress seems kinda erratic in this thread (like, it'll stop for a day or two, then move really quickly for a day or two), so if someone needs a response from me feel free to PM me or contact me on AIM - I'm pretty much always on.
Thom, having followed Fritz at a semi-safe distance, now stands outside the smithy the rogue is occupying. He wasn't really that suspicious, but... okay, that's a lie - he was plenty suspicious, and was (pardon the unfortunate turn of phrase) keeping an eye on him. It wouldn't do to have the rogue locked in some small town's jail, so he was there making sure nothing happened to him.
Or that the rogue didn't happen to anything else, whatever the case may be.
I think it's hard for someone not to rage at mario kart, while shouting "Fuck you Donkey Kong. Whose dick did you suck to get all those red shells?"
Powerpuppiesdrinking coffee in themountain cabinRegistered Userregular
edited October 2009
As dusk falls, Thaladh makes his way to the smithy. Greeting the dwarf, he offers to buy him a drink at the tavern, provided they can play another game, of druckles or something else.
"And you can tell me your story... there's no way a fellow scrapper ends up living a quiet life as a smith in a small town without some interesting encounters along the way!" he finishes, slapping the dwarf on the back.
His tongue amply lubricated by ale and camaraderie, the dwarf spends the evening regaling you with fascinating tales of horseshoes unshod, bellows bursting, and a Blacksmith jokes that made him fall over laughing time and again. Also, back when he was an apprenticing, apparently he and the lads had quite a rivalry going on with the local silversmith's apprentices.
"Yes, they can be quite a anvil (pronounced like "handful")"
So, after dark does the smithy close up shop or what? I really don't want to have to KO the clerk..
The plan is to wait until the store is closed and break in, using the back door if there is one. If not, and that clerk doesn't leave the shop fritz may have to reconsider.
Sorry for the delay, was out of town on a short trip.
>The clerk has locked up and gone home; you're all set to execute your heinous betrayal of trust.
>Thaladh, you are unwittingly an accomplice. Why would Fritz share the loot with more people than absolutely necessary?
>Just a reminder: you can disembark from Winterhaven anytime you wish. Morning comes when you say it does.
In case you haven't guessed yet, I've gone off script and am changing some things around to better fit with our group. So if new information contradicts the info in a older post, please accept the newer info as true and attribute any discrepancies to magic.
Fritz does a loose circle around the shop, idly strolling along. He whistles a little melody while waiting for the streets to clear. The he
Steathily 1d20+9 → [15,9] = (24)
moves to the back door and picks the lock.
1d20+10 → [1,10] = (11)
he curses under his breath and tries again
1d20+10 → [19,10] = (29)
. Once he has gained access to the building he closes and relocks the back door. He then moves through the shop towards the little mysterious box the clerk pointed him to. He scans it for traps then goes to work on it.
perception 1d20-1 → [2,-1] = (1)
Seeing no traps fritz works on the lock
1d20+10 → [20,10] = (30) boosh!
He opens the box eagerly... Then he goes to the store's safe and scans it for traps and picks it too.
Once inside Fritz takes all the coinage. He then takes another good look around
1d20-1 → [9,-1] = (8)
and takes any magical looking items that he or his friends may find useful before slipping out the back door, locking it as he leaves.
He walks back toward the Inn and orders a jug of wine. He winks to Thaladh as he passes his table on his way upstairs to his room where he admires the fruits of his labor for a bit before passing out.
Sorry, been under a lot of stress the last few days and I don't know why. It's probably a bad sign that it took me several hours just to post here.
Progress seems kinda erratic in this thread (like, it'll stop for a day or two, then move really quickly for a day or two), so if someone needs a response from me feel free to PM me or contact me on AIM - I'm pretty much always on.
Thom, having followed Fritz at a semi-safe distance, now stands outside the smithy the rogue is occupying. He wasn't really that suspicious, but... okay, that's a lie - he was plenty suspicious, and was (pardon the unfortunate turn of phrase) keeping an eye on him. It wouldn't do to have the rogue locked in some small town's jail, so he was there making sure nothing happened to him.
Or that the rogue didn't happen to anything else, whatever the case may be.
Powerpuppies on
BhowSunny day, sweeping the clouds away.On my way to where the air is sweet.Registered Userregular
edited October 2009
“Yuriel!” the Genasi hears the Professor’s stentorian voice beside his ear, but upon turning sees a spectral hand hovering at head height, holding a tankard that a moment before was launched from the table held down by the besotted elf and his equally stewed dwarven competitor. The professor is across the room, but his voice still sounds as if he were immediately beside the artificer. “Come, sit and enjoy the show from a safer vantage.” The ghostly hand sets the tankard upon the bar and leads Yuriel to a seat by the wizard.
Ghost sound and mage hand
“Thaladh seems to hold his own, despite the dwarf’s reputation for having an iron stomach.” In a softer, concerned tone, “Have you seen Fritz, or Thom, this eve?”
Bhow on
TiamatZGhost punsThe Banette of my existenceRegistered Userregular
edited October 2009
"What? Oh right... Your guess is as good as mine", as Yuriel takes a seat next to the old mage. He wasn't entranced by the wizard's tricks; he was, after all, raised in an arcane academy, where such things were common place during lectures.
What bothered Yuriel was the fact of an ancient dragon burial ground (or a boneyard as most common folk would call them) here near Winterhaven, and the fact that the R.A.S.S. had no information on such an area. Was the R.A.S.S. information regarding Winterhaven and the Keep really that little?
Another concern came from the group. Where was Fritz, and Thom for that matter? Yuriel had dealt with few scoundrels in his life (most of whom he met were those treatening him, and as luck would have it, all of them would spring/fall in/get crushed by an unforseen trap inside the tombs and temples he'd visited). Fritz was a wildcard Yuriel estimated. Better to keep a watch on him, he could be trouble, were his last thoughts before going to bed that night.
I also vote to visit this graveyard before going to the keep. It could give us some valuable clues to the kobolds and the Keep itself.
Bluff check
1d20 → [20] = (20)
hehe this should be fun.
Fritz waits until prompted to tell his little tale so as not to be rude or overzealous and also to create it, best he could in the seconds before confidently going into it. Looking Padraig in the eyes with his trademark sideways half smirk.
"If your Lordship would care to hear what I gleaned from that scaly fiend... After our skirmish on the path to your wonderful town with the brazen band of kobolds I heard one dashing off through the woods. With no time to lose I sprang after him as my comrades regrouped after the fight. The kobold was a ways ahead of me and I wasn't gaining very fast so I loosened a bullet from my sling. It struck him square on the noggin and knocked him cold. I disarmed the kobold, throwing it's spear off into the woods. Then I shook him awake. He tried to flee but I had him pinned to the ground. The thing was very confident, even after I cuffed him a few times for good measure. He told me, and I quote here, 'One day koboldsssssss will rule thissss continent! We will take Winterhaven from ssssstupid humanssss! Yessss Winterhaven will fall eassssssssily.......' I thought he was bluffing at first (heh) so I told him so. 'You lie!' I said to him 'The kobolds will never take Winterhaven, much less the entire continent!' And it replied 'Ig-Ig-Ignorant humansssss! Koboldsss have great and wisssse leadersss! Winterhaven will only be a ssssssteping ssssstone!' I told him to tell me where the kobolds lair was on pain of death but the bugger knew he was done for either way. He just laughed then spat at me. So I slit his throat. It's hard to say if it was telling the truth or not.. but I would hate to find out the hard way if you know what I mean..."
Once the remaining protocol and detail ironing has been dealt with, things stand thusly: you have been granted access to the keep and all other local territory with His Lordship's blessing, and charged with the task of investigating whether the abandoned keep has become Kobold HQ. If this is proves so drive them out if you can, and return to Winterhaven to brief the Town Militia on the Kobolds' remaining numbers, weaponry, etc. Your compensation will be determined by how much of this you accomplish. The wizard Valurum has been instructed to aid you in any way you require.
It is suggested you pay him a visit in his lofty tower. Your party may consider splitting up to explore the various buildings of Winterhaven, to reconvene in the Inn at dusk to plan tomorrow's excursion.
Population 977
The rutted King’s Road leads to the foot of a broad hill that holds
the walled village of Winterhaven. The village is nestled in the
southern foothills of the Cairngorm Peaks. The walls are weathered
stone topped by defensive palisades.
Small thatched homes stand around Winterhaven, each
fronting a small piece of farmland or pasture. Beyond the farms
to the west and south lie dark woods, and to the north, tall mountain
Map Legend
1. Outer Gate and Walls
2. Wrafton’s Inn (immediately upon entering the gates, you stand before what is obviously the town inn, which has a large weathered sign displaying the name of the inn accompanied by a bas relief of a stallion applauding enthusiastically.)
3. Market Square
4. Stables
5. Blacksmith
6. Tall Mysterious Tower
7. Bairwin’s Grand Shoppe
8. Warrior Guild
9. Tenements
10. Temple
11. Inner Gate
12. Supply Storehouse
13. Barracks
14. Manor House
H = thatched roof cottages
Once outside, Yuriel turns to the group, folds his arms and states, " Well, we got the rest of the day off. Fighum and myself will try to talk to their wizard, to hear what he has to say about the Keep and it's surroundings. Anyone else who wants to come are welcome to. We will however, need some horses to get there. I suggest we meet up at Wrafton's Inn at dusk to plan our expedition to the Keep."
"Any questions ?"
I'll wait for Bhow, so we can talk to the Wizard.
Also ILL, there's bound to be some people walking around with 'loose' coinpurses if you know what I mean.:winky:
Now just to hear from Arkan
I don't want to hold you guys up, so suffice to say you were welcomed into the tower by the wizard and he is willing to answer your questions.
Basically, autolighting torches and candelabras led you to his study at the top of the tower, where he served you tea and asked what you wanted to know.
PS I'm thinking we should be ready to start out around Friday.
Fritz had another idea. He approaches Thaladh with that damned smirk spread across his face.
"Lets go for a little walk outside of town. I want to get a feel for the area. See if there are more kobolds lurking." He winks.
Once they got out of earshot of the hamlet Fritz turns and walks into the shade of the trees beside the path. He listens for any motion before going into his proposition.
"Alright Thaladh. I'm getting a bit bored out here in the sticks. How about we have a little fun tonight?" Fritz looks to him inquiringly as he continues, gauging the elf's reactions. "All you have to do is get the dwarf smithy drunk again. We'll go into his shop. You must challenge him to another match. Insult him if you have to. When he closes up be waiting in the inn. Don't get too drunk before he gets there though, I need you to distract him as long as you can. What say you?"
“So, Valthrun, if I'm not mistaken. I should thank you once again for allowing me and my colleague Fighum a meeting with yourself. No doubt a wizard of your experience hasn’t quite much to talk to the many folk around Winterhaven. Tell me, what brought you here to Winterhaven. Were you born here and raised by the previous wizard of the town?”
Yuriel makes a quick glance to Fighum before continuing on. “Or were you just another wandering wizard before you decided that you had enough traveling this land and decided to stop and live in the closest town you could find.”
Also I think Bhow/Fighum should diplomify our dear wizard for info on the Keep
“Also, how did you know we were here in this ‘wonderful’ town or yours? Any rituals you knew and used? Or was it one of these ‘Fah-Mih-Liars’ I kept hearing about?”
Anyone watching Professor Fighum's face as he travels farther into the tower (farther than seems possible given the tower's exterior dimensions) would guess him to be pleased though not particularly impressed by the magical environment.
"Professor Valurum, you have a wonderful edifice for study, but I'm surprised to discover it so far removed. What brought you to develop this tower in WinterHaven?
"But before you answer, you must wonder what brings a scholar such as myself to your remote hamlet. My associates and I have been commissioned to learn more about the nearby ruined fortification. I signed up because my personal research has indicated it may have been the site of" quickly glancing at his companions, "interesting events. Any advice you can share in this regard will, of course, be greatly valued."
"Is it me that you came to Winterhaven for, after all, or are were you simply being polite? No, it's quite alright, just a little joke." He clears his throat. "Very little. I simply came upon Winterhaven around the time these bones of mine were getting too weary for life on the road. The tower was here long before I was, before the village itself, actually. I found it in want of an occupant, so I obliged it. The books of its former residents, as well as my own small library, occupies most of my time. From the looks of it, you gentlemen can understand ho,w study of the arcane and historical lore can engulf the hours of one's day before they've realized it. Otherwise I'm aiding the villagers with whatever trouble of the week they've brought to me. I like them though; I've no complains lending a hand now and again ask thanks for permitting me to reside here."
"So you make for the keep tomorrow, then? Just a primer is all we'll have time for, but I'll do my best. It's been awhile since I've lectured, I wonder if these old windpipes are up for it." The old man struggles to lift a massive tome onto the table, rattling the teacups and plates when he successes. "Let's see," he murmurs as licks his thumb and begins paging through the dusty volume. "Winterhaven is so named not for being a haven from winter, as you might expect, but for being a haven for winter. The spring thaw always comes about a month late in this area. Most, including myself, chalk it up to the residual environmental effects of the death of Frost Dragon which occurred..." he thumbs forward several pages, "about 500 years ago. The cause of death hasn't been specified in any of the accounts I've access to. To people inhabiting these lands at that time, to tamper with the corpse of a dragon was strictly taboo, so the creature was simply left there to rot. And so it did. Natural landscaping being what it is, only the tips of the wingbones are just barely visible now, or were when I last visited the site two years ago. Could be that the skeleton is covered entirely now. Dragon Hill, I expect they'll be calling it."
He turns the book around so you can see the map in the corner of the page. A small dragon skull is located two inches (miles) east of what you recognize as the tower you are now sitting in.
"Hmm? Oh, the keep! Yes, yes, I was getting to that. That site is one with a peculiarly busy history..." he says with a small gleam in his eye.
"Come then Thaladh! Let's to the dwarf's shop!"
Fritz begins to head back to the town. He gives the guards at the gates a polite nod and a grin as he enters Winterhaven. Casually he strolls up to the dwarf's shop. He checks the front door to see what sort and what quality the lock may be.
Once inside he greets the shopkeeper warmly and begins to have a look around. He is especially interested in things that are small enough to be hidden in his pack, ruling out most large weapons and armor pieces. No, fritz is looking for smallish trinkets that might be in some way magical.
Yuriel takes a sip of the tea before asking Valthrun, "Tell me Valthrun, was the Keep designed to repel this draconic force, or was the keep long since here before the dragon's arrival?"
Yuriel was curious about Dragon Hill. Kobolds were well known to worship dragons. Perhaps the nest is close-by to Dragon Hill. Yuriel turns his head towards Fighum.
"Tell me Fighum, did the R.A.S.S know of Dragon Hill. If not, it could prove benificial for the academy (as well as ourselves and the town) to take some time visiting this dragon's grave."
Roll History as always (find info on dragon's name, or perhaps how powerful he was [what type of hoard would this dragon hold]): (1d20 + 9) = 18
Also Insight on Wizard's gleamin eye (what's his angle? What's his catch?): (1d20 + 1) = 14
Bhow, I expect Diplomacy on your part...
Delightful brew, Professor Valurum. Do I detect a hint of Stag’s Tail root, with just a gloss of Eventide? Most refreshing! I’m sure it makes a stimulating accompaniment to the illuminated tomes surrounding us. Perhaps I could indulge your hospitality on our return trip to look over your shoulder at one of your favorite texts?
Prof. Fighum leans toward Yuriel, “Yes… No, the R.A.S.S. didn’t mention a dragon in the briefing. However, my studies have revealed to me that…Well, allow me to collect my thoughts a moment.
History: 1d20+9 22
One reason TR stated for picking six players originally was so we could drop one if necessary.
Arkan hasn't posted here since Monday, but he was signed into PA last night. Does someone who knew him before this game want to send him a message? Maybe he's waiting to post until he feels Thom is called into action.
Winterhaven might be a good place to meet a young fighter, eager for adventure...
Well I sent a PM yesterday to Arkan, but haven't received a reply yet.
Also Powerpuppies, aren't you and Ill supposed to be on some shenanigans? This could be very entertaining. Now where's my popcorn?
It would be funny if we lost ANOTHER defender in this campaign...
So go insult that dwarf! Fritz is inside casing the place right now!
Ooooh, man. Now it sounds like you're taunting Fate.
I hope this ends well.
"The keep, or what's left of it at least, is far from being the first structure built on that perculiar patch of land. Before that there was a monastery dedicated to Bahamut, which was really more a monastery/fortress, as any building built in the name of Bahamut tends to be; and it lasted for quite awhile, as they tend to do. I've the monastery's log here, but the monks barely mentioned what they found at the site. They never state why they choose this site to build on either, which is a strangely recurrant theme for structures built on the site in question. It's bedrock below, yes, but it's honeycombed with caves. Records indicate cave-ins were infrequent , but even one incident is usually enough to diswade any future construction. Having a whole section of a structure drop down 100 feet without warning is a bit of an inconvenience, yes?"
Val pauses, and takes a long sip from his tea.
Mmm. I haven't spoken this long for years. It parches the throat, it does."
The bored clerk of less than 17 summers watches the stubble faced rogue as he wound his way around the storefront of the town smithery, picking up and examining the various horseshoes, nails, tools and the occasional sword or mace.
"Feel free to browse to your heart's content," the young villager said in a bored drone. "High quality goods at low, low prices. Craftmanship to rival the legendary works of the legendary Leggerpuck brothers. Everything you see is for sale, yes sir."
Except for that."
Jutting out a thumb, the clerk gestureds to the far corner of the shop. There, dusty and unlit, a small ash table stands. A small solitary drawer is its only noticeable feature. In the center of the drawer there is a large brass keyhole.
"I've long wanted to explore the interior of the keep to try and find out why the site is so often occupied." But I've not been the dungeon exploring type for decades, and the treacherous terrain alone would likely be enought to do me in. Bring me back whatever information you can glean during your expedition, and I'll make it worth your while. To tell you the truth, I've embraced my role as historian and archivist for Winterhaven with no small enthusiasm, and it erks me to have such an obvious gap in my records."
He waves you out and wishes you luck, and as the door creaks to a close behind you, you can't help but feel that you left with more questions than you came in with.
Progress seems kinda erratic in this thread (like, it'll stop for a day or two, then move really quickly for a day or two), so if someone needs a response from me feel free to PM me or contact me on AIM - I'm pretty much always on.
Thom, having followed Fritz at a semi-safe distance, now stands outside the smithy the rogue is occupying. He wasn't really that suspicious, but... okay, that's a lie - he was plenty suspicious, and was (pardon the unfortunate turn of phrase) keeping an eye on him. It wouldn't do to have the rogue locked in some small town's jail, so he was there making sure nothing happened to him.
Or that the rogue didn't happen to anything else, whatever the case may be.
"And you can tell me your story... there's no way a fellow scrapper ends up living a quiet life as a smith in a small town without some interesting encounters along the way!" he finishes, slapping the dwarf on the back.
"Smelt ore? I hardly know 'er!"
"That's not the bellows, that's MY WIFE!"
So, after dark does the smithy close up shop or what? I really don't want to have to KO the clerk..
The plan is to wait until the store is closed and break in, using the back door if there is one. If not, and that clerk doesn't leave the shop fritz may have to reconsider.
Sorry for the delay, was out of town on a short trip.
>Thaladh, you are unwittingly an accomplice. Why would Fritz share the loot with more people than absolutely necessary?
>Just a reminder: you can disembark from Winterhaven anytime you wish. Morning comes when you say it does.
He walks back toward the Inn and orders a jug of wine. He winks to Thaladh as he passes his table on his way upstairs to his room where he admires the fruits of his labor for a bit before passing out.
"Where are the cheetos?!"
Naw, follow up on the below, it's more interesting!
“Thaladh seems to hold his own, despite the dwarf’s reputation for having an iron stomach.” In a softer, concerned tone, “Have you seen Fritz, or Thom, this eve?”
What bothered Yuriel was the fact of an ancient dragon burial ground (or a boneyard as most common folk would call them) here near Winterhaven, and the fact that the R.A.S.S. had no information on such an area. Was the R.A.S.S. information regarding Winterhaven and the Keep really that little?
Another concern came from the group. Where was Fritz, and Thom for that matter? Yuriel had dealt with few scoundrels in his life (most of whom he met were those treatening him, and as luck would have it, all of them would spring/fall in/get crushed by an unforseen trap inside the tombs and temples he'd visited). Fritz was a wildcard Yuriel estimated. Better to keep a watch on him, he could be trouble, were his last thoughts before going to bed that night.
I also vote to visit this graveyard before going to the keep. It could give us some valuable clues to the kobolds and the Keep itself.