
How to stop Checkdisk?

Locust76Locust76 Registered User regular
edited October 2009 in Help / Advice Forum
My wife managed to let gravity get the best of her laptop the other day... needless to say, the OS didn't boot any more without being freshly installed. (thank god I had spare drives)

However, out of sheer morbid curiosity, I decided to pop the old drive into a USB enclosure, wipe it and check it for errors. It's been running for quite some time now, and already the eventlog is showing tons of bad blocks.

I'm going to toss this drive, however I can't get checkdisk (not the command prompt one, the GUI one) from stopping. I don't see anything that's painfully obvious in the task manager, either. How can I stop this thing gracefully without yanking the USB cable out or restarting the computer?

Locust76 on


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    ChanusChanus Harbinger of the Spicy Rooster Apocalypse The Flames of a Thousand Collapsed StarsRegistered User regular
    edited October 2009

    I'm just guessing

    Chanus on
    Allegedly a voice of reason.
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    Locust76Locust76 Registered User regular
    edited October 2009
    No it's the Windows GUI one (right-click on the drive, properties, tools, check disk for errors)...

    unfortunately CTRL-Break will just make Windows laugh at me :P

    Locust76 on
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    ChanusChanus Harbinger of the Spicy Rooster Apocalypse The Flames of a Thousand Collapsed StarsRegistered User regular
    edited October 2009
    Oh, I thought you meant the blue screen one. I don't think I've ever used the one you mean.

    Chanus on
    Allegedly a voice of reason.
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    PirateJonPirateJon Registered User regular
    edited October 2009
    Dude, just shut the fucker off.

    edit: USB? unplug the thing. Windows will get pissed and throw a warning, but it won't hurt anything.

    PirateJon on
    all perfectionists are mediocre in their own eyes
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