
Anyone with basic Office 2007 exp please help

JDubJDub Registered User regular
edited October 2009 in Help / Advice Forum
I've used previous offices and can almost always figure out how to do what I want, in this case I'm stumped.

I have Office 2007 professional plus at work (enterprise license) and a printer that can print on oversized 8.5 X 11 paper. I am trying to make a little sign to put over the IT office reading "Lasciate ogni speranza voi ch'entrate" (abandon all hope..)

I want to change the orientation of the printed text on the page to be as big as possible without resorting to taping several pages together. IE I want the printer to print the text all in one line (maybe two) using the paper sideways, like a wide screen.

I've been messing around with the print menu, as well as all the text options I can find and don't see it. I tried searching the help file but couldn't find this function. I know word can handle this.

The other thing is I'd like a nice font to go with it. I've been going through the drop down menu and nothing really fits. Shouldn't I be able to install a selection of Italian fonts? Maybe Latin? Where would you go to find more fonts without going to 3rd party sites? I've never had to install extra fonts for office before and I know they include a ton of them. I don't want to just use a boring times new roman or arial, or even some overly ornate Gothic type thing. I'd like something very readable that would pass as professional (so no one just takes the sign down) and maybe with just a little flair/style. I did go through the trouble of finding the text in the old Italian anyways.

Thanks for any input.

JDub on


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    LaOsLaOs SaskatoonRegistered User regular
    edited October 2009
    I may not be understanding your problem, but are you just asking how to make the paper print in Landscape orientation instead of the standard Portrait orientation?

    Assuming you are, click on the Page Layout tab on the ribbon and then on the Orientation button on the Page Setup group. It will drop down a list and you can then select Landscape. You can use Centre Alignment and play with Font Sizes (located in the Home tab)to maximize the use of the page. Also, you may want to look into changing the Margins (also located in the Page Layout tab, Page Setup group) to some of their preset options (including "Narrow") or you can select Custom Margins and set your own.

    As for obtaining new fonts, well... take a gander through a couple Google search results pages and see if you find anything you like? You can download some freely and some others are available for a fee. Really, though, make sure you've gone through and ruled out all of the out-of-the-box fonts within Word. Highlight your text and and then go to the drop-menu with the fonts. Rest your cursor over each new font and watch Word magically give you a preview of what the selected text would look like, at that size, with the new font.

    LaOs on
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    Namel3ssNamel3ss Registered User regular
    edited October 2009
    Click on the Page Layout tab.

    Click on Orientation.

    Click on Landscape.

    Make font more bigger, fiddle with margins to taste.

    Namel3ss on
    May the wombat of happiness snuffle through your underbrush.
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    JDubJDub Registered User regular
    edited October 2009
    ty that should do just fine.

    Was hoping thered be yet-to-be-installed font packs or something but its ok, I'll make it work.

    JDub on
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