
Recording video from a webcam?

xWonderboyxxWonderboyx Registered User regular
My wife (god bless her) wants to start a video blog. I can only imagine the bizarre rants that will come out of her drunken rage at 2 in the morning in the future, but now is not the time to ponder that. What I need to know now is what is a good program to use for the recording of this video.

I have a Vaio laptop with a built in camera and microphone. The software that it comes with works fine, except for the fact it speeds the videos up by about 4 times when I try to record anything. I then tried Nero Vision, but for some reason I can't get audio to work on it without getting horrendous feedback. I also did a little bit of Googling (however, my google-fu is weak) and found nothing but some shady sites with dubious looking downloads.

The task now falls upon you, fellow G&T(MSTT)ers.

XBL - Follow Freeman
xWonderboyx on


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    EchoEcho ski-bap ba-dapModerator mod
    edited March 2008
    Does it only do, say, six frames per second but stores the video as 30 frames per second or something?

    Echo on
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