
LIRC... how the fuck do I use it?

TheSonicRetardTheSonicRetard Registered User regular
Alright, so I have this old dell IR remote that came with my laptop and I want to use it with my media PC. It's a very generic remote, but looking up info on it is like pulling teeth. It look just like this:


It's branded by RC6 on the back. Now, I have LIRC installed and set up and working on my desktop with my hauppauge card, but I can't get this one to work. cat /dev/input/event5 shows me that it's sending info to event5, and I can see the device in /dev/input/by-id/usb-Philips_RCS_USB_IR_Combo_Device-event-ir

anyone got any suggestions for how to configure this piece of shit?

TheSonicRetard on


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    TheSonicRetardTheSonicRetard Registered User regular
    edited March 2008
    ok, after messing around, I noticed I can bind events to lirc using inputlircd /dev/input/event5

    then when I run irw and press buttons I get stuff like "KEY_PLAY" or "KEY_HOME"

    how do I use these with lirc?

    TheSonicRetard on
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    FremFrem Registered User regular
    edited March 2008
    I believe that this page may contain the information you seek. Or at least give you more of an idea of whats going on.

    Frem on
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    TheSonicRetardTheSonicRetard Registered User regular
    edited March 2008
    I'd already visited it. Found the problem - irexec wasn't installed and the commands to control vlc aren't --key-play, just key-play.

    TheSonicRetard on
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