
This is a now Crusader Kings Thread [OP Updated re: CK2]

Sir CarcassSir Carcass I have been shown the end of my worldRound Rock, TXRegistered User regular
edited November 2010 in Games and Technology
Saw this over on Rockpapershotgun. Apparently Johan from Paradox has said if 25,000 people "Like" the Crusader Kings page on Facebook, they'll announce Crusader Kings 2. I think this is just a stunt and they fully intend to announce it anyway. Last I checked it was at 1,276, but it's only been up a few days.

So, yay? I love Crusader Kings and have been hoping for a sequel for years. Anyone heard anything else?

If you're not familiar with the series, Crusader Kings is a strategy game, similar to Total War without the real time combat. It plays in real time, but the gameplay centers around the strategic map and not tactical battles. Dynasties and feudalism are a big part of the game, which is a big part of why I love it. There's also an expansion called Deus Vult that adds a bunch of stuff relating to the crusades. It's pretty moddable. It's pretty easy to put yourself in the game and rule your own dynasty (I always start as the Count of York).

So anyway, this is now a general Crusader Kings thread, so talk about whatever.

Here's what Wikipedia has to say:
Crusader Kings is a grand strategy game made by Paradox Interactive about the period from December 26 1066 until December 30 1452. It was released in 2004. Unlike other past Paradox titles (Hearts of Iron, Victoria and the Europa Universalis series), Crusader Kings focuses on building a dynasty instead of a country, having similarities to role-playing games and even The Sims. The lead game programmer was Johan Andersson. As with the other Paradox Interactive history games, Crusader Kings must be considered a macro-management real-time strategy game (as moves are played out simultaneously and continuously) but typically involves far more planning than the fast-paced action that is usually associated with real-time strategy.

While the game has historically accurate scenarios to start from, featuring interesting personages such as William the Conqueror, Robert Guiscard, Alexius Comnenus, El Cid, Friedrich Barbarossa and Edward III, a significant part of the game's charm is that from that point on, a new alternate history always starts building. Unlike past Paradox titles, there are very few predetermined historical events and no predetermined historical personages that would always appear after game start. Twists to the story are created by simulating the lives of tens of thousands of individuals of note (courtiers and nobles), intermarrying, having children, moving, inheriting, plotting, accumulating wealth and titles etc. Each is at birth assigned a number of inherited scores ('DNA') that determine health and fertility as well as administrative and military capabilities and the characters will, through the course of their lives, usually add a few noninherited traits that alter the scores. The qualifications and relations of individuals will highly influence their fate and is therefore of great interest to their player. This all makes for highly unpredictable game dynamics as the state of affairs on the 'world stage' is the product of the interplay of myriad events on the micro level.

There's an expansion, Deus Vult. Get it. Here's what it does. There's also a Beta Patch for DV. Oh, and some mods, like the Deus Vult Improvement Pack.

Here's a very helpful post from the forums (thanks spiderj24).

There's also some good info on Page 3 of this very thread.

Curious what the province improvements do or require? Check this spreadsheet out.

Oh, and the best Let's Play ever.

Still not sure what the hell you're doing? Read this very informative post by President Rex:
Basic information on game stuff and rudimentary tutorial!
Not having a liege will help you avoid bankruptcy as he forces you to mobilize. But having vassals help you get accustomed to some of the game mechanics. This is one of the reasons Apulia is a good starter. You start as a duke with no liege. You're also fairly isolated from immediate threats.

Upon starting the game you'll be faced with something like this:

From the top left going right:
-Clicking on the coat of arms (aka a "crest") for the province owner will take you to that faction's diplomacy page.

-Clicking on your Leader's Portrait will take you to their status page where you can see their Martial, Diplomacy, Intrigue and Stewardship ratings, as well as any other bonuses, loyalty (not so important if you're the highest ranked noble in your realm), and their relationships with other characters.

-Stability was introduced in the Deus Vult (DV) expansion (want to know why everyone's saying "God wills it!" in Kingdom of Heavan? It's the English equivalent of the Latin "deus vult"). It's a general indicator of how well-run and stable your kingdom is. Negative is bad, positive is good. You cannot directly influence this like you can in EU. It has an effect on the events you receive.

-Gold lets you build things, pay for certain diplomatic missions and does a bit of other stuff. You get it primarily from your provinces and taxes. You can also get it through events and pillaging.

-Prestige is an idication of your popularity, power and fame. Win a tournament: it goes up. Too cowardly to hunt a boar in the woods: it goes down. While the major increases you see will probably be event-driven, you tend to get a lot from your province improvements, marriages, wars. It helps you diplomatically. It'll help you claim and grab titles, and get and keep vassals. It also influences events.

-Piety shows how religiously famous you are. While prestige is a measure of your fame in the temporal realm (i.e. in the world of secular states and kingdoms), piety is its equivalent in the spiritual realm. It helps lower your reputation (more about that in a second), helps you avoid excommunication and a few other things.

-the Date lets you go out with sexy, sexy 70-year-old Queen Victoria if you watch it until the 1800s. Control and + or - increase or decrease the game speed.

-Quick Alerts were introduced in DV. They let you know when you've got an open court spot, when your demesne is too large for your ruler's abilities, when you've got someone available for marriage (that one's a bit buggy), and when a vassal has low loyalty (maybe another I'm forgetting).

-Clicking on Your Coat of Arms lets you access your own diplomacy screen. You'll get a quick overview of your vassals, claims and demesne stats. There you can also change your laws (including your inheritance laws), your research goals, your court ('ministers' if you want), your budget and some other actions.

It's pretty important, so here it is:

If you're really lazy you can click on Your Glorious Leader's portrait here, instead of 3cm to the right to get to their character sheet.

-Your Vassals are any counts or dukes under your tutelage. Duke's have a squared shield (kings have a squared shield with a crown at the bottom). Counts have a tapered shield. The vassals of your vassals aren't listed here - you'll need to use the ledger for that (...if you have DV - if you don't you get to surf the map looking).

-Income is your demesne's monthly income. To adjust this based on taxes go to your treasury/budget screen.

-Manpower is the total number of soldier's you can muster (including your vassal's armies).

-Demesne is the number of provinces you hold as your ruler's own land.

-Efficiency relates to your leader's intrigue and your demesne size. If you have a larger demesne than your ruler's intrigue allows your efficiency will suffer (each century will also let you hold more provinces). To ameliorate this: go lose a war or give some land to a vassal. Low efficiency can cause lots of negative events (including the Stressed trait for your ruler that lowers his/her attributes, the Realm Duress trait for your ruler that lower your income and may cause vassals to break away, the development of robber bands and smugglers and other things). I don't advise staying below 80% for long.

-"We have an honorable Reputation" is one of many stages for your reptutation. Reputation is your badboy score. A worse reputation and your vassals will lose loyalty and you may get more declarations of war from other rulers. You can get a clear picture of what the actual number is by looking at a vassal's loyalty rating. It will have a negative number based on your reputation - divide that by 0.4 and you've got your number (i.e 1.2 would be 3 badboy).

You'll accrue a negative reputation by grabbing titles, starting wars and increasing your demesne. Piety, time, relinquishing claims in peace settlements, and creating vassals (and occasionally events) help decrease it. When your ruler dies the successor will inherit 1/3 of his/her predecessor's reputation.

-Claims let you see what land you can potentially grab. To declare war on Christians you need to have a claim on the ruler's title. You can declare war on Muslims at any time - once you siege and 'liberate' their province you'll get a claim on it (which you can then try to get in a peace settlement).

Grabbing claims (or usurping titles - in some cases) can be done through the diplomacy screen. Remember that it worsens your reputation.

-Clicking the sword and shield lets you perform different Actions like granting titles (such as to your progeny or wife or courtiers), offering marriages (within your own court - to offer marriages to other rulers you need to go through their diplomatic screen), creating titles once you have the requisite lands (such as letting you become a king), sending assassins (to off pesky useless sons, perhaps?), and mobilizing forces (you can also do this individually for each of your provinces instead of all your lands).

-Clicking the group of Court members lets you access your court. These are people that supplement your ruler's own abilities (such as Martial or Intrigue). Click on one of the five portraits to pick a new courtier/bishop. If you have Deus Vult each of them will be labelled with the relevant skills in a list. Make sure to check their loyalty (click on their portrait to bring up their character sheet). Poor loyalties here can lead to bad events in the future.

-Clicking on the treasure chest accesses the Treasury. There you can adjust taxes and tariffs to influence your income and various loyalties.

-Clicking on the trebuchet/engineer will let you access the Technology screen. There you can view which techs your lands have. The pipes (that is the "|" character) next to a technology indicates the level present in your capital (other provinces may have a higher level). You can click on any of the techs to have the map show each province's tech level.

You can't directly influence when things will get researched. Generally the higher level techs take longer. Techs will spread between provinces based on proximity (with some 'trade routes' that help them spread overseas and across longer distances - check the map here (same for culture spread)). Libraries, roads, harbors and universities increase the general spread of all technologies. Other province improvements increase some other tech spreads.

-Clicking the orb and sceptre let you access the Laws screen. There you can change your inheritance laws (read carefully to make sure you know how they'll affect your inheritance). Keep in mind that changing your inheritance laws may lead to disloyalties. Anyone who's cheated out of an inheritance will get claims on the titles they've been denied. When you create vassals they do not inherit your laws.

You can also change your 'governmental' laws (pretty much on a scale of 'absolute monarchy' to 'nearly a republic'). Feudal Contract will probably be your initial setting.

Your laws regarding secular/spiritual authority are also here. You'll probably want Ecclesiastical Balance at first (to help avoid paying too much money to the church), but there'll be events forcing you to choose between excommunication and switching to Church Supremacy).

Otherwise there's the map. The Relational map is probably the most useful. Allies are blue, enemies are red, claims are yellow and your realm is various shades of green.


Character status sheets are pretty self explanatory. You can usually mouse over things for further information. Here we have Robert the Wise's character sheet.


The portraits of kings will have a red box outline. Dukes have a golden outline with blue bands. Counts have a golden outline. Normal people have a black line.

You can click on any of the portraits here to access that person's character sheet. DV introduced an incredibly handy feature of putting a little blood droplet on anyone from your dynasty (otherwise you need to check their last name). Make sure your successor is a blood relative of your ruler, otherwise you'll see a game over screen when your ruler dies.

-The top of the sheet will list the individual's Gold, Prestige, and Piety. This is how you can check how much money a rival (or ally) has available. AI players have secret Midas courtiers - they cannot get negatvie gold (but they can have negative prestige and piety).

-A list of icons will indicate what Traits the character has. There are quite a few of them. DV adds more. One will always be indicative of the education the character has or is receving. Important ones to look out for are Lustful (good for makin' babies), Celibate (bad for makin' babies) and Prodigy (bonuses all around!). Stressed, Depressed, Illness, Consumption, Schizophrenic, and Severely Wounded are all around bad. Realm Duress is bad for rulers and implies bad things will happen. Look out for Rebellious on vassals...tends to make their loyalty sink.

Traits come and go based on events. There are some that don't come through event. Bastard means the character was born out of wedlock (and he may be a dick). They tend to not be able to inherit (barring event's removing the trait). Fosterling means the character has been sent to another noble to be raised (you can send them through the diplomatic menu and you'll occasionally receive offers of receiving one). It was quite common in real life as a sign of good faith between nobles ("Here, have my 5th son who stands almost no chance to inherit - I swear I won't attack you since you're taking care of him and could behead him whenever you want.")

-Martial primarily impacts combat ability when the character is leading an army. Also affects the size of armies you can muster from your lands (which is otherwise based on province prosperity).

-Diplomacy affects peace settlements and helps keep vassals loyal.

-Intrigue lets you keep a larger demesne. It'll also help you assassinate others while avoiding being assassinated.

-Stewardship keeps your coffers full.

- Your character's Culture and Religion will be displayed here. Robert de Hauteville descended from Norman mercenaries who had conquered Southern Italy, so he's not actually Italian. In order for your culture to spread you need to have a province with your ruler's culture. This means as the Duchy of Apulia you'll want to grab some Italian wives for your sons to help make them more Italian (alternatively Greek). Religion also spreads through a variety of events. Provinces are easier to control if they have your culture and religion.

-The character's Name and Age will be listed in the red bar. Children become available for marriages at 16 (...even though their are plenty of incidences of child wives and such). You can grant children titles but in DVIP their abilities progress as they age and a 3 year old is a terrible ruler. You'll gain some benefits from marrying your eldest daughter. Leaving sons without land will negatively affect your prestige (particularly your eldest son - bastards have less of an efffect).

Nobles tended to have the best diets and the best healthcare, so your ruler will likely live to at least 50 (unless he/she has negative traits).

-Loyalty is also listed here. Make sure it stays at least above 50 if they're one of your immediate vassals (by lowering taxes, giving them more land, adjusting your laws, giving them money or sending fosterlings). Remember that if you revoke a vassal's title it will lower the loyalty of all your vassals.

-If you're the highest noble in your realm you won't have a Liege. Otherwise you can get to their character sheet here.

-All of your immediate Vassals will be listed here as well. If you have a duke as a vassal and that duke has some counts as vassals you won't see them here.

-Allies don't do much, but can be useful for a casus belli or (very occasional) back-up. The number of allies you can have is a function of your diplomacy ability and the realm sizes of the two ruler's lands.

-Parents are parents. If you have DVIP some of them go back well before 1066.

-Next up is your Spouse. Robert Guiscard is a bit of a rare example in the middle ages: he managed to get a divorce, so in DVIP he has two living wives listed. Dead wives stay in here so you can keep track. Wives adopt the name of their husbands (so having your wed daughter as your sole heir will generally not end well...unless you intend to end the game).

-Your Children will be listed in their succession order from left to right (generally from eldest to youngest with sons on the left, daughters on the right). It will list this character's children - regardless of wife. So if you want to know your ruler's bastards you won't see them on his wife's page.

-Friends convey loyalty and diplomatic bonuses. You tend to get them through events.

-The character's Siblings are listed as well, which might help you locate them in your court or abroad.

-Successors are arguably the most important component of the character sheet. If someone not of your bloodline is the next successor you'll want to plot an assassination or change your inheritance laws immediately. If someone outside your dynasty is next to inherit you lose the game. It's not enough that they have the blood droplet - they need to have your last name too (which makes it difficult for daughters to inherit).

If your successor is not in your demesne (e.g. they're your vassal or in another realm) they will use the inheritance laws of their home. This is mostly only important for DVIP in that if your successor is female and leading another realm without female inheritance you will lose the game because technically the lands will go to a male heir instead.

-Rivals like to make life difficult for you. If they're your vassals expect some trouble keeping them loyal. They may start wars with you, attempt to assassinate members of your court and just be huge dicks in general.

-Court Members lets you see anyone eligible to fill a spot in your court. These can be people you've gained from conquering territory, your wife, your sons wives (if you don't give them land) and people from events.

-The character sheet also shows you the Title Claims a character has. This is where you can easily see what other leaders have as claims (if you don't want to use the map) or what individual courtiers have claims on.

Religion plays a fairly large role in the game. Two of the most important aspects are the Papacy and provincial religion.


Historically the Papacy did three important things: fight with the Holy Roman Emperor, excommunicate people (...often the Holy Roman Emperor), and declare crusades. You can fight and steal land from the papacy, but it'll likely end up with some excommunicating or piety drops.

Much of the Papal power falls to the Papal Controller in CK. In the 1066 scenario the Duchess of Spoleto is the first Papal Controller. You'll get an announcement of when this changes; it's indicated by the cross on the controller's portrait. The controller gets to declare or revoke excommunications (as a function of the target's piety and the pope's prestige). Here Apulia is a nice case as well, as you'll often get excommunicated if you become a neighbor of Spoleto (while the ruler's still the Papal Controller and your piety is low).

-Excommunication has some unfortunate impacts. The person will be unable to inherit lands. Other Catholic lands will be able to claim your titles without the stringent repuation cost (alternatively you'll be able to claim the titles of whoever's excommunicated).

-Emperorship pops up in an event. It has a chance to fire once you have the requsite combination of king's titles (generally anything involving Germany requires 3). You'll definately get it if you control 5 king's titles. It'll net you a nice monthly prestige bonus.

-Crusades will occasionally be called to Outremer (it's French, so oo-tre-mare and not out-reamer). Generally all the lands of Catholic Christianity will be tasked with conquering some historical crusade goal (Alexandria, Jerusalem and Alexandretta tend to top the list of first goals). You generally won't suffer for not crusading unless your leader is Zealous or otherwise very religious. Once the land is captured an event will (eventually) fire recognizing the crusade's success.

Crusading carries a few benefits: it'll net you some nice land overseas (Alexandria is one of the top 10 richest provinces, afterall) where you can convert some heathens (never mind that much of the population was still Christian in 1066). You'll get some piety bonuses (which can lead to your ruler eventually becoming a saint) and you'll occasionally have help from other Christian lands. There are also some events associated with crusading. It tends to be expensive, however. You'll likely go by boat, which involves hiring lots of ships.

Provincial religion can be changed by conversion events and by revolt crushing events. You can check them individually or use the religion map mode (white is Catholic, brown is Orthodox and you'll want to convert everything else).

Since combat is one of the major aspects of expanding your domain:


As mentioned, the troops available in a province can be mobilized by clicking the soldier in the bottom left of the province window. You'll want to do this when the bar is mostly full (unless the armies you can raise there are huge). You'll probably want to double check that the army is actually sizable.

-Army Troop Composition depends on the power levels of your province. Nobles make knights, which tend to be the most combat effective unit type. Peasants tend to make light infantry and archers. Burghers favor spearmen and heavier infantry. None of the rulers you can play as can mobilize horse archers (although you may get them as mercenaries).

-You can Pillage occupied lands for the immediate gains listed in the province details under Plunder. Pillaging Gains tend to be immediate amounts of money (and often a little piety loss). You can do it if you're hard up for cash, but it will wreck the province's future income for a while (up to a few years) and may destroy province improvements.

-Province Modifiers alter the number of troops you can raise. The more prosperous the province, the more troops it can support. Thus, richer provinces (like Alexandria here) can support massive armies. Revolts and looted provinces tend to support very few troops. Rich or Prosperous territories can usually support larger armies. Disease tends to halve the number of troops available.

Remember that once a negative modifier is removed you'll need to wait a little while until the troops are recruited (the green bar fills). Training Fields will help speed this up. Anything that increases the number of supportable troops will also let you field a larger force.

-Keep an eye on the Supply Limit. If you field more troops than this in the province they will suffer very high attrition losses.

-Speaking of Attrition, you'll suffer it campaigning in enemy lands, (especially) traversing neutral lands and moving by sea. Make sure you'll actually have an army when you get to where you're going. Unlike later periods like the Renaissance (EU) or Industrial ages (Victoria), moving over land was easier during this period. Seamanship wasn't well developed and sailors were very much at the mercy of the wind (so water-based transit often takes just as long if not longer than land-based transit). The compass was eventually discovered during this period.

-You can also mobilize your vassals' armies (and your liege can ask to mobilize yours). Scutage plays a large part in the money you earn and the number of troops you'll get from mobilizing your vassals. Technically scutage didn't exist in 1066, but you get to invent it earlier.

Scutage allowed a noble to opt out of military service by paying his liege (so mercenaries would stand in for the noble). This let the noble reign over his lands while his liege went to war, and would let the liege field the army he needed. Eventually kings (particularly English kings) began to demand scutage over having nobles show up in person (sparking all sorts of tension and leading to all sorts of taxes we have today - hooray scutage!).

If you increase the scutage 'tax' you'll get more money (to potentially field armies from within your own demesne), but if you mobilize your vassals' armies they will be smaller. Scutage also impacts vassal loyalty (low scutage means more loyalty (which is a little simplified since nobles were never particularly fond of being called to war)).

-You'll need that money to pay for Army Upkeep. The most expensive thing you'll have to deal with is keeping your army mobilized. Essentially, you will not have a standing army. You'll mobilize when you need to go to war. Otherwise you'll nearly always have a negative budgetary Balance.

Peace is profitable; unless all your lands are disease-ridden cesspools of revolt you'll make money at peace (and you'll be spending that money on province improvements and intrigue).

Of course, you can always click on your army for a bit more of an overview of their composition, regiments (if you've combined them from different provinces or mercenaries).


The stick figure is the number of men in the entire army. The little skull is the army's attrition (11% is high; it's so high because this army is huge). You can click on the portrait here to see the army leader's character page. Otherwise the numbers break down like the composition in the province view.

-You can click and drag over armies on the map (in the same province) to Merge them into the same army. Similarly, you can Split them back into individual regiment-sized armies once selected.

-You'll often have to Disband your armies - particularly at war's end. They're expensive and you'll likely be losing troops to attrition (until you've got larger castles able to increase your supply limit). Disbanding armies in your own realm will make sure 90% of the troops remain available (you could hypothetically capture some land in a peace settlement, disband them and then remobilize them in their home province for only a 10% loss in immediately available manpower). If you disband them abroad it will take longer for the regiment to be re-recruited.

Click on an army and then right click a destination for them to move there. If they cannot move over land you'll be asked if you're willing to foot the bill to send them overseas. This tends to be a function of the manpower being sent and the distance and can get very expensive.

Once you hit an enemy army you'll start a battle (check their army size and hope you're similarly sized, your composition is better, your morale is higher, or that your tech level is higher). If you're in enemy territory and you win you'll siege the province (which will go faster if your army is larger). If you're in friendly territory the enemy will be forced to retreat somewhere to an adjacent province (preferring their realm if possible).

Paradox has finally officially announced the sequel:



Sir Carcass on


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    RebootReboot Registered User regular
    edited June 2010
    Oh CK2 may be a reality? Awesome. There are so many things they can improve! Inheritance rules, heraldry, finer reputation control, claims, crusdaing mechanics, events, etc etc.

    In my current game I started in Ireland and I've just forged a union of the Six Celtic nations. It's been quite a while since a game caught my attention for so long. :D

    Reboot on
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    BahamutZEROBahamutZERO Registered User regular
    edited June 2010
    what's crusader kings

    BahamutZERO on
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    OtsegoOtsego Registered User regular
    edited June 2010
    Crusader Kings is the best Paradox game and they should make a sequel even if this "like" thing fails.

    Otsego on
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    Sir CarcassSir Carcass I have been shown the end of my world Round Rock, TXRegistered User regular
    edited June 2010
    Reboot wrote: »
    Oh CK2 may be a reality? Awesome. There are so many things they can improve! Inheritance rules, heraldry, finer reputation control, claims, crusdaing mechanics, events, etc etc.

    In my current game I started in Ireland and I've just forged a union of the Six Celtic nations. It's been quite a while since a game caught my attention for so long. :D

    I can never help but play it the same way. I always create myself as the Count of York, invade Wales and take it over, then wait for my chance to capture Lincoln or Leicester and name myself Duke of York. After that, I just wait for William to give me a reason for war with England (doesn't usually take long), after which I start in on Scotland and finally Ireland. Once I have the United Kingdom, I go for France.
    Otsego wrote: »
    Crusader Kings is the best Paradox game and they should make a sequel even if this "like" thing fails.

    Yeah, like I said I feel they're making it anyway, that this is just a way to drum up interest, but from what I understand it's one of their more popular games. It's the only one from them I've been able to really get into, so I hope this becomes a thing.

    Sir Carcass on
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    Rhan9Rhan9 Registered User regular
    edited June 2010
    Oh yes, please! New Crusader Kings would be awesome!
    Crusader Kings is the best Paradox game.

    Rhan9 on
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    RebootReboot Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    They're giving out titles to the first 4000 FB accounts that "liked" CK. They just gave out 5 boxed sets, and will be giving out 1 copy of CK Complete every day to a random "liker".

    Reboot on
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    enlightenedbumenlightenedbum Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    I prefer EU for reasons of I hate having my empire collapse. Best I ever did was 20 different Kingships. :P

    Starting from one of the Greek provinces, took Syria (very, very slowly) and then used the unit from Damascus to get most of the Holy Land, then used those to take Alexandria which was then used to swallow up the Byzantines when they got a realm duress and from there things got easy. Good times!

    enlightenedbum on
    Self-righteousness is incompatible with coalition building.
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    Sir CarcassSir Carcass I have been shown the end of my world Round Rock, TXRegistered User regular
    edited July 2010
    Reboot wrote: »
    They're giving out titles to the first 4000 FB accounts that "liked" CK. They just gave out 5 boxed sets, and will be giving out 1 copy of CK Complete every day to a random "liker".

    Wow, that's pretty awesome. Facebook is good for something after all.

    Sir Carcass on
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    RebootReboot Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    Reboot wrote: »
    They're giving out titles to the first 4000 FB accounts that "liked" CK. They just gave out 5 boxed sets, and will be giving out 1 copy of CK Complete every day to a random "liker".

    Wow, that's pretty awesome. Facebook is good for something after all.

    Er I think it's Every Month... I can't access FB now to check

    Reboot on
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    MindLibMindLib Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    This game looks amazing. (CK1) So why the fuck haven't I heard of it before?

    MindLib on
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    CheezyCheezy Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    Paradox titles are for enlightened masochists, which is a niche market that is not well represented in the gaming media.

    Cheezy on
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    GalagaGalaxianGalagaGalaxian Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    MindLib wrote: »
    This game looks amazing. (CK1) So why the fuck haven't I heard of it before?

    You might be interested in an LP of the game, that spans several generations and a couple Kingdoms. Sadly, however, it never finished because the guy's save gets destroyed in a harddrive disaster.

    GalagaGalaxian on
    Remember the compliments you receive, forget the insults; if you succeed in doing this, tell me how.
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    enlightenedbumenlightenedbum Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    MindLib wrote: »
    This game looks amazing. (CK1) So why the fuck haven't I heard of it before?

    You might be interested in an LP of the game, that spans several generations and a couple Kingdoms. Sadly, however, it never finished because the guy's save gets destroyed in a harddrive disaster.

    Fuck that, you want this one: nine centuries, four games, almost two years of real time, 120 updates...

    enlightenedbum on
    Self-righteousness is incompatible with coalition building.
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    Sir CarcassSir Carcass I have been shown the end of my world Round Rock, TXRegistered User regular
    edited July 2010
    Cheezy wrote: »
    Paradox titles are for enlightened masochists, which is a niche market that is not well represented in the gaming media.

    It's true.

    I think what appeals to me the most is that CK is basically Medieval: Total War with more focus on the nobles and politics than the battles. This game was meant to create yourself and go nuts, which thankfully is easy to do. I really hope CK2 goes more in depth with personal interactions.

    Sir Carcass on
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    Sir CarcassSir Carcass I have been shown the end of my world Round Rock, TXRegistered User regular
    edited July 2010
    Reboot wrote: »
    Reboot wrote: »
    They're giving out titles to the first 4000 FB accounts that "liked" CK. They just gave out 5 boxed sets, and will be giving out 1 copy of CK Complete every day to a random "liker".

    Wow, that's pretty awesome. Facebook is good for something after all.

    Er I think it's Every Month... I can't access FB now to check

    "Starting July 1st, we'll randomly pick one lucky winner each day to receive a digital copy of Crusader Kings: Complete. Today - I will pick 5 people from the first 4,000 to receive a boxed copy (rarity in some territories) of the same. Keep your eyes peeled!"

    Sir Carcass on
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    Jealous DevaJealous Deva Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    So, while looking at the forum for this I also noticed that victoria 2 is coming out.


    I'm all for more paradox games, I never really could get into EU3, though, so we'll see. Favorites were EU2 and Victoria, but CK was great.

    Jealous Deva on
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    Sir CarcassSir Carcass I have been shown the end of my world Round Rock, TXRegistered User regular
    edited July 2010
    MindLib wrote: »
    This game looks amazing. (CK1) So why the fuck haven't I heard of it before?

    You might be interested in an LP of the game, that spans several generations and a couple Kingdoms. Sadly, however, it never finished because the guy's save gets destroyed in a harddrive disaster.

    Fuck that, you want this one: nine centuries, four games, almost two years of real time, 120 updates...

    I've been reading this today and it's pretty awesome. It's really making me want to start a new game (I always have it installed since it's fairly small).

    Sir Carcass on
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    NineNine Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    MindLib wrote: »
    This game looks amazing. (CK1) So why the fuck haven't I heard of it before?

    You might be interested in an LP of the game, that spans several generations and a couple Kingdoms. Sadly, however, it never finished because the guy's save gets destroyed in a harddrive disaster.

    Fuck that, you want this one: nine centuries, four games, almost two years of real time, 120 updates...

    Those are both good but as a byzantinophile this one is my favorite. The mechanics of CK can really create some compelling narratives if you roleplay a little bit.

    Nine on
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    Commander 598Commander 598 Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    Will this one enable you to play/convert to a Pagan without some crappy editing workaround or will it just be the same Christian/Muslim only bullshit present in every vaguely similar game?

    Commander 598 on
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    Sir CarcassSir Carcass I have been shown the end of my world Round Rock, TXRegistered User regular
    edited July 2010
    I think you're pretty much limited to Catholic or Orthodox. There are Muslims and Pagans in the game, but they're only for the conquerings.

    Edit: Well, there is this: http://editthis.info/CrusaderKings/Muslims,_Jews_and_Pagans_now_playable! Haven't tried it, so I can't comment on its quality.

    Sir Carcass on
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    rayofashrayofash Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    Crusader Kings is in desperate need of a remake, the UI was horrible. If this is true then YAY!

    rayofash on
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    TheOtherHorsemanTheOtherHorseman Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    Because of this thread, I stayed up until 10 AM playing Crusader Kings. At 6 or so, my kingdom bugged and whenever it dropped into negative gold it reverted to 0 next turn.


    TheOtherHorseman on
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    enlightenedbumenlightenedbum Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    Huh, you got tagged as an AI somehow?

    enlightenedbum on
    Self-righteousness is incompatible with coalition building.
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    NineNine Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    Huh, you got tagged as an AI somehow?

    It happens when you change titles. Saving and reloading fixes it.

    Nine on
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    Sir CarcassSir Carcass I have been shown the end of my world Round Rock, TXRegistered User regular
    edited July 2010
    Yeah, I think I remember advice that if you ever jump a level (Count->Duke or Duke->King) that you should save and reload or bad things can happen.

    Sir Carcass on
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    spiderj24spiderj24 Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    I'm a big fan of EU but somehow Crusader Kings had slipped by me. And, by God, I want it now. In fact, I have it now.

    Can anyone vouch for any mods to play with? Are there any you'd say are worth installing from the outset?

    spiderj24 on
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    TheOtherHorsemanTheOtherHorseman Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    I wish the events were just a little bit smarter. For example, this is the third time I've had to turn down a request by my Spymaster. He's a sneaky son of a bitch, but this ploy seems a little blatant for him. A bastard, he keeps asking me for help to kill his half brother.

    I'm the half brother.

    TheOtherHorseman on
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    GalagaGalaxianGalagaGalaxian Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    Maybe you should consider replacing him... And eliminating him.

    Eventually he's gonna ask someone else, if he hasn't already.

    GalagaGalaxian on
    Remember the compliments you receive, forget the insults; if you succeed in doing this, tell me how.
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    TheOtherHorsemanTheOtherHorseman Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    Maybe you should consider replacing him... And eliminating him.

    Eventually he's gonna ask someone else, if he hasn't already.

    It'll stop being a concern soon. I think it's only coming up because he's a bastard in my court and the game doesn't realize he's from my family, and my prestige has swollen from all my title creation such that he'll be rock-solid loyal in a year or two. And if I die, that's fine. I'm waiting for its sweet embrace so I can declare war on a bunch of assholes my former sovereign forged truces with on my behalf just after I became ruler.

    TheOtherHorseman on
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    Sir CarcassSir Carcass I have been shown the end of my world Round Rock, TXRegistered User regular
    edited July 2010
    spiderj24 wrote: »
    I'm a big fan of EU but somehow Crusader Kings had slipped by me. And, by God, I want it now. In fact, I have it now.

    Can anyone vouch for any mods to play with? Are there any you'd say are worth installing from the outset?

    Install Crusader Kings
    Install Deus Vult
    Install the Deus Vult beta 2.1 patch
    Install the Deus Vult Improvement Pack mod
    Install any of the addons listed there you want
    Have fun!

    There's also an alternate start mod I haven't used. I think there's even a mod to merge the two. The game is very easy to mod yourself, though, especially for creating yourself or other people.

    Sir Carcass on
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    spiderj24spiderj24 Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    Thanks. I have already put hours into the game. It's threatening to consume my entire weekend.

    Absolutely brilliant.

    It makes me want to do the export file to Europa Universalis. Really is grand strategy.

    I'm reading through the Hohenzollern let's play that was posted in this thread - it suggests that a save file can be exported and carried through EU and then into Victoria, and then into Hearts of Iron.

    That's what it suggests. If the suggestion is accurate, my free time for the forseeable future is gone.

    spiderj24 on
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    Sir CarcassSir Carcass I have been shown the end of my world Round Rock, TXRegistered User regular
    edited July 2010
    spiderj24 wrote: »
    I'm reading through the Hohenzollern let's play that was posted in this thread - it suggests that a save file can be exported and carried through EU and then into Victoria, and then into Hearts of Iron.

    That's what it suggests. If the suggestion is accurate, my free time for the forseeable future is gone.

    That is indeed what you can do. There's even a patch to export to EU3 instead of EU2, but I don't know if you can then go to Victoria or not.

    And if you don't install any other mods, at least make sure you install the beta patch. It fixes a lot of nasty bugs.

    Sir Carcass on
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    spiderj24spiderj24 Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    I actually went with the alternate start mod, after reading about it and the DVIP mod. I patched it before I'd read your post and then spent many hours playing away.

    I'll go through a couple of games with this and then a couple with DVIP. And then on into EU2! I've never actually played Victoria or Hearts of Iron but I am so impressed by the scope of the four interconnecting. What really impresses me with Crusader Kings is that it's remarkably user friendly considering how much is going on. I'm sure there are lots of things I'm missing but I don't feel overwhelmed.

    Here's an odd thing; does anyone else ever wish they could just run a simulation on a game like this? With no player input - just setting up scenarios and watching alternate histories unfold? I find myself as interested in the simulation model and the AI as I am with actually playing the game - it becomes about narratives unfolding rather than trying to 'win'.

    In my current game I am the heretic Duke of Sardinia, growing old and increasingly hated by the world around me. I'm already plotting my reconciliation with the church once an heir takes over without all the pesky heretical baggage that has built up around his father.

    spiderj24 on
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    LeinnaLeinna Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    Wow, I was meaning to go to bed two hours ago but I've been enjoying the LP of Swabia too much!

    What mods are needed to carry over save games from CK -> EU2/3 -> Vic -> HOI II/III?

    Leinna on
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    Sir CarcassSir Carcass I have been shown the end of my world Round Rock, TXRegistered User regular
    edited July 2010
    Leinna wrote: »
    What mods are needed to carry over save games from CK -> EU2/3 -> Vic -> HOI II/III?

    As far as I know, none. I think it's just a feature built into the games. I haven't actually done it myself, though.

    Sir Carcass on
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    MindLibMindLib Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    So I've been playing CK for the last couple days and I keep running into a problem. I can't "create titles". It says "can add this title right now!" but it's still blanked out. Is it a bug? What gives?

    MindLib on
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    TheOtherHorsemanTheOtherHorseman Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    MindLib wrote: »
    So I've been playing CK for the last couple days and I keep running into a problem. I can't "create titles". It says "can add this title right now!" but it's still blanked out. Is it a bug? What gives?

    Do you have the cash money to create it?

    TheOtherHorseman on
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    MindLibMindLib Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    MindLib wrote: »
    So I've been playing CK for the last couple days and I keep running into a problem. I can't "create titles". It says "can add this title right now!" but it's still blanked out. Is it a bug? What gives?

    Do you have the cash money to create it?

    How much money is required, it doesn't say anything about that?

    Edit: In fact it says that I will RECEIVE 100 gold if I create it.
    Edit: NM, haven't had the ole coffee yet. Heh Heh
    Edit: Holy ba-jesus! Why did all the prestige costs sky rocket after that!? Is that normal? 600 for a little count spot now? Was 90 before I created the title.

    MindLib on
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    enlightenedbumenlightenedbum Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    The EU3 -> Victoria converter is a fanmade thing that sometimes doesn't work entirely properly, which is obnoxious.

    For the Hohenzollern thing, there was a LOT of hand done modding involved. Which is especially clear when you get to the later sections of EU3 and then Victoria makes it really clear, as there are new technologies and tons of new events.

    enlightenedbum on
    Self-righteousness is incompatible with coalition building.
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    TheOtherHorsemanTheOtherHorseman Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    MindLib wrote: »
    MindLib wrote: »
    So I've been playing CK for the last couple days and I keep running into a problem. I can't "create titles". It says "can add this title right now!" but it's still blanked out. Is it a bug? What gives?

    Do you have the cash money to create it?

    How much money is required, it doesn't say anything about that?

    Edit: In fact it says that I will RECEIVE 100 gold if I create it.
    Edit: NM, haven't had the ole coffee yet. Heh Heh
    Edit: Holy ba-jesus! Why did all the prestige costs sky rocket after that!? Is that normal? 600 for a little count spot now? Was 90 before I created the title.

    Perhaps I said did you have the prestige to create it.

    It's hard to say, what with causality being sort of a mess due to the looming Mayan apocalypse.

    TheOtherHorseman on
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