
Consumers To Apple: Fuck You



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    Irond WillIrond Will WARNING: NO HURTFUL COMMENTS, PLEASE!!!!! Cambridge. MAModerator Mod Emeritus
    edited July 2010
    the point is that your objections are grounded in principle and a stupid, arbitrary one at that.

    it's really just coming off as glee that you have something high-profile to wrap your teeth around

    especially because the genesis of this thread had to do with - what - the app store disallowing porn or apple not supporting flash on their mobile device?

    basically, neither of you have any experience with the device, you're couching your objections on something that has just about no practical effect on the device's functionality, and you have a history of just disliking products from the company for reasons unrelated to the use that most consumers of the devices would care about.

    Irond Will on
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    EgoEgo Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    Irond Will wrote: »
    the point is that your objections are grounded in principle and a stupid, arbitrary one at that.

    it's really just coming off as glee that you have something high-profile to wrap your teeth around

    especially because the genesis of this thread had to do with - what - the app store disallowing porn or apple not supporting flash on their mobile device?

    basically, neither of you have any experience with the device, you're couching your objections on something that has just about no practical effect on the device's functionality, and you have a history of just disliking products from the company for reasons unrelated to the use that most consumers of the devices would care about.

    Hahaha, I can feel the seething rage in response to this post all the way across the internet.

    There is a great disturbance in the force!

    Ego on
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    EvanderEvander Disappointed Father Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    Irond Will wrote: »
    Evander wrote: »
    It took three and a half years before I had RROD on an xbox. I know people who wnet through five RRODs in that span of time.

    If your antenna works that is great for you, but trying to minimize the idea that a problem exists at all based solely on that is silly. Consumer Reports wouldn't have printed what they did if the issue were not real.

    has anyone claimed that their antenna was problematic while using a case?

    i mean, i have not seen that reported anywhere.

    so i guess you could say: if you want to use an iphone in a low-signal environment, then use the free case!

    the antenna problems are really important to the following people

    a) people who want to use their phone without a case in low-signal environments

    b) people who have no plans to buy the phone in the first place but resent apple and like bitching on the internets

    how would you guess the ratios break down there, Evander? which class do you belong to?

    My personal investment is entirely irelevant in whether or not the issue was real. Consumer Reports didn't give me a phonecall, personally.

    When Nintendo was in a similar situation, they did a mea culpa, sent out free items, and then packaged them with new stock. They didn't hold a press conference pointing out that MSoft and Sony ALSO have wireless controller that could be thrown through screens, and neither of those companies even bothered to include wrist straps at all.

    Evander on
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    Irond WillIrond Will WARNING: NO HURTFUL COMMENTS, PLEASE!!!!! Cambridge. MAModerator Mod Emeritus
    edited July 2010
    my nintendo DS's hinge cracked eventually

    the world is outraged that nintendo sells shoddy products

    how can you not hate nintendo evander?

    they are raping the consumer

    Irond Will on
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    Irond WillIrond Will WARNING: NO HURTFUL COMMENTS, PLEASE!!!!! Cambridge. MAModerator Mod Emeritus
    edited July 2010
    also, i don't really put much stock into CR's tech reviews.

    they know their blenders pretty well though.

    Irond Will on
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    EvanderEvander Disappointed Father Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    Nintendo doesn't deny that their products break. They say "sorry", and then fix it for you.

    Evander on
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    dlinfinitidlinfiniti Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    Evander wrote: »
    Nintendo doesn't deny that their products break. They say "solly", and then fix it for you.

    fix'd for engrish

    dlinfiniti on
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    Irond WillIrond Will WARNING: NO HURTFUL COMMENTS, PLEASE!!!!! Cambridge. MAModerator Mod Emeritus
    edited July 2010
    Evander wrote: »
    Nintendo doesn't deny that their products break. They say "sorry", and then fix it for you.

    they didn't fix my ds

    it remains unfixed

    nintendo are monsters

    they are an irresponsible organization

    a blemish on capitalism

    consumers are howling in outrage evander

    how long can you ignore the torches and pitchforks?

    Irond Will on
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    AtomikaAtomika Live fast and get fucked or whatever Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    Ah, hyperbole.

    Good ol' internets.

    Atomika on
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    EvanderEvander Disappointed Father Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    Did you call them?

    Evander on
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    Irond WillIrond Will WARNING: NO HURTFUL COMMENTS, PLEASE!!!!! Cambridge. MAModerator Mod Emeritus
    edited July 2010
    I shouldn't have to call them, evander.

    You know, when did it become wrong to expect items to work out of the box properly, without any workarounds and without breaking?

    Irond Will on
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    EvanderEvander Disappointed Father Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    there is a difference between a device breaking and a device not working properly, Will.
    Hell, there is even a difference between a design flaw that causees a particular point to be overstressed over time and a design flaw that results in dificult opperation right out of the box.

    The fact that you are so upset that I disgaree with you that you are stooping to this is absurd. You're better than this.

    Evander on
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    dlinfinitidlinfiniti Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    Evander wrote: »
    Did you call them?

    hows he supposed to call them with such a weak signal :P

    dlinfiniti on
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    Irond WillIrond Will WARNING: NO HURTFUL COMMENTS, PLEASE!!!!! Cambridge. MAModerator Mod Emeritus
    edited July 2010
    i am not upset that you disagree with me

    i think that your position is niche and overwrought, though, and don't think it particularly informs anyone who might be interested in the device.

    Irond Will on
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    EvanderEvander Disappointed Father Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    This is not exactly a thread designed to inform anyone about the device.

    At least, not under any guise OTHER THAN exactly what it is. The only reason that anyone interested in the device would enter this thread is to see what the negatives are.

    Do you work for Apple? If not, why are you coming in here seemingly solely to complain that people are being negative about an Apple product?

    Evander on
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    Irond WillIrond Will WARNING: NO HURTFUL COMMENTS, PLEASE!!!!! Cambridge. MAModerator Mod Emeritus
    edited July 2010
    no evander i don't work for apple

    but i object to the mutual reinforcement of exaggerated nitpicks in this thread that are really just excuses veiling a broad resentment of apple.

    you're certainly allowed to have the opinion that you don't like apple as a company, however!

    Irond Will on
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    EvanderEvander Disappointed Father Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    If I really hated Apple like you think I do, then why wouldn't I be talking about the proximity sensors? ;-)

    I hold Apple to the standard that I do because it is the standard that their marketing and rhetoric invites. There are plenty of apple products I admire. Hell, if the rumor of a tmo iphone 4 this fall holds out, I may just pick one up (not to replace my nexus, but to swap alongside it, or maybe just get a data-only line for it)

    I'm not sitting around short-selling apple stock. I have no investment in seeing them fail. I am simply tired of all of the smug rhetoric.

    Evander on
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    AtomikaAtomika Live fast and get fucked or whatever Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    Irond Will wrote: »
    but i object to the mutual reinforcement of exaggerated nitpicks in this thread that are really just excuses veiling a broad resentment of apple.

    Look, I've been a pretty big champion of Apple here in the past, and even I'm appalled by how they've treated this situation.

    I don't think you're being very objective here.

    Atomika on
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    Big Red TieBig Red Tie beautiful clydesdale style feet too hot to trotRegistered User regular
    edited July 2010
    Evander wrote: »
    Evander wrote: »
    It is actually just another look in to the absurdity of Jobs' response.

    Consumer Report gave the phone high marks, but then said that they "couldn't recommend it" because if had a fatal flaw that countered all of the positives. Essentially saying "This device would be amazing if the antenna worked."

    Jpobs had a chance to do a mea culpa, and get the black mark removed, and have a top marks on Consumer Reports feather to stick in his cap. Instead he acted like a giant five year old, and Consumer reports said "iot's a start, but we still can't recommend it."

    but the antenna does work
    i don't even

    It works if you sit the device on a table

    but it is a device designed to be held in a hand, and in too high a percentage of normal handheld usages, the antenna does not function properly due to gap bridging.

    Jobs seriously messed up on the press conference. Here is a thing to consider: how many people have you heard defending his performance who DIDN'T already own an iPhone?

    what part of the device working on a table negates the part where it also works during normal use?
    what percentage of normal handheld usages is this that it is "too high"? get a link.

    i didn't say anything about jobs or the press conference. i do not have an iphone, by the way. i do, however, feel that you and many others unjustly condemn the iphone, without the slightest hint of rationality or shred of evidence.

    Big Red Tie on
    3926 4292 8829
    Beasteh wrote: »
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    EvanderEvander Disappointed Father Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    I don't need to get a link to prove that the iossue is significant. The fact that Apple held a press conference is proof enough. If there was really no problem at all, then Apple wouldn't have held a press conference.

    It is really the height of absurdity to keep denying the issue after apple themselves have recognized it.

    Evander on
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    Big Red TieBig Red Tie beautiful clydesdale style feet too hot to trotRegistered User regular
    edited July 2010
    Evander wrote: »
    I don't need proof.

    seriously bro?

    you might want to check where i never denied the issue, but asked you for a quote on an actual number, which is completely different and in fact implicitly accepts that the issue exists.

    Big Red Tie on
    3926 4292 8829
    Beasteh wrote: »
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    EvanderEvander Disappointed Father Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    let's not play games. you don't care about a specific number. you asked as an attempt to discredit me, because you know I don't have one (no one has one.) My point is that a number doesn't make any difference, as whatever the number is, it is higher enough to force apple to hold a press conference.

    Evander on
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    Big Red TieBig Red Tie beautiful clydesdale style feet too hot to trotRegistered User regular
    edited July 2010
    Evander wrote: »
    let's not play games. you don't care about a specific number. you asked as an attempt to discredit me, because you know I don't have one (no one has one.) My point is that a number doesn't make any difference, as whatever the number is, it is higher enough to force apple to hold a press conference.

    no, i, uh. i actually do! you cannot claim anything about the number in question if you don't even have it. as i already said, apple only needs to hold a press conference if there is enough public perception that there is a problem: even if there isn't one.

    apple holding a press conference about the issue does cede that it exists. but unless you can prove otherwise, it isn't as widespread or as severe as you claim. certainly, most anecdotal evidence seems to contradict that.

    Big Red Tie on
    3926 4292 8829
    Beasteh wrote: »
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    EvanderEvander Disappointed Father Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    Evander wrote: »
    let's not play games. you don't care about a specific number. you asked as an attempt to discredit me, because you know I don't have one (no one has one.) My point is that a number doesn't make any difference, as whatever the number is, it is higher enough to force apple to hold a press conference.

    no, i, uh. i actually do! you cannot claim anything about the number in question if you don't even have it. as i already said, apple only needs to hold a press conference if there is enough public perception that there is a problem: even if there isn't one.

    apple holding a press conference about the issue does cede that it exists. but unless you can prove otherwise, it isn't as widespread or as severe as you claim. certainly, most anecdotal evidence seems to contradict that.

    This is just too sad to continue. I'm afraid that if I break your deep seated delusions it might actually do some mental damage.

    Evander on
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    Big Red TieBig Red Tie beautiful clydesdale style feet too hot to trotRegistered User regular
    edited July 2010
    Evander wrote: »
    Evander wrote: »
    let's not play games. you don't care about a specific number. you asked as an attempt to discredit me, because you know I don't have one (no one has one.) My point is that a number doesn't make any difference, as whatever the number is, it is higher enough to force apple to hold a press conference.

    no, i, uh. i actually do! you cannot claim anything about the number in question if you don't even have it. as i already said, apple only needs to hold a press conference if there is enough public perception that there is a problem: even if there isn't one.

    apple holding a press conference about the issue does cede that it exists. but unless you can prove otherwise, it isn't as widespread or as severe as you claim. certainly, most anecdotal evidence seems to contradict that.

    This is just too sad to continue. I'm afraid that if I break your deep seated delusions it might actually do some mental damage.

    yeah, you're right. if you had actually brought out some evidence to back up your increasingly ridiculous claims, my mind would have been blown

    Big Red Tie on
    3926 4292 8829
    Beasteh wrote: »
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    EvanderEvander Disappointed Father Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    as opposed to YOUR evidence?

    Evander on
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    Big Red TieBig Red Tie beautiful clydesdale style feet too hot to trotRegistered User regular
    edited July 2010
    i have posted numerous links, articles, etc. that support my position (~10 pages back? maybe more)
    i don't remember if you even replied to any of them though.

    Big Red Tie on
    3926 4292 8829
    Beasteh wrote: »
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    EvanderEvander Disappointed Father Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    plenty of links and videos (and consumer reports) have ALSO been posted.

    also, you know, press conference.

    there's really nothing more to say. it's like you are just sitting there yelling "the sky is orange"

    Evander on
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    AtomikaAtomika Live fast and get fucked or whatever Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    if you had actually brought out some evidence to back up your increasingly ridiculous claims, my mind would have been blown

    What ridiculous claims is he making?

    Here's one you just made:

    "apple holding a press conference about the issue does cede that it exists. but unless you can prove otherwise, it isn't as widespread or as severe as you claim."

    The logical and mathematical gymnastics you have to go through to make that statement is alarming. Basically, (and I'm trimming this down so you don't misinterpret this) you've said, "This is a problem, Apple admitted it's a problem, but unless you (Evander) can show me hard data proving it's a problem, I don't have to concede the possibility it's a big problem." Do you see? Do you see how no part of that really makes sense? Lemme rephrase it differently:

    It's like if you said, "There is an orange shortage, the orchard admits there is an orange shortage, but unless you can prove how many people the shortage effects and how badly it affects them, I can conclusively state that the problem is, in fact, not really a problem."

    It's absolutism. Plus, it's self-contradictory. So kudos.

    Atomika on
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    Big Red TieBig Red Tie beautiful clydesdale style feet too hot to trotRegistered User regular
    edited July 2010
    if you had actually brought out some evidence to back up your increasingly ridiculous claims, my mind would have been blown

    What ridiculous claims is he making?
    "the antenna doesn't work"
    "it affects too many users because, uh, apple totally had a conference"
    Here's one you just made:

    "apple holding a press conference about the issue does cede that it exists. but unless you can prove otherwise, it isn't as widespread or as severe as you claim."
    claiming the antenna doesn't work is patently untrue. unless somehow he proves that it doesn't work.
    claiming that, like, so many people have this issue, and then not supporting this claim with any data is completely ridiculous.
    The logical and mathematical gymnastics you have to go through to make that statement is alarming. Basically, (and I'm trimming this down so you don't misinterpret this) you've said, "This is a problem, Apple admitted it's a problem, but unless you (Evander) can show me hard data proving it's a problem, I don't have to concede the possibility it's a big problem." Do you see? Do you see how no part of that really makes sense? Lemme rephrase it differently:
    apple admitted that the iphone 4 attenuates more than other phones. no one has proven that it is a "big" problem
    It's like if you said, "There is an orange shortage, the orchard admits there is an orange shortage, but unless you can prove how many people the shortage effects and how badly it affects them, I can conclusively state that the problem is, in fact, not really a problem."
    but if no one is affected by the orange shortage, it's not really a problem at all. much like how most people aren't affected by the iphone 4's increased attenuation, but rather benefit from the exterior antenna's increased ability to hold a signal.

    unless you have data saying that so many people have this terrible issue with the phone: the data i asked for. apparently defending your position using facts is too much to ask.

    Big Red Tie on
    3926 4292 8829
    Beasteh wrote: »
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    AtomikaAtomika Live fast and get fucked or whatever Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    unless you have data saying that so many people have this terrible issue with the phone: the data i asked for. apparently defending your position using facts is too much to ask.

    Let's say you build a machine that both creates ice cream and gold coins. And then it hits the market, and you find out that the ice cream maker is irreparably malfunctioning. But people love the gold coins, and can get ice cream somewhere else. Your machine continues to sell well.

    What your argument basically states is that because people are very happy with gold coins, logic dictates that the ice cream machine works perfectly.

    Clearly, you're bad at making logical statements.

    Atomika on
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    jungleroomxjungleroomx It's never too many graves, it's always not enough shovels Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    Man, the vitriol from the Apple faithful here is astounding.

    I guess pointing out that I have owned 4 iPods at various stages (and currently have 2, and use iTunes exclusively as a media player) and was looking into custom fabricating an iPad into my truck would be useless.

    Because fuck Apple, right?


    So badass.

    jungleroomx on
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    NostregarNostregar Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    Irond Will wrote: »
    in my experience, the i4 antenna really does pull a better signal than other phones i have used in my place. I had to return a mororola SLVR because it didn't work at all with AT&T at all in my house (had to like go outside on the balcony to use the phone), but the i4 holds between 1 and 3 bars all the time.

    I keep a bumper on it and haven't had problems with signal attenuation.

    I can certainly appreciate that not everybody has this problem, and you seem to be in that group - whether by good luck, hardware variation, or whatever, you aren't having this problem. Good! It's entirely possible I wouldn't have this problem either. However, I know a few people with these who have had problems, so it's also possible that I would. On the opposite end of the spectrum, I know one person whose signal goes up two bars when they touch the "bad spot" - weird, huh?

    I guess my problem is really that I might get hardware that has a significant issue with reception. I've just accepted a job that would require me to do a fair amount of work from my personal cell phone and be reachable at all times - including when I go to my parents' house for holidays, a weak reception area.

    But hey! I could just put a case on it, right? Unfortunately, that doesn't fly for me. I hate cell phone cases and I never wanted an iPhone before because I found them ugly. Sure, the interface was nice enough, but I just found them incredibly ugly. The i4 was the first one that I liked the appearance of, so that influenced my decision to buy. If I'm going to have to put a case on it, that defeats the whole purpose of me waiting for one I liked the look of without the case.

    So yeah. My thing here is that because it is - according to complaint calls - approximately twice as likely that I'll have call drops with the i4 than with a competing phone, I see no reason to risk it. If I was willing to put a case on I know I'd have no problems, but I specifically want a phone I don't need a case for and had intended to buy the i4 for that reason.

    Nostregar on
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    AdrienAdrien Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    It's like if you said, "There is an orange shortage, the orchard admits there is an orange shortage, but unless you can prove how many people the shortage effects and how badly it affects them, I can conclusively state that the problem is, in fact, not really a problem."

    It's absolutism. Plus, it's self-contradictory. So kudos.

    Or imagine if there were an iPhone 4 shortage, because more people wanted to buy an iPhone than there were iPhones.

    Am I doing this right?

    Adrien on
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    adytumadytum The Inevitable Rise And FallRegistered User regular
    edited July 2010
    Evander wrote: »
    You are still completely irrational. A revolt against apple implies that consumers are EXPECTED to purchase from apple to begin with. There is no such expectation. outside of the mp3 player market Apple isn't really the leader of any market. They are a hip brand, that's all.


    Sure, this is from two pages ago, but it deserves extra attention.

    Evander, if you want to play the semantics game maybe you should consult a dictionary before you open your mouth. Because everything you've said on the matter is so completely and utterly incorrect based on what words actually mean.

    And you're calling me completely irrational.


    adytum on
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    NostregarNostregar Registered User regular
    edited July 2010
    adytum wrote: »
    Evander wrote: »
    You are still completely irrational. A revolt against apple implies that consumers are EXPECTED to purchase from apple to begin with. There is no such expectation. outside of the mp3 player market Apple isn't really the leader of any market. They are a hip brand, that's all.


    Sure, this is from two pages ago, but it deserves extra attention.

    Evander, if you want to play the semantics game maybe you should consult a dictionary before you open your mouth. Because everything you've said on the matter is so completely and utterly incorrect based on what words actually mean.

    And you're calling me completely irrational.


    Evander is, uh

    He's correct about the meaning of the word.
    –verb (used without object)
    1. to break away from or rise against constituted authority, as by open rebellion; cast off allegiance or subjection to those in authority; rebel; mutiny: to revolt against the present government.

    You may be opting for one of the other meanings of the word, but Evander isn't wrong.

    Nostregar on
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    Irond WillIrond Will WARNING: NO HURTFUL COMMENTS, PLEASE!!!!! Cambridge. MAModerator Mod Emeritus
    edited July 2010
    Nostregar wrote: »
    Irond Will wrote: »
    in my experience, the i4 antenna really does pull a better signal than other phones i have used in my place. I had to return a mororola SLVR because it didn't work at all with AT&T at all in my house (had to like go outside on the balcony to use the phone), but the i4 holds between 1 and 3 bars all the time.

    I keep a bumper on it and haven't had problems with signal attenuation.

    I can certainly appreciate that not everybody has this problem, and you seem to be in that group - whether by good luck, hardware variation, or whatever, you aren't having this problem. Good! It's entirely possible I wouldn't have this problem either. However, I know a few people with these who have had problems, so it's also possible that I would. On the opposite end of the spectrum, I know one person whose signal goes up two bars when they touch the "bad spot" - weird, huh?

    I guess my problem is really that I might get hardware that has a significant issue with reception. I've just accepted a job that would require me to do a fair amount of work from my personal cell phone and be reachable at all times - including when I go to my parents' house for holidays, a weak reception area.

    But hey! I could just put a case on it, right? Unfortunately, that doesn't fly for me. I hate cell phone cases and I never wanted an iPhone before because I found them ugly. Sure, the interface was nice enough, but I just found them incredibly ugly. The i4 was the first one that I liked the appearance of, so that influenced my decision to buy. If I'm going to have to put a case on it, that defeats the whole purpose of me waiting for one I liked the look of without the case.

    So yeah. My thing here is that because it is - according to complaint calls - approximately twice as likely that I'll have call drops with the i4 than with a competing phone, I see no reason to risk it. If I was willing to put a case on I know I'd have no problems, but I specifically want a phone I don't need a case for and had intended to buy the i4 for that reason.

    if you don't want to put a case on your phone and want to use it in low signal areas and it's very important that your ringer always works, then you probably shouldn't get any AT&T phone in the first place. I'm not sure where you are located, but you should probably use whatever network is most reliable in your area.

    The anandtech article indicated that even putting krylon tape (or, presumably, invisishield or any other flim-based protector) around the antenna reduces the attenuation of the phone to the same level as the other phones they tested. So, if AT&T is your best local network and you don't want to wear a case and it's very important to you that you maximize your ability to take a call then that's an option i guess.

    you should at least consider the possibility that the issue is being exaggerated or misrepresented to you in terms of practical effect to you.

    unless, again, your dissatisfaction is with something besides whether the phone will function well enough for your use. i live in a low signal area and the phone works fine for me, kind of against my expectations, given how much grousing i'd seen on the internets. you can always return it if it doesn't work.

    i don't really care about helping apple make a sale. i just think that the sniping in here has very little to do with the actual issue, and it might be misleading people. twenty pages back the problem is that the iphone is terrible and apple are monsters because they're not putting flash on their mobile browser, and before that the iphone is terrible and apple are monsters because the app store screen applications and it's hard to root the phone in order to steal functionality that the network wants to charge you for.

    Irond Will on
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    Irond WillIrond Will WARNING: NO HURTFUL COMMENTS, PLEASE!!!!! Cambridge. MAModerator Mod Emeritus
    edited July 2010
    Man, the vitriol from the Apple faithful here is astounding.

    I guess pointing out that I have owned 4 iPods at various stages (and currently have 2, and use iTunes exclusively as a media player) and was looking into custom fabricating an iPad into my truck would be useless.

    Because fuck Apple, right?


    So badass.

    i've been kind of trying to figure out a way to mount a useful stand in my car for my ipad, i guess for gps mostly. it's pretty big for that kind of purpose unless you've got a giant truck or something.

    Irond Will on
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    Irond WillIrond Will WARNING: NO HURTFUL COMMENTS, PLEASE!!!!! Cambridge. MAModerator Mod Emeritus
    edited July 2010
    Irond Will wrote: »
    but i object to the mutual reinforcement of exaggerated nitpicks in this thread that are really just excuses veiling a broad resentment of apple.

    Look, I've been a pretty big champion of Apple here in the past, and even I'm appalled by how they've treated this situation.

    I don't think you're being very objective here.

    i guess i'm not sure what the objection is

    apple admitted an issue with signal attenuation if you touch the phone in the wrong spot. most other phones don't have exposed antennae that you can couple with other antennae, but holding a phone with any kind of casual use does attenuate the signal on most if not all phones, so it doesn't seem like an unfair comparison.

    it seems like giving out free cases and expanding their return policy is a pretty reasonable offer

    having signal problems? use the free case

    don't like the free case? return the phone

    i guess i don't really see what they could do differently in terms of handling.

    Irond Will on
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    OrganichuOrganichu poops peesRegistered User, Moderator mod
    edited July 2010
    it sounds a lot like a kid who apologizes for being bad but he's still angry and the parent (the consumers with sticks up their asses) are wagging their finger and going

    i don't like your tone

    they seem to want a totally humble and obeisant and not-self-promoting marketing strategy, which strikes me as so nitpicky and whiny

    Organichu on
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