
Dragon Quest: A Wild DQ XI has appeared...on 3DS and PS4...and NX?!?

Xenogears of BoreXenogears of Bore Registered User regular
edited July 2015 in Games and Technology


INTRODUCTION:In the beginning, there was only one being in the formless void, the benevolent and Almighty creator. As he looked upon the vast emptiness he was disheartened for their was no one to share the beauty of life with. So he went about creating stars, planets, galaxies, trees, animals, plants, and so forth. And it was good, but it did not satisfy him, so he sent forth creating a race of beings in his own image, a perfect race to share in the beauty and majesty that he created. So he came up with man, and of course the angels to protect man and guide them. Unfortunately something went wrong as he was creating them, for upon his shoe was a sticky, gooey substance that absorbed a part of the perfect energy the Almighty had used to create man, making them a flawed creature and giving them a demonic life. The goo formed into a little blue puddle with a hideous grin and a cow lick, and proceeded to wage war against the Almighty himself and his heavenly host over the souls of mankind. Thousands of years have past since the heavens were torn asunder and the war wages on, outside of the view of most men. It has not been fairing well for the angels, but there is still hope, for you have been sent to earth to recruit brave warriors to take the fight beyond the Slimewall and strike fear into their quivering forms, but it won't be easy.



WARRIOR: Brave front line units in the war against slimekind. Their very presence provokes slimes into attacking them, and their armor is well oiled so the foul beasts just slide right off them. Mighty practitioners of the Sword, Spear, Knife and Shield, and the only ones with enough Courage to stand strong against the quivering horde.

Warrior - Courage

8 -0 MP- Whipping Boy - Protect one character from damage.
16 -0 MP- Strength + 10 - Adds 10 pts. to strength.
28 -0 MP- Whistle - Provokes an enemy to come at you.
40 -0 MP- Resilience + 20 - Adds 20 pts. to resilience
48 -0 MP- Body Slam - Hurts the enemy and you.
56 -0 MP- Strength + 30 - Adds 30 pts. to strength.
70 -3 MP- Morale Masher - Hurts the enemy and lowers its tension.
80 -0 MP- Resilience + 40 - Adds 40 pts. to resilience.
90 -0 MP- HP + 60 - Adds 60 pts. to HP.
100 -4 MP-Attack Attacker - Hurts the enemy and lowers its atk power.


MAGE: Five hundred years ago mankind was first contact by the angels. They were told to gather their wisest men and women and to venture far into the desert beyond the Slimewall to learn the darkest magicks of monsterkind to use in the war against the slimes. This secret order now returns in mankind's darkest hour to use its knowledge of the arcane against their slippery foes. Using wands, shields, knives and whips to aid them in their ancient rites of Spellcraft which sets them far apart from the other casters.

Mage - Spellcraft

8 -5 MP- Wizard Ward - Protects caster from magical damage.
16 -0 MP- Magical Might + 20 - Adds 20 pts. to magic thats for attacks.
26 -6 MP- Spooky Aura - Reduces an enemy's res. to magic.
38 -0 MP- MP + 10 - Adds 10 pts. to MP.
46 -3 MP- Focus Pocus - Allows caster to regenerate MP over time.
54 -0 MP- Critical Spell Rate Up - Raises chance for spells doing a critical.
68 -5 MP- Channel Anger - Adds to Magical Might.
78 -0 MP- Magical Might + 60 - Adds 60 pts. to magic thats for attacks.
88 -0 MP- MP + 20 - Adds 20 pts. to MP.
100 -0 MP- Magical Might + 100 - Adds 100 pts. to magic thats for attacks.


PRIESTS: Holy men and women chosen by the angels to wield the powers of the creator in order to heal the numerous injuries caused by their dark foes. These men and women are as strong in their Faith as they are in the Shield, Staff, Shield, and Wand that they use in their unending fight against the slimes.

Priest - Faith

8 -0 MP- Divination - Shows how much exp. is needed to inc. in lvl.
16 -0 MP- Magical Mending + 20 - Adds 20 pts. to your ability to heal.
28 -2 MP- Benediction - Lifts curses.
40 -0MP- MP + 10 - Adds 10 pts. to your MP.
48 -4 MP- Rotstopper - Protects the party from Undead attacks.
56 -0 MP- Magical Mending + 60 - Adds 60 pts. to your ability to heal.
70 -3 MP- Alma Mater - Prevents instant death attacks from working.
80 -0 MP- MP + 20 - Adds 20 pts. to your MP
90 -2 MP- Care Prayer - Raises caster's Magical Mending alot.
100 -0 MP- Magical Mending + 100 - Adds 100 pts. to ability to heal.


MARTIAL ARTISTS: Strange men and women from a far off land who have also been plagued by the scourge of slimedom. Exuding a strange aura from within these fearsome foreigners use the powers of wicked Claws, whirling Staves, windfilled Fans, and the awesome power of the their bare Fisticuffs to go alongside their unwavering Focus in this fight that challenges all of mankind.

Martial Artist - Focus

4 -0 MP- War Cry - Chance to paralyze every enemy in a group.
10 -0 MP- Agility + 10 - Adds 10 pts. to Agility.
16 -0 MP- Psyche Up - Raises tension.
22 -0 MP- Strength + 10 - Adds 10 pts. to Strength.
32 -2 MP- Mens Sana - Removes neg. status effects.
42 -0 MP- HP + 30 - Adds 30 pts. to HP.
55 -1 MP- Mind Over Matter - Protects from breath attacks.
68 -0 MP- Agility + 30 - Adds 30 pts. to Agility.
82 -3 MP- Meditation - Heals self.
100 -0 MP- Agility + 60 - Adds 60 pts. to Agility.


THIEVES: Young men and women whose lives have been torn apart by the secret war with the slimes often end up as war orphans. Some are adopted by the monasteries to join the fight against the slimes, but many others fall through the cracks, becoming pinchers and street toughs on the mean streets of Stornway. Those with certain talents often end up in the prison below Stornway Castle where they are given a last chance. Join the war against the slimes or spend their better days raising mold in the dank dungeon. Most join right up. With their extensive knowledge of Knives, Swords, and the "borrowed" knowledge of the Claws and Fisticuffs from the east, these unusual combatants might just turn the tide in mankind's favor with their Acquisitiveness.

Thief - Acquisitveness

4 -0 MP- Deftness + 20 - Adds 20 pts. to Deftness.
10 -0 MP- Half-Inch - Chance to steal an item.
16 -0 MP- Agility + 20 - Adds 20 pts. to Agility.
22 -0 MP- Pitfall - A pit that can trap monsters or people.
32 -0 MP- HP + 20 - Adds 20 pts. to HP.
42 -0 MP- Nose for Treasure - Detects treasure on current floor. Only works on red treasure chests, but will find the stairs down in the current Grotto.
55 -0 MP- Deftness + 40 - Adds 40 pts. to Deftness.
68 -0 MP- Eye for Trouble - Adds info. about monster to bestiary.
82 -0 MP- Agility + 40 - Adds 40 pts. to Agility.
100 -2 MP- Treasure Eye Land - Locates and highlights treasure.


MINSTRELS: The war has not been going well for humanity for the past one hundred years, but not all hope is lost. These bright and cheery men and women come from all across the countryside to sing songs, tell tales, and bring lost knowledge, hope, and maybe even a few laughs to the downtrodden populace. With their travels brings an eclectic mix of skills from around the globe, including Fans from the east, the more traditional Swords and Shields, and the exotic Whip to go along with their ultimate power to get out of the slimiest of situations, their uncanny Litheness!

Minstrel - Litheness

4 -2 MP- Hot Lick - Attacks an enemy with fire.
10 -0 MP- Spry in a Crisis - Raises chance to evade with low HP.
16 -0 MP- Pratfall - May distract a group of enemies.
22 -0 MP- Charm + 30 - Adds 30 pts. to Charm.
32 -2 MP- Sobering Slap - Removes confusion.
42 -0 MP- Magical Might + 30 - Adds 30 pts. to magic used for atks.
55 -0 MP- Tap Dance - Raises chance to evade.
68 -0 MP- Magical Mending + 30 - Adds 30 pts. to your ability to heal.
82 -8 MP- Have a Ball - Deals damage to an enemy.
100 -0 MP- Deftness + 50 - Adds 50 pts. to Deftness.



GLADIATOR: Fighters of all sorts end up in the Gladiator pits of the major cities. Former slaves of the Slimes, poor farmers, out of work blacksmiths, front line deserters, criminals, street toughs desiring a further knowledge of the serene grace and absolute brutality of one on one combat. Sometimes a pure soul will end up in these pits, and usually an angel will offer them another purpose for their extreme knowledge of weapons and warfare. A chance to make the world a better place. Strange Axes, cruel hammers, wicked swords, and their own Fisticuffs aid these men and women who have left everything behind except their Guts in order to spill those of Slimekind.

Gladiator - Guts

4 -0 MP- HP + 10 - Adds 10 pts. to HP.
10 -1 MP- Clap Trap - Attack against a single enemy.
16 -0 MP- Strength + 10 - Adds 10 pts. to Strength.
22 -0 MP- Double Up - Reduces defense, but raises atk greatly.
32 -0 MP- HP + 20 - Adds 20 pts. to HP.
42 -0 MP- Double-Edged Slash - Deals high damage, but you take damage.
55 -0 MP- Strength + 30 - Adds 30 pts. to Strength.
68 -4 MP- Blind Man's Biff - Strong attack aginst one enemy.
82 -0 MP- HP + 30 - Adds 30 pts. to HP.
100 -6 MP- Feel the Burn - Attacking raises tension.


PALADINS: Holy warriors recruited from the ranks of the priesthood in order to fight the Slime menace head on. Frontline protectors of the faith who routinely use their Shields, Hammers, Wands, and Spears in order to protect those at the forefront of the unholy invasion. Faith may not be enough to win the war but with their unending Virtue, they just might succeed if they hold strong.

Paladin - Virtue

4 -0 MP- Pinchusion - Attacks any enemy that attacks the caster.
10 -0 MP- Resilience + 10 - Adds 10 pts. to Resilience.
16 -3 MP- H-Pathy - Transfers HP to another character.
22 -0 MP- Magical Mending + 30 - Adds 30 pts. to ability to heal.
32 -0 MP- M-Pathy - Transfers MP to another character.
42 -0 MP- Resilience + 30 - Adds 30 pts. to Resilience.
55 -0 MP- Selflessness - Defends any character with critical HP.
68 -0 MP- Resilience + 60 - Adds 60 pts. to Resilience.
82 -0 MP- Forbearance - Defends all party members.
100 -0 MP- HP + 80 - Adds 80 pts. to HP.


ARMAMENTALISTS: Three hundred years ago an order of knights exploring the vast waste came across the camp of the Magi and were shocked at what they saw. After a few more days among these strange mystics though the leader of the knights was impressed. A learned son of a noble himself he began to see the benefit of these strange powers; a way to fight the Slimes without the force of arms. He ordered his men to build an encampment a few miles away from these mages and sent some of his younger, more magically inclined troops to guard the mages and to learn their ways, to see if they could combine their might at arms with these magics in order to beat the gooey horde once and for all. Thus the Armamentalists were born. Men and women with flashy clothes to go along with their spectacular fighting ability. Using Bow, Shield, Sword, and Wand to go along with their new Fource of arms.

Armamentalist - Fource

4 -4 MP- Fire Fource - Raises atk and def. with fire.
10 -0 MP- Strength + 10 - Adds 10 pts. to Strength.
16 -4 MP- Frost Fource - Raises atk and def. with ice.
22 -0 MP- Resilience + 20 - Adds 20 pts. to Resilience.
32 -4 MP- Gale Fource - Raises atk and def. with wind/lightning.
42 -0 MP- Charm + 10 - Adds 10 pts. to Charm.
55 -4 MP- Funereal Fource - Raises atk and def. with earth/darkness.
68 -0 MP- Magical Might + 30 - Adds 30 pts. to magic that attacks.
82 -4 MP- Life Fource - Raises atk and def. with light.
100 -0 MP- HP + 30 - Adds 30 pts. to HP.


RANGERS: Brave men and women of the Slimewatch, who patrol the other side of the Slimewall in order to keep the rest of humanity safe. Solo fighters of the vast wilderness these men and women are well versed in woodcraft and are in tune with the plants and animals of the land and act as their defenders. They are the frontline scouts of the war and a valuable member of any team with their knowledge of Bows, Axes, the exotic Boomerang, and the power of within Fisticuffs, taught to them by travelers from the east. Their determination and Ruggedness will see them through.

Ranger - Ruggedness

4 -2 MP- Soothe Sayer - Calms an enemy.
10 -0 MP- Deftness + 10 - Adds 10 pts. to Deftness.
16 -0 MP- Mercy - Gives enemy chance to flee.
22 -0 MP- Agility + 20 - Adds 20 pts. to Agility.
32 -3 MP- Vanish - Lowers chance for char. to be attacked.
42 -0 MP- Resilience + 20 - Adds 20 pts. to Resilience.
55 -5 MP- Mist Me - Summons fog that disrupts enemy attacks.
68 -0 MP- Deftness + 30 - Adds 30 pts. to Deftness.
82 -16 MP- Wolf Whistle - Summons 2 wolves to attack enemy.
100 -0 MP- Deftness + 60 - Adds 60 pts. to Deftness.



SAGE: Enlightened men and women who have transcended the normal class roles and become master of all forms of magic. If enlisted in the war these powerful sorcerers and sorceresses could be the secret to victory with their Bow, Boomerang, Shield, Wand, and their most powerful ability to bring enlightenment to all.

Sage - Enlightenment

4 -0 MP- Magical Mending + 20 - Adds 20 pts. to ability to heal.
10 -3 MP- Jack's Knack - Let's char. change vocations anywhere.
16 -0 MP- Magical Might + 20 - Adds 20 pts. to attack magic.
22 -6 MP- Right as Rain - Heals each char. for a few turns.
32 -0 MP- Magical Mending + 40 - Adds 40 pts. to ability to heal.
42 -10 MP- Disruptive Wave - Removes all status effects from enemies.
55 -0 MP- Magical Might + 40 - Adds 40 pts. to attack magic.
68 -8 MP- Caster Sugar - Raises casters magical might and mending.
82 -0 MP- MP + 60 - Adds 60 pts. to MP.
100 -0 MP- MP Consumption-25% - Spells/Skills cost 25% less MP to use.


LUMINARY: Celebrities have not been idle during this war. No matter how hard things may be on the homefront the boys and girls on the field have it far worse, so these talented lads and lasses have decided to pack up their pumps and join the frey. Their charms are even enough to stop the slimes still for a moment or two. Boomerangs, Fans, Shields, Whips are just the tools of the trade when these stars and starlets bring their certain something Je Ne Sais Quoi to the front lines. Go get em tiger!

Luminary - Je Ne Sais Quoi

4 -0 MP- Charm + 10 - Adds 10 pts. to Charm.
10 -0 MP- Autograph - Costs money, but deal heavy damage.
16 -0 MP- Agility + 20 - Adds 20 pts. to Agility.
22 -3 MP- Scandal Eyes - May blind a group of enemies.
32 -0 MP- HP + 20 - Adds 20 pts. to HP.
42 -2 MP- Extreme Makeover - Raises Charm for a time.
55 -0 MP- Charm + 20 - Adds 20 pts. to Charm.
68 -6 MP- Eyes on Me - Draws enemy attention, enraging them.
82 -0 MP- Charm + 30 - Adds 30 pts. to Charm.
100 -15 MP- Disco Stew - An attack that attracts enemies.



Slime: Common foot soldier of the slimes. Male slimes are blue, female slimes are red, and more dangerous, though their solitary nature prevents them from joining forces. Powerful killers with a menacing grin on their faces. Dangerous alone, deadly in packs. Their favorite snacks are kittens, puppies, and newborn children. Don't let them combine!


Slime Stack: Three slimes combined into one. Very dangerous, have been known to eat entire men whole. If you see three slimes together try and kill one before they form this dangerous tower of pain.


Metal Slime: A slime infected by a strange virus from the future. Turned diamond hard and completely without feeling, these silent killers have been known to destroy entire towns.


Metal Medley: Three metal slimes combined into one fearsome beast. These frightful monsters have been said to have once upon a time ended entire civilizations.


Bubble Slime: Ancient slimes from the start of the war against the heavens, these horrible creatures are all that is left after thousands of years of evil slimy menace have corrupted these pools of goo into something evil, something green.

Now there is something I must warn you about. We have knowledge of the far future of this planet and it isn't good. This was the first image our time mages brought us from 1000 years into the future.


They have evolved. We have found the source of the metal virus! These cold robotic killers from the future, using their impossible powers of density control to go from a being of pure fluid to a being of the hardest metal. They have come back and have started infecting their bretheren.

Some even say that they have a leader. A crowned king of future medal evil. But surely such things cannot exist in the light.

3DS CODE: 3093-7068-3576
Xenogears of Bore on


  • Options
    Xenogears of BoreXenogears of Bore Registered User regular
    edited August 2010

    MAKING A PARTY: After an event early in the story you can go to Patty's pub in Stornway and make a party. Choose the appearance, name, and class of your fellow warriors in the battle against slimekind. They start at level one. You can have up to three additional party members on your team at one time. Certain post game quests allow for certain named characters to also become recruits in your struggle.

    CHANGING CLASSES: After a certain event in the game you can change your class. You have to go to the Alltrades Abbey and talk to Jack. He'll allow you to change your class to any one you've unlocked at that point. All classes start at level 1. If you change back to a previous job it remains at the level you left it. You retain any unspent skill points you had left over from your previous job, and any skill you've learned from any previous jobs, including bonuses to your initial stats. You don't keep spells, and your class needs the ability to equip the specific weapon for weapon based skills. If your new class shares a weapon skill with one you've already advanced then all spent points carry over to that skill too, a vital tool in raising weapon skills quickly. Level 100 in any weapon skill allows it to carry over to any job, so if you want a fan waving mage or a boomerang chucking paladin you can if you work hard enough. Level 99 is the max level, but you have the option of Revocating that class back to level one, keeping all your previous skill points and gaining a unique piece of equipment!

    SKILLS: Sometimes when you level up in the fight against slimes you gain skill points. You can gain up to 200 points from level 1-99 in every class, a maximum of 2400 skill points. Revocating and skill seeds can get you up to 2600 points, or 100 in every skill.

    Weapon Skill Sets:

    Each weapon has its own skill set. Any weapon also become
    available to any vocation when it is maxed with 100 skill points,
    which is omnivocational, except Fisticuffs. This section is set up
    by Skill Points first, MP cost next, followed by the Skill you unlock.

    Skill points carry over from one vocation to another.


    3 -0 MP- Poplar Toppler - Deal extra damage to plant type monsters.
    7 -Attack+10 with Axes.
    13 -2 MP- Parallax - Has a chance to paralyze the enemy.
    22 -Critical Hit Rate up with axes.
    35 -0 MP- Helm Splitter - Deals damage and lowers defense.
    42 -Attack+20 with Axes
    58 -8 MP- Hatchet Man - Misses or delivers a critical hit.
    76 -Attack+30 with Axes.
    88 -0 MP- Axes of Evil - Hits a group of enemies.
    100 -Omnivocational Axemaster - Can use Axes in any class.


    3 -2 MP- Crosscutter Throw - Hits enemies with slight inc. in damage.
    7 -4 MP- Power Throw - Hits all enemies.
    13 -Attack+10 with Boomerangs.
    22 -0 MP- Ooze Bruiser - Does extra damage to slime types.
    35 -Attack+20 with Boomerangs.
    42 -6 MP- Starburst Throw - Extra damage to all targets.
    58 -4 MP- Firebird Throw - Hits enemies in a group multiple times.
    76 -Attack+30 with Boomerangs.
    88 -3 MP- Metalicker - Strong against metal types.
    100 -Omnivocational Rangmaster - Can use Boomerangs in any class.


    3 -3 MP- Conjury Conductor - Makes enemy vulnerable to magic.
    7 -Attack+10 with Bows.
    13 -0 MP- Flutter Disaster - Deals extra damage to bird types.
    22 -Critical Rate Up with Bows.
    35 -1 MP- Needle Shot - Can instantly kill an enemy.
    42 -Attack+20 with Bows.
    58 -4 MP- Rain of Pain - Randomly shoots 4 arrows.
    76 -Attack+30 with Bows.
    88 -0 MP- Hallowed Arrow - Damages and drains MP.
    100 -Omnivocational Bowmaster - Can use Bows in any class.


    3 -2 MP- Propeller Blade - Attack followed by another attack.
    7 -Attack+10 with Claws.
    13 -0 MP- Can Opener - Deal extra damage to machine types.
    22 -Critical Hit Rate Up with Claws.
    35 -0 MP- Flailing Nails - 4 attacks that vary in damage.
    42 -Attack+20 with Claws.
    58 -0 MP- Hardclaw - Deal 2 strong blows.
    76 -Attack+30 with Claws.
    88 -6 MP- Rake n' Break - Damages and may strip pos. status effects.
    100 -Omnivocational Clawmaster - Can use Claws in any class.


    3 -2 MP- Flower Power - May confuse enemies.
    7 -Attack+10 with Fans.
    13 -4 MP- Reverse Cycle - Reflects breath attacks.
    22 -Critical Hit Rate Up with Fans.
    35 -0 MP- Water Slaughter - Deals extra damage to water types.
    42 -Attack+20 with Fans.
    58 -3 MP- Schizofanic - Raises evasion.
    76 -Attack+30 with Fans.
    88 -8 MP- Fan Dango - Randomly attacks enemies multiple times.
    100 -Omnivocational Fanmaster - Can use Fans in any class.


    3 -0 MP- Stone's Throw - Attacks a group of enemies.
    7 -Attack+10 with Fists.
    12 -0 MP- Wind Sickles - Hits group/does extra damage to elemental enemies.
    18 -Critical Hit Rate Up with Fists.
    25 -2 MP- Knuckle Sandwich - Deals extra damage.
    30 -Evasion+4% with Fists.
    42 -0 MP- Mulitfists - 4 attacks against random enemies.
    60 -Attack+30 with Fists.
    77 -8 MP- Boulder Toss - Deals high damage.
    100 -Attack+60 with Fists.


    3 -2 MP- Heart Breaker - Damages and may stop the enemy from acting that round.
    7 -Attack+10 with Hammers.
    13 -2 MP- Penny Pincher - Deals damage and may steal money.
    22 -Critical Hit Rate Up with Hammers.
    35 -3 MP- Bagsy Last - Attack last, but damage increases.
    42 -Attack+20 with Hammers.
    58 -0 MP- Monster Masher - Deals extra damage to material types.
    76 -Attack+30 with Hammers.
    88 -12 MP- Crackerwhack - Hits all enemies.
    100 -Omnivocational Hammermaster - Can use Hammers in any class.


    3 -2 MP- Toxic Dagger - Deals damage and may poison target.
    7 -Attack+10 with Knives.
    13 -0 MP- Fly Swat - Deals extra damage to bug types.
    22 -Critical Hit Rate Up with Knives.
    35 -3 MP- Victimiser - Deals extra damage to poisoned/paralyzed enemies.
    42 -Attack+20 with Knives.
    58 -3 MP- Assassin's Stab - May instantly kill a target.
    76 -Attack+30 with Knives.
    88 -4 MP- HP Hoover - Deals damage and restores health.
    100 -Omnivocational Knifemaster.


    6 -4 MP- Blockenspiel - Attacks while increasin defense.
    12 - +2% to Block.
    18 -3 MP- Defending Champion - Greatly reduces damage taken from physical hits.
    25 - +2% to Block.
    32 -4 MP- Immense Defence - Improves shield effectiveness.
    40 -4 MP- Magic Mirror - Reflects enemy spells for a time.
    52 - +2% to Block.
    66 -4 MP- Holy Impregnable - Blacks neg. status effects.
    82 -12 MP- Back Atcha - Reflects attacks back at enemy.
    100 -Omnivocational Shieldmaster - Can use Shields in any class.


    3 -0 MP- Mercurial Thrust - Less damage, but it hits first.
    7 -Attack+10 with Spears.
    13 -0 MP- Cattle Prod - Deals extra damage to beast types.
    22 -3 MP- Pressure Pointer - May kill enemy instantly.
    35 -Critical Hit Rate Up with Spears.
    42 -Attack+20 with Spears.
    58 -8 MP- Thunder Thrust - Fails or cause a critical hit.
    76 -Attack+30 with Spears.
    88 -4 MP- Multithrust - Hits mulitple times.
    100 -Omnivocational Spearmaster - Can use Spears in any class.


    3 -Attack+10 with Staves.
    7 -0 MP- Trip of a Deathtime - May knock down a group of enemies.
    13 -Critical Hit Rate Up with Staves.
    22 -0 MP- Delieverance - Deals extra damage to zombie types.
    35 -Attack+20 with Staves.
    42 -0 MP- Party Pooper - May launch a group of enemies.
    58 -Evasion+4% with Staves.
    76 -5 MP- Crushed Ice - 4 icy hits on random enemies.
    88 -Attack+30 with Staves.
    100 -Omnivocational Staffmaster - Can use Staves in any class.


    3 -0 MP- Dragon Slash - Deals extra damage to dragon types.
    7 -Attack+10 with Swords.
    13 -0 MP- Metal Slash - Deal extra damage to metal types.
    22 -Critical Hit Rate Up with Swords.
    35 -4 MP- Miracle Slash - Damages and steals HP.
    42 -Attack+20 with Swords.
    58 -2 MP- Falcon Slash - Double attack.
    76 -Attack+30 with Swords.
    88 -5 MP- Gigaslash - Does great damage to a group of enemies.
    100 -Omnivocational Swordmaster - Can use Swords in any class.


    3 -MP+10 with Wands.
    7 -3 MP- Antimagic - May stop an enemy from casting spells.
    13 -MP Absorption+2%.
    21 -0 MP- Beelzefreeze - May paralyze demons.
    31 -MP+30 with Wands.
    44 -2 MP- Caduceus - Heals a single character.
    57 -MP Absorption+4%.
    70 -MP+60 with Wands.
    84 -Auto MP Recovery with Wands.
    100 -Omnivocational Wandmaster - Can use Wands in any class.


    3 -3 MP- Hypnowhip - May confuse the enemy.
    7 -0 MP- Lashings of Love - Deals extra damage to humanoid types.
    13 -Attack+10 with Whips.
    22 -3 MP- Trammel Lash - May paralyze the target.
    35 -Attack+20 with Whips.
    42 -3 MP- Hit the Hay - May put enemies to sleep.
    58 -Attack+30 with Whips.
    76 -5 MP- Schadenfreude - Damages enemies while healing caster.
    88 -10 MP- Twin Dragon Lash - Attacks group of enemies twice.
    100 -Omnivocational Whipmaster - Can use Whips in any class.


    Spells are gained by leveling in a certain class. They are NOT transferred over when you change jobs. If you change back to that job, you regain those spells. Some classes have no spells. The format is spell name, level learned, MP cost, description.

    Dazzle - 2 -5 MP- Enemies may see illusions.
    Sap - 5 -4 MP- Lowers defense of 1 enemy.
    Snooze - 8 -3 MP- May put a group to sleep.
    Decelerate - 10 -3 MP- Lowers agility of 1 enemy.
    Acceleratle - 12 -4 MP- Raises agility of all comrades.
    Fizzle - 14 -3 MP- May stop a group of enemies from using magic.
    Kasap -16 -8 MP- Lowers defense of a group.
    Fuddle - 20 -5 MP- May confuse a group.
    Deceleratle - 24 -5 MP- Lowers agility of a group.
    Kasnooze - 28 -8 MP- May put all enemies to sleep.
    Kafuddle - 31 -10 MP- May confuse all enemies.
    Oomph - 39 -8 MP- Raises attack of 1 comrade.


    Heal - 4 -2 MP- Heals around 30 HP.
    Woosh - 11 -3 MP- Hits a group with wind around 16 pts. of damage.
    Bounce - 18 -4 MP- Barrier that reflects all spells back at the enemy.
    Midheal - 23 -4 MP- Heals around 75 HP.
    Swoosh - 36 -8 MP- Hits a group with wind around 40 pts. of damage.
    Kaswoosh - 45 -26 MP- Hits a group with wind around 130 pts. of damage.
    Kaswooshle - 58 -50 MP- Hits a group with wind around 200 pts. of damage.


    Frizz - 1 -2 MP- Singes 1 enemy around 15 pts. of damage.
    Acceleratle - 4 -4 MP- Raises agility of all comrades.
    Crack - 6 -3 MP- Pierces 1 enemy around 30 pts. of damage.
    Sap - 7 -4 MP- Lowers defense of 1 enemy.
    Evac - 8 -3 MP- Teleports out of a dungeon.
    Bang - 11 -5 MP- Hits all enemies around 25 pts. of damage.
    Safe Passage - 13 -2 MP- Can travel through any terrain without damage.
    Crackle - 16 -8 MP- Pierces a group around 50 pts. of damage.
    Fuddle - 19 -5 MP- May confuse a group.
    Bounce - 21 -4 MP- Barrier that reflects all spells back at the enemy.
    Kasap - 25 -8 MP- Lowers defense of a group of enemies.
    Boom - 28 -10 MP- Hits all enemies around 60 pts. of damage.
    Frizzle- 30 -6 MP- Hits 1 enemy with a fireball around 80 pts. of damage.
    Oomph - 33 -8 MP- Raises attack of 1 comrade.
    Kacrack - 40 -24 MP- Hits all enemies around 92 pts. of damage.
    Blunt - 42 -8 MP- Lowers attack of 1 enemy.
    Kaboom - 47 -28 MP- Hits all enemies around 140 pts. of damage.
    Kafrizz - 53 -18 MP- Hits 1 enemy with fire around 190 pts. of damage.
    Kafrizzle - 64 -45 MP- Hits 1 enemy with fire around 292 pts. of damage.
    Kacrackle - 68 -50 MP- Hits all enemies around 185 pts. of damage.


    Heal - 3 -2 MP- Heals around 30 HP.
    Crack - 8 -3 MP- Pierces 1 enemy around 30 pts. of damage.
    Evac - 10 -3 MP- Teleports out of a dungeon.
    Woosh - 12 -3 MP- Hits a group with wind around 16 pts. of damage.
    Crackle - 16 -8 MP- Pierces a group around 50 pts. of damage.
    Midheal - 21 -4 MP- Heals around 75 HP.
    Zing - 24 -8 MP- 50% chance to resurrect fallem comrade.
    Swoosh - 30 -8 MP- Hits a group with wind around 40 pts. of damage.
    Kaswoosh - 36 -26 MP- Hits a group with wind around 130 pts. of damage.


    Buff - 2 -3 MP- Raises defense of 1 comrade.
    Heal - 7 -2 MP- Heals around 30 HP.
    Spell Checker - 10 -3 MP- Protects 1 comrade from attack spells.
    Midheal - 20 -4 MP- Heals around 75 HP.
    Kabuff - 26 -6 MP- Raises all comrades defense.
    Magic Barrier - 28 -6 MP- Protects all comrades from attack spells.
    Kamikazee - 33 -1 MP- Sacrifices caster to hurt/kill all monsters.
    Kerplunk - 46 -All MP- Sacrifices caster to resurrect all comrades.


    Heal - 1 -2 MP- Heals around 30 HP.
    Squelch - 3 -2 MP- Cures poison.
    Snooze - 6 -3 MP- May put a group to sleep.
    Buff - 8 -3 MP- Raises one char. defense.
    Cock-A-Doodle-Doo - 11 -2 MP- Awakens comrades.
    Insulate - 14 -4 MP- Protects from breath attacks.
    Midheal - 16 -4 MP- Heals around 75 HP.
    Zing - 18 -8 MP- 50% chance to resurrect fallem comrade.
    Whack - 20 -5 MP- May instantly kill an enemy.
    Tingle - 22 -2 MP- Cures paralysis.
    Moreheal - 31 -8 MP- Heals around 165 HP.
    Thwack - 34 -10 MP- May instantly kill a group of enemies.
    Mulitheal - 38 -16 MP- Heals around 100 HP to all comrades.
    Insulatle - 43 -8 MP- Protects the whole party from breath attacks.
    Fullheal - 47 -24 MP- Fully heals one comrade.
    Kathwack - 55 -20 MP- May instantly kill all enemies.
    Omniheal - 65 -128 MP- Fully heals all comrades.


    Safe Passage - 3 -2 MP- Can travel through any terrain without damage.
    Squelch - 4 -2 MP- Cures Poison.
    Evac - 7 -3 MP- Teleports you out of a dungeon.
    Heal - 10 -2 MP- Heals around 30 HP.
    Insulate - 12 -4 MP- Protects 1 comrade from breath attacks.
    Tingle - 16 -2 MP- Cures paralysis.
    Cock-A-Doodle-Doo - 18 -2 MP- Awakens comrades.
    Midheal - 22 -4 MP- Heals around 75 HP.
    Zing - 24 -8 MP- 50% chance to resurrect comrade.
    Insulatle - 26 -8 MP- Protects all comrades from breath attacks.
    Moreheal - 34 -8 MP- Heals around 165 HP.


    Heal - 2 -2 MP- Heals around 30 HP.
    Zam - 2 -4 MP- Dark attack that hits 1 around 24 pts. of damage.
    Squelch - 5 -2 MP- Cures Poison.
    Evac - 5 -3 MP- Teleports you out of a dungeon.
    Bang - 8 -5 MP- Hits all enemies around 25 pts. of damage.
    Zammle - 8 -7 MP- Dark attack that hits 1 around 65 pts. of damage.
    Divine Intervention - 13 -4 MP- Weakens a group to attack spells.
    Midheal - 16 -4 MP- Heals around 75 HP.
    Zing - 20 -8 MP- 50% chance to resurrect a comrade.
    Multiheal - 24 -16 MP- Heals around 100 HP to all comrades.
    Boom - 27 -10 MP- Hits all enemies around 60 pts. of damage.
    Kabuff - 30 -6 MP- Raises defense of all comrades.
    Moreheal - 33 -8 MP- Heals around 165 HP.
    Magic Barrier - 38 -6 MP- Protects all comrades from attack spells.
    Kazam - 43 -20 MP- Dark attack that hits around 150 pts. of damage.
    Kazing - 45 -15 MP- 100% Resurrects a comrade.
    Kaboom - 48 -28 MP- Hits all enemies around 140 pts. of damage.
    Kazammle -61 -45 MP- Hits with Stygian Lightning around 285 pts. of damage.
    Kaboomle - 66 -56 MP- Hits all enemies around 210 pts. of damage.
    Magic Burst -78 -All MP- Attacks everything around 1.5x MP used.


    Squelch - 4 -2 MP- Cures poison.
    Heal - 9 -2 MP- Heals around 30 HP.
    Evac - 12 -3 MP- Teleports you out of a dungeon.
    Accelerate - 16 -2 MP- Raises agility of 1 comrade.


    Coup de Grace Abilities:

    These abilities are sometimes activated after an action
    or being attacked. They only last for a limited time, which
    is dependent on the characters level:

    10-24 = 6 turns
    25-49 = 7 turns
    50-74 = 8 turns
    75-99 = 9 turns

    When it turns orange, you only have 1 turn left to use it.
    If all of your party members can and do select Coup de
    Grace, it opens up Co-op de Grace.

    Coup de Grace Abilities:

    Voice of Experience - Gives the user a chance to earn more exp.

    Tension Boost - Turns the tension up a notch or ten!

    Disco Tech - Turns up tension and gets enemies to dance.

    Ozone - Reduces MP cost to 0 for a while.

    Martial Artist
    Roaring Tirade - Shocks enemies into inaction and raises tension.

    Rough N' Tumble - Increases Evasion and Counterattack chances.

    Knight Watch - Renders all enemy attacks ineffective for 1-2 turns.

    Choir of Angels - Heals allies and cures status effects.

    Brownie Boost - Boosts attack, defense, and breath attack res.

    Spelly Breath - Restores MP.

    Itemised Kill - Makes after-battle item a certainty.

    Critical Claim - Cranks out a critical hit every time.

    Co-op de Grace Abilities:

    If all of your party members can and do select Coup de
    Grace, it opens up Co-op de Grace.

    *This is dependent on what vocations you have.*

    Cast Away - Mage/Sage - Lowers MP cost to 0.

    Electro Light - Minstrel/Luminary - Turns all enemies into metal monsters.

    Haulellujah - Armamentalist/Thief - Chance to earn extra exp., gold, and items.

    Omnipotense - Martial Artist/Gladiator - Raises everyone's tension 3 fold.

    Soul Asylum - Paladin/Priest - Makes everyone invincible.

    Quadraslash - Warrior/Ranger - All 4 party members inflict considerable damage.

    QUESTS: Fighting off slimes is not your only concern. Common folk often have problems of their own, some slime related, others not. Doing the right thing is a hero's job after all so you can decide to take on quests from these types, often times for a handsome reward. Most are given by people with a little emoticon bubble over their head, but some are given by books, animals, even ghosts! Also new quests unlock each week by connecting to DQVC, the online store found at Erinn's inn in Stornway.

    This is a fantastic guide for quests.

    ALCHEMY: Returning from the previous fight against the slimes the Alchemy pot will once again take up residence at the Stornway inn to help with the fight. Toss ingredients found from shops, drops, and all across the world into the pot and combine them into new items! Try your luck or follow recipes learned from one of the hundreds of bookshelves dotted across the landscape. Leave no stone unturned or page unflipped in your quest to beat those gooey ingrates!

    Locations of all world map item spawns

    Most, if not all the alchemy recipes

    GROTTOS: Sometimes while exploring you find a treasure map. Happens all the time to true heroes in the fight against slime. Horrible monsters and unbelievable rewards await those who plumb the depths of these dungeons...if they can find them, that is. The bosses at the end of these are no joke, and maybe even some of the leadership of Slime Kind ended up down here.

    Locations of every grotto map
    Grotto Names (and what they mean)

    Chests content in grottos


    MULTIPLAYER: The creation of man and slime also tore a rift in the fabric of reality. Endless other dimensions also face the scourge of the slime. Heroes from other dimensions are also fighting the war against slime kind, and a spectral angel hanging out in the Stornway Inn can connect those of neighboring dimensions to help fight with you. While these guests can and will go off on their own in the struggle you can summon them at any time to join you in the middle of a tough fight against the slippery villains. You can also share healing items and they can partake in the spoils of war from fighting the monsters, but only you can open the red chests of glory. Blue chests contain many items so all can share. The party limit of four remains though, because slimes will notice any group larger than that.

    DLC: Sellma in the in at Stornway will sell you many items in the struggle to learn the secret of the ooze. Her inventory changes daily, but has a weekly theme. Talking to her she will often supply a tale of a person in need somewhere in the world, and new rumors of daring do to accomplish seem to come in every week. She tends to be something of an early waker too, getting her inventory changed over every day at 4am Eastern.


    Talk to Everyone: They have quests, useful knowledge of where to go next, or just say something goofy. People change what they have to say often depending on events.

    Be a Thief: Not just the class either. Open every cupboard, break every pot, open every chest. The thief class can use the skill HALF-INCH to steal from enemies.

    Don't Worry: If you die you lose half your gold and go back to the last church you visited. You retain all other progress including loot, levels, and bosses defeated. Also don't worry about misspending skill points. You get tons of them. There are no bad choices.

    Skills: Class skills give you bonus to your stats and awesome unique abilities that transfer over. All of these are good. Axes and Spears are good for killing Liquid Metal and Metal King Slimes, which give you good exp, so try and get those on every character. Shields are insanely useful for all classes, but especially the tank. Fan is another must have tanking weapon.

    Weapons: All weapons are good, but its easier to find good swords. Boomerangs hit all enemies but do decreasing damage to enemies at the end of the line, and whips hit groups of enemies, with the final whip acting like a boomerang. They have good skills. Just like skills though, all weapons are pretty damn useful.

    Shopping: Don't feel the need to shop for the latest and greatest in every town, you'll end up bankrupting yourself. Save up for important items, steal, and alchemise. Check DQVC for deals everyday.

    Quests: There are some important quests you should not ignore. All of the advanced and secret classes are given to you from quests. Check the quest guide for more details if you're having trouble finding them. Weapon skills are done from questgivers at Swinedimples. You get a piece of equipment for doing their first weapon related quest and a scroll that grants a unique ability for the holder for the second. Classes have the same deal. Advanced and Secret classes get their quests from the people who gave them the jobs in the first place and the Mage, Martial Artist, and Minstrel get theirs from people in Alltrades, Fighter and Cleric in Wormwood Creek and the Thief theirs under the Dourbridge.

    Farming: When farming levels remember that revocating to Warrior/Martial Artist/Gladiator gives you almost no mana. You can counter this by leveling up sage first, which has the final ability of decreasing MP costs for all skills/spells.

    Grottos: Have tough bosses. The first few are a little less hard than the final boss. The 9 after them much harder. If it's too hard then just leave, level, and come back.

    Xenogears of Bore on
    3DS CODE: 3093-7068-3576
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    SlayerVinSlayerVin Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    Yesss, super informative OP!

    SlayerVin on
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    Mostlyjoe13Mostlyjoe13 Evil, Evil, Jump for joy! Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    Slimes are your friends. You must love the slimes.

    Mostlyjoe13 on
    PSN ID - Mostlyjoe Steam ID -TheNotoriusRNG
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    DarianDarian Yellow Wizard The PitRegistered User regular
    edited August 2010
    Needs more she-slime

    Darian on
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    Xenogears of BoreXenogears of Bore Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    Darian wrote: »
    Needs more she-slime

    Do you have any idea how many slimes this game has???

    First post couldn't handle them all.

    No, slimes aren't my friends.

    Xenogears of Bore on
    3DS CODE: 3093-7068-3576
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    harvestharvest By birthright, a stupendous badass.Registered User regular
    edited August 2010

    harvest on
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    DritzDritz CanadaRegistered User regular
    edited August 2010
    OP still lacks the Map Generator thingy along with the corresponding coordinates to put into said thingy.

    Also does anyone know of a place that lists where the alchemy books are? Seems like it would be more efficient to have a guide to quickly get the books then just something that lists all the recipes.

    Dritz on
    There I was, 3DS: 2621-2671-9899 (Ekera), Wii U: LostCrescendo
  • Options
    DarianDarian Yellow Wizard The PitRegistered User regular
    edited August 2010
    Very nice OP; somehow, though, the second post got cut off on the front end.

    Also, the secret hoimi technique doesn't seem to be mentioned.

    Darian on
  • Options
    GilderGilder Aw snap Macaroni PartyRegistered User regular
    edited August 2010
    This talk of slimes is making me angry that there is no slime mountain. They clearly show a gigantic slime mountain on the box, but instead there's just some country called Snowberia there! Where's my mountain dammit?!

    Gilder on
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    OlivawOlivaw good name, isn't it? the foot of mt fujiRegistered User regular
    edited August 2010
    I need to play this game some more

    But god damn it the quests to get the advanced classes are bullshit

    Olivaw on
    PSN ID : DetectiveOlivaw | TWITTER | STEAM ID | NEVER FORGET
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    Xenogears of BoreXenogears of Bore Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    Darian wrote: »
    Very nice OP; somehow, though, the second post got cut off on the front end.

    Also, the secret hoimi technique doesn't seem to be mentioned.

    It did. Thanks for pointing it out. I know I'm missing something else, but I can't quite put my finger on what exactly it is...

    Secret hoimi technique is ridiculous. Someone do a writeup and explain it and I'll add it to the end.

    Bah, now my links are broken.

    Xenogears of Bore on
    3DS CODE: 3093-7068-3576
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    hatedinamericahatedinamerica Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    booya new thread.

    Just beat the crap out of
    the piggy prison guard and saved the Celestrians. He was surprisingly easy, after I had to try several times to beat the guys in the village at Upover.

    hatedinamerica on
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    Hahnsoo1Hahnsoo1 Make Ready. We Hunt.Registered User, Moderator mod
    edited August 2010
    Those Sage and Luminary character pics are HUGE. They are totally in my face.

    I'm looking forward to the time when the Forces of Slimedom section is complete.

    EDIT: You might want to add a note to Treasure Eye Land (last Thief/Acquisitiveness ability) that it detects the stairs down in grottoes as well, and that it doesn't detect Blue Chests.

    Hahnsoo1 on
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    emnmnmeemnmnme Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    emnmnme on
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    DarianDarian Yellow Wizard The PitRegistered User regular
    edited August 2010
    Dritz wrote: »
    Also does anyone know of a place that lists where the alchemy books are? Seems like it would be more efficient to have a guide to quickly get the books then just something that lists all the recipes.

    There isn't one, really; a significant number of recipes are given as DLC quest rewards, upgraded inn reward, or simply never revealed in game. Closest I can offer is this site, which sadly alphabetizes each section but does include the locations where they can be found.

    Darian on
  • Options
    ChopperDaveChopperDave Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    Man, I've been really lucky lately. Just got a map with 2 rank 9 chests on level 3, quite a few rank 10s on lower levels, and some decently reliable Gem Slime AND Platinum King Jewel spawn rates. I will be farming the everloving shit out of this map.

    This hoimi thing looks pretty damn cool, never heard of it til now. Does it work for getting rare drops out of chests?

    edit: I will also chime in with compliments to the sweet OP

    ChopperDave on
    3DS code: 3007-8077-4055
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    Captain KCaptain K Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    Xenogears this is a pretty amazing OP

    Captain K on
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    Xenogears of BoreXenogears of Bore Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    Captain K wrote: »
    Xenogears this is a pretty amazing OP


    It should be as I've been thinking about it ever since that slime lover started posting in the last thread. :P

    If you mean the actual info I've been stealing stuff here and there since the last thread. It still took me almost two hours to piece it all together though. I meant for it to be useful to a wide range of players at all points in the game.

    I did borrow liberally from the very excellent Vocational Skill FAQ on gameFAQS.


    The quest guide that I linked was done by an extremely through guy named Zaraf, who does a lot of work on guides for the similarly themed Etrian Odyssey.

    Xenogears of Bore on
    3DS CODE: 3093-7068-3576
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    Captain KCaptain K Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    I meant altogether. The slime stuff, all the info, all the good links. Really well done! :^::^:

    I especially approve that the OP doesn't contain any info on breaking the game's RNG :P

    Captain K on
  • Options
    DritzDritz CanadaRegistered User regular
    edited August 2010
    Darian wrote: »
    Dritz wrote: »
    Also does anyone know of a place that lists where the alchemy books are? Seems like it would be more efficient to have a guide to quickly get the books then just something that lists all the recipes.

    There isn't one, really; a significant number of recipes are given as DLC quest rewards, upgraded inn reward, or simply never revealed in game. Closest I can offer is this site, which sadly alphabetizes each section but does include the locations where they can be found.

    Ah well guess I'll just assume I got all the ones from bookshelves.

    Dritz on
    There I was, 3DS: 2621-2671-9899 (Ekera), Wii U: LostCrescendo
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    Zerozaki IshikiZerozaki Ishiki Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    Dritz wrote: »
    Darian wrote: »
    Dritz wrote: »
    Also does anyone know of a place that lists where the alchemy books are? Seems like it would be more efficient to have a guide to quickly get the books then just something that lists all the recipes.

    There isn't one, really; a significant number of recipes are given as DLC quest rewards, upgraded inn reward, or simply never revealed in game. Closest I can offer is this site, which sadly alphabetizes each section but does include the locations where they can be found.

    Ah well guess I'll just assume I got all the ones from bookshelves.

    It doesn't take long to go through that site, though; just re-sort your Alchemy book By Name and you can scan things very quickly and see if you're missing a set of shelves somewhere.

    Zerozaki Ishiki on
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    Jam WarriorJam Warrior Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    Just picked up my first Fygg:
    from the Giant Fish Ghost Dad thing,

    Was I able to do the All-Trades opening quest before this or does it only open once you've got a Fygg? I went to all trades first but nothing seemed to be going on so I stumbled around the world map and was halfway through the beach dungeon before I realised what was going on.

    Anyway, All-Trades quest has started moving now so I'm off to that tower tonight and can finally get some new jobs up in.

    What's the best plan for when 1st being zapped back down to level 1 in the new roles? Keep one guy in his current job to carry the rest? Change them all and head back to easier lands?

    Jam Warrior on
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    UncleSporkyUncleSporky Registered User regular
    edited August 2010

    Holy crap, this dude!

    Can you actually get that stuff in-game?!

    UncleSporky on
    Switch Friend Code: SW - 5443 - 2358 - 9118 || 3DS Friend Code: 0989 - 1731 - 9504 || NNID: unclesporky
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    DarianDarian Yellow Wizard The PitRegistered User regular
    edited August 2010
    Yes! Also, there is an accolade for dressing up like that. Well, there is an accolade for dressing up as each class, not just the luminary, matching the promotional artwork for it.

    Darian on
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    UncleSporkyUncleSporky Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    ...including the guitar?

    UncleSporky on
    Switch Friend Code: SW - 5443 - 2358 - 9118 || 3DS Friend Code: 0989 - 1731 - 9504 || NNID: unclesporky
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    DarianDarian Yellow Wizard The PitRegistered User regular
    edited August 2010
    I have a female MC, so I'll have to check into that guitar.

    edit: Yep; he's wearing the "Star's Suit" which has a guitar strapped across his back.

    Darian on
  • Options
    The WolfmanThe Wolfman Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    Looks like it's kink week on the DQVC.


    The Wolfman on
    "The sausage of Green Earth explodes with flavor like the cannon of culinary delight."
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    langfor6langfor6 Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    I fought a slime once.

    Scariest day of my life.

    langfor6 on
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    RidleySariaRidleySaria AnaheimRegistered User regular
    edited August 2010
    langfor6 wrote: »
    I fought a slime once.

    Scariest day of my life.

    And you're still alive to tell the tale?
    Guys, I think langfor6 is a slime.

    RidleySaria on
    -- Switch friend code: 2978-3296-1491 -- PSN: RidleySaria -- Genshin Impact UID: 607033509 --
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    PureauthorPureauthor Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    Does anyone know where to find character art for the NPCs? Like Patty, Erinn, et al?

    Pureauthor on
    SS FC: 1334 0950 5927
    Platinum FC: 2880 3245 5111
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    VyolynceVyolynce Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    Captain K wrote: »
    I especially approve that the OP doesn't contain any info on breaking the game's RNG :P


    Although I think a link to the grotto calculator might be more useful than the link to the GFAQs thread that provides all of the information that powers it (even if it does spoil the 12th boss's name right up front).

    Man, I've been really lucky lately. Just got a map with 2 rank 9 chests on level 3, quite a few rank 10s on lower levels, and some decently reliable Gem Slime AND Platinum King Jewel spawn rates. I will be farming the everloving shit out of this map.

    Yesterday was friggin' Pandora's Box Day for me. I only had time for two grotto runs, but I must have encountered at least six of those damned things.

    Vyolynce on
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    lionheart_mlionheart_m Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    lol. Nice OP. Got me all fired up to go into more grottos!

    lionheart_m on
    3DS: 5069-4122-2826 / WiiU: Lionheart-m / PSN: lionheart_m / Steam: lionheart_jg
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    cloudeaglecloudeagle Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    Not to badger Xeno with OP requests, but it really, REALLY needs this item location quide:


    This tells you where to buy/harvest/steal every single item. It's absurdly useful for alchemy whores like me.

    Also, it's apparently naughty undies week on DQVC.

    cloudeagle on
    Switch: 3947-4890-9293
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    CovetCovet Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    Lets say I revocate my Sage 10 times, but switch to Mage (no revocation) to level it for the spells. If I beat a treasure map, do the 10 revocations still get counted for the map drop even though I'm not currently using that vocation?

    Covet on
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    DarianDarian Yellow Wizard The PitRegistered User regular
    edited August 2010

    Darian on
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    Andy JoeAndy Joe We claim the land for the highlord! The AdirondacksRegistered User regular
    edited August 2010
    I just got this the other day. Takes a while to get going in the beginning but I'm into all the mysterious world-building stuff.

    Andy Joe on
    XBL: Stealth Crane PSN: ajpet12 3DS: 1160-9999-5810 NNID: StealthCrane Pokemon Scarlet Name: Carmen
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    DarianDarian Yellow Wizard The PitRegistered User regular
    edited August 2010
    Has anyone made it to one of the Simon Mall events? I'm going to head out to the local one this afternoon.

    Darian on
  • Options
    PureauthorPureauthor Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    So that's a no on the NPC art then, guys? :(

    Pureauthor on
    SS FC: 1334 0950 5927
    Platinum FC: 2880 3245 5111
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    DarianDarian Yellow Wizard The PitRegistered User regular
    edited August 2010
    This is the best I found, and didn't have the characters you are interested in.

    Darian on
  • Options
    cloudeaglecloudeagle Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    Darian wrote: »
    Has anyone made it to one of the Simon Mall events? I'm going to head out to the local one this afternoon.

    There's actually been a few new malls added outside of the ginormous metro areas, so check the official site.

    Anyway, lemme know if the map they give out for it is different than the others.

    cloudeagle on
    Switch: 3947-4890-9293
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