
Natri's Renewed Drawing Thread. Also painting these days. [nsfw]



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    NatriNatri Registered User regular
    edited September 2010
    After a loong period of no drawing, McGibs' painting tutorial motivated me to experiment with some digital color again, thanks McG!


    Natri on
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    NatriNatri Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    a watercolor sketch of a really cool garden in the middle of a museum complex here in Brussels:


    and a doodle:


    Finally getting in a drawing rhythm again, hopefully I can keep it up this time.

    Natri on
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    The_Glad_HatterThe_Glad_Hatter One Sly Fox Underneath a Groovy HatRegistered User regular
    edited November 2010
    heh, i drove past your house last week and was wondering if you still drew. apparently you do. What school are you in?

    I have no real crits except that it's all looking pretty good!

    The_Glad_Hatter on
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    McDMcD Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    Hey, your stuff looks pretty cool, I like the watercolour environment studies, especially since I've always found that kind of stuff difficult. The hand studies look really nice as well. One thing I'd suggest trying on the life drawing front is maybe experiment with some different media... Some charcoal studies or something a little more out of your comfort zone like a stick and ink can help you loosen up with your drawing.

    McD on
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    NatriNatri Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    heh, i drove past your house last week and was wondering if you still drew. apparently you do. What school are you in?

    Yeah I still draw, just been a little lazy scanning and updating my forum thread :oops: I'm now studying animation at the Rits in Brussels!

    Hey thanks McD, I've actually been experimenting with different media a lot these last weeks, I'll post some this weekend!

    for now another quick doodle inbetween classes:


    and dexter:


    Natri on
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    KochikensKochikens Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    That is a good Dexter.

    Kochikens on
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    NatriNatri Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    Thank you Kochikens!

    Here's a progress shot of a commission I just finished:


    I had a lot of difficulties getting a likeness and only 2 days to complete it, but overall I'm okay with how it turned out. What do you guys think?

    Natri on
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    m3nacem3nace Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    Heh. Looks like Michael Palin.
    Well it's almost got his total likeness, but his face feels very stiff.

    m3nace on
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    NatriNatri Registered User regular
    edited December 2010
    yeah there is something about the face, I couldn't fix it within the time limit unfortunately.

    Got a new sketchbook, wanted to try out toned paper, really loving it!


    and some very sloppy wacom model doodles:


    Natri on
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    Arden CaneloArden Canelo Registered User regular
    edited December 2010
    Why didn't I buy a toned sketchbook, that looks great and fun.

    Arden Canelo on
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    GalendoGalendo Registered User regular
    edited December 2010
    *Inspiration washes over him like pace thick n' chunky salsa*...great thread, great body of work, fun media types

    Galendo on
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    NatriNatri Registered User regular
    edited December 2010
    Thank you for the kind words guys!

    Here's some more experimenting:


    Natri on
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    ocpmovieocpmovie Registered User regular
    edited December 2010
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    NatriNatri Registered User regular
    edited January 2011
    Thanks ocpmovie!

    Here's a quick digital portrait of Bart De Wever, a belgian politician:


    Could have gone on to get all the nitpicky details right, but I had exams to prepare for. Might work some more on it later. Whatcha think?

    Natri on
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    The_Glad_HatterThe_Glad_Hatter One Sly Fox Underneath a Groovy HatRegistered User regular
    edited January 2011
    Could his eyes possible be a bit to far apart? if i quickly compare it with the original pic from deredactie.be it also looks as if his neck could perhaps be a bit more narrow. Also the line on his left cheeck looks a bit more smooth in the pic.
    But still, i recognized him immediately and it looks pretty good.

    The_Glad_Hatter on
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    ninjaininjai Registered User regular
    edited January 2011
    Natri wrote: »
    Thank you for the kind words guys!

    Here's some more experimenting:

    what medium are you using on this? Looks fantastic!

    you should totally make her face your new avatar...

    ninjai on
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    NatriNatri Registered User regular
    edited January 2011
    Could his eyes possible be a bit to far apart? if i quickly compare it with the original pic from deredactie.be it also looks as if his neck could perhaps be a bit more narrow. Also the line on his left cheeck looks a bit more smooth in the pic.

    I dunno about the eyes, maybe a bit. You're definitely right about the neck and cheek though!

    what medium are you using on this? Looks fantastic!

    you should totally make her face your new avatar...

    That was brush pen for the lines, some old markers for color, and white-out for the border. Glad you like it!

    Here's another one, monsieur Di Rupo:


    This one took way longer, he has a tough face. Still not really happy with it, but got to study for exams now (should've been doing that all the time instead of drawing but hey)

    edit: reference for those interested

    Natri on
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    ninjaininjai Registered User regular
    edited January 2011
    Looks great, but I have one comment. The part on the left side where his forehead meets the glasses, the image distorts behind the glasses, rather than that actually being the shape of his head.

    Minor nitpick, but it looks great overall. Color choice is great!

    ninjai on
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    MustangMustang Arbiter of Unpopular Opinions Registered User regular
    edited January 2011
    Those last two are thoroughly fantastic and make me want to draw.

    Mustang on
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    The_Glad_HatterThe_Glad_Hatter One Sly Fox Underneath a Groovy HatRegistered User regular
    edited January 2011
    The dirupo really looks impressive!

    The_Glad_Hatter on
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    NealDKNealDK Registered User new member
    edited January 2011
    I'd like to see you try something with characters inside of a very dense environment. Maybe it's just what you've chosen to show here, but you seem hesitant to combine dynamic figures with a really lush background/foreground. The figure drawings are great, you have a good sense of environment, but when you put them together it produces some of your least interesting stuff. Again, that's just from what I see here.

    NealDK on
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    NatriNatri Registered User regular
    edited January 2011
    Thanks guys :)

    ninjai: That was what I was trying to mimick, but might not have come across too well.
    I'd like to see you try something with characters inside of a very dense environment. Maybe it's just what you've chosen to show here, but you seem hesitant to combine dynamic figures with a really lush background/foreground. The figure drawings are great, you have a good sense of environment, but when you put them together it produces some of your least interesting stuff. Again, that's just from what I see here.

    That is indeed my weak spot, I'm terrible at putting characters in an environment and make it look convincing. I've never really taken the time to put some effort into designing environments either, and it shows. My focus has always been on the character.. But I'll give it a shot!

    Natri on
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    NealDKNealDK Registered User new member
    edited January 2011
    An interesting exercise one of my professors used to force on me (I had a similar issue) was to set up a model in a very crowded, cluttered environment, and then have me describe the figure of the model by drawing *everything else* around her/him. It never looks perfect, but it helps you break that habit of thinking the drawing is done once the human body is rendered.

    NealDK on
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    PhthanoPhthano Registered User regular
    edited January 2011
    That Di Rupo portrait is amazing. The background has a nice texture too.

    Phthano on
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    NatriNatri Registered User regular
    edited January 2011
    An interesting exercise one of my professors used to force on me (I had a similar issue) was to set up a model in a very crowded, cluttered environment, and then have me describe the figure of the model by drawing *everything else* around her/him. It never looks perfect, but it helps you break that habit of thinking the drawing is done once the human body is rendered.

    That's a good tip, one I will keep in mind, thanks!

    Glad you like it, Phthano!

    Here's a work-in-progress for the next portrait:


    Natri on
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    NatriNatri Registered User regular
    edited January 2011
    I thought I'd share a linetest for an animation assignment I'm currently working on :


    It is still very rough and unfinished, needs to be inbetweened and cleaned up. But if you have any suggestions, comments or critiques, let me know!

    Natri on
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    NibCromNibCrom Registered User regular
    edited January 2011
    So he misses the ball, the guy laughs at him, then he throws it at him? Is that what happened? It took me a couple of views to figure it out, but I think it would be more obvious when it's cleaned up. I guess it was a little hard to read the ball because it's so small, so just make sure it stands out in the final product.

    NibCrom on
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    NatriNatri Registered User regular
    edited January 2011
    So he misses the ball, the guy laughs at him, then he throws it at him? Is that what happened? It took me a couple of views to figure it out, but I think it would be more obvious when it's cleaned up. I guess it was a little hard to read the ball because it's so small, so just make sure it stands out in the final product.

    Yes, that's it! I showed it to some friends and they had the same reaction, that it is hard to tell what's going on. It's partially because of the lousy quality of the video, but my animation is definitely lacking as well at this point, it should be clearer when I've inbetweened all of it..

    Natri on
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    NibCromNibCrom Registered User regular
    edited January 2011
    Yeah, I think it will be easier to tell when it's cleaned up. The only problem I could foresee is that the ball might be hard to read. The motion lines will definitely help.

    NibCrom on
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    NatriNatri Registered User regular
    edited January 2011
    Does this count as characters presented in a lush environment? If nothing else, I had fun making it, which is a big step in the right direction for me, I usually hate creating backgrounds.


    Natri on
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    AimAim Registered User regular
    edited January 2011
    Not sure about the question, but the greyness on the background seems to create a feeling of fog that contrasts with the sharp shadows of the characters. That to me just makes the background fade out, and reduces the notion of imersion on nature. Maybe instead of grey try using more of a dark green?

    Aim on
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    NatriNatri Registered User regular
    edited January 2011
    Thank you for the comment, Aim! I'll see if I can upload an alternative version this weekend!

    In the meantime, here's a 5-minute figure drawing from this week:


    Model drawing's rusty, I hope to have some more time for it these following months.

    Natri on
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    RankenphileRankenphile Passersby were amazed by the unusually large amounts of blood.Registered User, Moderator Mod Emeritus
    edited January 2011
    Your animation could benefit from a little bit of overlap and settle, especially things like the follow-through of the golf swing. If you had a pose just slightly past his resting pose that he hit before coming to rest, it'd give the whole thing a lot more life. Easing into the crouch when he drops the ball to the ground and varying up the rhythm and timing of your story beats would help a lot, as well - right now it feels pretty even. The overall animation looks good, though, and you do a good job of posing your characters to really convey each emotion and action.

    Nice work.

    Rankenphile on
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    Dances With MagpiesDances With Magpies Registered User regular
    edited February 2011
    I love your work Natri, very inspiring! Your sketches have great movement, thanks for sharing!

    Dances With Magpies on
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    NatriNatri Registered User regular
    edited February 2011
    Rankenphile, I have adjusted the timing and rhythm, it was indeed way too even and too quick for the audience to understand what is going on. I'll be linetesting it again this week and I'll put up a revised version! Thank you for the comment!

    Dances With Magpies: thank you very much, I'm happy you like it!

    Here's two more paintings, way out of my comfort zone here:



    I'm really trying my best to improve on putting characters in an environment, and hope to get a better grasp of color while doing so. It still feels off to me at the moment, but I can't really say what it is..

    Natri on
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    melting_dollmelting_doll Registered User regular
    edited February 2011
    Her right shoulder in the second looks like it's set pretty low, making her torso look a little squished as a result.

    I really like how you did the water and the rocks in the foreground!

    melting_doll on
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    The_Glad_HatterThe_Glad_Hatter One Sly Fox Underneath a Groovy HatRegistered User regular
    edited February 2011
    if this is out of your comfort zone, it's not really showing!

    The_Glad_Hatter on
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    harrykharryk Registered User regular
    edited February 2011
    Natri wrote: »
    I like this one but I feel like you're leading me to the center of the painting and there's nothing to look at. It just looks very flat. If I cover up the right half of the painting it looks a lot more interesting. I love the woman on the rock.

    harryk on
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    RankenphileRankenphile Passersby were amazed by the unusually large amounts of blood.Registered User, Moderator Mod Emeritus
    edited February 2011
    I really like that painting of the woman on the rock.

    It feels very familiar, as a scene. Like I know exactly where that is. Reminds me very much of a swimming hole I frequented as a teenager.

    Rankenphile on
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    NatriNatri Registered User regular
    edited February 2011
    Thanks for your comments guys!
    melting_doll: her shoulder should indeed be higher, I might still go in and change it, but I've kind of had it with that one for now. Thanks for noticing and pointing it out though, appreciate it!

    Rankenphile: that was based on a photo I took of a forest somewhere in Massachusetts, glad it brings up good memories for you!

    Here's some progress of what I'm working on now:



    Obviously still a long way to go, trying not to lose the painterly feel and looseness of it all.

    Natri on
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