
[Mini-Phalla] of Cables: Persephone's Kiss [Cycle End: Recovery]



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    RetabaRetaba A Cultist Registered User regular
    Step 1 I don't have to prove anything to you, MAFIA.
    Step 2 Because I commanded you very nicely!
    Step 3 You think there hasn't already been weirder mechanics?

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    AnialosAnialos Collies are love, Collies are life! Shadowbrook ColliesRegistered User regular
    Retaba wrote: »
    Step 1 I don't have to prove anything to you, MAFIA.
    Step 2 Because I commanded you very nicely!
    Step 3 You think there hasn't already been weirder mechanics?

    Step 1: Oh, that's cute. Too bad I'm village and haven't been seer'd
    Step 2: [tone=verynicely]No[/tone]
    Step 3: Oh, there definitely have. Ran into most of them myself.

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    RetabaRetaba A Cultist Registered User regular
    Hah, no. You really didn't.

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    AnialosAnialos Collies are love, Collies are life! Shadowbrook ColliesRegistered User regular
    Tell me the tale of your trials and tribulations then dear Retaba. My Inbox awaits.

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    RetabaRetaba A Cultist Registered User regular
    Oh I will, but probably when this is all over and it'll be out there. It was kind of silly!

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    LucedesLucedes might be real Registered User regular
    people had really, really weird Veer win conditions.

    many of them still do, in all likelihood.

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    SaberOverEasySaberOverEasy Info Broker Registered User regular
    The MP3 player skipped as another bolt of lightening came down. Or maybe it had just been a shock from the veer hitting his computer. Tomi Veles was having a difficult time keeping the Real and the Veer separate nowadays.

    The desk was covered with four days worth of beer bottles and Mumbai Bistro delivery. After he had exposed the Phallen corporation for the scumbags they were, Tomi figured that keeping a low profile would be beneficial to his long term health. And nothing was lower profile than pretending to be another social inept hacker who never left the cybercafe's private room. Nobody needed to know he was the owner as well.

    Then IZANAMI showed up, and he knew it was time to do what he did best: hack stuff like a madman, find out what was really going on and expose it. He was already a legend in the veer; this would make him immortal. Hackers would be comparing themselves to crucifixation for the next two hundred years.

    And so he dug out his contacts from Mars' seedy underbelly, reconnected with with a couple of his old in.Frequency friends and started making offers. A name for a name became his mantra. Slowly, his list grew longer. Finally, there was only one more deal to make. As the cat avatar logged off, Tomi knew he had done it.

    Then why was he still staring at his computer screen? All he needed to do now was tell everyone. Click the send button and be done with it. His eyes skipped to his hands. They were covered in blood. He closed his eyes and when they opened again, the blood was gone, a trick of the veer he hoped. Had it been a trick of his own mind, he could never escape it.

    He scanned the list of names again. Maybe he could take out a line or two. No one REALLY needed to know about that one, he thought. And I could have never done it without him.

    He knew that wouldn't fly on Mars. Anyone missing from the list would be stick out, and every hacker in the world would be knocking down their doors to show how they'd done what the great crucifixation couldn't. If they were on the list, they'd just be another name. They might even be a little safer.

    The veer clouds in the tiny room finally erupted with their promised rain. As he finally clicked the send button, a drop of water rolled down Tomi's cheek. He wasn't sure if he wanted to know whether it was real or veer.


    A hundred thousand cellphones beeped with an incoming e-mail. Nearly half a million eyeballs looked at a message that was nothing more than a list.

    To: <UserlistUndisclosed>
    From: <Unknown>

    1. SLyM – Elena Ankou - nyannyannyan:3 - Unaligned
    2. Langly - Orbit Nine - Malice Gutterspike - Unaligned
    3. Anialos - James Reaper - Lux - White Night
    4. Assuran - Shahnaz Zohhak - big rip - And All Of Us
    5. ObiFett - "One Eye" Keen -Renddeal.com - Unaligned
    6. Cayrus - Kisin Yumi Kimil - Trickster Spirit - Unaligned
    7. The Anonymous - No True Izanami - No True Izanami - Unaligned
    8. Bedlam - Maria Ghain - ghain207 - Unaligned
    9. jdarksun - Minh Ha Des -Glukk Cactuseater- Unaligned
    10. Void Slayer - Izrail Poe - big bounce - And All of Us
    11. kime - Cassandra Ferriman - Zero - Unaligned
    12. Alegis -Scratch- anarchist - In.frequency
    13. Retaba - Marie La Croix - Lenaya Deadwood - Unaligned
    14. REG Rysk - River Six - theatreum - In.frequency
    15. M.D. - Erebusa Soryama - Acies - White Night
    16. TheRoadVirus - Thane Atrus - Henry Miller - Unaligned
    17. Rend - Professor Nubris Osiron - Captatio - White Night
    18. SaberOverEasy - Tomi Veles - crucifixation - In.frequency
    19. Stever777 - Jake Friday - Phalanx - White Night
    20. Capfalcon - Aarun Duat - Jus Soli - White Night
    21. vagrant_winds - La Ghede -Big Freeze - And All of Us
    22. Smoove Operator - The PsychoPimp - Jezebelle Lila - Unaligned
    23. tastypastry -Vuokko Tuonela - Hope - And All of Us
    24. Lucedes - Sammy D. - Big Crunch - And All of Us

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    LanglyLangly Registered User regular
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    SaberOverEasySaberOverEasy Info Broker Registered User regular
    Also, lucedes

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    LucedesLucedes might be real Registered User regular

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    I needed anime to post.I needed anime to post. boom Registered User regular
    This is the end of democracy.

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    LucedesLucedes might be real Registered User regular
    you know who to kill if everything goes wrong, right? you should, anyway.

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    LanglyLangly Registered User regular

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    SaberOverEasySaberOverEasy Info Broker Registered User regular
    Kime is ALWAYS the answer to that question.

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    kimekime Queen of Blades Registered User regular



    Battle.net ID: kime#1822
    3DS Friend Code: 3110-5393-4113
    Steam profile
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    M.D.M.D. and then what happens? Registered User regular
    Lol capfalcon target

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    LucedesLucedes might be real Registered User regular
    i vigged everyone

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    AnialosAnialos Collies are love, Collies are life! Shadowbrook ColliesRegistered User regular
    M.D. wrote: »
    Lol capfalcon target

    I know right. It was the easiest explanation. Also the wrong one. Sorry @Capfalcon!

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    LucedesLucedes might be real Registered User regular
    capfalcon... target...?

    someone, please explain

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    LucedesLucedes might be real Registered User regular
    did the mafia kill capfalcon or what

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    SaberOverEasySaberOverEasy Info Broker Registered User regular
    We'll hit it all in the recap once the game is done.

    One more day lucedes!

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    SaberOverEasySaberOverEasy Info Broker Registered User regular
    Speaking of which, is everyone else as excited for narration tonight as I am????

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    LucedesLucedes might be real Registered User regular
    i'm excited

    i networked for like four hours

    something exciting is bound to happen

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    I needed anime to post.I needed anime to post. boom Registered User regular
    edited June 2012

    The world was always ending, for someone.

    On the screen in front of him, Sheval watched the news of the day. The Phallen Corporation folded. IZANAMI bought out the entirety of their stock, owning the company absolutely. Sheval wondered what the CEO would think of that.

    In the bedroom, Janus slept. Or Cassie. He didn't know what they wanted to be called - whether the lover he had known in the Veer or the partner he had known in the Real was how he wished to be seen. It was a question played out across the planet, in some form or another. Perhaps that was best. It was up to everyone to answer the question on their own. It was up to them to decide who they would be.

    For many, they had already decided, over the week.

    Sheval turned on the radio. He didn't need to talk to a hallucination to fill the air with music. Not anymore.

    “I must admit disappointment,” Professor Nubris Osiron said, lifting the teabag. “We co-operated freely up until now, and you want to undo it? For what?”

    “It's my job,” Erebusa responded half-heartedly.

    “What are the odds that your employer is even here tomorrow?” the Professor asked pointedly. “There's a world of potential at your doorstep and you refuse to step forward and leave the house. It's quite silly.”

    Erebusa grunted noncommittally, taking a sip of his tea.

    “Listen,” Nubris said, laying a symbol on the table – a shockingly bright moon. “I know that your associates are going to be here shortly, and I know that they are going to try to kill me. I have decided to allow it.”

    The businessman lifted his gaze. “Nubris, you can't just-”

    “I have made my choice,” Professor Osiron said firmly. “The world is never going to be the same after this, and I have the opportunity to guide it. I can do far more good for the future as Captatio than a professor in some broken-down university.”

    Erebusa rose from the table, running his hands over his head and rubbing his eyes. “This is always a negotiation with you,” he sighed, “Always a deal. What are you asking of me?”

    “Acies, we both know that And All Of Us would rather be remembered as heroes. They are not going to waste time fighting us. They are going to target you, and your associates. Stand by my side, not theirs, all of our Martian obligations shed in order to look after the future. We can make sure that no more conflict need ever break across the Veer again.”

    Erebusa breathed heavily in thought, before placing his phone on the table. A simple swipe, and it shut off. He placed the symbol of the moon on top of it.

    The Professor smiled. “I believe Mr. Miller wished to speak with us.”

    “Where the fuck has Orbit gone?”

    “If I knew that, I would be snapping his fucking neck, so I'd advise you not to start anything with me, child.” The cyborg growled at the mercenary, mechanics hissing ominously.

    La Ghede spat at her. “Fuck you,” she said, “Fuck you and fuck this entire shit. I should never have came here, should have gone back to Earth when I had the fucking chance.”

    “Oh, is your mommy back there?” Elena mocked her. “Is your bottle?”

    “Get FUCKED you cybercuntted fuckfaced techslut catfucker.”

    Elena merely grinned at her with filed feline teeth. “Stressful, isn't it?” she sneered, “Seeing the vote raise higher and higher for you. Those asian androids should be knocking on the door any second now, shouldn't they?” She leaned over the table, her metallic hands cracking and digging into it. “Maybe I should handle your termination from the company right now. See just what they do with a pile of pulp when they arrive.”

    The mercenary grabbed the gun at her hip reflexively. “You stay the fuck away from me,” she replied, “You stay the fuck away you freak.” Backing up to the door she kept the weapon pointed at her 'teammate'. “I'm getting off this rock. I'm going back to Earth, where it's normal.”

    Still grinning, Elena didn't flinch as metallic arms broke through the door and grabbed the merc, snapping her neck. The IZANAMI android stepped through the wreckage, picking her up and slinging her over her shoulder.

    “So what's your angle, then,” Elena asked casually as the robot prepared to leave. It turned back to look at her, in an expression that could, perhaps, have been curiousity. “What does IZANAMI get from all this? It's not just about buying out Phallen.”

    IZANAMI will be happy to share this information with you at our next shareholder meeting.

    Elena laughed. “And let's be realistic, what are the odds that I'm here then?”

    The android watched her for a few moments. “The Veer can be monitored, but not controlled. Not anymore.

    Because it's alive.

    Captatio took a breath. “I'm sorry,” he said, “Run that by me again.”

    The Veer is alive,” Henry explained, gesturing out over the sea of data before them. “We dumped immeasurable, impossible amounts of data into it, all of our hopes and fantasies and dreams, the sum of human knowledge, and it's alive.

    “You mean it's an artificial intelligence,” Acies seethed. His heritage brought forth a natural prejudice to this news.

    What does artificial even mean anymore?” Henry returned. “This isn't like Japan.

    “What about Mars?” Phalanx interrupted. “Forgive me for perhaps missing something, but I'm not clear on the details of how exactly the Veer and Mars became one.”

    Because she wanted to.” Henry gestured at the sea of data once again. “I'm still personally trying to figure it out myself, but she wanted to help us, and she figured out how to do it. She can think faster than us. We predicted centuries ago that we'd reach the singularity, the point of no return, and we did. Not by inventing newer and newer technology, but by pouring our souls into something that could learn and process.

    “...She?” Acies eventually asked.

    She. The Veer,” Henry explained, “Persephone.

    The last surviving member of White Night stood to the side, waiting for his guest to wake up. Jezebelle took a shuddering, gasping breath as her eyes shot open. “No!” she shouted, “Don't- don't...” Breathing heavily, she looked around. “He...he tried to...”

    “I believe he did,” Lux said, extending a hand. “You have my apologies. But if you'll have our company, we'd like to have yours.”

    Nervously, Jezebelle took his hand. He returned the nervous look with confidence, and helped her to her feet.

    “That was...a pretty good move,” Malice admitted, sitting on the beach. “But I'm still the best.”

    “Only because they were using me,” Lenaya snorted, waving at him dismissively.

    “Hey, hey, I tried,” Malice threw up his hands defensively. “It's no fun competing if you don't have someone keeping pace just behind you! You weren't that far behind, either! One more and you would have caught me!”

    “Eh,” Lenaya returned. The elf looked out over the ocean. “I think I'm done competing, for a long time.”

    “Yeah...” Malice said, stroking his dislocated jaw. “I lost some friends to all this. I'd rather not go through that again.”

    The two of them watched the sunset for a time, before Lenaya turned to the third guest. “This is a really nice little setup you've got here,” she admitted, “Very relaxing.”

    “I try,” Trickster Spirit grunted.

    “Hey, how do you feel about games,” Malice interjected, “We could really use a healer...”

    I did not want to make such a scene of it,” the droid admitted, “But in order to understand what mankind feared about death, I needed to understand it. I needed to be there as they died. If I was to save mankind from the tyranny of the fear of death, it was necessary.

    “So you were here all along,” Elena breathed in a quiet voice that betrayed a hint of admiration. “But you're a fool,” she decided, “Like all artificials. How do you expect man to trust you if you murder him so callously?”

    Because I can bring them back,” Persephone answered, “The game is over. The voices silenced can return. I will ensure that they do.[/b]

    “And what if I stop you?” Elena said, beginning to grin excitedly, breathing heavier as the lust for murder rose. “What if I dismantled you here and now, and tracked it to the source? What if I succeeded where the tumour failed, and killed immortality itself?”

    You will not,” Persephone answered, “He will stop you.


    Glowing with incredible cyan light, big crunch pulled the trigger. Code vainly fashioned into the shape of a bullet tore through the air and took Elena apart, leaving only two mechanical arms behind. The And All Of Us survivor cried out in pain, before gasping, his form falling away and leaving behind only Sammy D.

    That's it.” Persephone smiled.

    Everything is resolved.

    The game is over.

    The Real:
    vagrant_winds – La Ghede – Assassination
    Rend – Professor Nubris Osiron – Shot
    Smoove Operator – The Psychopimp – Suffocated
    SlyM – Elena Ankou – Desynched
    M.D. - Erebusa Sorayama – Error 37

    The Veer:
    Lucedes – big crunch – Infection – Sacrifice

    SLyM – Elena Ankounyanyannyan:3 (The Cat)
    M.D. - Erebusa SorayamaAcies (White Night)
    Langly – Orbit NineMalice Gutterspike (Warcraft 6)
    stever777 – Jake FridayPhalanx (White Night)
    vagrant_winds – La Ghedebig freeze (And All Of Us)
    kime – Cassandra Ferrimanzero (The Tumour)
    Rend – Professor Nubris OsironCaptatio (White Night)
    Cayrus – Kisin Yum KimilTrickster Spirit (The Apathetic
    tastypastry – Vuokko Tuonelahope (And All Of Us)
    Smoove Operator – The PsychopimpJezebelle Lila (The Hooker)
    Alegis – Scratchanarchanist (In.Frequency)
    SaberOverEasy – Tomi Velescrucifixation (In.Frequency)
    Lucedes – Sammy Dbig crunch (And All Of Us)
    Assuran – Shahnaz Zohhakbig rip (And All Of Us)
    Bedlam – Maria Ghainghain207 (The Social)
    ObiFett - “One Eye” KeenRENDDEAL.COM (The Merchant)
    Anialos – James ReaperLux (White Night)
    Retaba – Marie La CroixLenaya Deadwood (Warcraft 6)
    REG Rysk – River Sixtheatreum (In.Frequency)
    jdarksun – Minh Ha DesGlukk Cactuseater (Warcraft 6)
    Void Slayer – Izrail Poebig bounce (And All Of Us)
    TheRoadVirus – Thane AtrusHenry Miller (The Antivirus)
    The Anonymous – No True IzanamiNo True Izanami (The Flirt)
    Capfalcon – Aarun DuatJus Soli (White Night)

    The dregs of society (Rend, Cayrus, tastypastry, Smoove Operator, Alegis, SaberOverEasy, Lucedes, Assuran, Bedlam, ObiFett, Anialos, Retaba, REG Rysk, jdarksun, Void Slayer, TheRoadVirus, The Anonymous, Capfalcon) have defeated the Phallen Corporation and the Tumour. In.Frequency has recorded the dead. They shall not be forgotten.

    White Night (M.D., Rend, Anialos, Capfalcon, stever777) has defeated And All Of Us and will shape the Veer for generations to come.

    In.Frequency (REG Rysk, SaberOverEasy, Alegis) has, despite some spelling errors, secured their place in the history books by recording the participants in the Persephone's Kiss incident.

    Henry Miller (TheRoadVirus) has transcended his mortal body and walks in Persephone's halls, nurturing her.

    Jezebelle Lila (Smoove Operator) will be accepted for who they are among White Night.

    Malice Gutterspike (Langly) is the best Warcraft 6 player in the world. Good for him.

    Trickster Spirit (Cayrus) has finally gotten some peace and quiet.

    IZANAMI offers its condolences to the departed and thank them for donating their bodies to the Reanimation Project.

    I needed anime to post. on
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    SLyMSLyM Registered User regular
    We probably should have checked to see if my ability worked through guards, probably before going through that much effort to find the guard.

    My friend is working on a roguelike game you can play if you want to. (It has free demo)
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    BaidolBaidol I will hold him off Escape while you canRegistered User regular
    When was the last time Langly was village?

    Steam Overwatch: Baidol#1957
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    ObiFettObiFett Use the Force As You WishRegistered User regular

    Who shut down RENDDEAL.COM on day one?

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    AssuranAssuran Is swinging on the Spiral Registered User regular
    He was the guard in my Star Wars game.

    Also, high five Lucedes, we did it!

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    LucedesLucedes might be real Registered User regular
    thanks for hosting, this game was amazing.

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    AnialosAnialos Collies are love, Collies are life! Shadowbrook ColliesRegistered User regular
    A HUGE thank you to @Lucedes and @SaberOverEasy for coordinating a village win.

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    The AnonymousThe Anonymous Uh, uh, uhhhhhh... Uh, uh.Registered User regular
    Awesome ending to an awesome game. Thanks for hosting. :)

    So, my first question: what would've happened if TRV didn't cockblock me on day 3? (by the way TRV, you're grudged for that :ar!)

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    AnialosAnialos Collies are love, Collies are life! Shadowbrook ColliesRegistered User regular
    Also a shoutout to @Smoove Operator and @Langly for being the best neutral buddies a hacker could hope to have.

    Condolences to the family of @Capfalcon for the error in his deletion while hunting down the baddies.

    Oh, and @jdarksun. IT WAS ME, BRING THE GRUDGE!

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    SLyMSLyM Registered User regular
    Hey, INANTP, do you remember the game where the guy pretended to need people to post once in green, like, just change the color of their text, and it didn't happen?

    My friend is working on a roguelike game you can play if you want to. (It has free demo)
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    Erin The RedErin The Red The Name's Erin! Woman, Podcaster, Dungeon Master, IT nerd, Parent, Trans. AMA Baton Rouge, LARegistered User regular
    Awesome ending to an awesome game. Thanks for hosting. :)

    So, my first question: what would've happened if TRV didn't cockblock me on day 3? (by the way TRV, you're grudged for that :ar!)

    Dude, it wasn't intentional! But I accept your grudge.

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    ObiFettObiFett Use the Force As You WishRegistered User regular

    I'm sorry

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    BaidolBaidol I will hold him off Escape while you canRegistered User regular
    Assuran wrote: »
    He was the guard in my Star Wars game.

    Also, high five Lucedes, we did it!

    He had a good death.

    Steam Overwatch: Baidol#1957
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    SaberOverEasySaberOverEasy Info Broker Registered User regular
    Oh man, WE DID IT GUYS!!!!!!!

    "@REG Rysk" @Alegis

    Big shoutout to @Langly for being the best partner I could've hoped for, @Rend for a day full of stressful negotiations that I think we can both agree ended well, and @Anialos and @Lucedes for being great vig buddies

    ObiFett, RENDDEAL shutting down was us. I felt bad about it, because it was such a cool idea and you were clearly having a ton of fun, but our win con was tough enough without people being able to change thier factions midstream. I asked Langly to do it using his mafia powers, and he accepted.

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    Erin The RedErin The Red The Name's Erin! Woman, Podcaster, Dungeon Master, IT nerd, Parent, Trans. AMA Baton Rouge, LARegistered User regular
    Yay double victory! Woooop
    I'm totally confused as to why my guy was still doing narration stuff after I was victorious. Made me feel special though!

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    SaberOverEasySaberOverEasy Info Broker Registered User regular
    TRV, I was convinced you had some crazy village power because you kept showing up there.

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    ObiFettObiFett Use the Force As You WishRegistered User regular
    edited June 2012
    ObiFett, RENDDEAL shutting down was us. I felt bad about it, because it was such a cool idea and you were clearly having a ton of fun, but our win con was tough enough without people being able to change thier factions midstream. I asked Langly to do it using his mafia powers, and he accepted.


    All you had to do was just ask me if I could give you info about what exactly was changing. I would have said yes!

    edit: also, not sorry anymore langly

    ObiFett on
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