
[Destiny] Crota's Beginning: Fundamentally Unlike Disneyland.

GMaster7GMaster7 Goggles PaesanoRegistered User regular
edited May 2015 in Games and Technology
We called it the Traveler, and its arrival changed us forever. Great cities were built on Mars and Venus; Mercury became a garden world. Human lifespan tripled. It was a time of miracles. We stared out at the galaxy and knew that it was our Destiny to walk in the light of other stars.

But the Traveler had an enemy. A Darkness - which had hunted it for eons, across the black gulfs of space, centuries after our Golden Age began. This Darkness... found us. And that was the end of everything.

That is, until Peter Dinklage found you, Guardian!


Destiny: Penny Arcade G&T Saves the Universe and Everything in It is an online multiplayer action role-playing sci-fi-fantasy *deep breath* first-person shooter for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, Xbox One, and Xbox 360 and the first title in a proposed 10-year, zillion-dollar franchise from Bungie and Activision. It’s MMO-like – think gear, skill trees, leveling up, and party play – with an emphasis on exploration and discovery.

The game is set in our own solar system, 700 years in the future, following a prosperous period of exploration and colonization ushered in by the arrival of the “Traveler,” a mysterious celestial body (pictured above). The Golden Age came to an abrupt end as a result of a momentous event called “the Collapse,” a calamity that wiped out human colonies everywhere, and as our story begins, humanity has retreated to the Last City on Earth, our shared home and the launching point for our journey back to the stars.

The Traveler watches over the Last City, and it is recruiting heroes from Earth to help protect our doomed planet, but the Darkness that hunts it is descending upon us. We must fight back against that Darkness, Guardians. We must suit up and set out - to the Moon and the planets beyond. We are humanity’s last hope.

Expansion I: The Dark Below


Guardians: over the past several months, we have taken the first steps in our quest to defend the Last City and reclaim the skies. We've wrestled the wasteland of Old Russia from our foes. We've taken back the surface of the Moon and slain an unchained beast in the darkness of our planet's cratered, barren neighbor. We've taken up arms against warmongering behemoths and beaten them back. We've fought timeless machines, weaving in and out of time and emerging from the toughest challenge we've faced with our arms full of loot and our hearts full of pride. But this was only the beginning.

At home, we've stabilized the war effort. We move freely through the Tower, spending our accrued wealth and devising strategies for future encounters. We revisit the scenes of our former glories. We spar with our fellow guardians and raise our flag as a clan, night after night. We rose above the competition in the Iron Banner. We proved our might to the Queen. Today, we take the next step forward. Today, we continue our journey.

In the darkest depths of the Moon, the Hive stir, summoning a threat greater than any we have seen. Crota, the Hive god and son of Oryx, is gathering his strength to emerge from the shadows and invade our homeworld. We must descend into the Hellmouth and destroy this creature. We must put a stop to the Hive's ambitions and put our own into action. Together, we must brave the Dark Below.

Join Pax Arcadia! Our clan is on both systems!


We've assembled a Bungie.net group - and within that group, a PlayStation clan and an Xbox clan - so that PA G&Ters can play together. We're Pax Arcadia, and we're currently making our way through endgame content and crushing the Crucible in six-man fireteams on a nightly basis!

Edit (April/May 2015): We've cleared some cap room for new recruits. Come on in!

To join:
1. Send @GMaster7 (on the PS side) or @ObiFett (on the Xbox side) - or preferably, both - a PM, letting us know that you're applying.
2. Hit up the Bungie.net group for Pax Arcadia (right here, at this link) and apply for membership. If necessary, you can hit up the group for Pax Arcadia II (right here), either instead or in addition, and apply for membership.
3. Add yourself to the Pax Arcadia Mega-Roster that we've created to keep track of membership. Use the tabs at the bottom to select your console, and put yourself at the bottom of your tab's list. We'll bump you up to your proper alphabetical placement once you're in the group.
4. When we get your PM and see that you're on the spreadsheet, we'll accept you to the group(s). Then, you have to separately join your system's clan, if there's space - so click "Set as PlayStation Clan" in your group's banner if you're on PS3/PS4 or "Set as Xbox Clan" in Pax Arcadia's banner if you're on 360/XB1 to officially request admission to the clan. (Note: This only works after you've played the game on your system for the first time.) We'll accept you asap.
5. Friend some PAers, hop online, and take to the skies in the name of Pax Arcadia!

PA Control Tips!

If you're playing Control with PA, you're going to want to hunker down and prioritize holding the following points on the following maps:

Shores of Time: B and C
Blind Watch: B and C
Rusted Lands: A and B
Firebase Delphi: A and B
Twilight Gap: A and B

Capture and defend these points and avoid the third point on each map. Don't try to be a hero and go for that third point, even if you're up by a large margin - this will only flip the spawns and put your enemy in a more advantageous position. Alternatively, if your team is running into a meat grinder at the two better points and the third point is sitting there untouched for a prolonged period of time, you might consider taking it just to keep yourselves in the game. But Blind Watch A and Firebase Delphi C are usually off-limits completely, because they're that toxic - other than an optional cap in the first few seconds of the match.

Here are some additional tips, from @Trojan35:
  • Control is still Deathmatch. Control is NOT an objective gametype, it's a slayer gametype with some score modifiers. K+A vs D spread should still be your primary focus. For example, let's say you lead your team in points and deaths, with 20 kills and 20 deaths. You are actually a significant drag on your team despite leading in points and having a 1.0 K/D. Why, you ask? It's because the other team gets +50 bonus points for killing you every time you die since you're leading your team in scoring. So, assuming no other modifiers, you scored 2000 points in kills but gave the other team 3000, for a -1000 drag to your team. Sadly, the individual scoring does not highlight this at all and encourages this type of behavior. Don't judge yourself entirely on your score, but your net benefit to your team.
  • Spawn point is a critical objective. I just said the control points are a distant second to K/D spread, but they're still important. Their biggest benefit is forcing enemy spawns to the "bad" side of the map. Once you hold the two "good" objectives, never cap the third. Controlling the correct side of the map allows you a distinct advantage in all 1v1 and teamfights, as well as better control of heavy spawns. Teams will often zerg into the killing lanes and give you tons of free kills. Oh, you also get bonus points for having 2 objectives. Capping the 3rd is exactly what the enemy needs to flip the map. I've seen +6k point leads turn into losses with 1 bad cap and a map flip. Don't do it.

    If you forget the above list of priority points, remember that B is always good. If you're on the "bad" side, don't rush in head first trying to desperately grab B as you'll just dig yourself a bigger hole. Your goal is to flip the map while losing as few points in the process as possible. Wait for heavy/super spawns and then try to flip the map by grabbing the far-capture point. Just being alive and on the good side of the map will force enemy spawns closer to the middle and yours towards the good side, which is the start to flipping the map.
  • Stick together but don't bunch up. It's easier to win fights 3v1 than 1v3. Further, capturing an objective together gives +100 points for each team member in the circle. 1-man cap kinda stinks at only 100 points, but a 4-man cap can be huge. Stick together and you'll get more points and more wins. That said, never bunch up because an enemy super is going to ruin your day and get a massive point total (~4 kills, bonus points for multi-kill and super-kills, and likely on his way to kill streak bonus points). This is why a 6-man cap is high risk high reward.

    If you never let the team kill more than 1-2 with their supers, odds are you're going to do very well. If you let them consistently get 3-4 kill supers off you're going to have a bad time. Tactical retreats are very useful vs Golden Gun, Radiance, and Bubble.
  • The game swings on Heavies and Supers. Use your supers strategically. Always get 2+ kills with your super. I always laugh when I get the drop on someone and they panic-super me for a 1:1 trade. Better to die and use the super right to get multiple kills, generate orbs, and hopefully a kill streak bonus or heavy ammo steal. The first heavy ammo spawn usually coincides with supers charging, so if you have heavy be careful for supers that may ruin your day. Conversely, use your super on enemies as they collect their heavy ammo spawn to steal it.
  • Find the right loadout. If you want to get into the details, here's a great spreadsheet showing the fastest TTK weapons assuming perfect accuracy. Think about how you want to play the map you're currently on. Lots of corners? Try Shotguns. Lots of hallways like Firebase Delphi? Try Fusion Rifles. Lots of distance at C on Shores of Time? Try Snipers.

    For most primaries, Low ROF, High Impact is the best choice and then use modifiers to improve stability and range. Preferred weapons are Suros, Vex, and Vanquisher for the Auto-rifle category, TLW, Thorn, and a distant second Timur's Lash for handcannons. Pulse, Scout, Universal Remote, and NLB still just aren't very good in most situations. Maybe that will change with upcoming patches. If it's not IB and you're playing Crucible, Attack stat doesn't matter so any blue with a similar ROF/Impact to the above guns will work, especially if they have a good perk.

    For specials there is variety. Snipers all are 2-shots or 1 headshot, so high RoF is preferable with a good scope and good stability (Praedyth's Revenge and Prudence). Fusion rifles people generally prefer fast charge, and Plan C's quick charge on weapon switch is pretty impressive. For Shotguns you generally want to maximize range.

    If a heavy ammo spawn is coming, make sure you have the proper Heavy equipped. For rocket launchers, look for tracking perks. I prefer Truth as it's the best long range PvP rocket launcher in the game with its aggressive tracking and multi-rocket tube, but there's tons of good machine guns as well. For machine guns, look for high impact high stability to get headshot kills.

    Armor has a lot more variety and specific to each class, but be on the lookout for a few of these universally good perks: Melee attack speed, Heavy Ammo, and Revive Speed (for Skirmish/Salvage), and anything that increases super charge rate. For statistics, it depends on your playstyle. Intellect is always good for more supers, but shotgun/melee shield characters like sunsinger and defender titans may like strength. Discipline is generally prioritized either 2nd (non-melee characters) or 3rd.
  • Use your entire arsenal. Did I mention bonus points? You get bonus points for killing people with non-primaries such as grenades, heavy, super, etc. You also get bonus points for being awesome with assists, assist streaks, kill streaks, headshots, etc. Ultimately, variety of kill type is still secondary to actually killing people and will just come naturally as you get yourself the proper loadout and maximize everything at your disposal. For example, a Thorn + Axion Bolt combo can be very effective vs teams that are using cover and grouping. Beyond the points, many armor pieces give bonus super/melee/grenade energy for killing with melee/grenades. So the more you effectively use your special abilities, the faster they'll recharge and the more you can use them, all while earning bonus points.
  • Consider your team's skill level for matchmaking. Just remember that Destiny does skill-based matching just like other games. If you team up with great players, odds are you'll be matched against skilled teams. Don't stress; just do your best and have fun with your buds. But if you're desperately trying to complete that Thorn bounty, consider teaming up with the worst PvPers you know. You'll get matched against weaker opponents and hopefully have a pretty good K/D ratio.


Getting Started

Have questions about leveling, resources, game modes, etc.? Here's a "Getting Started" guide that should provide some answers: http://www.digitaltrends.com/gaming/destiny-getting-started-guide/

Unsure how to progress once you hit level 20? Check out this guide: http://www.digitaltrends.com/gaming/destiny-getting-started-guide/
(And by the way, when you start dismantling weapons and armor that you don't need, keep in mind that weapons give more Ascendant Energy when dismantled if they're leveled up - just leveled up experience-wise, not with any mats or glimmer invested - while armor gives two or three Ascendant Shards when dismantled no matter what.)

Keeping Track of Things

Check your reputation, marks, and progress toward the weekly cap here: http://www.destinyrep.com

Track your stats - everything you might ever want to know - here: http://www.destinytracker.com

Find Public Events with this nifty tracker: http://destinypublicevents.com

If you can't seem to find a group in the thread, you can try: http://www.destinylfg.net

The Dressing Room

Play dress-up with the Shader Previewer: http://db.destinytracker.com/character

Pimp yourself out with these codes for emblems, shaders, and grimoire cards:
Redeem here: http://www.bungie.net/en/User/coderedemption

YKA-RJG-MH9 (Grimoire: Warlock)
3DA-P4X-F6A (Grimoire: Titan)
MVD-4N3-NKH (Grimoire: Hunter)
TCN-HCD-TGY (Grimoire: Rixis)
HDX-ALM-V4K (Grimoire: Old Russia)
473-MXR-3X9 (Grimoire: Hive)
JMR-LFN-4A3 (Grimoire: Moon)
HC3-H44-DKC (Grimoire: Gjallorhorn)
69P-KRM-JJA (Grimoire: Duke MK.44)
69P-VCH-337 (Grimoire: The Tower)
69R-CKD-X7L (Grimoire: Ogre)
69R-DDD-FCP (Grimoire: Valley of the Kings, Mars)
69R-F99-AXG (Grimoire: The Fallen)
69R-VL7-J6A (Grimoire: Red Death)
69X-DJN-74V (Grimoire: The Cabal)
6A7-7NP-3X7 (Grimoire: The Devastated Coast)
6A9-DTG-YGN (Grimoire: Vex Minotaur)
7F9-767-F74 (Emblem: Sign of the Finite)
FJ9-LAM-67F (Emblem: Binding Focus)
JD7-4CM-HJG (Emblem: Illusion of Light)
JDT-NLC-JKM (Emblem: Ab Aeterno)
JNX-DMH-XLA (Emblem: Field of Light)
7CP-94V-LFP (Emblem: Lone Focus, Jagged Edge)
X4C-FGX-MX3 (Emblem: Note of Conquest)
X9F-GMA-H6D (Emblem: The Unimagined Plane)
N3L-XN6-PXF (Emblem: The Reflective Proof)
A7L-FYC-44X (Emblem: Flames of Forgotten Truth)
7MM-VPD-MHP (Shader: Double Banshee)
RXC-9XJ-4MH (Shader: Oracle 99)

And finally, as always:

PSN: SKI2000G | Steam: GMaster7 | Battle.net: GMaster7#1842
GMaster7 on


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    HooverFanHooverFan NCRegistered User regular
    Last normal post in old thread... First "normal" one here...

    Also, all turnovers are now an hour later because of the time change

    BNet profile: HooverFish#1668
    PSN: HooverFanPA
    Steam: HooverFan
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    GMaster7GMaster7 Goggles Paesano Registered User regular
    HooverFan wrote: »
    Last normal post in old thread... First "normal" one here...

    Also, all turnovers are now an hour later because of the time change

    Thanks for the reminder. I'm not sure I'll be doing it. I mean, I want to skip the rep grind - I just don't need a chest. Now, when the helm's for sale, that'll be a different story. My Hunter's still missing a non-exotic 36 light helm.

    PSN: SKI2000G | Steam: GMaster7 | Battle.net: GMaster7#1842
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    CobellCobell Registered User regular
    edited March 2015
    What time does the change over happen? 3:30am est?

    Also, thanks for the people who joined in for that VoG norm run (and anyone popping in to just check to see if we needed help). Ran 2 people through with no xp in it before and it went super smooth for them.

    Cobell on
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    NerfThatManNerfThatMan Registered User regular
    Yeah I'm gonna need some friends for IB this week. Need that chest to hit 32, finally.

    Just realized I haven't done IB seriously since beta- got the cap back then though.

    PSN: corporateshill
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    HounHoun Registered User regular
    I'd be tempted to stay up and grab the robe... if I cared enough. I haven't been on in a week; as I predicted, with no real goal, I'm not finding much reason to sit through the game's start up and log-in.

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    Al_watAl_wat Registered User regular
    I can't play IB this week :(

    if it were 1 week previous or even one week later I would have been all over it

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    Forever ZefiroForever Zefiro cloaked in the midnight glory of an event horizonRegistered User regular
    I got one of those Crux things

    Guess I should shoot some Hive with this Husk gun

    XBL - Foreverender | 3DS FC - 1418 6696 1012 | Steam ID | LoL
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    ShadowfireShadowfire Vermont, in the middle of nowhereRegistered User regular
    GMaster7 wrote: »
    HooverFan wrote: »
    Last normal post in old thread... First "normal" one here...

    Also, all turnovers are now an hour later because of the time change

    Thanks for the reminder. I'm not sure I'll be doing it. I mean, I want to skip the rep grind - I just don't need a chest. Now, when the helm's for sale, that'll be a different story. My Hunter's still missing a non-exotic 36 light helm.

    I want the chest for my Titan because it's a chest and it's cool looking and I will be the prettiest princess.

    I'm not sure I want to try IB with a different character this time, though. My warlock's only 28 so that doesn't make sense, but my hunter is 31 and could do alright.

    WiiU: Windrunner ; Guild Wars 2: Shadowfire.3940 ; PSN: Bradcopter
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    NightslyrNightslyr Registered User regular
    I'm guessing IB ranks don't persist as the faction doesn't appear in the list in the inventory screen, which is a bummer. Neither does the Awoken Queen, but whatever.

    But, yeah, I'll PVP for the Bad Juju bounty.

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    MuffinatronMuffinatron Registered User regular
    edited March 2015
    Just checked in on the destiny sub-reddit before I went to bed, and I found this really interesting post:


    Not something for everyone, but if you're trying to eek a bit more performance out of your semi-auto weapons (anything that isn't full-auto or No Land Beyond i.e. Scout Rifles and Pulse Rifles) then it might be worth giving a go.

    I'm definitely going to be trying this all week in the Iron Banner with Red Death. Looking forward to playing with you guys again a bit more regularly while it is Iron Banner too, the last couple of weeks has seen a very large drop off in my Destiny play-time, though weirdly enough when I do pop-on I swear to god I'm playing better than I was before...

    Muffinatron on
    PSN: Holy-Promethium
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    Cilla BlackCilla Black Priscilla!!! Registered User regular
    So, the server reset is at 5am est now instead of 4?

    I wouldve thought they'd keep it regardless of dst

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    The Dude With HerpesThe Dude With Herpes Lehi, UTRegistered User regular
    So, the server reset is at 5am est now instead of 4?

    I wouldve thought they'd keep it regardless of dst

    Well technically they did keep it at the same time. :P

    Steam: Galedrid - XBL: Galedrid - PSN: Galedrid
    Origin: Galedrid - Nintendo: Galedrid/3222-6858-1045
    Blizzard: Galedrid#1367 - FFXIV: Galedrid Kingshand

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    MagellMagell Detroit Machine Guns Fort MyersRegistered User regular
    I can skip Iron Banner this time around, but theoretically they changed it so the bounties rotate, and they added in new maps, so I think I'll actually want to play this time around. Even though none of the things I can buy really matter to me.

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    ElkiElki get busy Moderator, ClubPA Mod Emeritus
    edited March 2015
    My nova bomb is quite powerful.


    Elki on
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    DodgeBlanDodgeBlan PSN: dodgeblanRegistered User regular
    I think you pointed the wrong end at them or something

    Read my blog about AMERICA and THE BAY AREA

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    ShadowfireShadowfire Vermont, in the middle of nowhereRegistered User regular
    edited March 2015
    If you're trying to get into the tower during the reset, just switch a piece of armor and you should be able to get right in.

    Edit: the bounties are all the same IB bounties as always, except Focused Aggression is now primary weapon headshots.

    Shadowfire on
    WiiU: Windrunner ; Guild Wars 2: Shadowfire.3940 ; PSN: Bradcopter
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    ShadowfireShadowfire Vermont, in the middle of nowhereRegistered User regular
    Weekly stuff:
    Nightfall is Arc Burn, Lightswitch, Angry. Ugh.
    Weekly is just Arc Burn.

    Yet another week where my lack of Fatebringer hits me right in the feels.

    WiiU: Windrunner ; Guild Wars 2: Shadowfire.3940 ; PSN: Bradcopter
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    SmokeStacksSmokeStacks Registered User regular
    Looks like they fixed the Iron Banner rep glitch.

    Your IB reputation shows up with your other faction rep in your menu though, which is cool.

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    HaphazardHaphazard Registered User regular
    Nooo, not Onigul again. Time to find out how the cheese at the boss works.

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    Corporal CarlCorporal Carl Registered User regular
    edited March 2015
    Big thanks to Bradcopter because I couldn't get in the Tower because of the "requirements not met"; I'll try out the armor swapping trick next time :biggrin:

    Managed to grab the Hunter chest so that I don't have to play IB with my Hunter (yup, I know, it's weird, but I suck at Hunter in Crucible).

    I haven't been playing a lot the last few weeks, which I noticed when I did the Nightfall with my Titan, and I checked my bounties, and apparently I still have 7/10 machine gun headshots, 6/10 melee kills and 1/5 headshot sprees from the previous IB on me :lol:

    And on my 19th rank of Dead Orbit I finally received my first Dead Orbit shader : The Hanged Man:

    See you in the Iron Banner!

    Corporal Carl on
    PSN (PS4-Europe): Carolus-Billius
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    BillyIdleBillyIdle What does "katana" mean? It means "Japanese sword."Registered User regular
    Was able to buy a new hammer time, and rerolled it to my liking. Also bless the Shax, I rerolled felwinter's lie to a better one! Only took 34 motes :(

    PSN: BillyIdle_
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    SirialisSirialis of the Halite Throne. Registered User regular
    edited March 2015
    Shadowfire wrote: »
    Weekly stuff:
    Nightfall is Arc Burn, Lightswitch, Angry. Ugh.
    Weekly is just Arc Burn.

    Yet another week where my lack of Fatebringer hits me right in the feels.

    If you got a decent geared hunter, oversoul edict is possible to get solo and is a good arc primary that even shoots through hive shields, think I've gotten 11 of them

    Sirialis on
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    HaphazardHaphazard Registered User regular
    Any news which weapons are dropping in IB this time?

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    DouglasDangerDouglasDanger PennsylvaniaRegistered User regular
    Ah. Iron Banner is back, which means the better players will be in there, so I can do OK in the regular crucible.

    I don't know if I will do the weekly and nf this week. I do need to get a stock of coins again. I'm down to six or seven.

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    BillyIdleBillyIdle What does "katana" mean? It means "Japanese sword."Registered User regular
    Haphazard wrote: »
    Any news which weapons are dropping in IB this time?

    I read it's what was for sale last time, so the shotgun and the scout rifle.

    PSN: BillyIdle_
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    NocrenNocren Lt Futz, Back in Action North CarolinaRegistered User regular
    Companion App still shows me with rank 5 in Tin Pennent. That true? I don't need to grind up my rank, just glimmer to get my chest piece?

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    HooverFanHooverFan NCRegistered User regular
    I'll be on after work tonight for nightfalls and weeklies... around 7:45pm edt or so

    BNet profile: HooverFish#1668
    PSN: HooverFanPA
    Steam: HooverFan
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    HermanoHermano Registered User regular
    Is Iron Banana doable at level 30, or will I just get stomped? I don't know how significant the level differences are

    PSN- AHermano
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    HounHoun Registered User regular
    You can 30 it.

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    hoodie13hoodie13 punch bro Registered User regular
    Nocren wrote: »
    Companion App still shows me with rank 5 in Tin Pennent. That true? I don't need to grind up my rank, just glimmer to get my chest piece?

    Unfortunately, what's gonna happen is when you log your character in, you'll drop back down to rep = 0. There's a way to abuse this system, actually: stay online but not in a Tower instance when the daily quest reset hits, then go to the Tower and you'll be at the same rank as last IB. Only lasts until you log your character out and back in again.

    PSN: HoodieThirteen
    XBL: Torn Hoodie
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    HermanoHermano Registered User regular
    Houn wrote: »
    You can 30 it.


    PSN- AHermano
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    HounHoun Registered User regular
    hoodie13 wrote: »
    Nocren wrote: »
    Companion App still shows me with rank 5 in Tin Pennent. That true? I don't need to grind up my rank, just glimmer to get my chest piece?

    Unfortunately, what's gonna happen is when you log your character in, you'll drop back down to rep = 0. There's a way to abuse this system, actually: stay online but not in a Tower instance when the daily quest reset hits, then go to the Tower and you'll be at the same rank as last IB. Only lasts until you log your character out and back in again.

    So what you're saying is, don't log in ever again and my IB rep will stay at 5 forever!


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    NocrenNocren Lt Futz, Back in Action North CarolinaRegistered User regular
    Houn wrote: »
    hoodie13 wrote: »
    Nocren wrote: »
    Companion App still shows me with rank 5 in Tin Pennent. That true? I don't need to grind up my rank, just glimmer to get my chest piece?

    Unfortunately, what's gonna happen is when you log your character in, you'll drop back down to rep = 0. There's a way to abuse this system, actually: stay online but not in a Tower instance when the daily quest reset hits, then go to the Tower and you'll be at the same rank as last IB. Only lasts until you log your character out and back in again.

    So what you're saying is, don't log in ever again and my IB rep will stay at 5 forever!


    Kinda makes buying new IB gear a pain...

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    twotimesadingotwotimesadingo Registered User regular
    Hermano wrote: »
    Houn wrote: »
    You can 30 it.


    How about 29?

    PSN: peepshowofforce
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    juicebox989juicebox989 Quad CitiesRegistered User regular
    Hermano wrote: »
    Houn wrote: »
    You can 30 it.


    How about 29?
    With a full team 29 is not bad but it's a little rough solo

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    MarikirMarikir Registered User regular
    Did the IB rep trick on my Warlock so that I didn't have to run her back up the ranking again. Got both versions of the Chest piece and one of the LMGs. One of the Chest pieces was an exact dupe for another legendary I had been holding onto, save a LL36 version, so I decided to be silly and buy both of them. I also rerolled my second Felwinter's Lie from last IB and got something I may like. I'll have to consider it. I think I'm going to reroll my LMG though. Try for Field Scout on it.

    Original Jolder's Hammer: Solar - Persistence (more accurate the longer fired) - High Caliber/Hammer Forged (greater Range and accuracy)/Quick Draw - Grenadier.

    Rerolled Felwinter's Lie: Arc - Cascade (melee kills increase reload speed) - Quick Draw/Hammer Forged/ High Caliber - Full Auto. (Came with the stable sight as well...)

    So, my titan may like that one being that he punches all the things and having a Hammer Forged, Stable, Full Auto Arc shottie might be good for him.

    This IB it's all about the Titan. If I can get to rank 3 (not a problem, I know), then I can buy the Legs on him and he'll be able to get to 32. Then I may work on getting my Hunter up to rank 4 to get the chest piece. She still wouldn't be able to hit 32 but it would be an improvement ever so slightly.

    steam_sig.png "Hiding in plain sight." PSN/XBL: Marikir
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    Disco11Disco11 Registered User regular
    Thanks everyone that helped run us Newbies through VoG yesterday. You guys were awesome for going though all the encounters and giving tips on HM for next time. And I only fell off that jumping puzzle like 6 times...

    PSN: Canadian_llama
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    FawstFawst The road to awe.Registered User regular
    Hmm. I don't have the Hunter IB cloak. I may have to do Hunter this time. I guess it depends on whose chest looks the coolest/if the stats are better than my Dead Orbit Hunter chest.

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    CormacCormac Registered User regular
    Darn, I didn't realize that the chest was rank 4. I didn't need the armor last IB so I didn't pay attention to the rank for the armor. I don't need to boots but I'll be grabbing a pair anyways, but I definitely need the one of each chest.

    Here's hoping Xur has a Mask of the Third Man this weekend, and then I'll have a set of 32 armor for Gunslinger and Bladedancer.

    Steam: Gridlynk | PSN: Gridlynk | FFXIV: Jarvellis Mika
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    Cilla BlackCilla Black Priscilla!!! Registered User regular
    Ugghhhh Omnigul

    At least it has arc

    The only problem is that with arc the best cheese strategy won't even work because her blasts will kill in like half a second.

    But having a burn at all means that the fight shouldn't take that long. Its just the same pain it always is because Omnigul is a terribly designed boss encounter.

    I might just skip the nightfall this week...

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