
[Lets Play] Half-Life - Interlope Gonarch's Lair in Xen to find Nihilanth (MMAN Vids)

ArcSynArcSyn Registered User regular
edited December 2009 in Games and Technology
I don't know if there's really any interest in this or not, but with the Orange box being released and everything I decided to put my Platinum Pack to good use and actually play Half-Life. See, my friends had all played it, and one of them got me this pack so I could play CounterStrike with them. I never actually got around to playing Half-Life itself.

This is my first run-through of Half-Life, and considering it will also be my first run-through of a Let's Play, I may be cheating my way through it if I start to have trouble. I don't want to keep dying or having to redo things because I'm trying to snap some good screens.

So let's begin!

First off, you can't just head off into a research facility without any training. So let's get that out of the way.

Training Course
Actually, the first order of business was taking that UGLY 640x480 resolution and low quality graphics and maxing that stuff out. I may be playing this on a laptop and currently with a touchpad but this game is old enough where it won't even hiccup at max settings. :)
[IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y141/ArcSyn/Half-Life LP/ScreenShot030.jpg[/IMG]
Much better now.

Welcome to the Black Mesa Training Facility. This young holographic lady with the pleasant voice will be our wonderful guide to doing things that are painfully obvious. The first is to walk through a door and put on our suit.
[IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y141/ArcSyn/Half-Life LP/ScreenShot031.jpg[/IMG]

Orange is definitely not my color, but if I must then I must. Green would have really brought out my eyes though.. Perhaps there is a suggestion box somewhere that I can see if we can get different color choices.
[IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y141/ArcSyn/Half-Life LP/ScreenShot032.jpg[/IMG]
The HEV Mark IV. Hideous, but it works.

Our first exercise, after moving around in our suit is jumping. I've left all the controls to default mappings, and fortunately, like every other FPS, jump is the space bar. This game is going to be easy!
[IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y141/ArcSyn/Half-Life LP/ScreenShot034.jpg[/IMG]
After that we learn to crouch. And another exercise has us jump, then crouch, then jump. Obviously, despite being a research facility, Black Mesa does not require you to be a rocket scientist to work there. On another thought, how much crouching and jumping am I going to have to do at a facility with hallways?!

Oh. Who came up with this?! Just because I did training about jumping WHILE crouched doesn't mean you can make me crawl down a drain pipe between rooms..
[IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y141/ArcSyn/Half-Life LP/ScreenShot038.jpg[/IMG]

Jumping over gaps. I'm not sure how often they expect me to do this, but at least the hologram was willing to show me how. It can't be much harder than jumping over pipes can it?
[IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y141/ArcSyn/Half-Life LP/ScreenShot042.jpg[/IMG]

After learning to operate an elevator button, they ask me to jump for the target on the floor. I do NOT like the looks of this.
[IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y141/ArcSyn/Half-Life LP/ScreenShot044.jpg[/IMG]
Couldn't you guys put down some padding, like gymnasts have or something? Ow..

Finally, weapons and beating things! I fancy this crowbar; perhaps I'll keep it because I'm sure it will come in handy later.
[IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y141/ArcSyn/Half-Life LP/ScreenShot050.jpg[/IMG]

They trust me with a gun and grenade launcher!? ::tears of joy:: I fill up on as much ammo as I can carry. I'm sure I won't need to use this ever, but shooting targets is so much fun!
[IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y141/ArcSyn/Half-Life LP/ScreenShot051.jpg[/IMG]

Blah blah blah, some more training like swimming (in a heavy suit), knowing that I'm being poisoned by radiation, hurt by fire, or other nuisances, and using a flashlight. Now I can ride a flatbed tram.
[IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y141/ArcSyn/Half-Life LP/ScreenShot058.jpg[/IMG]

[IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y141/ArcSyn/Half-Life LP/ScreenShot059.jpg[/IMG]

Just in case you weren't aware of what game you were playing:
[IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y141/ArcSyn/Half-Life LP/ScreenShot061.jpg[/IMG]
It's Half-Life

Join us next time, as we start by riding a lovely train!
[IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y141/ArcSyn/Half-Life LP/ScreenShot062.jpg[/IMG]

Anomalous Materials
Unforseen Consequences
Office Complex
We've Got Hostiles!
Blast Pit
Power Up!
On A Rail
Residue Processing
Questionable Ethics
Surface Tension
Forget About Freeman!
Lambda Core
Gonarch's Lair
End Game

Thanks to MMAN for providing a video version!
Hazard Training Course
Black Mesa Inbound (TRAM RIDE! Weeee!!!)
Anomalous Materials
Unforseen Consequences
Office Complex
We've Got Hostiles
Blast Pit
Power Up!
On A Rail (Part 1)
On A Rail (Part 2)
Residue Processing
Questionable Ethics
Surface Tension (Part 1)
Surface Tension (Part 2)
Surface Tension (Part 3)
Forget About Freeman!
Lambda Core (Part 1)
Lambda Core (Part 2)

Gonarch's Lair
Interloper (Part 1)
Interloper (Part 2)

Black Mesa Source Mod
Black Mesa Source
Also, apparently there is a mod group working on recreating all of Half-Life with HL2's graphics and the Source engine. Looks pretty sweet and I was asked to put the link in the OP.

ArcSyn on


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    brynstarbrynstar Registered User regular
    edited October 2007
    This is cool. With all the Orange Box Fever, I was actually thinking of doing this one myself. But you're doing really well, and I love the fact that it's your first time through the game. So, play on!

    brynstar on
    Xbox Live: Xander51
    PSN ID : Xander51 Steam ID : Xander51
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    deowolfdeowolf is allowed to do that. Traffic.Registered User regular
    edited October 2007
    Wow, I'm not the only one who hasn't played Half-Life. I feel better about myself now.

    deowolf on
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    ArcSynArcSyn Registered User regular
    edited October 2007
    Let's get this party started! (I'll put the new updates both in the OP and in a new post - this way you can just check the OP for the next section or the latest page/post)
    So, I'm riding the tram. Apparently it's the main way to get around Black Mesa.
    [IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y141/ArcSyn/Half-Life LP/ScreenShot063.jpg[/IMG]
    It also happens to be slower than molasses on a cold winter morning..

    [IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y141/ArcSyn/Half-Life LP/ScreenShot064.jpg[/IMG]
    They really shouldn't move materials around so close to the rails. Something bad could happen. I should call OSHA.

    [IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y141/ArcSyn/Half-Life LP/ScreenShot065.jpg[/IMG]
    Why do they have a missile here? That can't be good.

    [IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y141/ArcSyn/Half-Life LP/ScreenShot066.jpg[/IMG]
    Underground. Well, at least it's easier for them to keep that comfortable 68 degrees underground than on the surface where it's 105 degrees.

    [IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y141/ArcSyn/Half-Life LP/ScreenShot067.jpg[/IMG]
    Oh, maybe I'm not really underground. Here's a nice little open area with a helicopter to boot!

    [IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y141/ArcSyn/Half-Life LP/ScreenShot068.jpg[/IMG]
    Big doors are a bad thing. They become obstacles in case something goes wrong. But seriously, what could go wrong? I'm at a high-tech research facility!

    [IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y141/ArcSyn/Half-Life LP/ScreenShot069.jpg[/IMG]
    So apparently my name is Gordon Freeman, and I actually am a rocket scientist! Well, not a rocket scientist. Some type of molecular/alternative/other type scientist. I dunno, I didn't write it down, but I have a PhD from MIT! So if I'm so smart, why in the world did they test my physical ability to jump and crouch for training?

    [IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y141/ArcSyn/Half-Life LP/ScreenShot070.jpg[/IMG]
    Oh, so that's what I do. Anomolous materials. Whatever those are.

    [IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y141/ArcSyn/Half-Life LP/ScreenShot071.jpg[/IMG]
    I don't know why I snapped this shot. Robots are cool though.

    [IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y141/ArcSyn/Half-Life LP/ScreenShot072.jpg[/IMG]
    This part is better if you're actually watching it, because they tell you to report to the medical unit if you are exposed to radiation or other hazardous materials. Then they have the tram take you right over a large pool of bubbling green stuff. This place really isn't safe at all. I guess that's why they have all the robots. They should still put a guard rail around it or something.

    [IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y141/ArcSyn/Half-Life LP/ScreenShot073.jpg[/IMG]
    FINALLY! The end of the tram!

    [IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y141/ArcSyn/Half-Life LP/ScreenShot075.jpg[/IMG]
    So apparently I had some messages, and I'm needed in the test center, but the computers went down a few minutes ago. Computers are going to be the end of us all. You just wait. Our reliance on them will destroy us when they decide to crash. Back in my day, we didn't have any fancy, smancy computers! I had to walk uphill both ways knee-deep in snow to .... sorry, got a little carried away there. Apparently the security department is also the IT department. After today I'm working on my resume.

    [IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y141/ArcSyn/Half-Life LP/ScreenShot077.jpg[/IMG]
    Look closely and you can see the beautiful picture of my little baby. Baby?! The tram said nothing of me being married or a father!

    [IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y141/ArcSyn/Half-Life LP/ScreenShot078.jpg[/IMG]
    Guess what? It only comes in orange. I never found a suggestion box. :(

    [IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y141/ArcSyn/Half-Life LP/ScreenShot079.jpg[/IMG]
    Despite being a lead scientist doing whatever it is that I do, I can't be entrusted with access rights to my own lab. Mister single-digit IQ security personnel have to let me in.

    [IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y141/ArcSyn/Half-Life LP/ScreenShot082.jpg[/IMG]
    G&T, I'd like you to meet my colleagues. Scientists, this is G&T. Apparently you guys were able to get some new "Anomolous" materials for me to play with. Excellent.

    [IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y141/ArcSyn/Half-Life LP/ScreenShot083.jpg[/IMG]
    As you can see here we are working on creating electricity. Yesterday Johnson had the bright idea of going outside with a kite and a key tied to it in a lightning storm. We all laughed at him because that's just ridiculous. Everyone knows you create stuff in test tubes.

    [IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y141/ArcSyn/Half-Life LP/ScreenShot084.jpg[/IMG]
    Seriously, can we get an IT department around here? Now computers are starting to blow up! I swear, as soon as I get home today I'm sending out my resume.

    [IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y141/ArcSyn/Half-Life LP/ScreenShot085.jpg[/IMG]
    I skipped on previously, but this is now the SECOND elevator I've taken down. How deep do we have to go? Any deeper and I think we'll find a Balrog. That would not be pretty.

    [IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y141/ArcSyn/Half-Life LP/ScreenShot086.jpg[/IMG]
    More scientists. These idiots work the test chamber from in here. I on the other hand...

    [IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y141/ArcSyn/Half-Life LP/ScreenShot087.jpg[/IMG]
    Like to be up close and personal with any dangerous operation we are planning on performing today. Shouldn't I stand behind some safety glass or something? Perhaps a helmet to protect my face? No? Well, ok, if you say so.

    [IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y141/ArcSyn/Half-Life LP/ScreenShot093.jpg[/IMG]
    This is what a test center looks like at 105%. I could really go for some blast panels or safety glass right about now.

    [IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y141/ArcSyn/Half-Life LP/ScreenShot092.jpg[/IMG]
    You want me to push this where?!

    [IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y141/ArcSyn/Half-Life LP/ScreenShot096.jpg[/IMG]
    I warned you! I warned you! But no! It's just a bunny! (or laser)

    [IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y141/ArcSyn/Half-Life LP/ScreenShot099.jpg[/IMG]
    Toto.. I don't think we're in Black Mesa anymore..

    [IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y141/ArcSyn/Half-Life LP/ScreenShot100.jpg[/IMG]
    There's no place like home, there's no place like home, there's no place like home... AHHHHHHH!!!

    [IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y141/ArcSyn/Half-Life LP/ScreenShot101.jpg[/IMG]
    Perhaps, but who could have seen that coming?!

    [IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y141/ArcSyn/Half-Life LP/ScreenShot103.jpg[/IMG]
    Well, sir, it's broke. At least none of those weird alien creatures showed up with me here. That was a close one wasn't it guys? Guys? GUYS?!

    Tune in next time for the next chapter of: Scientist gone survivalist!
    [IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y141/ArcSyn/Half-Life LP/ScreenShot105.jpg[/IMG]
    He's dead Jim... Now hand over the med-pack because I'm sure we'll (I'll) need it later.

    ArcSyn on
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    Gear GirlGear Girl More class than a state university Registered User regular
    edited October 2007
    Did you happen to look left at the part right before the radiation leak when the tram pauses for a sec.

    Gear Girl on
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    ArcSynArcSyn Registered User regular
    edited October 2007
    Uhh, I don't think so. Is that where there's another tram going the opposite direction and theres a couple scientists on it? I saw that, but wasn't really looking around.

    ArcSyn on
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    Gear GirlGear Girl More class than a state university Registered User regular
    edited October 2007
    Let's just say the guy in the blueish suit is...significant...and he appears 8 times after that first encounter on the opposite direction tram. He is kinda an easter egg in a way I guess you could say. I took screenshots of all his sightings just for fun on my last playthrough. You can find a list of his appearences in half-life on wikipedia if you search for g-man but you will probably want to scroll down past the story crap fast so you don't spoil anything to "list of in-game appearances". You can either just find out directly where he will be or look only at the chapter names to see if you should be watching for him in a particular chapter..if you even care about that at all I don't know..but he's significant in half-life 2 and such so it's probably worth it to see the sightings just to say you did.

    Gear Girl on
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    ArcSynArcSyn Registered User regular
    edited October 2007
    Ah, I did see the guy in the suit. Didn't really sink in though. I also saw him shortly after where I stopped here (I've played a bit further ahead) on an upper level too.

    ArcSyn on
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    TranceFreakTranceFreak Registered User regular
    edited October 2007
    Ahh...this brings back memories. Half-Life is my second favorite game next to Deus Ex. Good job!

    TranceFreak on
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    Radikal_DreamerRadikal_Dreamer Registered User regular
    edited October 2007
    I never really played through Half Life. I had it all these years, but only played a bit. I'm trying to play through for the first time now, too.

    Radikal_Dreamer on
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    DarmakDarmak RAGE vympyvvhyc vyctyvyRegistered User regular
    edited October 2007
    This reminds me I really, really need to finish HL1. My roommate tells me it's fucking awesome and worth playing through, I just never seem to get around to finishing it.

    The farthest I've ever gotten before being distracted by another game is:
    destroying the huge tentacle things. I'm pretty sure I've killed them, if not then I was preparing to.

    Darmak on
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    Radikal_DreamerRadikal_Dreamer Registered User regular
    edited October 2007
    Oh yeah, does anyone know how good the PS2 port of Half-Life was? I ask because I'm playing this now on my old labtop, and it's stuttering rather badly. I've got it down a bit to where it's playable, but it's really kind of annoying. I'd rather just find it and play it on the PS2 if the port isn't atrocious or anything.

    Radikal_Dreamer on
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    LookFreeGrenadeLookFreeGrenade Registered User regular
    edited October 2007
    Because you made this topic, I know am thinking Valve should make HL1 into next-gen graphics and market it on Steam/DLC.

    But I know that will never happen.

    LookFreeGrenade on
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    AJAlkaline40AJAlkaline40 __BANNED USERS regular
    edited October 2007
    I stopped playing at Xen, maybe I should go back and just finish it. How much more game is left after you get there?

    AJAlkaline40 on
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    DarlanDarlan Registered User regular
    edited October 2007
    Because you made this topic, I know am thinking Valve should make HL1 into next-gen graphics and market it on Steam/DLC.

    But I know that will never happen.
    You may already be aware, but because it bears mentioning, let's not forget about the Black Mesa mod. Valve would probably do a better job, though.

    Darlan on
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    ZzuluZzulu Registered User regular
    edited October 2007
    I stopped playing at Xen, maybe I should go back and just finish it. How much more game is left after you get there?

    Not that much. A few jumping puzzles and a bossbattle with a huge testicle, and ultimately the giant baby with the exposed brain

    Zzulu on
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    AbelsAbels Registered User regular
    edited October 2007
    If you haven't played Half-Life yet, do it now. It's been nine years since its release. You have no excuse.

    Some whimps will complain about 5 minutes of jumping puzzles. CRY SOME MORE!

    Abels on
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    MrDelishMrDelish Registered User regular
    edited October 2007
    Because you made this topic, I know am thinking Valve should make HL1 into next-gen graphics and market it on Steam/DLC.

    But I know that will never happen.


    I know the news thing on the frontpage is old, but apparently it's actually still being worked on.

    No release date as of yet, however.

    MrDelish on
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    ZzuluZzulu Registered User regular
    edited October 2007
    valve did a half assed attempt at renewing HL.


    I haven't actually played it though

    Zzulu on
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    Big ClassyBig Classy Registered User regular
    edited October 2007
    Zzulu, I have played it and it's.... interesting. But for the sake of refreshing my memory, I'm reinstalling it as I post this. (I actually just clicked 'install' seconds befor entering this thread.)

    Big Classy on
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    RemingtonRemington Registered User regular
    edited October 2007
    Awesome. I totally forgot the second chapter was called "Unforeseen Consequences."

    Remington on
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    Big ClassyBig Classy Registered User regular
    edited October 2007
    I'll post a couple shots of the same sequences in the OP to compare the Source version to the regular one. I doubt there'd be much difference.

    Big Classy on
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    RemingtonRemington Registered User regular
    edited October 2007
    Why would there be? All they added was ragdoll and SOME physics.

    Remington on
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    Big ClassyBig Classy Registered User regular
    edited October 2007
    Darn, you're right.

    Big Classy on
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    Bacon-BuTTyBacon-BuTTy Registered User regular
    edited October 2007
    Remington wrote: »
    Why would there be? All they added was ragdoll and SOME physics.

    What that game really needed was the high def pack.

    It could have looked so good, with a little more effort.

    Bacon-BuTTy on
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    DaedalusDaedalus Registered User regular
    edited October 2007
    Darlan wrote: »
    Because you made this topic, I know am thinking Valve should make HL1 into next-gen graphics and market it on Steam/DLC.

    But I know that will never happen.
    You may already be aware, but because it bears mentioning, let's not forget about the Black Mesa mod. Valve would probably do a better job, though.

    Considering Valve's idea of an HL1 remake was HL:S, I think I'll disagree on that point.

    Daedalus on
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    RemingtonRemington Registered User regular
    edited October 2007
    Yeah, I was a bit surprised that they went through the trouble of source-i-fying it without adding the high def pack. But eh, it's not like I havent played the game 30 times.

    Remington on
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    darleysamdarleysam On my way to UKRegistered User regular
    edited October 2007
    Darlan wrote: »
    Because you made this topic, I know am thinking Valve should make HL1 into next-gen graphics and market it on Steam/DLC.

    But I know that will never happen.
    You may already be aware, but because it bears mentioning, let's not forget about the Black Mesa mod. Valve would probably do a better job, though.

    well Valve may be more likely to get it finished, since they have money and could afford to do it full time, but i think the job these guys are doing, from what i've seen, looks pretty damned good.

    darleysam on
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    -smash-smash Registered User regular
    edited October 2007
    Remington wrote: »
    Yeah, I was a bit surprised that they went through the trouble of source-i-fying it without adding the high def pack. But eh, it's not like I havent played the game 30 times.

    From what I understand, Valve did Half-Life:Source primarily to get an idea of how difficult it would be for mod developers to modernize their work to the Source engine, which would explain it somewhat.

    -smash on
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    Big ClassyBig Classy Registered User regular
    edited October 2007
    I'm gonna play through this now and I won't buy The Orange Box til I've completed this. I already have and played HL2 on the PC but still........

    Big Classy on
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    UltimaGeckoUltimaGecko Registered User regular
    edited October 2007
    Remington wrote: »
    Why would there be? All they added was ragdoll and SOME physics.

    Don't forget the fancy water effects...which don't really come up that often.

    UltimaGecko on
    The facehuggers want to play with you in the AvP LP. Facehuggers also want you to check out the TF2 cards here. View the in-progress RE mansion recreation for L4D here.
    Bitstream wrote: »
    People respect a man who might do science at any moment.
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    Black IceBlack Ice Charlotte, NCRegistered User regular
    edited October 2007
    Awesome OP!! I can't believe no one has commented on it yet.

    I beat HL Source this summer and I became so bored of the game later on that I had to manipulate gravity in the developer's console to continue playing. It didn't age well for me, but apparently no one else has a problem with it.

    It was so bad for me, in fact, I had to install the updated graphics patch created by the community. It updated the textures and models, and most importantly.. the weapons! The MP5/203 was replaced with an M16/203, for example. It was just a ton more fun to play.

    Black Ice on
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    WrenWren ninja_bird Registered User regular
    edited October 2007
    Remington wrote: »
    Why would there be? All they added was ragdoll and SOME physics.

    Don't forget the fancy water effects...which don't really come up that often.

    and look weird next to shitty low res textures

    Wren on
    TF2 - Wren BF3: Wren-fu
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    Big ClassyBig Classy Registered User regular
    edited October 2007
    Black Ice wrote: »
    Awesome OP!! I can't believe no one has commented on it yet.

    I beat HL Source this summer and I became so bored of the game later on that I had to manipulate gravity in the developer's console to continue playing. It didn't age well for me, but apparently no one else has a problem with it.

    It was so bad for me, in fact, I had to install the updated graphics patch created by the community. It updated the textures and models, and most importantly.. the weapons! The MP5/203 was replaced with an M16/203, for example. It was just a ton more fun to play.

    care to share a link? I seem to find the the game bland as it is. I'm just so spoilt.

    Big Classy on
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    WrenWren ninja_bird Registered User regular
    edited October 2007
    speaking of black mesa revisted, I was so looking forward to Nightwatch. looked amazing

    Wren on
    TF2 - Wren BF3: Wren-fu
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    BalefuegoBalefuego Registered User regular
    edited October 2007
    Is there a 5 hour airboat section in this one

    Balefuego on
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    brynstarbrynstar Registered User regular
    edited October 2007
    ArcSyn, great job on the latest update. I'm looking forward to more of them!

    I'm playing through HL2 on the 360 right now and really enjoying it. The vehicle sections especially handle really well with a pad.

    brynstar on
    Xbox Live: Xander51
    PSN ID : Xander51 Steam ID : Xander51
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    DarmakDarmak RAGE vympyvvhyc vyctyvyRegistered User regular
    edited October 2007
    brynstar wrote: »
    ArcSyn, great job on the latest update. I'm looking forward to more of them!

    I'm playing through HL2 on the 360 right now and really enjoying it. The vehicle sections especially handle really well with a pad.

    I've always liked the vehicle sections in the PC version. The awesome airboat section, the drive on the beach in the buggy, and in the car thing in Ep. 2.

    Darmak on
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    Professor PhobosProfessor Phobos Registered User regular
    edited October 2007
    Yes, I too enjoy the vehicle sections. Highway 17 is one of my favorite levels of HL2.

    Professor Phobos on
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    ArcSynArcSyn Registered User regular
    edited October 2007
    Working on getting screen caps for the next section. Unfortunately it's a really long section of just getting around and not much of anything in story/action (I actually just got to a big shootout area, but I have to stop for a bit). I'll probably just keep going until I hit something big and skip over a bunch of the boring stuff.

    ArcSyn on
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    EinhanderEinhander __BANNED USERS regular
    edited October 2007
    Oh yeah, does anyone know how good the PS2 port of Half-Life was? I ask because I'm playing this now on my old labtop, and it's stuttering rather badly. I've got it down a bit to where it's playable, but it's really kind of annoying. I'd rather just find it and play it on the PS2 if the port isn't atrocious or anything.

    The PS2 port is incredible. It has weapons and models of higher quality than the HD Pack, controls well with the Dual Shock (which will probably be the only real barrier if you're primarily a PC gamer), and has a fun co-op sidestory as well. You can play the co-op story (Decay) split screen with someone, or you can play it by yourself, switching back and forth between the two female scientists (who took the suits next to yours, which are a lovely shade of red and grey).

    I need to get some of the HL games sometime soon. I've played through the main game, and I played through Blue Shift (but BS it was on the DC so it would crash a lot), but I haven't played Opposing Force and I get a hankering for some classic HL every so often. My "Killer Gaming Rig" (Pentium 3 500MHz, 384MB RAM, 16MB ATi RageII) is more than sufficient.

    Einhander on
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