A [DOODLE] Thread for the Ages. [NSFW]



  • m3nacem3nace Registered User regular
    Batperson and Robyn's off brand adventures


  • McGibsMcGibs TorontoRegistered User regular
    Playing a lot of darkest dungeon, and someone said I should do this tumblr witchsona thing.

  • LampLamp Registered User regular
    edited February 2016
    Feeling really inspired by the first Schoolism lesson we're working on over in the Schoolism thread. Really encourage everyone to come participate! Here's my fourth orc painting of the week.


    Lamp on
  • m3nacem3nace Registered User regular
    drew my main man and frequent collaborater Nilas

  • ProspicienceProspicience The Raven King DenvemoloradoRegistered User regular
    Love all the different mediums you seem to be using lately @m3nace!

  • SublimusSublimus Artist. nowhereRegistered User regular
    @Lamp Did a small paint over for you!

    In general, I would say there is too wide a range of values in the light and shadow areas. The darkest area in the light should not be darker than the lights area in the shadow. I also bumped up the saturation some, added a slight overlay to warm up the area in light, and then did a small levels layer yo pop the highlights some more!

    Hope that helps!

  • LampLamp Registered User regular
    edited February 2016
    Awesome, thanks Sublimus! That's really helpful.

    Here's another thing I'm working on


    Lamp on
  • zapattackzapattack Registered User regular
    Lamp- Camels are weird! I like that your camel captures camel weirdness.
    Here's a sketch of Aegon and Balerion. What am I saying. It's a guy on a beach with a dragon.

  • beardhawkbeardhawk Registered User regular
    My design for the pax east team green pub crawl swag magnets I'm making.

  • SeveredHeadSeveredHead Registered User regular

  • JuggernutJuggernut Registered User regular
    Finally sat down and cheesed a thing I started like, 2 or 3 weeks ago so it's still technically a doodle.


  • NightDragonNightDragon 6th Grade Username Registered User regular
    edited February 2016
    Working on some invented signage concepts. Trying to come up with sets that feel like they all "live" in a certain kind of town. Going to take 2-3 of these and develop a lineup of variations. Love to work those graphic design muscles.


    [edit] last one added! I noticed that the more I did these, the more clean they became....whoops! Going to return briefly to the first set for a quick clean-up, and then they'll all match.

    NightDragon on
  • acadiaacadia Registered User regular
    I drew 10 faces in a row from reference over a 2 hour span.

  • NightDragonNightDragon 6th Grade Username Registered User regular
    They look good!

  • m3nacem3nace Registered User regular
    I agree with above sentiment

  • WassermeloneWassermelone Registered User regular
    I drawed a thing that I always draw


  • IrukaIruka Registered User, Moderator Mod Emeritus
    @Wassermelone I love the draw that you always draw

  • HorizonShiftHorizonShift Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    Lots of amazing work on this page!

    I'm digging myself out of a rut, did some doodling last night.


  • acadiaacadia Registered User regular
    i imagine that getting shot is probably pretty painful
    i have two monitors and they are both way different, are the colors in this okay?

  • LampLamp Registered User regular
    edited February 2016
    Trying to get back into a habit of sketchbook doodling. I feel like for the past year or so I've had this mindset of only really seriously drawing when I'm either at figure drawing, or creating the under drawing for a new painting. Makes me feel like I'm not stretching my creative muscles enough. So I wanna dig out of that rut by squeezing in a few minutes of low commitment, stream of consciousness doodling each day.


    Lamp on
  • EncEnc A Fool with Compassion Pronouns: He, Him, HisRegistered User regular
    acadia wrote: »
    i have two monitors and they are both way different, are the colors in this okay?

    Pretty intense, but very cheerful! I like the colors.

  • LampLamp Registered User regular
    edited February 2016

    Lamp on
  • EncEnc A Fool with Compassion Pronouns: He, Him, HisRegistered User regular
    Working on a new render for a campaign map, trying some new things like rendering terrain and trees in sketchup:


  • Angel_of_BaconAngel_of_Bacon Moderator Mod Emeritus
    @Enc: Looking over your thread and such, I have to wonder if you've looked into exporting your sketchup work into another renderer/program (Blender being the obvious choice because it's free, or you might even consider working in the Unreal engine (also free)), since you seem to be hitting a point where having access to some more advanced lighting options and/or more organic modeling capabilities would probably add a lot to these from a visual standpoint.

    Obviously this would add some time to the proceedings (learning new UI/modeling paradigms, figuring out how UV unwrapping works probably, setting up lights, figuring out all the rendering options and what they do, etc.)- so maybe going the route is going to be more of a time investment than you really want to put in- I assume part of what you need for this project is producing a lot of work very quickly, so I get it if really spending the time on that kind of polish work doesn't make sense with your goals- but hey, if you've got some spare time to look into it, you might find these options worth a look.

  • ArthilArthil Registered User regular
    I've not posted for a while.

    So that original thing just didn't work out. Guy didn't contact me, only recently did he mention his company decided to not even pursue the venture via UpWork at all. Could have been a rough thing for me. However a friend and fellow forum goer @s1ppycup got me in touch with the company he works for. Thanks to him I feel like I could actually make a livable wage working with tools that I enjoy. Now it's not glamorous work, I do graphic design for advertisements. But it has seemed to so far be stable and reliable.

    If it weren't for having a good long talk with @kaliyama I wouldn't have pursued this field. This isn't the exact thing I had my eye on at first, but it still put me on that path. Without getting to discuss it with him, I'm not sure where I'd be right now in my life.

    PSN: Honishimo Steam UPlay: Arthil
  • TamTam Registered User regular
    this is my sonic oc

  • EncEnc A Fool with Compassion Pronouns: He, Him, HisRegistered User regular
    @Enc: Looking over your thread and such, I have to wonder if you've looked into exporting your sketchup work into another renderer/program (Blender being the obvious choice because it's free, or you might even consider working in the Unreal engine (also free)), since you seem to be hitting a point where having access to some more advanced lighting options and/or more organic modeling capabilities would probably add a lot to these from a visual standpoint.

    Obviously this would add some time to the proceedings (learning new UI/modeling paradigms, figuring out how UV unwrapping works probably, setting up lights, figuring out all the rendering options and what they do, etc.)- so maybe going the route is going to be more of a time investment than you really want to put in- I assume part of what you need for this project is producing a lot of work very quickly, so I get it if really spending the time on that kind of polish work doesn't make sense with your goals- but hey, if you've got some spare time to look into it, you might find these options worth a look.

    Thanks @Angel_of_Bacon ! Blender seems really cool but I don't really know where to begin. I'm going to track down some guides and learn the software over this next week. From playing around with it this morning I'm pretty sure it can do the things that frustrate me in Sketchup far, far better. The issue will be learning how to use it.

    While getting new maps up weekly is important to me, it's not as important as learning to do this 3d modeling better. I want to grow more than I care about volume of material.

  • Angel_of_BaconAngel_of_Bacon Moderator Mod Emeritus
    Enc wrote: »
    Blender seems really cool but I don't really know where to begin. I'm going to track down some guides and learn the software over this next week. From playing around with it this morning I'm pretty sure it can do the things that frustrate me in Sketchup far, far better. The issue will be learning how to use it.

    I suppose I should give you fair warning that even among 3d programs- which are all pretty complex owing to needing to have a lot of features packed into them- Blender's interface is a bit notorious for being confusing. The problem with a free, open source program is that while it may attract a lot of programmer contributors, getting skilled UI/UX people to contribute their time to the effort it a lot more rare.

    I bring this up just to urge you to be patient when learning how to use it, because while my understanding is that it's pretty fully featured, it may a good few weeks or months before you're totally acclimated. (I'm more of a Maya guy myself so even I don't know the ins and outs of Blender that well. @ChicoBlue, I know you use Blender- do you have any recommendations on sites that have good learning resources for it?)

  • ChicoBlueChicoBlue Registered User regular
    edited February 2016
    There's a pretty good little video series right here that teaches the basics of Blender.

    This video has a quick overview of how to use and place lights.

    You can also export files from Sketchup and import them in Blender, but it can be a little messy. Weird triangles and whatnot all over the meshes, which could make UV mapping and applying fancy textures and whatnot in Blender a hassle.

    Here's a tutorial for one method that goes into more detail about what is happening and how to move textures from Sketchup over.

    Sometimes you can export the Sketchup file as a .dae and it will import fine.

    Other times it is a gosh darn mess.

    A quick fix I use:

    Step One: In Sketch Up File > Export > 3D Mode l> (Export your .dae)
    Step Two: In MeshLab File > Import Mesh >( select the .dae) then File > Export Mesh > (export it as an .obj file)
    Step Three: In Blender File > Import > Wavefront (.obj)

    There are a bunch of good resources on Youtube available if you type in "Blender (insert problem area here)."

    There are a couple of advanced architecture tutorials here and here that you might want to try following along with once you've gotten a bit more comfortable with the interface and whatnot.

    Hope that helps a bit!

    ChicoBlue on
  • EncEnc A Fool with Compassion Pronouns: He, Him, HisRegistered User regular
    Wow, thanks Chico! I'm looking through those now.

  • m3nacem3nace Registered User regular
    edited February 2016

    m3nace on
  • majanzmajanz Registered User regular
    edited March 2016
    Oooooo! We have Blender people here?! I've been trying to figure out the Cycles render engine and it really is a game changer. Blender is far more useful now.


    majanz on
  • zapattackzapattack Registered User regular
    I feel as though I should not totally neglect my ancestral home- the doodle thread- in favor of my boring thread. So much energy and variety here!
    Cersei Lannister in casein from my little watercolor sketchbook.


  • m3nacem3nace Registered User regular
    Very, very nice. Love the desaturation in her face.

  • tapeslingertapeslinger Space Unicorn Slush Ranger Social Justice Rebel ScumRegistered User regular
    life drawing! I found out the local art school moved their main location to a place that's literally two minutes from my house, and since I am now freelancing full-time I need excuses to get out of the house sometimes.


  • m3nacem3nace Registered User regular
    Drew these as a warm up

  • EsiotrotEsiotrot Registered User regular
    Birds! Bwarrrk!!


  • lyriumlyrium Registered User regular
    Nice birds, but bro, nice handwriting.

  • EsiotrotEsiotrot Registered User regular
    another quick one


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