
[Better Call Saul] S'All Good Man



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    Dark Raven XDark Raven X Laugh hard, run fast, be kindRegistered User regular
    Chuck finale
    I could see him ending up on life support because of this, and Jimmy wanting to switch off the machines because of the EM sensitivity of something. But maybe he just wants to cover his tracks.

    Oh brilliant
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    AbsoluteZeroAbsoluteZero The new film by Quentin Koopantino Registered User regular
    Prediction: Saul Goodman makes his debut next week for the season finale.

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    LaCabraLaCabra MelbourneRegistered User regular
    I really appreciate the touch of Jimmy continuing to ground himself and have Kim ground herself when entering Chuck's place, even though he knows it's psychosomatic, even though Chuck can't see him do it, even though Kim doesn't even know they're supposed to do it, even though Chuck has been a fuckhead to him. He is so nice

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    gjaustingjaustin Registered User regular
    Yeah, no matter what happens - they're still brothers.

    They both care about each other, even if they're frequently terrible at actually being helpful.

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    ButtcleftButtcleft Registered User regular
    gjaustin wrote: »
    Yeah, no matter what happens - they're still brothers.

    They both care about each other, even if they're frequently terrible at actually being helpful.

    Jimmy always cares more about Chuck than Chuck cares about Jimmy.

    it is a totally one way relationship.

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    RhalloTonnyRhalloTonny Of the BrownlandsRegistered User regular
    Buttcleft wrote: »
    gjaustin wrote: »
    Yeah, no matter what happens - they're still brothers.

    They both care about each other, even if they're frequently terrible at actually being helpful.

    Jimmy always cares more about Chuck than Chuck cares about Jimmy.

    it is a totally one way relationship.

    I'm firmly on team Fuck Chuck, but if I
    • had a brother that robbed my dad blind a few decades ago
    • That had a lifelong habit of lying, cheating, and running scams
    • That I had to bail out of jail for a Chicago Sunroof

    I'd probably have good reason to resent him as well.

    The problem is that we spent almost all of season one watching Jimmy make a full apology through his actions. Yeah, he screwed up here and there, but the guy was putting monumental effort for almost no returns. Then the reveal happened, which is to say that no matter how good Jimmy could have been, it wouldn't have been enough.

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    ButtcleftButtcleft Registered User regular
    Buttcleft wrote: »
    gjaustin wrote: »
    Yeah, no matter what happens - they're still brothers.

    They both care about each other, even if they're frequently terrible at actually being helpful.

    Jimmy always cares more about Chuck than Chuck cares about Jimmy.

    it is a totally one way relationship.

    I'm firmly on team Fuck Chuck, but if I
    • had a brother that robbed my dad blind a few decades ago
    • That had a lifelong habit of lying, cheating, and running scams
    • That I had to bail out of jail for a Chicago Sunroof

    I'd probably have good reason to resent him as well.

    The problem is that we spent almost all of season one watching Jimmy make a full apology through his actions. Yeah, he screwed up here and there, but the guy was putting monumental effort for almost no returns. Then the reveal happened, which is to say that no matter how good Jimmy could have been, it wouldn't have been enough.

    There is absolutely no evidence that Jimmy robbed dad blind.

    There is overwhelming evidence that dad was a fucking idiot who believed every sobstory that walked through his door and handed money out of the register like candy on Halloween.

    We saw Jimmy take something once, out of frustrated anger over his dad completely ignoring his warnings about all the people coming in and scamming him. Which was a regular occurrence.

    After that, well, Jimmy tried to get straight, which is why he spent so much time in the HHM Mail room, getting his degree and working hard. He didn't get his degree the "proper" way for chucks elitist bullshit and hamstrung his law partner into completely shitting all over Jimmy because Chuck couldn't dare dirty his precious hands with such a lowly matter as family

    The Chicago sunroof, I got nothing for. Other than I would bet dollars on the fact that Chuck only did it so he could have something to lord over Jimmy, and not out of anything resembling familiar love.

    but honestly, you grow up with family treating you like of piece of shit, little surprise if you grow up to be a piece of shit. Especially when the brother whom you love and respect, and would literally do anything for (including babying him and taking care of him during his hypochondria induced bullshit EM allergy garbage), has done nothing but use you as a tool when its convenient, and treat you like garbage when not.

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    RhalloTonnyRhalloTonny Of the BrownlandsRegistered User regular
    edited April 2016
    I'll give you that it's not 100% confirmed, but I interpreted the scene with the dad as a Saul origin story- the moment after a conman takes stuff from his dad and imparts some conman wisdom on young Jimmy, that's when he starts stealing from his dad. Highly implied that Jimmy kept his hand in the till (imo).

    As for the rest, I already agree- Chuck has some elitest bullshit metric that is both unreasonably classist and also rooted in some deep family drama, peppered with a touch of jealousy (the wife laughing at Jimmy's jokes).

    Point was, I don't think Chuck is a complete mustache-twirling villain. Guy's treated his brother like garbage and kind of designed a machine of obligations to keep him there (and therefore is rightfully a "bad dude"), but it's not like at least part of his history with Jimmy is completely his fault/unreasonable.

    RhalloTonny on
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    ButtcleftButtcleft Registered User regular
    I'll give you that it's not 100% confirmed, but I interpreted the scene with the dad as a Saul origin story- the moment after a conman takes stuff from his dad and imparts some conman wisdom on young Jimmy, that's when he starts stealing from his dad. Highly implied that Jimmy kept his hand in the till (imo).

    As for the rest, I already agree- Chuck has some elitest bullshit metric that is both unreasonably classist and also rooted in some deep family drama, peppered with a touch of jealousy (the wife laughing at Jimmy's jokes).

    Point was, I don't think Chuck is a complete mustache-twirling villain. Guy's treated his brother like garbage and kind of designed a machine of obligations to keep him there, but it's not like at least part of his history with Jimmy is completely his fault/unreasonable.

    Agree to disagree.

    it was made abundantly clear that pop's store was a target because everyone knew pop was a gullible bleeding heart ripe for exploiting for cash.

    With Jimmy's extreme loyalty shown thus far, I'd wager that most the money lost was due to dads bleeding heart and not from Jimmy's hand in the till.

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    GnizmoGnizmo Registered User regular
    Whether or not Jimmy really caused any major problems for his dad is kind of irrelevant to the story at this stage. Chuck believes it to be true, and so any read on their relationship has to assume it to be true in order to get what Chuck is doing.

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    Captain TragedyCaptain Tragedy Registered User regular
    Apologies if this has been brought up in the thread before: There's a theory going around about something happening in the season finale based on the episode's titles this season, similar to how S2 of Breaking Bad's episode titles had an Easter Egg (just speculation, but spoilering it just in case):
    If you take the first letter of each episode's title this season, they're an anagram for "FRINGS BACK"


    It's pretty silly and possibly just fans reading way to much into things, but it's a kinda cool, ridiculous easter egg if true.

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    ButtcleftButtcleft Registered User regular
    How common of a name is Mesa Verde?

    I know its the name of the Better Call Saul bank, but it was also the construction firm cover for the corrupt cop in Lethal Weapon 3, off the top of my head.

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    gjaustingjaustin Registered User regular
    Buttcleft wrote: »
    How common of a name is Mesa Verde?

    I know its the name of the Better Call Saul bank, but it was also the construction firm cover for the corrupt cop in Lethal Weapon 3, off the top of my head.

    It's a national park

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    AbsoluteZeroAbsoluteZero The new film by Quentin Koopantino Registered User regular
    Apologies if this has been brought up in the thread before: There's a theory going around about something happening in the season finale based on the episode's titles this season, similar to how S2 of Breaking Bad's episode titles had an Easter Egg (just speculation, but spoilering it just in case):
    If you take the first letter of each episode's title this season, they're an anagram for "FRINGS BACK"


    It's pretty silly and possibly just fans reading way to much into things, but it's a kinda cool, ridiculous easter egg if true.

    I had a feeling he would be back fairly soon, especially after Hector turned up.

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    RehabRehab Registered User regular
    Half an hour towards finale time!

    I think things are looking pretty bleak for
    Chuck and Hector

    but given how unpredictable this show tends to be, who knows.

    NNID: Rehab0
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    GONG-00GONG-00 Registered User regular
    Finale Cold Open:
    Not conveying their mother's final words...Fuck Chuck.

    Black lives matter.
    Law and Order ≠ Justice
    ACNH Island Isla Cero: DA-3082-2045-4142
    Captain of the SES Comptroller of the State
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    RehabRehab Registered User regular
    edited April 2016
    After all that tension Ernesto's
    "I miss the mailroom"

    got me to laugh a good deal when I really wasn't expecting to.

    Rehab on
    NNID: Rehab0
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    ButtcleftButtcleft Registered User regular
    GONG-00 wrote: »
    Finale Cold Open:
    Not conveying their mother's final words...Fuck Chuck.
    All because he's a jealous, worthless piece of shit. Fuck Chuck with all the energy of a million atomic bombs

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    AbsoluteZeroAbsoluteZero The new film by Quentin Koopantino Registered User regular

    Shit just got real.

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    ButtcleftButtcleft Registered User regular
    We need something besides Fuck Chuck, because we've evolved so far beyond that now.

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    AbsoluteZeroAbsoluteZero The new film by Quentin Koopantino Registered User regular
    edited April 2016
    Hahaha oh man. Chuck's assholery just reached its fucking zenith.

    AbsoluteZero on
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    GONG-00GONG-00 Registered User regular
    edited April 2016
    That ending:
    Fuck Chuck.

    Any chance it is not Gustavo Fring?

    GONG-00 on
    Black lives matter.
    Law and Order ≠ Justice
    ACNH Island Isla Cero: DA-3082-2045-4142
    Captain of the SES Comptroller of the State
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    Solomaxwell6Solomaxwell6 Registered User regular
    GONG-00 wrote: »
    Finale Cold Open:
    Not conveying their mother's final words...Fuck Chuck.

    I was cooking dinner when that happened. What did she say?
    I heard "Jimmy", then I missed the rest.
    GONG-00 wrote: »
    That ending:
    Fuck Chuck.

    Any chance it is not Gustavo Fring?
    Jesus Christ, that entire scene I was thinking "Don't do it Jimmy... Don't do it, he's fucking screwing with you. He's got a recorder." And as soon as Jimmy left and Chuck started going for it I was thinking fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck Chuck

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    ButtcleftButtcleft Registered User regular
    Seriously, Fuck Chuck just doesn't convey the appropriate amount of contempt anymore.

    Like, Fuck Chuck with a stellar impact in the fucking eyeball might come close to expressing 1/100th of 1% of the hatred and vitriol he deserves.

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    RehabRehab Registered User regular
    Such a good villain.

    I would say on the level of Gus to Walter. Only the important distinction of being the brother to our hero. So . . . more like Loki?

    NNID: Rehab0
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    HappylilElfHappylilElf Registered User regular
    GONG-00 wrote: »
    Any chance it is not Gustavo Fring?
    God I hope so. One of the best characters from Breaking Bad

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    enlightenedbumenlightenedbum Registered User regular
    GONG-00 wrote: »
    That ending:
    Fuck Chuck.

    Any chance it is not Gustavo Fring?

    Theory on the interwebs:
    The first letter of the episode titles (remember season two of BB, which had a hidden message in the titles):


    Anagram for:


    Self-righteousness is incompatible with coalition building.
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    ButtcleftButtcleft Registered User regular

    I just don't know what to do with the world anymore.

    Chuck is Spinal Tap

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    Captain TragedyCaptain Tragedy Registered User regular
    Apologies if this has been brought up in the thread before: There's a theory going around about something happening in the season finale based on the episode's titles this season, similar to how S2 of Breaking Bad's episode titles had an Easter Egg (just speculation, but spoilering it just in case):
    If you take the first letter of each episode's title this season, they're an anagram for "FRINGS BACK"


    It's pretty silly and possibly just fans reading way to much into things, but it's a kinda cool, ridiculous easter egg if true.

    Gilligan and Gould just confirmed it was intentional on the post-show.

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    Pi-r8Pi-r8 Registered User regular
    Buttcleft wrote: »
    Seriously, Fuck Chuck just doesn't convey the appropriate amount of contempt anymore.

    Like, Fuck Chuck with a stellar impact in the fucking eyeball might come close to expressing 1/100th of 1% of the hatred and vitriol he deserves.

    Chuck is like the epitome of "you're not wrong, Walter, you're just an asshole."

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    ElJeffeElJeffe Roaming the streets, waving his mod gun around.Moderator, ClubPA Mod Emeritus
    I, too, missed the cold open, so if anyone could fill me in, that'd be swell.

    Otherwise, yeah, fuck Chuck.
    Though to be fair, Chuck's deception is a reasonable response to Jimmy's gaslighting scheme. What Jimmy did was pretty awful, even if Chuck had it coming.

    I submitted an entry to Lego Ideas, and if 10,000 people support me, it'll be turned into an actual Lego set!If you'd like to see and support my submission, follow this link.
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    mcdermottmcdermott Registered User regular
    I'm actually finding the finale tough to buy.

    Jimmys smarter than that.

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    JeedanJeedan Registered User regular
    edited April 2016
    GONG-00 wrote: »
    Finale Cold Open:
    Not conveying their mother's final words...Fuck Chuck.
    At the same time though, there's no easy way to say "her last words were to call for you (but you'd just left )". Telling the truth would have fucked with Jimmy more than lying.

    I didn't interpret it as jealousy, just another of Jimmys burdens chuck feels he has to shoulder

    Jeedan on
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    815165815165 Registered User regular
    finalé title
    made the ending way too obvious :(

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    HappylilElfHappylilElf Registered User regular
    ElJeffe wrote: »
    I, too, missed the cold open, so if anyone could fill me in, that'd be swell.

    Otherwise, yeah, fuck Chuck.
    Though to be fair, Chuck's deception is a reasonable response to Jimmy's gaslighting scheme. What Jimmy did was pretty awful, even if Chuck had it coming.


    And yet I'm 100% on board

    Because Fuck Chuck and after the last few episodes Hamlin too.

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    AlphagaiaAlphagaia Registered User regular
    edited April 2016
    Regarding Chuck.
    He has it on tape, but will he use it?

    Alphagaia on
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    I like to move it, move it FCE2-0000-00D7-9048

    See my profile here!
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    ViskodViskod Registered User regular
    Alphagaia wrote: »
    Regarding Chuck.
    He has it on tape, but will he use it?

    This is actually something that I hope he has to grapple with at the start of the next season.
    On the one hand, yes. Obviously he'd have to use it. Chuck is far too letter of the law to try to blackmail Jimmy with it, so his only obvious recourse is to "do the right thing" and report Jimmy's admission to the authorities. However, with everything that Jimmy has honestly done for Chuck I really hope he has an actual moment of conflict over this. I want to see him try to internally rationalize not turning Jimmy in.

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    MonstyMonsty Registered User regular
    Lots to think about, so I will toss out some small preliminary speculation...
    Does Jimmy have Chuck committed to get out of this? At least, could the interplay between his mental state and an electronic tape recorder be used in some sort of defense? Or will they go into crazy full circle Breaking Bad territory and wipe the tape with magnets, bitches(I kid I kid... but the quick thought amused me for a moment)?

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    Dark Raven XDark Raven X Laugh hard, run fast, be kindRegistered User regular
    Aww, Jimmy's ad
    "Gimme Jimmy!" is a nice proto version of "Better Call Saul!"

    and then it transitioned into an ad for a 'weasel' ;p

    Oh brilliant
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    ViskodViskod Registered User regular
    I also see the possible outcome of this being
    Chuck turns Jimmy in, it goes to a trial and Jimmy just Saul Goodmans the fuck out of it in court. There's evidence on the tape that Jimmy just said what he said to make Chuck feel better, and as long as he can keep the dude at the copy shop from cracking all he has to do in court is show how he has painstakingly taken care of his ailing brother and done all he can to accommodate someone who is clearly dodo-bananas.

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