
The 2016 Conditional Post-Election Thread: II



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    RozRoz Boss of InternetRegistered User regular
    shryke wrote: »
    Hakkekage wrote: »
    The Ender wrote: »
    Hakkekage wrote: »
    Bernie had a good chunk of white working class and Biden also knew how to speak to them, I don't know why everyone here is ready to give up on that group. You just need a bold messenger that can deliver the economic message in an "authentic" way, i.e. speak in their cadence and culture, which goes much farther convincing them than facts and policy websites. Hillary was simply the antithesis of that.

    This year every state voted the same party for senator and president, they installed more republican geese simply because it was Trump's party. They would vote dem downticket again for the right dem president, and the surge voters that showed up for Trump aren't that likely to show up for midterms like real republicans are either.

    I understand all of this, I understand why they were pulled in by Trump's theatre, I understand why they felt disaffected or chose not to vote, I understand how the Democrats are partly responsible for allowing the decimation of unions to serve as vehicles for hard left unity


    It is still hard not to feel like the rest of us who will be in the crosshairs of a new era of racism and unbounded "law and order" were sold out for cheap

    It's not fair, and I admit it, but it's really hard not to feel like this: When minorities are ignored and brutally disappointed and economic opportunity is kept from them it's business as usual, hence Chappelle's sketch on SNL and testimony from many older black folks that they're really not surprised. But the minute one niche of one region of white folk start to feel the pinch of a changing economy and feel like no one's listening, the world collapses, the democrats lose everything, and now we have to figure out how the fuck we can fellate another goddamn group of white people without letting them blame the same brown people who are going to suffer way more than they are, btw, for ruining their lives.

    Again: not fair. Emotional reaction, irrational. It's why I'm staying out of the other thread, for the most part. I still feel cheap. Sold out like Manhattan to a bunch of colonial assholes for a handful of worthless beads.

    I don't think it is unfair at all.

    Hence my preference to simply find a new bloc of voters. Almost half of the U.S. didn't vote; there's plenty of wiggle room here to get new people on board that we don't need to appease with white-centric rhetoric or policy.

    I don't think that's feasible

    Nor do I really think it's appeasement. I mean, people have laid it out before--Obama fucking saved the Midwest. Michigan would be a (even more of) a wasteland. Wisconsin was a fatal mistake--Scott Walker's campaign against unions should have inspired more opposing action than we recognized at the time, and we need to own that--but the fact is that Obama was right: their lives, more or less, are better now than they were 8 years ago. I think it was a failure of marketing, to connect emotionally through dramatic theatre, as I've outlined previously.

    But right now the wound is still raw. I lurched from Election Day to the day after sick, sleepless, feeling utterly betrayed. There's a reason why Dante's 9th layer of hell is reserved for the frozen wasteland of treachery. It hurts the most.

    I think Trump offered them a better deal.

    This is how the Democrats lost the working white in the first place when the New Deal Coalition collapsed after all.

    They want someone to oppose the changing society they live in and they want somebody to blame.

    Exactly. If the economic argument is true, then they would have voted for us like they did in 2008 and 2012.

    If the racial argument is true - well it explains quite nicely how we have Donald Trump as president right now.

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    CaptainNemoCaptainNemo Registered User regular
    I'm not giving up on America or Americans.

    No matter how bad this gets, I will be here to oppose it. And I'm not alone.

    Shitty Tumblr:lighthouse1138.tumblr.com
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    augustaugust where you come from is gone Registered User regular
    So this morning one of my co-workers, an african-american woman, was harassed and assaulted on her way in to work. Some white lady cut her car off, boxed her in, jumped out and started banging on her windows, yelling racial slurs.

    The question for the class is: Did this hate crime occur in:

    A) Alabama
    B) Mississippi
    C) Kentucky
    D) Long Island, NY

    Basically all the really nutty right-wing insanity in my Facebook feed comes from a small portion of my distant relatives who are upper middle class residents of Long Island. And I grew up in Missouri.

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    enlightenedbumenlightenedbum Registered User regular
    edited November 2016
    enlightenedbum on
    Self-righteousness is incompatible with coalition building.
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    ElendilElendil Registered User regular
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    Undead ScottsmanUndead Scottsman Registered User regular
    edited November 2016
    Bloods End wrote: »
    Dhalphir wrote: »
    Roz wrote: »
    The thing I come back to is we have a radicalized GOP Senate and Congress, likely an increasingly right-wing Supreme Court, and fucking white nationalists in the white house. We're at near maximum shit levels here. The only worse possible scenario is if the pubs had filibuster proof majorities and 75% of of State GOP and Governorships (they have 66% right now) to affect constitutional change.

    If not completely writing off rural whites can help us stop that, then I am 100% for it. We don't need a lot of them, just some of them. We're already not opposed to policy that helps them, we just need to make it a core issue and be noisy about it so they hear.

    We do this cautiously, because minorities on the left have been thrown under the bus before to appease whites. And the moment they smell bullshit on our end they'll abandon us, which they should rightfully do if we're willing to sell them out.

    That's why we make helping minorities (Especially in the face of incoming Trump policy) one of our other core issues.

    and boom you just lost the Trump voters again

    they don't care if you're helping them or not they just care that you keep minorities below them

    I'm not wanting to reach the Trump voters who are into Trump's bigotry; I'm trying to reach the ones who held their nose and voted for him in spite of it. We need to offer those people a better solution (and make every effort to inform them it's a better position.)

    I'm not saying we need to turn 50% of Trump supporters; even 1 or 2% would be hugely beneficial.
    Bloods End wrote: »
    That's why we make helping minorities (Especially in the face of incoming Trump policy) one of our other core issues.

    Uhh...this statement feels a little like caretaking. Like you need to save us cuz we can't do a damn thing ourselves.
    Maybe instead of saying how you'll help us how will you bring us in. And by us Asians, blacks, Pacific islander, eCT. We areally individuals and what helps one group may not help another

    Oh man, I'm sorry that was offensive, it totally wasn't my intent. I never meant to insinuate that minorities were powerless, and I realize my phrasing made it sound like they were outside the Democratic party, which certainly isn't the case. Terribly sorry about that.

    Making the issues affecting minorities, both within and outside of the Democratic party, be some of the core party issues is important.

    The thing is really convincing minorities that this gonna help and getting politically active. Because what Chappelle on snl said resonated: this fear isn't new for a lot of us. We walk around already feeling that we are 5 seconds away from being put down anyway.
    So to be mercenary, what's in it for us? Yes I know I'm acting like I'm speaking for all minorities. Shut up they elected me.

    Well, not to deflect the question, but ultimately what you need is up for you to decide, right? While a bunch of white folk sitting on the outside going "That looks shitty, we should help with that" isn't necessarily a bad thing, the direction of what and where to help should be prioritized by you and not us, right? Otherwise it's just more white people telling you what needs to happen with your life. So to go back to the mercenary concept; what do you want for your vote?

    Undead Scottsman on
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    HounHoun Registered User regular

    And the rightward shift begins, as the rust belt become the only important demographic in America.

    ...I need a new swear word, the standard set no longer properly convey my absolute disdain anymore.

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    enlightenedbumenlightenedbum Registered User regular
    That's not even the rust belt, it's just being idiots who think Trump gives a shit about bipartisanship.

    Self-righteousness is incompatible with coalition building.
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    DivideByZeroDivideByZero Social Justice Blackguard Registered User regular
    I mean, it has a certain boldness to it

    It's stuff Dems have been trying to get passed, but couldn't because of Republican intransigence

    If Trump bites on it, he goes up against his own party, and gets tarred as "working with Democrats" which is like the Mark of Cain in GOPland

    If he fights them on it, he looks like he's ditching (more of) his campaign promises and becoming just another establishment Republican

    Of course I'm assuming they're playing 4th dimensional chess when they could just be rolling over for a belly rub, who knows

    First they came for the Muslims, and we said NOT TODAY, MOTHERFUCKERS
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    enlightenedbumenlightenedbum Registered User regular
    Trump's infrastructure plan is a disaster begging for looters.

    Self-righteousness is incompatible with coalition building.
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    TomantaTomanta Registered User regular
    I dunno, the Senate Republicans run from anything the Democrats like, maybe it's a full proof way of making sure nothing gets passed! Obama should express full support for everything Trump does!

    I made myself sad...

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    OptimusZedOptimusZed Registered User regular
    I'm relatively sure that Senate Democrats all contracted a brain parasite in the nineties that forces the word "bipartisan" out of their mouths in late November of an election year.

    They can't help it, it's the parasitic brain worms.

    We're reading Rifts. You should too. You know you want to. Now With Ninjas!

    They tried to bury us. They didn't know that we were seeds. 2018 Midterms. Get your shit together.
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    DivideByZeroDivideByZero Social Justice Blackguard Registered User regular
    "We will take all the money the federal government wastes on these 'in-ter-state-high-ways' and spend them on luxury hotels and country clubs. Anyone who wants a job as a caddy can have one."

    *thunderous applause*

    First they came for the Muslims, and we said NOT TODAY, MOTHERFUCKERS
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    TraceTrace GNU Terry Pratchett; GNU Gus; GNU Carrie Fisher; GNU Adam We Registered User regular
    yeah Sanders just got put on a leadership role in the senate. Along with Warren.

    ain't no one shifting nowheres.

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    MrMisterMrMister Jesus dying on the cross in pain? Morally better than us. One has to go "all in".Registered User regular
    edited November 2016
    The strategy appears to be: try to focus attention on the areas where Trump hedged liberal-populist like maternity leave and etc. Make that the issue. Then, if Trump sides with you and you can get it to pass, then congratulations! You managed to get the country maternity leave passed and that's incredible. On the other hand, if Trump sides against you and kills it, then you've forced him to eat his words and you're positioned to yank back the mantle of economic populism.

    Seems plenty intelligible to me.

    MrMister on
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    DivideByZeroDivideByZero Social Justice Blackguard Registered User regular
    MrMister wrote: »
    The strategy appears to be: try to focus attention on the areas where Trump hedged liberal-populist like maternity leave and etc. Make that the issue. Then, if Trump sides with you and you can get it to pass, then congratulations! You managed to get the country maternity leave passed and that's incredible. On the other hand, if Trump sides against you and kills it, then you've forced him to eat his words and you're positioned to yank back the mantle of economic populism.

    Seems plenty intelligible to me.

    Yeah and the only thing that worries me is letting him claim those victories

    but then, if one of them ends up running in 2020 they are also their victories

    First they came for the Muslims, and we said NOT TODAY, MOTHERFUCKERS
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    CouscousCouscous Registered User regular
    edited November 2016
    Trump's liberal-populist hedges are mainly surface level stuff that end up being conservative style tax breaks for the wealthy plans when any actual details come out. Like the most solid details for his infrastructure plan are tax breaks for public-private projects. And I am betting any path through Congress just makes them moreso.

    Couscous on
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    HounHoun Registered User regular
    MrMister wrote: »
    The strategy appears to be: try to focus attention on the areas where Trump hedged liberal-populist like maternity leave and etc. Make that the issue. Then, if Trump sides with you and you can get it to pass, then congratulations! You managed to get the country maternity leave passed and that's incredible. On the other hand, if Trump sides against you and kills it, then you've forced him to eat his words and you're positioned to yank back the mantle of economic populism.

    Seems plenty intelligible to me.

    It's stupid, because the GOP is never going to let those bills out of committee, or of they do, they'll attach so many shitty amendments that Dems end up either voting against "maternity leave" or whatever, or being implicit in fucking over minorities to get it through for white women only.

    And then Donald might change his mind and not sign it anyway!

    The only winning move is not to play.

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    ForarForar #432 Toronto, Ontario, CanadaRegistered User regular
    Cambiata wrote: »
    Daedalus wrote: »
    shryke wrote: »
    vsove wrote: »

    (One Democrat said Trump transition folks are asking Obama aides for recommendations of Republicans to hire)

    There's a point where I just don't even fucking know anymore.

    Has there ever been a presidential transition that was anywhere close to this level of a clusterfuck? Has anyone ever been so underprepared?

    It's just.. fuck.

    Were I Obama, I'd tell my people to give them nothing. Just watch them flail.

    Obama is classier than that, he's going to do what he can to soften the clusterfuck.

    I admire him more than ever for the way he's handling this, really.

    Obama is a gentleman, a scholar, and a true patriot. The important thing is that the government transition happen with as little difficulty as possible. If that means Obama works three times as hard he's going to do it, because that's the kind of person he is, God bless him.

    And when someone steps in a giant pile of shit, he'll be blamed for it.

    I'm not saying he shouldn't (I am glancing at it though, for the same reasons), but if this doesn't lead to at least one good sized scandal being deflected by 'Obama betrayed us, he betrayed YOU, by not telling us X' (he did) or 'Told us Y, but it's not really Y' (it is).

    I envy the man's courage, patience, tolerance, and love for his fellow citizens by even being willing to entertain the notion of increasing his tutoring to the oncoming President and team, but at the same time with the staff picks being floated, I only see scandal and bullshit, and will be utterly shocked if some of it isn't thrown his way as deflection.

    Yes, he should be the bigger man for the greater good of millions, and I fully believe he is the kind of man who would happily throw away accolades of a legacy if it meant minimizing harm and/or doing good.

    I just have no faith in the new admin not to layer on some shit, and then point at him as their ongoing boogeyman. Months or years of deflection because despite having 'the best people' someone will screw up (legit or perceived) and...


    And it's not even a game of 4 dimensional chess. It's basic pattern recognition.

    First they came for the Muslims, and we said NOT TODAY, MOTHERFUCKER!
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    ZythonZython Registered User regular

    Ok, it's official. I give up on liberalism.

    Switch: SW-3245-5421-8042 | 3DS Friend Code: 4854-6465-0299 | PSN: Zaithon
    Steam: pazython
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    Mr KhanMr Khan Not Everyone WAHHHRegistered User regular
    Couscous wrote: »
    Trump's liberal-populist hedges are mainly surface level stuff that end up being conservative style tax breaks for the wealthy plans when any actual details come out. Like the most solid details for his infrastructure plan are tax breaks for public-private projects. And I am betting any path through Congress just makes them moreso.

    That's the thing, though, the infrastructure plan even as is couldn't get through a Republican congress, but the Democrats could stitch together Trump and a handful of Republican defectors with pork (although the Hastert Rule could keep it bogged down permanently in the House, come to think of it, but then Trump's fighting a battle with Ryan).

    As long as they keep fighting for progressive legislation, what's the matter?

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    OghulkOghulk Tinychat Janitor TinychatRegistered User regular
    crossposting for your viewing pleasure
    Oghulk wrote: »

    stop your stopwatches

    only took a week

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    ForarForar #432 Toronto, Ontario, CanadaRegistered User regular
    MrMister wrote: »
    The strategy appears to be: try to focus attention on the areas where Trump hedged liberal-populist like maternity leave and etc. Make that the issue. Then, if Trump sides with you and you can get it to pass, then congratulations! You managed to get the country maternity leave passed and that's incredible. On the other hand, if Trump sides against you and kills it, then you've forced him to eat his words and you're positioned to yank back the mantle of economic populism.

    Seems plenty intelligible to me.

    Yeah and the only thing that worries me is letting him claim those victories

    but then, if one of them ends up running in 2020 they are also their victories

    Let's not see the Democrats become the Obama era GOP.

    Good governance is good governance. I'm not blind to optics or the need to fight for the coming years, but if they can get something like Maternity passed, hooray.

    And really, if nothing else, the more 'wins' he gets with his good Democrat (intentional use of slur) buddies, the more he'll have to fight off his own 'side' and supporters for becoming exactly what they allegedly hated.

    I'm not saying it's an absolute, there will likely be times to refuse even a net good for a reason.

    First they came for the Muslims, and we said NOT TODAY, MOTHERFUCKER!
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    CouscousCouscous Registered User regular
    edited November 2016
    Mr Khan wrote: »
    Couscous wrote: »
    Trump's liberal-populist hedges are mainly surface level stuff that end up being conservative style tax breaks for the wealthy plans when any actual details come out. Like the most solid details for his infrastructure plan are tax breaks for public-private projects. And I am betting any path through Congress just makes them moreso.

    That's the thing, though, the infrastructure plan even as is couldn't get through a Republican congress, but the Democrats could stitch together Trump and a handful of Republican defectors with pork (although the Hastert Rule could keep it bogged down permanently in the House, come to think of it, but then Trump's fighting a battle with Ryan).

    As long as they keep fighting for progressive legislation, what's the matter?
    Trump by all accounts mostly goes with the people he met last, and the people with his ear right now are his son in law, Mike Pence, Bannon, and maybe Reince Priebus. I don't see any of the centers of power that might develop around Trump in the Trump White House really going along with that sort of plan.

    I don't see the Republicans in Cngress having any issue with the infrastructure plan just being essentially tax breaks to encourage privatization, two things Republicans in Congress love.

    The catch, though, is that Trump doesn’t really have a plan to do all this. At least not yet. Not in the conventional sense of the word.

    All Trump has right now is an idiosyncratic proposal for Congress to offer some $137 billion in tax breaks to private investors who want to finance toll roads, toll bridges, or other projects that generate their own revenue streams. But this private financing scheme, experts across the political spectrum say, wouldn’t address many of America’s most pressing infrastructure needs — like repairing existing roads or replacing leaky water mains in poorer communities like Flint. It’s a narrow, inadequate policy.

    For instance: “This is unlikely to do much for road and bridge maintenance,” notes Harvard economist Edward Glaeser. “And [economists] have long believed that the highest returns are for fixing existing infrastructure.”
    If you poke around Trump’s campaign website, you see vague promises to boost investment in “transportation, clean water, a modern and reliable electricity grid, telecommunications, security infrastructure, and other pressing domestic infrastructure needs.” But there aren’t many details on how to do this.

    In fact, Trump’s only concrete proposal was this slim, 10-page white paper released October 27. In it, campaign advisers Wilbur Ross and Peter Navarro proposed a set of tax breaks for private investors who want to finance infrastructure. These tax breaks, the campaign claims, could help finance $1 trillion worth of projects.

    What is there they wouldn't like and wouldn't allow to get through Congress?

    Couscous on
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    Undead ScottsmanUndead Scottsman Registered User regular
    Zython wrote: »

    Ok, it's official. I give up on liberalism.

    Let's at least wait until Donald's re-election before we give up entirely.

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    HounHoun Registered User regular
    Oghulk wrote: »
    crossposting for your viewing pleasure
    Oghulk wrote: »

    stop your stopwatches

    only took a week

    Ok. That's enough. I'd like off the ride now, please.

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    OghulkOghulk Tinychat Janitor TinychatRegistered User regular
    I have a feeling that calling for a religious registry and the subsequent dragnet that it would require would probably not be in their best interests.

    Protests would uh...probably tick up a notch...

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    IncenjucarIncenjucar VChatter Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    Oghulk wrote: »
    I have a feeling that calling for a religious registry and the subsequent dragnet that it would require would probably not be in their best interests.

    Protests would uh...probably tick up a notch...

    Expect to be reminded of Kent State a lot.

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    Local H JayLocal H Jay Registered User regular
    It's been days and every day when I remember Trump won I still get sick

    Not enough booze in the world to forget

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    DhalphirDhalphir don't you open that trapdoor you're a fool if you dareRegistered User regular
    Oghulk wrote: »
    crossposting for your viewing pleasure
    Oghulk wrote: »

    stop your stopwatches

    only took a week

    Holy shit. They genuinely see that as a cautionary preventative measure, rather than the racist stain on American history that it is?

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    Eat it You Nasty Pig.Eat it You Nasty Pig. tell homeland security 'we are the bomb'Registered User regular
    I dunno, I think that's good strategy by the senate dems. It sounds good now, maybe gives them some early leverage, and there's so little meat on the bones of any of Trump's proposals that they can always reasonably oppose whatever the republican congress comes up with later. Infrastructure spending has been a dem talking point for years, for example

    hold your head high soldier, it ain't over yet
    that's why we call it the struggle, you're supposed to sweat
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    wanderingwandering Russia state-affiliated media Registered User regular
    MrMister wrote: »
    The strategy appears to be: try to focus attention on the areas where Trump hedged liberal-populist like maternity leave and etc. Make that the issue. Then, if Trump sides with you and you can get it to pass, then congratulations! You managed to get the country maternity leave passed and that's incredible. On the other hand, if Trump sides against you and kills it, then you've forced him to eat his words and you're positioned to yank back the mantle of economic populism.

    Seems plenty intelligible to me.
    Ah, but Trump never promised any of those things. When did he say those things? Find where he said those things. Lies. Wrong. Liberal lies. Lies.

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    HakkekageHakkekage Space Whore Academy summa cum laudeRegistered User regular
    wandering wrote: »
    MrMister wrote: »
    The strategy appears to be: try to focus attention on the areas where Trump hedged liberal-populist like maternity leave and etc. Make that the issue. Then, if Trump sides with you and you can get it to pass, then congratulations! You managed to get the country maternity leave passed and that's incredible. On the other hand, if Trump sides against you and kills it, then you've forced him to eat his words and you're positioned to yank back the mantle of economic populism.

    Seems plenty intelligible to me.
    Ah, but Trump never promised any of those things. When did he say those things? Find where he said those things. Lies. Wrong. Liberal lies. Lies.

    Yeah this is some baffling fucking bullshit where all the senators representing states that shoulda gone blue but went red are shitting themselves for reelection. They're trying to save their seats by loudly stating to their white working class constituents WE HEARD YOU! FRONT AND CENTER, YOU ARE! YOU'RE THE PRIMA BALLERINA! (Pls don't kick me out of office in 2018)

    But it's like 8 years of unrelenting Republican obstruction didn't even happen! Are you not paying attention? These so called statesmen have been shameless in their staunch sabotage of basic governance, and the DEMOCRATS ate shit for not getting anything done. And now what we just slipped right back into the way things were done before, where you made deals at the table, reached across aisle, traded votes? Like that shit didn't even happen?

    Bitch, no. I ain't asking for petty vengeance against the republicans. I am asking you to fucking RECOGNIZE WHEN YOU GETTING PLAYED. The narrative is *not* going to be "Republican party unfortunately split over hard vote between liberal-populist Dem-supported Populist infrastructure bill and their President who is showing incredible levels of grace and kindness towards working mothers." Bitch PLEASE. The narrative is going to be "STRONG LEADER DONALD J. TRUMP BENDS WEAK DEMOCRAT LEADERS TO HIS WILL, FORCES ARROGANT WEASELS TO ACCEPT GRAND PLAN FOR STRONG AMERICAN MOTHERS AND STRONGER AMERICAN SONS"

    We know how they see the world already. At this point it's hopelessly naive to think things will shake out the way they did before. Aside from a few minor reports of maybe Paul and Graham, Republicans have proven that when push comes to shove they will gag on the party than put their country first.

    I am beside myself. The Republican party *will not fall apart* over some fucking bones thrown here or there to some populist "nice to have"s. And you can't trust a single goddamn word out of Trump's mouth. When he was ripping off small businesses, no one was able to stop him, and he was just some chump rich kid with some fat mouthed lawyers and daddy's money. Who is going to stop him now?

    3DS: 2165 - 6538 - 3417
    NNID: Hakkekage
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    GvzbgulGvzbgul Registered User regular
    BIDEN: The White House is in good hands.

    OBAMA: Is that a joke?

    BIDEN: No, that’s a thing I just said out loud, to reporters. After meeting with Mike Pence. Who is a fucking monster.

    OBAMA: But no, no, this is a meme where you are like an old codger who is a prankster– that’s how this is supposed to work. It’s wacky fun!

    BIDEN: Maybe people wanting to believe in memes about cuddly politicians is a bad thing that we shouldn’t encourage though. Maybe it’s bad that people dull their brains with memes about how politicians who oversee flying robot death armies are actually adorable koalas, and gifs of dopey television shows about noble politicians that are divorced from reality. Maybe that kind of fantasy slowed people down from pushing for change, or for political realities to be addressed through more aggressive campaign messages that actually addressed people’s economic lives instead of playing to fantasies that not everybody has the economic luxury or ideological willingness to indulge in.

    LESLIE KNOPE: You guys have been listening to Ron too much! Memes are great!

    JOSIAH BARTLET: I’ve got a boner– you got any adderall?? Spring break forever!

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    Undead ScottsmanUndead Scottsman Registered User regular
    It's been days and every day when I remember Trump won I still get sick

    Not enough booze in the world to forget

    I'm past feeling sick; I'm just constantly anxious with an rumbly tummy (and a sudden allergy to polish sausage. Ow.) and occasionally break out in tears.

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    The EnderThe Ender Registered User regular
    In fairness to Biden... what is he supposed to say?

    "Nah, we're all fucked. Shit's over. Batten down the hatches and get down to the cellar while the gettin' is still good."

    With Love and Courage
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    mRahmanimRahmani DetroitRegistered User regular
    Oghulk wrote: »
    crossposting for your viewing pleasure
    Oghulk wrote: »

    stop your stopwatches

    only took a week

    This is fine.

    Hey @Hakkekage you got an escape plan lined up? You know if they bomb Iran we're first in line.

    Keeping a close eye on our company openings in Canada for now.

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    OremLKOremLK Registered User regular
    edited November 2016
    I mean, it has a certain boldness to it

    It's stuff Dems have been trying to get passed, but couldn't because of Republican intransigence

    If Trump bites on it, he goes up against his own party, and gets tarred as "working with Democrats" which is like the Mark of Cain in GOPland

    If he fights them on it, he looks like he's ditching (more of) his campaign promises and becoming just another establishment Republican

    Of course I'm assuming they're playing 4th dimensional chess when they could just be rolling over for a belly rub, who knows

    Yeah, if you read the article the majority (not all, mind you) of the stuff they're talking about sounds at least okay. I thought we wanted the Dems to drive a wedge between Trump and the Republicans in Congress?

    This is how you do it. You can't do it with just talk. Nobody cares that the party who lost is angry (until the electorate gets angry too, which won't happen for awhile). In the meantime you have to pick wedge issues that you can get the GOP to split down the middle about.

    OremLK on
    My zombie survival life simulator They Don't Sleep is out now on Steam if you want to check it out.
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    Undead ScottsmanUndead Scottsman Registered User regular
    I'm seeing people rehashing primary beef. I see people going back to writing off the rural mid-west.

    Like, maybe it's too soon to expect change, but I'm getting freaked the fuck out again.

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    DrDinosaurDrDinosaur Registered User regular
    Houn wrote: »

    And the rightward shift begins, as the rust belt become the only important demographic in America.

    ...I need a new swear word, the standard set no longer properly convey my absolute disdain anymore.

    The second sentence of the article:
    On infrastructure spending, child tax credits, paid maternity leave and dismantling trade agreements, Democrats are looking for ways they can work with Mr. Trump and force Republican leaders to choose between their new president and their small-government, free-market principles.

    The Democrats aren't shifting right, they're looking to pull Trump left.

This discussion has been closed.