
The Last 2016 Election Thread You'll Ever Wear



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    PantsBPantsB Fake Thomas Jefferson Registered User regular
    Sleep wrote: »
    Absalon wrote: »
    Goumindong wrote: »
    Absalon wrote: »
    What we f-ing need is Bernie and Hillary sitting down to have a real talk and explain where they come from, what they wanted, what misgivings they had about each other and what they agree on.

    Hillary needs to say openly: "The left needs fewer quinoa dinners with the super-rich and my email solutions were disgustingly careless considering how much was riding on me" and Sanders needs to say openly: "Reproductive rights and fighting all bigotry is just as important to all leftists as cheaper college and breaking up banks and also FUCK FUCKING COMEY GODDAMN".

    If not, I fear the US left is dead for more than a decade. So many White voters on the left and right edges of the possible spectrum value their egos or pet issues above everything else and will refuse to vote if not placated, and those who don't have the luxury of voting with their hearts will be assaulted with precision by Sessions and Co.

    Except that Hillary did say that regarding her emails... Like 8 times.

    You forget how many usually decent and sane men hate and distrust Clinton more than they do Joffrey Baratheon. They need to hear a trusted Man say it.

    I have a feeling if Elizabeth Warren had run and Bernie had not, she would have gained much of the support Bernie had, if not more. I'm not so sure that misogyny can explain away all of the problems with Hillary quite so easily.

    You seem to underestimate the hatred of Elizabeth Warren.

    Despite the liberal love for Warren, I think people overestimate her as a campaigner too. Markey won a higher percentage of the vote in a special election than Warren did in a Presidential election. I think she'll fairly readily win reelection in 2018 but she's not overflowing with charisma. A Democrat that wins 53% of the vote in Massachusetts is not a campaign powerhouse.

    QEDMF xbl: PantsB G+
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    shrykeshryke Member of the Beast Registered User regular
    PantsB wrote: »
    Sleep wrote: »
    Absalon wrote: »
    Goumindong wrote: »
    Absalon wrote: »
    What we f-ing need is Bernie and Hillary sitting down to have a real talk and explain where they come from, what they wanted, what misgivings they had about each other and what they agree on.

    Hillary needs to say openly: "The left needs fewer quinoa dinners with the super-rich and my email solutions were disgustingly careless considering how much was riding on me" and Sanders needs to say openly: "Reproductive rights and fighting all bigotry is just as important to all leftists as cheaper college and breaking up banks and also FUCK FUCKING COMEY GODDAMN".

    If not, I fear the US left is dead for more than a decade. So many White voters on the left and right edges of the possible spectrum value their egos or pet issues above everything else and will refuse to vote if not placated, and those who don't have the luxury of voting with their hearts will be assaulted with precision by Sessions and Co.

    Except that Hillary did say that regarding her emails... Like 8 times.

    You forget how many usually decent and sane men hate and distrust Clinton more than they do Joffrey Baratheon. They need to hear a trusted Man say it.

    I have a feeling if Elizabeth Warren had run and Bernie had not, she would have gained much of the support Bernie had, if not more. I'm not so sure that misogyny can explain away all of the problems with Hillary quite so easily.

    You seem to underestimate the hatred of Elizabeth Warren.

    Despite the liberal love for Warren, I think people overestimate her as a campaigner too. Markey won a higher percentage of the vote in a special election than Warren did in a Presidential election. I think she'll fairly readily win reelection in 2018 but she's not overflowing with charisma. A Democrat that wins 53% of the vote in Massachusetts is not a campaign powerhouse.

    I feel like she's vaguely Clinton-esque in that regard. She's far better at doing shit then at running for shit.

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    iTunesIsEviliTunesIsEvil Cornfield? Cornfield.Registered User regular
    edited January 2017
    So, we all agree the DNC needs to be far better, yes? We can all agree there at least, right? Please say yes guys. I can't read much more inane bickering.

    I really liked this Vox interview with Keith Ellison (he's running for DNC chair, on the off-chance any of us don't know that).

    I especially liked some of the early talk regarding turnout:
    Keith Ellison
    Well, first thing is, if I win, right away we're going to start with an attitudinal change around turnout. Voter turnout has got to be something that is on the mind of every rank-and-file Democrat, every Democratic officeholder. We must, in terms of turnout, think in terms of expanding the electorate beyond the people who are the likely voters in the swing states. Turnout has got to be key.

    When I was elected in 2006, my district had the lowest turnout in the state of Minnesota. Now it's the highest, and it's consistently the highest. One of the reasons why is because we focus on turnout 365 days of year.

    Ezra Klein
    When you say you focus on it, what do you specifically do?

    Keith Ellison
    We have an apartment program. We found out that you if knock on a door one day and you come back in a year, there's a 50/50 chance that person doesn't even live there anymore. If you don't go there except for election time, there's an even greater chance — a 50 percent chance of a 50 percent chance after two years.

    There are hundreds of apartment buildings in the Fifth Congressional District. I've got staff that identified all of them that have more than around five or six units. Then we make contact with the managers of all of them. We got captains in them. Then in the off year, we knock them. We have meetings there. Then when some people don't want to be bothered, that's why they live in an apartment, the management will be able to tell them, "The politicians are going to be knocking today, so if you don't want them to knock, put up a sign on your door."

    The other thing we do in every year off year is a massive summer knock. We knock all year round, but we have a special, massive summer knock, where we get a whole bunch of college students and pair them with our paid staff. Last summer, in 2015, we had 9,000 conversations. It took us about 30,000 tries to get those 9,000 conversations, but we collected data. We cleaned up our list. We got back in touch with people. We sent them an important signal, which is that we don't just care about you when we want your vote. We care about you and want to have an ongoing, durable relationship with you. That kind of thing people remember.

    Then, of course, we would do a lot of things in between, regular pizza parties, coffee klatches. I have the biggest Labor Day picnic in Minnesota. We have a get-out-the-vote concert with our rap community right before the election.

    The real idea is not the big events. The real idea is the canvassing, the door knocking, the calling. Then the other thing we do is we continually ask people to help us. We're asking people, "There's a vote coming up. What do you think? There's a vote coming up. What's your opinion? Sign up on this petition. Sign up on that petition." People are constantly feeling like they're partnering with me as the member of Congress from their district.


    [ed] Meant to link to the interview.

    iTunesIsEvil on
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    HachfaceHachface Not the Minister Farrakhan you're thinking of Dammit, Shepard!Registered User regular
    Keith Ellison is good people.

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    rockrngerrockrnger Registered User regular
    You couldn't invent a better trap for democrats than Ellison if you tried.

    They weren't saying Obama was a Muslim because people like muslims.

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    SurfpossumSurfpossum A nonentity trying to preserve the anonymity he so richly deserves.Registered User regular
    rockrnger wrote: »
    You couldn't invent a better trap for democrats than Ellison if you tried.

    They weren't saying Obama was a Muslim because people like muslims.
    One of the things mentioned at yesterday's meeting was how having a last name like Yu or Sidhu seems to result in a 5% tax, relative to the D-R split for other races on the same ballot.

    However, that's an average, and the sources of the tax can be pinpointed down to specific neighborhoods. So it is a problem that people are working on mitigating (I assume if my county is doing it, so are others).

    What I'm trying to say is I think we can try to power through this if we build from the ground up.

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    MeeqeMeeqe Lord of the pants most fancy Someplace amazingRegistered User regular
    Surfpossum wrote: »
    What I'm trying to say is I think we can try to power through this if we build from the ground up.

    And I say why shoot yourself in the foot before running a marathon to prove that you can power through it, that fact he is Muslim is a crazy hard sell to a giant chunk of people in this country.

    I like Ellison. Would vote for the guy in a heartbeat. Does he have a chance with our current electorate? And do we have anyone with a better chance?

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    OptimusZedOptimusZed Registered User regular
    edited January 2017
    We're not running Ellison for anything.

    His electability is literally a non-issue.

    OptimusZed on
    We're reading Rifts. You should too. You know you want to. Now With Ninjas!

    They tried to bury us. They didn't know that we were seeds. 2018 Midterms. Get your shit together.
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    TaramoorTaramoor Storyteller Registered User regular
    edited January 2017
    I think every Democrat with any sway at all needs to be laser-focused on making it as easy as possible for people to vote.

    Every state with a Democrat legislature should have vote by mail enshrined and running before 2018. And every state with a referendum system should have the local Democratic party pushing for it.

    People are lazy. Let them vote without pants.

    With turnout, we win.

    Taramoor on
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    MeeqeMeeqe Lord of the pants most fancy Someplace amazingRegistered User regular
    OptimusZed wrote: »
    We're not running Ellison for anything.

    His electability is literally a non-issue.

    Then I retract any and all issues I have! For some reason I thought we were talking about using the DNC chair as a start to a presidential run, upon re-reading the thread, I own that I am a silly goose and was talking out my ass. I think he's an awesome dude who will do a great job if he gets DNC chair.

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    OptimusZedOptimusZed Registered User regular
    No one has ever used the DNC chair as a springboard to anything but retirement. It's a career dead end.

    We're reading Rifts. You should too. You know you want to. Now With Ninjas!

    They tried to bury us. They didn't know that we were seeds. 2018 Midterms. Get your shit together.
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    tbloxhamtbloxham Registered User regular
    Meeqe wrote: »
    Surfpossum wrote: »
    What I'm trying to say is I think we can try to power through this if we build from the ground up.

    And I say why shoot yourself in the foot before running a marathon to prove that you can power through it, that fact he is Muslim is a crazy hard sell to a giant chunk of people in this country.

    I like Ellison. Would vote for the guy in a heartbeat. Does he have a chance with our current electorate? And do we have anyone with a better chance?

    Honestly, I think that actually being a Muslim would be about the same penalty as being named Barack Obama. I can assure you that there were plenty of republicans who 'knew' Obama was a Muslim, because he had a Muslim name.

    I agree that it is something to worry about a bit, but we won with a black guy with a silly name. We can win with a black guy with a normal name. And, remember that running a guy who actually IS a minority, means we don't need to worry about the whole balance of communication thing upsetting white people. A black guy can focus on 'race neutral' issues in the run up, and still count on plenty of Minority support.

    And furthermore, remember that we're gaining 1% minority vote share every two years. Minority vote share becomes more and more important each year. Holding the line with white people is all that is really required.

    "That is cool" - Abraham Lincoln
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    DoctorArchDoctorArch Curmudgeon Registered User regular
    OptimusZed wrote: »
    No one has ever used the DNC chair as a springboard to anything but retirement. It's a career dead end.

    Which was one of the many many problems with Debbie Wasserman Schultz because she tried to treat it like it was.

    Switch Friend Code: SW-6732-9515-9697
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    LoisLaneLoisLane Registered User regular
    Mr Khan wrote: »
    LoisLane wrote: »
    I can not respect for anything except their organizational ability. I don't understand how with most media at least marginally at our side that we haven't been able to combat this. As for the monetary funds, I've been thinking that maybe we should just start running activists for office. They already have a set base, probably have experience fundraising, and havethe purity all the far left desire.

    I've been unimpressed from what I've seen with the Far Left on fundraising, sure they make some inroads with donations (which is what modern Dems do regardless, some do this better then others of course) but do they really have the money to stand up to the GOP? That said, I think your idea has merit. Now, the difficulty is if they refuse to take funds from donors from the party structure (rather than just rely on themselves entirely) or if their base will be turned off if they do. They're going to need all the help they can if one of them goes up against a well organized, financially backed Republican. Not every rival they go up against will be poor.

    One hopeful thing about the current election is we see that you really just need to have media publicity to win, more than ground game or money. It's further down-ballot where you need money to generate that visibility, but the idea that the Dems need to stay close enough on the good side of the billionaires to just compete is false.

    Further, i think there are plenty of business sectors who would be willing to throw in with Democrats, even if we must be cautious about that becoming a cozy long-term relationship (we don't need to replace King Koch with King Musk, for instance), but the GOP is going to be bad for Silicon Valley on net neutrality and probably bringing back an even crazier version of SOPA, they're going to actively fuck with Tesla in trying to suppress electric cars, they're going to try to pass some sort of nationwide "protect the power grid" law that bans anyone who's doing home solar from hooking into the electric grid and fuck with a lot of solar industries, not to mention what they're about to do to the entire healthcare business, which is huge (UPMC is the new steel in Western Pennsylvania).

    There's a lot of inroads for corporate partnership without selling out to Wall Street, although the issue is labor relations and all of these guys are bad on that front (UPMC is in a big unionization fight with SEIU presently).

    The problem I have with Silicone valley is that wouldn't this exacerbate the supposed 'elitist' view the far left has of us or are tech companies exempt from that bias?

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    FakefauxFakefaux Cóiste Bodhar Driving John McCain to meet some Iraqis who'd very much like to make his acquaintanceRegistered User regular
    LoisLane wrote: »
    Mr Khan wrote: »
    LoisLane wrote: »
    I can not respect for anything except their organizational ability. I don't understand how with most media at least marginally at our side that we haven't been able to combat this. As for the monetary funds, I've been thinking that maybe we should just start running activists for office. They already have a set base, probably have experience fundraising, and havethe purity all the far left desire.

    I've been unimpressed from what I've seen with the Far Left on fundraising, sure they make some inroads with donations (which is what modern Dems do regardless, some do this better then others of course) but do they really have the money to stand up to the GOP? That said, I think your idea has merit. Now, the difficulty is if they refuse to take funds from donors from the party structure (rather than just rely on themselves entirely) or if their base will be turned off if they do. They're going to need all the help they can if one of them goes up against a well organized, financially backed Republican. Not every rival they go up against will be poor.

    One hopeful thing about the current election is we see that you really just need to have media publicity to win, more than ground game or money. It's further down-ballot where you need money to generate that visibility, but the idea that the Dems need to stay close enough on the good side of the billionaires to just compete is false.

    Further, i think there are plenty of business sectors who would be willing to throw in with Democrats, even if we must be cautious about that becoming a cozy long-term relationship (we don't need to replace King Koch with King Musk, for instance), but the GOP is going to be bad for Silicon Valley on net neutrality and probably bringing back an even crazier version of SOPA, they're going to actively fuck with Tesla in trying to suppress electric cars, they're going to try to pass some sort of nationwide "protect the power grid" law that bans anyone who's doing home solar from hooking into the electric grid and fuck with a lot of solar industries, not to mention what they're about to do to the entire healthcare business, which is huge (UPMC is the new steel in Western Pennsylvania).

    There's a lot of inroads for corporate partnership without selling out to Wall Street, although the issue is labor relations and all of these guys are bad on that front (UPMC is in a big unionization fight with SEIU presently).

    The problem I have with Silicone valley is that wouldn't this exacerbate the supposed 'elitist' view the far left has of us or are tech companies exempt from that bias?

    They are not.

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    ShortyShorty touching the meat Intergalactic Cool CourtRegistered User regular
    alright say I wanted to write an email to somebody to convince them to put Keith Ellison in charge of the DNC

    who would I send that to?

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    enlightenedbumenlightenedbum Registered User regular
    Shorty wrote: »
    alright say I wanted to write an email to somebody to convince them to put Keith Ellison in charge of the DNC

    who would I send that to?

    Your state Democratic Party's chair and vice chair are probably the best people. That should be easily findable.

    Self-righteousness is incompatible with coalition building.
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    ShortyShorty touching the meat Intergalactic Cool CourtRegistered User regular
    Shorty wrote: »
    alright say I wanted to write an email to somebody to convince them to put Keith Ellison in charge of the DNC

    who would I send that to?

    Your state Democratic Party's chair and vice chair are probably the best people. That should be easily findable.

    dope, thanks

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    rockrngerrockrnger Registered User regular
    Surfpossum wrote: »
    rockrnger wrote: »
    You couldn't invent a better trap for democrats than Ellison if you tried.

    They weren't saying Obama was a Muslim because people like muslims.
    One of the things mentioned at yesterday's meeting was how having a last name like Yu or Sidhu seems to result in a 5% tax, relative to the D-R split for other races on the same ballot.

    However, that's an average, and the sources of the tax can be pinpointed down to specific neighborhoods. So it is a problem that people are working on mitigating (I assume if my county is doing it, so are others).

    What I'm trying to say is I think we can try to power through this if we build from the ground up.

    This is a little different.
    OptimusZed wrote: »
    We're not running Ellison for anything.

    His electability is literally a non-issue.

    He is going to be the go to guy for general attacks on democrats.

    John q racist is going to hear nothing but "the democrats are run by a Muslim" and it feeds into the narrative of democrats caring about "not real Americans"

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    FakefauxFakefaux Cóiste Bodhar Driving John McCain to meet some Iraqis who'd very much like to make his acquaintanceRegistered User regular
    This doesn't matter because, as pointed out numerous times in this thread, that kind of voter never votes democrat anyway and is pointless to chase. Far better to pursue the people who voted for Obama twice, despite all the hysterical screaming about Muslims and socialism, but then chose not to vote for Hillary.

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    rockrngerrockrnger Registered User regular
    Fakefaux wrote: »
    This doesn't matter because, as pointed out numerous times in this thread, that kind of voter never votes democrat anyway and is pointless to chase. Far better to pursue the people who voted for Obama twice, despite all the hysterical screaming about Muslims and socialism, but then chose not to vote for Hillary.

    20 percent of democrats think that Islam is incompatible to American values.

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    FakefauxFakefaux Cóiste Bodhar Driving John McCain to meet some Iraqis who'd very much like to make his acquaintanceRegistered User regular
    rockrnger wrote: »
    Fakefaux wrote: »
    This doesn't matter because, as pointed out numerous times in this thread, that kind of voter never votes democrat anyway and is pointless to chase. Far better to pursue the people who voted for Obama twice, despite all the hysterical screaming about Muslims and socialism, but then chose not to vote for Hillary.

    20 percent of democrats think that Islam is incompatible to American values.

    I'm betting it's also the percentage that has no idea who the DNC chair at any given time is.

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    joshofalltradesjoshofalltrades Class Traitor Smoke-filled roomRegistered User regular
    edited January 2017
    rockrnger wrote: »
    Fakefaux wrote: »
    This doesn't matter because, as pointed out numerous times in this thread, that kind of voter never votes democrat anyway and is pointless to chase. Far better to pursue the people who voted for Obama twice, despite all the hysterical screaming about Muslims and socialism, but then chose not to vote for Hillary.

    20 percent of democrats think that Islam is incompatible to American values.

    Maybe instead of catering to those 20% we could work to change their minds over the next several years and make the other 80% pretty damn excited about the direction the party is taking.

    It might be hard work, but it needs to be done.

    joshofalltrades on
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    VishNubVishNub Registered User regular
    Fakefaux wrote: »
    rockrnger wrote: »
    Fakefaux wrote: »
    This doesn't matter because, as pointed out numerous times in this thread, that kind of voter never votes democrat anyway and is pointless to chase. Far better to pursue the people who voted for Obama twice, despite all the hysterical screaming about Muslims and socialism, but then chose not to vote for Hillary.

    20 percent of democrats think that Islam is incompatible to American values.

    I'm betting it's also the percentage that has no idea who the DNC chair at any given time is.

    That's like 90%.

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    FakefauxFakefaux Cóiste Bodhar Driving John McCain to meet some Iraqis who'd very much like to make his acquaintanceRegistered User regular
    Also, liberals going on about how a Muslim isn't worth putting forward for office is every bit as creepy and unpalatable as anyone who ever said the same thing about Hillary because she was a woman.

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    rockrngerrockrnger Registered User regular
    Fakefaux wrote: »
    rockrnger wrote: »
    Fakefaux wrote: »
    This doesn't matter because, as pointed out numerous times in this thread, that kind of voter never votes democrat anyway and is pointless to chase. Far better to pursue the people who voted for Obama twice, despite all the hysterical screaming about Muslims and socialism, but then chose not to vote for Hillary.

    20 percent of democrats think that Islam is incompatible to American values.

    I'm betting it's also the percentage that has no idea who the DNC chair at any given time is.

    I don't think there is gonna be a person in America who doesn't know who the dnc chair is when they get done.

    The evangelical machine is already firing up.

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    enlightenedbumenlightenedbum Registered User regular
    Fakefaux wrote: »
    rockrnger wrote: »
    Fakefaux wrote: »
    This doesn't matter because, as pointed out numerous times in this thread, that kind of voter never votes democrat anyway and is pointless to chase. Far better to pursue the people who voted for Obama twice, despite all the hysterical screaming about Muslims and socialism, but then chose not to vote for Hillary.

    20 percent of democrats think that Islam is incompatible to American values.

    I'm betting it's also the percentage that has no idea who the DNC chair at any given time is.

    It's more likely a good percentage of them are the nominal Democrats who never quite got the message about the Dixiecrats leaving. Appalachia has a lot of these people.

    Self-righteousness is incompatible with coalition building.
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    SurfpossumSurfpossum A nonentity trying to preserve the anonymity he so richly deserves.Registered User regular
    rockrnger wrote: »
    Surfpossum wrote: »
    rockrnger wrote: »
    You couldn't invent a better trap for democrats than Ellison if you tried.

    They weren't saying Obama was a Muslim because people like muslims.
    One of the things mentioned at yesterday's meeting was how having a last name like Yu or Sidhu seems to result in a 5% tax, relative to the D-R split for other races on the same ballot.

    However, that's an average, and the sources of the tax can be pinpointed down to specific neighborhoods. So it is a problem that people are working on mitigating (I assume if my county is doing it, so are others).

    What I'm trying to say is I think we can try to power through this if we build from the ground up.

    This is a little different.
    OptimusZed wrote: »
    We're not running Ellison for anything.

    His electability is literally a non-issue.

    He is going to be the go to guy for general attacks on democrats.

    John q racist is going to hear nothing but "the democrats are run by a Muslim" and it feeds into the narrative of democrats caring about "not real Americans"
    I think there's a difference in that the Dennises are unhappy about someone contradicting them.

    John Q Racist is unhappy about Muslims.

    The Dennises were fine with a black man named Barack Hussein Obama because he didn't explicitly say that the Dennis totem pole model of society was wrong.

    John Q Racist wasn't fine with Obama.

    Of course, boy howdy did some of us overestimate humanity, so who knows.

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    AngelHedgieAngelHedgie Registered User regular
    rockrnger wrote: »
    Fakefaux wrote: »
    rockrnger wrote: »
    Fakefaux wrote: »
    This doesn't matter because, as pointed out numerous times in this thread, that kind of voter never votes democrat anyway and is pointless to chase. Far better to pursue the people who voted for Obama twice, despite all the hysterical screaming about Muslims and socialism, but then chose not to vote for Hillary.

    20 percent of democrats think that Islam is incompatible to American values.

    I'm betting it's also the percentage that has no idea who the DNC chair at any given time is.

    I don't think there is gonna be a person in America who doesn't know who the dnc chair is when they get done.

    The evangelical machine is already firing up.


    They'd do the same for Perez.

    They'd do the same for anyone that heads the DNC.

    So let's not sell out our values out of fear, because that is what destroys our base.

    XBL: Nox Aeternum / PSN: NoxAeternum / NN:NoxAeternum / Steam: noxaeternum
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    joshofalltradesjoshofalltrades Class Traitor Smoke-filled roomRegistered User regular
    Really, I don't want to hear the argument that the opinions of racists/misogynists/xenophobes should have any bearing on where the party goes from here. We aren't the party of hatred. We're the party of love, empathy, and compassion. If we can't win unless we are appealing to bigots, why do we deserve to win in the first place?

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    PantsBPantsB Fake Thomas Jefferson Registered User regular
    Fakefaux wrote: »
    rockrnger wrote: »
    Fakefaux wrote: »
    This doesn't matter because, as pointed out numerous times in this thread, that kind of voter never votes democrat anyway and is pointless to chase. Far better to pursue the people who voted for Obama twice, despite all the hysterical screaming about Muslims and socialism, but then chose not to vote for Hillary.

    20 percent of democrats think that Islam is incompatible to American values.

    I'm betting it's also the percentage that has no idea who the DNC chair at any given time is.

    More importantly its disproportionately "Democrats" who don't vote for Democrats and live in states/districts where Democrats aren't viable in places like West Virginia, Kentucky, etc.

    QEDMF xbl: PantsB G+
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    rockrngerrockrnger Registered User regular
    rockrnger wrote: »
    Fakefaux wrote: »
    rockrnger wrote: »
    Fakefaux wrote: »
    This doesn't matter because, as pointed out numerous times in this thread, that kind of voter never votes democrat anyway and is pointless to chase. Far better to pursue the people who voted for Obama twice, despite all the hysterical screaming about Muslims and socialism, but then chose not to vote for Hillary.

    20 percent of democrats think that Islam is incompatible to American values.

    I'm betting it's also the percentage that has no idea who the DNC chair at any given time is.

    I don't think there is gonna be a person in America who doesn't know who the dnc chair is when they get done.

    The evangelical machine is already firing up.


    They'd do the same for Perez.

    They'd do the same for anyone that heads the DNC.

    So let's not sell out our values out of fear, because that is what destroys our base.

    And I would have said the same thing six months ago about Hilary.

    Selling out is one thing but at some point you got to look at the country you live in.

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    OptimusZedOptimusZed Registered User regular
    We had a Jewish woman as the head of the DNC for the last however many years. Look at all the attack ads that spawned. And don't tell me it wasn't worth going after, since we had attacks on Pelosi that whole time and the riff on Schumer is already starting up.

    Nobody gives a shit who the head of the DNC is. They're definitely not voting based on it. This is all smokescreen and chicken littling.

    We're reading Rifts. You should too. You know you want to. Now With Ninjas!

    They tried to bury us. They didn't know that we were seeds. 2018 Midterms. Get your shit together.
  • Options
    AngelHedgieAngelHedgie Registered User regular
    rockrnger wrote: »
    rockrnger wrote: »
    Fakefaux wrote: »
    rockrnger wrote: »
    Fakefaux wrote: »
    This doesn't matter because, as pointed out numerous times in this thread, that kind of voter never votes democrat anyway and is pointless to chase. Far better to pursue the people who voted for Obama twice, despite all the hysterical screaming about Muslims and socialism, but then chose not to vote for Hillary.

    20 percent of democrats think that Islam is incompatible to American values.

    I'm betting it's also the percentage that has no idea who the DNC chair at any given time is.

    I don't think there is gonna be a person in America who doesn't know who the dnc chair is when they get done.

    The evangelical machine is already firing up.


    They'd do the same for Perez.

    They'd do the same for anyone that heads the DNC.

    So let's not sell out our values out of fear, because that is what destroys our base.

    And I would have said the same thing six months ago about Hilary.

    Selling out is one thing but at some point you got to look at the country you live in.

    I am.

    I'm looking at a country that overwhelmingly voted for our candidate.

    I'm looking at a country where the only reason she is not the President-elect is because of three states with longstanding racial tensions between the cities and rural areas barely flipping.

    So no, I'm not seeing why we should be renouncing who we are.

    XBL: Nox Aeternum / PSN: NoxAeternum / NN:NoxAeternum / Steam: noxaeternum
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    PantsBPantsB Fake Thomas Jefferson Registered User regular
    I'm not sure Ellison is the guy for the job not because he's a Muslim, or black or that his primary job will be Congressman but because I think DNC chair is a very weak office and I don't know who would do well at it. That doesn't mean I oppose Ellison. I like Ellison and Perez and if this was a race for guys I like both would get my vote. For the actual position in question I might be convinced someone like Buckley, the NH Democratic party chair, has more expertise. But since I don't really know what the fuck the DNC chair is expected to do except get blamed if the party does poorly when the actual party leaders are too beloved, I'm not sure who the best person for the job is.

    With various degrees of seriousness, people have suggested running a celebrity in 2020. If the DNC is just a face to put on CNN once a week, we might as well put Martin Sheen up there with Beyonce and Paul Rudd acting as chief deputies. If its someone to recruit and fund raise and party build, then maybe Ellison and Perez would do well maybe not. I'm not confident they have the pull or competency to do those things. Ellison is going to be spending time being a sitting Representative and Perez has never really run for office.

    For it to be a stronger job, the voters would also have to accept a stronger party. That's diametrically opposed to what we saw from the left in the last 18 months. Maybe Trump changes that.

    QEDMF xbl: PantsB G+
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    OptimusZedOptimusZed Registered User regular
    In a lot of the ways that actually matter, the party is very weak. And has been for a while.

    The issue on "the left" wasn't how strong the party was, so much as how insular it seemed from the outside.

    We're reading Rifts. You should too. You know you want to. Now With Ninjas!

    They tried to bury us. They didn't know that we were seeds. 2018 Midterms. Get your shit together.
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    PhyphorPhyphor Building Planet Busters Tasting FruitRegistered User regular
    In what world is 48%-46% "overwhelmingly voting for our candidate"?

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    rockrngerrockrnger Registered User regular
    OptimusZed wrote: »
    We had a Jewish woman as the head of the DNC for the last however many years. Look at all the attack ads that spawned. And don't tell me it wasn't worth going after, since we had attacks on Pelosi that whole time and the riff on Schumer is already starting up.

    Nobody gives a shit who the head of the DNC is. They're definitely not voting based on it. This is all smokescreen and chicken littling.

    Jewish and Muslim favorability ratings are a little bit different.

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    FakefauxFakefaux Cóiste Bodhar Driving John McCain to meet some Iraqis who'd very much like to make his acquaintanceRegistered User regular
    I honestly can't believe we're even arguing over the fucking Muslim thing.

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    jothkijothki Registered User regular
    I had a really, really, really weird thought. What would have happened if Bernie Sanders had run as a Republican, claiming that all of his usual policies aligned with traditional conservative values? It'd be a blatant lie, of course, but Trump has shown that blatant lying doesn't matter, he'd have actually been able to hit back against Trump in debates, and he'd be able to reach all of the Republican voters who support progressive policies as long as they don't think that the Democrats are responsible for them.

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