The Watching Thread of [The Walking Dead]

RichyRichy Registered User regular
The Walking Dead is a show about:

Negan, a heroic leader who struggles to save society during the zombie apocalypse. He brings together small pockets of survivors and creates a network of communities working towards a common goal. At his side are:

Lucile, the soul of his dead wife trapped in a wooden bat because of an ancient voodoo curse. As a result, he needs to constantly keep the bat wet with blood, otherwise she’ll wither and die. Will Negan ever manage to break the curse and restore his wife? Only time will tell.

Fat Joey, Negan’s loyal, bumbling sidekick. He was always getting into some kind of funny trouble trying to get himself a sandwich. RIP. Without him, Skinny Joey is just Joey.

And on the bad guy side we have:

Rick Grimes. He started off by himself, found a group of survivors run by his best friend, took them over and killed his best friend. Then he found a family of survivors in a farmhouse, burnt it town and took them over too. Then he met the Governor and his group of survivors, toppled him, destroyed his city, and took over the survivors. Then he got into Alexandria; shortly later its leader Deanna and her entire family were dead in “odd but unrelated circumstances”, and he took it over. Alexandria is now part of Negan’s network of communities, and true to form Rick is secretly plotting to overthrow and kill Negan and his group and take it over.

Daryl Dixon. He was staying with Negan for a while, just freeloading in his room, eating meat sandwiches and sometimes doing a bit of cleaning around the place to look like he earned his place. Then he killed Fat Joey and ran away, and is teaming up with Grimes.

Caught in the crossfire are:

Gregory and Ezekiel, the leaders of the Hilltop and Kingdom, two more communities united by Negan that Grimes is trying to splinter off to get them to fight for him. Both of them are kind leaders trying to protect their people from the oncoming bloodbath Grimes will cause. As of the latest episode, Grimes’ people have undermined Gregory’s leadership so much that many of the Hilltop people are openly ignoring him and preparing to join Grimes, while Dixon has stayed behind in the Kingdom with Grimes directly telling him to “stare Ezekiel into submission”.

What will happen next? Will Negan hold the world together and save his wife? Will Grimes topple society yet again and take over an even larger group of innocent refugees? Tune in to find out!



  • SiskaSiska Shorty Registered User regular
    A recap of the previous seasons by John Cleese.

  • SiskaSiska Shorty Registered User regular
    Man, those people were weird!
    Another group of LARPERS who decided to go full on Mad Max rather then Renaissance? It's only been about 2 years since the outbreak, seems a bit soon for language to devolve that much naturally.[/spoilers]

  • Atlas in ChainsAtlas in Chains Registered User regular
    Siska wrote: »
    Man, those people were weird!
    Another group of LARPERS who decided to go full on Mad Max rather then Renaissance? It's only been about 2 years since the outbreak, seems a bit soon for language to devolve that much naturally.[/spoilers]

    It's getting a little silly. Every new group has to have a hook. They can't just be another pack of survivors, they gotta have a brand.

  • RichyRichy Registered User regular
    Siska wrote: »
    Man, those people were weird!
    Another group of LARPERS who decided to go full on Mad Max rather then Renaissance? It's only been about 2 years since the outbreak, seems a bit soon for language to devolve that much naturally.[/spoilers]

    Has it only been two years? I guess you're right, now that I think about it and run through the timeline mentally. It just feels like longer, given how completely civilization has disappeared. After only two years, I'd expect some major pockets of government order to still exist.

    I mean, to put it into perspective, World War II lasted 6 years without governments breaking down into lawless LARPing even in the most heavily-hit regions. Two years in, the USA hadn't even joined the war yet.

  • Solomaxwell6Solomaxwell6 Registered User regular
    Siska wrote: »
    Man, those people were weird!
    Another group of LARPERS who decided to go full on Mad Max rather then Renaissance? It's only been about 2 years since the outbreak, seems a bit soon for language to devolve that much naturally.[/spoilers]

    It's getting a little silly. Every new group has to have a hook. They can't just be another pack of survivors, they gotta have a brand.

    I thought the same thing. Not a big fan of the episode at all, the whole group just seemed so ridiculous. The showrunners want to have a couple extra episodes, they inflate the (named) body count in the war with the saviors, I don't know, but it was unnecessary and poorly done.

  • KoopahTroopahKoopahTroopah The koopas, the troopas. Philadelphia, PARegistered User regular
    I didn't like the dialect but the idea of a mad max type society sounds cool to me. I think it would be run by mad max fan boys and not Milla Jovovich lite.

    Episode was meh. At least Negan comes back next week, so we can have some new snark.

  • PantsBPantsB Fake Thomas Jefferson Registered User regular
    Richy wrote: »
    Siska wrote: »
    Man, those people were weird!
    Another group of LARPERS who decided to go full on Mad Max rather then Renaissance? It's only been about 2 years since the outbreak, seems a bit soon for language to devolve that much naturally.[/spoilers]

    Has it only been two years? I guess you're right, now that I think about it and run through the timeline mentally. It just feels like longer, given how completely civilization has disappeared. After only two years, I'd expect some major pockets of government order to still exist.

    I mean, to put it into perspective, World War II lasted 6 years without governments breaking down into lawless LARPing even in the most heavily-hit regions. Two years in, the USA hadn't even joined the war yet.

    TWD and most zombie apocalypse stuff requires two categories of suspension of disbelief. The first is zombies and the related stuff. The second is that all preexisting societal structures are completely ineffective.

    QEDMF xbl: PantsB G+
  • SatanIsMyMotorSatanIsMyMotor Fuck Warren Ellis Registered User regular
    That episode was one of the silliest yet.

    It also had one of the clearest examples of just bad writing I've seen in a while (IMO). Specifically, you're featuring a weird Mad Max group that has changed so much in the span of a couple of years that they even have their own dialect. Then you have a great scene where one of the Kingdom folk comments on the fact that a zombie is wearing the same dress her sister wore - an allusion to how little time has passed.

    It was just a weird juxtaposition of scenes in a single episode.

  • JoshmviiJoshmvii Registered User regular
    The weird David Bowie wanna bes didn't bother me. Because I can imagine that their leader was just a weird person before the outbreak, and now all the rest of the people have been spending 24 hours a day with her in a junkyard, so they would most definitely take on aspects of how she speaks.

  • KoopahTroopahKoopahTroopah The koopas, the troopas. Philadelphia, PARegistered User regular
    So last night's was okay. Not great, but I'm a Eugene fan so the fact that he got some major screen time in this one was good. He had a lot of good one liners too. "I'm not good. I fancy myself more chaotic neutral."
    I'm not too keen on being thrown through a loop on if Eugene is cowardly enough to just outright join Negan. I'm thinking that it's just an obvious red herring and he'll help the group when it comes time to, which is pretty sloppy writing at best. I like that he basically sunk back into his persona of playing a biology doctor. Also curious how Chekov's pills are going to come back into play.

    I really just, do not care about Dwight, at all. He's an asshole and deserves the shit he gets, so *shrug*. I'm also curious where his wife will show up, maybe she'll go to Alexandria or meet up with Daryl somewhere.

    Little tid bit from Talking Dead which was funny, Dwight's actor gets trolled by the "Easy Street" song whenever he goes out. He mentioned going to a bowling alley with some friends and he got recognized, so the bowling alley played the song over the intercom. He hates it.

  • ObiFettObiFett Use the Force As You WishRegistered User regular
    edited February 2017
    So last night's was okay. Not great, but I'm a Eugene fan so the fact that he got some major screen time in this one was good. He had a lot of good one liners too. "I'm not good. I fancy myself more chaotic neutral."
    I'm not too keen on being thrown through a loop on if Eugene is cowardly enough to just outright join Negan. I'm thinking that it's just an obvious red herring and he'll help the group when it comes time to, which is pretty sloppy writing at best. I like that he basically sunk back into his persona of playing a biology doctor. Also curious how Chekov's pills are going to come back into play.

    I really just, do not care about Dwight, at all. He's an asshole and deserves the shit he gets, so *shrug*. I'm also curious where his wife will show up, maybe she'll go to Alexandria or meet up with Daryl somewhere.

    Little tid bit from Talking Dead which was funny, Dwight's actor gets trolled by the "Easy Street" song whenever he goes out. He mentioned going to a bowling alley with some friends and he got recognized, so the bowling alley played the song over the intercom. He hates it.

    I don't think Eugene
    is planning anything. I think he's just a coward and will act selfishly when he can. If he was planning something, I think he would have jumped on the wives' plan to kill Negan.

    Although, the fact that he didn't turn the wives in does set it up that he possibly is not totally all in yet

    ObiFett on
  • Kyoka SuigetsuKyoka Suigetsu Odin gave his left eye for knowledge. I would give far more Registered User regular
    edited February 2017
    This newest episode was fab. Just great actors, doing what they do best.

    Austin Amelio and Josh McDermitt both played absolute blinders this episode.

    Kyoka Suigetsu on
  • Dark Raven XDark Raven X Laugh hard, run fast, be kindRegistered User regular
    ObiFett wrote: »
    So last night's was okay. Not great, but I'm a Eugene fan so the fact that he got some major screen time in this one was good. He had a lot of good one liners too. "I'm not good. I fancy myself more chaotic neutral."
    I'm not too keen on being thrown through a loop on if Eugene is cowardly enough to just outright join Negan. I'm thinking that it's just an obvious red herring and he'll help the group when it comes time to, which is pretty sloppy writing at best. I like that he basically sunk back into his persona of playing a biology doctor. Also curious how Chekov's pills are going to come back into play.

    I really just, do not care about Dwight, at all. He's an asshole and deserves the shit he gets, so *shrug*. I'm also curious where his wife will show up, maybe she'll go to Alexandria or meet up with Daryl somewhere.

    Little tid bit from Talking Dead which was funny, Dwight's actor gets trolled by the "Easy Street" song whenever he goes out. He mentioned going to a bowling alley with some friends and he got recognized, so the bowling alley played the song over the intercom. He hates it.

    I don't think Eugene
    is planning anything. I think he's just a coward and will act selfishly when he can. If he was planning something, I think he would have jumped on the wives' plan to kill Negan.

    Although, the fact that he didn't turn the wives in does set it up that he possibly is not totally all in yet

    I imagine
    Eugene is gonna play a big role in Negan losing, if he is indeed at Sanctuary for this whole story. He's set up as the new resident smrt guy. He'll be supplying weapons, making bullets. What if when it comes time for the big final battle, all of a sudden their guns are misfiring. Eugene could be uniquely positioned to sabotage every dang Saviour.

    Oh brilliant
  • ObiFettObiFett Use the Force As You WishRegistered User regular
    But I don't think he's gonna do that because he seems genuine in his like for his situation right now.

  • RichyRichy Registered User regular
    Eugene spent his life getting pushed around and disrespected. Now he's the protege of a ruthless dictator and enjoys fallout power. He's Negan.

    Dwight I thought they were setting it up for him to turn on Negan and join with Alexandria when he found his wife's letter. I guess I underestimated how much of an asshole he is.

  • CaptainPeacockCaptainPeacock Board Game Hoarder Top o' the LakeRegistered User regular
    Richy wrote: »
    Eugene spent his life getting pushed around and disrespected. Now he's the protege of a ruthless dictator and enjoys fallout power. He's Negan.

    Dwight I thought they were setting it up for him to turn on Negan and join with Alexandria when he found his wife's letter. I guess I underestimated how much of an asshole he is.

    I'm still holding out for Dwight to pull a Grand Admiral Thrawn on Neegan.

    Cluck cluck, gibber gibber, my old man's a mushroom, etc.
  • RichyRichy Registered User regular
    On what to do about Negan: both the wives' plan and Rick's plan are dumb.

    The wives' plan will work, but it only kills Negan. Then what? The next asshole in line, most likely the most ruthlessly violent one, takes his place, and everyone is worse off for it.

    Rick's plan seems to be a full-on assault. On a fortified position held by a well-supplied and heavily-armed group. Filled with trapped civilians. Worse, civilians who have nowhere else to go and who would likely not survive in the world outside, so they are much more likely to stand with Negan than against him when push comes to shove.

    Richard's plan is the good one. The Saviours keep splintering off small groups for missions. Setup traps and kill them off one by one. At the same time, since you're providing them with food, poison their food supply.

  • JoshmviiJoshmvii Registered User regular
    So last night's was okay. Not great, but I'm a Eugene fan so the fact that he got some major screen time in this one was good. He had a lot of good one liners too. "I'm not good. I fancy myself more chaotic neutral."
    I'm not too keen on being thrown through a loop on if Eugene is cowardly enough to just outright join Negan. I'm thinking that it's just an obvious red herring and he'll help the group when it comes time to, which is pretty sloppy writing at best. I like that he basically sunk back into his persona of playing a biology doctor. Also curious how Chekov's pills are going to come back into play.

    I really just, do not care about Dwight, at all. He's an asshole and deserves the shit he gets, so *shrug*. I'm also curious where his wife will show up, maybe she'll go to Alexandria or meet up with Daryl somewhere.

    Little tid bit from Talking Dead which was funny, Dwight's actor gets trolled by the "Easy Street" song whenever he goes out. He mentioned going to a bowling alley with some friends and he got recognized, so the bowling alley played the song over the intercom. He hates it.

    That's not what he said. He said "I'm not good. Not lawful, neutral, or chaotic. None of the above." Which was even better. Like he was like no way dudettes, I'm not good by any of the standard alignments. =P

    I love Eugene so I enjoyed this episode quite a bit. And I don't think there's any chance that:
    Eugene is actually buying into this I'm Negan stuff. He watched Negan brain his closest friend, even if he and Abraham butted heads sometimes. He just did what Daryl wouldn't do, which was fake it to stay in a good spot until you can make your move. If he acts like Daryl he just gets thrown in a cage and made to do what Negan wants anyway like a slave. Now he gets to eat well and play Atari in the meantime.

    There's no doubt he's enjoying some of the respect people are being forced to give him and all that, but when push comes to shove and Rick's army gets there, I don't think there's any chance he doesn't try to rejoin them. Honestly, I expect Dwight to help Eugene escape before it comes to that.

  • ArbitraryDescriptorArbitraryDescriptor changed Registered User regular
    Eugene's walker fortification... what purpose does this serve? I completely failed to grasp how it kept them from rotting off the fence.

    As is, the zed is still going to rot out from the metal. I thought he was going to say formaldehyde or something.

    Am I thinking too hard?

  • Solomaxwell6Solomaxwell6 Registered User regular
    If he were actually joining Negan's side in his heart of hearts, he never would've made the pills. My reading of the situation is that he was kind of a sad sack the whole episode, and made the pills because he saw a way out. Then he saw how brutal Negan was in the scene with the doctor, and his instincts took over. As he admitted, he's a coward. That doesn't mean he's incapable of having loyalty. He's just going along with what he has to do until and unless he has a good but low-risk opportunity to act otherwise.

    Or maybe he will take a risk (like he did biting Dwight's crotch last season). But it'll presumably be a totally impulsive risk, and I don't expect him to actually act openly until the war starts.

  • KoopahTroopahKoopahTroopah The koopas, the troopas. Philadelphia, PARegistered User regular
    No, I also wondered how it would really help. Putting a metal "helmet" around the walker is smart enough if the metal doesn't burn through the skull and sever the cortex or whatever scientific reason we're going with, but uh... what was that part about using it on the cement to keep them from falling apart from the waist?

  • Solomaxwell6Solomaxwell6 Registered User regular
    Eugene's walker fortification... what purpose does this serve? I completely failed to grasp how it kept them from rotting off the fence.

    As is, the zed is still going to rot out from the metal. I thought he was going to say formaldehyde or something.

    Am I thinking too hard?

    I don't see it as super effective either. I think he was mostly just bull shitting and improvising and came up with an "science-y" solution off the top of his head.

    Or it could've just been bad writing.

    This is TWD, either is very possible.

  • Dark Raven XDark Raven X Laugh hard, run fast, be kindRegistered User regular
    To be charitable to how clever the writing is, it could have been a very specific callback
    to the one zambo they encountered in the leadworks. It says Eugene isn't innovative with this idea, it was something specific he saw before. And maybe more importantly, it was something he encountered with Abroham. It shows he's thinking about the friend he lost to this guy.

    Oh brilliant
  • ObiFettObiFett Use the Force As You WishRegistered User regular
    Eugene's walker fortification... what purpose does this serve? I completely failed to grasp how it kept them from rotting off the fence.

    As is, the zed is still going to rot out from the metal. I thought he was going to say formaldehyde or something.

    Am I thinking too hard?
    The problem was that Negan didn't have a good way to attach the walkers to the fence without them deteriorating through whatever they used to attach them to the fence. Chains would just tear through whatever body part they put it on. We saw that one walker just fall apart around the stakes.

    Eugene's idea was to use the molten metal to attach them to the fence, creating a body mold of sorts that would prevent them from deteriorating through it, "bonus points if you put it around their head"

  • ArbitraryDescriptorArbitraryDescriptor changed Registered User regular
    ObiFett wrote: »
    Eugene's walker fortification... what purpose does this serve? I completely failed to grasp how it kept them from rotting off the fence.

    As is, the zed is still going to rot out from the metal. I thought he was going to say formaldehyde or something.

    Am I thinking too hard?
    The problem was that Negan didn't have a good way to attach the walkers to the fence without them deteriorating through whatever they used to attach them to the fence. Chains would just tear through whatever body part they put it on. We saw that one walker just fall apart around the stakes.

    Eugene's idea was to use the molten metal to attach them to the fence, creating a body mold of sorts that would prevent them from deteriorating through it, "bonus points if you put it around their head"
    Window planters full of heads*. You're welcome.

    Have a basket of those artisinal crisps sent to my room.

    *I'm assuming they serve more as an alarm system than active defenses. If not, then window planter full of upper torsos. But how hard is it to poke a restrained walker in the eye?

  • Kyoka SuigetsuKyoka Suigetsu Odin gave his left eye for knowledge. I would give far more Registered User regular
    Eugene's walker fortification... what purpose does this serve? I completely failed to grasp how it kept them from rotting off the fence.

    As is, the zed is still going to rot out from the metal. I thought he was going to say formaldehyde or something.

    Am I thinking too hard?

    Now that you mention it, I'm pretty sure one of the walkers on the fence had a pole going through the back of its head.

    Wouldn't that sever the brain stem?

  • Atlas in ChainsAtlas in Chains Registered User regular
    I believe Negan said fence walkers keep the rest pointed the other way.

  • SteelhawkSteelhawk Registered User regular
    Catching up on the show...

    What the fuck was up with the garbage dump people? What that for real?

    One wierd ass dude taking on airs is one thing. Especially since they had Ezekiel himself tell Carol that it's essentially all bullshit and a show for his people.

    Garbage dump gang was played straight, and that is just silly.

    The pit zombie with all the blades sticking out of it was pretty damn cool though.

  • ObiFettObiFett Use the Force As You WishRegistered User regular
    The garbage people were literal quest givers in order to move the group to find the literal island of Chekhov's guns.

  • Atlas in ChainsAtlas in Chains Registered User regular
    They didn't improve any this episode. Garbage people remain a garbage idea.

  • TheBlackWindTheBlackWind Registered User regular

    This is all I can think about when the garbage people are on screen.

    PAD ID - 328,762,218
  • KoopahTroopahKoopahTroopah The koopas, the troopas. Philadelphia, PARegistered User regular
    edited March 2017
    Yeah, last nights was filler. Granted it was entertaining filler, that was written 'okay', but the whole
    "We need guns, we found guns, oh... they want more guns, then I guess we need guns." pretty much resolved nothing.

    I did enjoy all the call backs to other episodes:
    Them being trapped in the car like Rick being trapped in the tank, falling through the ceiling was like the zombies falling through the ceiling before, Rick fake out similar to the Glenn fake out... There were a ton but those were the ones that stuck out.

    KoopahTroopah on
  • Solomaxwell6Solomaxwell6 Registered User regular
    There is one important change:
    The garbage group and Alexandria both have caches of guns right now, even if Rick is still looking for more.

    That might end up being important. Or it might not. We'll see.

  • Kyoka SuigetsuKyoka Suigetsu Odin gave his left eye for knowledge. I would give far more Registered User regular
    I thought the episode was some nice, feel good filler and I enjoyed it thoroughly.


    Like this would have been a better way to approximate a deer.

  • ObiFettObiFett Use the Force As You WishRegistered User regular
    There is one important change:
    The garbage group and Alexandria both have caches of guns right now, even if Rick is still looking for more.

    That might end up being important. Or it might not. We'll see.

    imo, storywise the only reason Rick's group
    has guns is so that they can surprise the women with guns on the island and take/borrow theirs.

    It seems a bit too formulaic at this point.

  • Atlas in ChainsAtlas in Chains Registered User regular
    Rough episode, emotionally. I hope we start seeing things come together soon. I don't know how many more of these I can take before the ultimate showdown.

  • SatanIsMyMotorSatanIsMyMotor Fuck Warren Ellis Registered User regular
    That was a pretty good episode. Some good character development and a nice little mystery in terms of what happened to the shipment that was resolved in-episode.

  • ArbitraryDescriptorArbitraryDescriptor changed Registered User regular
    Rough episode, emotionally. I hope we start seeing things come together soon. I don't know how many more of these I can take before the ultimate showdown.

    I'm curious if they're going to
    flip the Kingdom liason. He seems genuinely unhappy about having to punish the Kingdom; unlike every other Savior field agent we've ever seen.

  • CaptainPeacockCaptainPeacock Board Game Hoarder Top o' the LakeRegistered User regular
    Rough episode, emotionally. I hope we start seeing things come together soon. I don't know how many more of these I can take before the ultimate showdown.

    I'm curious if they're going to
    flip the Kingdom liason. He seems genuinely unhappy about having to punish the Kingdom; unlike every other Savior field agent we've ever seen.
    I didn't get that from his reaction. To me, it seems like he didn't approve of hurting the kid. I think he'd be perfectly fine if one of the adults had been shot. He'd rather nobody be shot altogether, but he was willing to let it happen to make his point. He might not take pleasure in the brutality like the others, but he didn't move to avoid it either. He might be flippable, but he'd probably need to see that his position in life wouldn't be worse if he did flip.

    Cluck cluck, gibber gibber, my old man's a mushroom, etc.
  • Solomaxwell6Solomaxwell6 Registered User regular
    Rough episode, emotionally. I hope we start seeing things come together soon. I don't know how many more of these I can take before the ultimate showdown.

    I'm curious if they're going to
    flip the Kingdom liason. He seems genuinely unhappy about having to punish the Kingdom; unlike every other Savior field agent we've ever seen.
    I think he's sympathetic to the Kingdom, but I wouldn't go that far, either. From what we've seen, he doesn't particularly like violence, he doesn't want to initiate it, but he's totally fine with it when it happens. From what we've seen, the hothead Savior who keeps pushing the Kingdom folks has never actually been punished. The liaison gets pissed at him, but allows him to keep coming on the trips and allows him to keep being a dick.

    If anything, it seems almost like a good cop, bad cop routine.

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