
  • TagTag Registered User regular
    edited November 2008
    Malkor wrote: »
    Dac wrote: »
    Announcement of Blackguard has basically killed my desire to play the game. I kind of thought BOs were going to be the offensive tank in beta, which is why I have a rank 29 one.

    Now it's Blackguard, so... ... ... Uh. I'm just waiting for the 14th or whatever it is when they introduce the Heavy Metal dailies to get Blackguard early.

    So because the Blackguard will be putting out more dps than your Blork, you don't want to play it?

    Eh, he wants to play an offensive tank, and blorcs are (somewhat counter-intuitively) defensive. Leveling a tank you're likely to replace with another tank could kinda burn one out (particularly in the 30s) -- why not wait?

    Tag on
    Overwatch: TomFoolery#1388
    Black Desert: Family Name: Foolery. Characters: Tome & Beerserk.
    (Retired) GW2 Characters (Fort Aspenwood): Roy Gee Biv
    (Retired) Let's Play: Lone Wolf
  • GlalGlal AiredaleRegistered User regular
    edited November 2008
    Glal wrote: »
    Except that there are situations beside "you're fighting mobs and aren't paying attention". If they haven't seen you yet then it's up to you whether you'll get away or attack them, they won't see you from that point on. Even if they do see you the same time you see them you can just stealth and evade them as long as they're not already upon you.
    It's a RPG based on RvR combat. IMO there shouldn't be any CORE servers, everyone should be flagged for RvR combat, all the time. I don't have a problem with the chicken mechanic though, if you're rank 40 you should never be in a tier 1 or 2 zone.
    That's nice. And completely irrelevant to what it was in response to.

    Glal on
  • DacDac Registered User regular
    edited November 2008
    Tag wrote: »
    Malkor wrote: »
    Dac wrote: »
    Announcement of Blackguard has basically killed my desire to play the game. I kind of thought BOs were going to be the offensive tank in beta, which is why I have a rank 29 one.

    Now it's Blackguard, so... ... ... Uh. I'm just waiting for the 14th or whatever it is when they introduce the Heavy Metal dailies to get Blackguard early.

    So because the Blackguard will be putting out more dps than your Blork, you don't want to play it?

    Eh, he wants to play an offensive tank, and blorcs are (somewhat counter-intuitively) defensive. Leveling a tank you're likely to replace with another tank could kinda burn one out (particularly in the 30s) -- why not wait?

    What this guy said.

    Dac on
    Steam: catseye543
    PSN: ShogunGunshow
    Origin: ShogunGunshow
  • starmanbrandstarmanbrand Registered User regular
    edited November 2008
    I've stopped trying to kill bw with my dok alone. I just get rooted. I just detaunt the more annoying ones and wait until they get cocky.

    edit: Oh hey sorc get the same root, I musta skimmed that spell.

    Why doesn't anyone on my pugs run in and root the whole enemy group gawd.

    Sorry if this is old news or not, But BW's root is a hex. DoKs get a cleanse that removes hex.

    You can't pick what you remove, but for some reason I feel like it might be the last thing on you. If I know i am going to jump on a bw, I usually have my self target ready and have my mouse over cleanse for when he pops it. If I do it fast enough, I think i usually spend no more than 2 seconds in the root. And since he is snared, I can still catch him and kill him.

    starmanbrand on
  • ConstrictorConstrictor The Dork Knight SuburbialandRegistered User regular
    edited November 2008
    Glal wrote: »
    Glal wrote: »
    Except that there are situations beside "you're fighting mobs and aren't paying attention". If they haven't seen you yet then it's up to you whether you'll get away or attack them, they won't see you from that point on. Even if they do see you the same time you see them you can just stealth and evade them as long as they're not already upon you.
    It's a RPG based on RvR combat. IMO there shouldn't be any CORE servers, everyone should be flagged for RvR combat, all the time. I don't have a problem with the chicken mechanic though, if you're rank 40 you should never be in a tier 1 or 2 zone.
    That's nice. And completely irrelevant to what it was in response to.

    I really don't understand what your point is. Because 2 classes in the game have a (weak compared to wow) stealth mechanic, open RvR is terrifying to you and people get ganked all the time?

    I leveled a BW to 40 as well. I got ganked and killed while leveling up less than 10 times over his entire run to 40. If that scares you so badly, I'm happy you have core servers to play on. You're definately over exaggerating though. Have you even played on an open server, or are you just imagining what it's like to be on one?

    I think that for most people the benefits would outweigh the drawbacks. It allows for more open RvR to occur (a good thing as noted by a lot of players), plus it improves the immersion factor.

    This is all just an opinion vs an opinion anyhow. Play what you enjoy and I'll do the same.

    Constrictor on
  • jkylefultonjkylefulton Squid...or Kid? NNID - majpellRegistered User regular
    edited November 2008

    As I've said countless times, hot fixes are quick and easy fixes to a game that don't require the servers to be taken down in order to patch the server. For those that think we aren't doing enough:

    1) Add up all the hot fixes we've done and compare them to all other MMOs in their first 6 weeks and see where we stand. Of course, not all MMOs can do or choose to do hot fixes so I think we're doing well with them regardless of what some people say about their breath/depth. Saying that we haven't fixed your particular issue is fair criticism but saying we don't do anything is not especially when you compare it to every other MMORPG in North America.

    2) Take our patch notes and them add them to our hot fixes and once again, see how many things we have fixed over that same six weeks.

    3) Wait till either late today or tomorrow, we've got a lot of incoming fixes/additions in 1.05 as well as things that have already gone into 1.1. I'm looking to pull more things into 1.05 as well.

    And as usual, when something works out great (the server transfer process has worked beautifully), that is quickly drowned out by the "Mythic does nothing stuff" here on the Vault. And when we do make make all the changes and additions that are in the works for 1.05 - 1.1, the opposite shouts will be heard and once again the good stuff will be ignored/drowned out.

    Evil_Mako wrote:
    Mark, I want to re-subscribe to your game please it has the potential to be awesome

    There are just a few game breakers for me

    - Exp/renown in RvR ( keep takes / defend, and BO's )
    - No one does PQ's because they are sitting in warcamps for their Q to pop
    - Scenarios while I like them they are taking over your game
    - Itemization
    - Talent trees

    So once again, I would love to play your game, it has so much potential!! please fix those and I my GF and my Bro will re-subscribe.


    Good, I look forward to you resubscribing in the near future.

    Over the last week or so I have been playing the game continually focusing on RvR from a solo player's (though I have joined a guild for one of my toons) perspective. I'll talk about some of the changes/additions that have come from that experience in the coming weeks. The first result of that is a 7 page document that I've delivered to the team and I'm working on a second document that might be even longer. :) Changes from the first document are already going into the game and more will be added over the next month or so. Some other changes/additions will take longer (but done in stages) but there is no bigger proponent of open RvR than me (obviously) and I think our oRvR-focused players will really, really like where we are going to end up.

    Evil_Mako wrote:
    Good, I look forward to you resubscribing in the near future.

    Over the last week or so I have been playing the game continually focusing on RvR from a solo player's (though I have joined a guild for one of my toons) perspective. I'll talk about some of the changes/additions that have come from that experience in the coming weeks. The first result of that is a 7 page document that I've delivered to the team and I'm working on a second document that might be even longer. :) Changes from the first document are already going into the game and more will be added over the next month or so. Some other changes/additions will take longer (but done in stages) but there is no bigger proponent of open RvR than me (obviously) and I think our oRvR-focused players will really, really like where we are going to end up.


    Good to hear!!

    I know some of us on VN can sound like the game was moving in the wrong direction ( I am guilty of it ) its just we want this game to succeed!! Weird way of going about it I know [face_tongue]

    I think a lot of the “Fire and Pitchforks” would go away if you could possibly keep us in the loop on what’s to come, I know you did that in the SOTG, but maybe a bit more in depth. I might be asking too much but I'm not sure.

    Anyways awesome news and TY!!

    As far as being kept in the loop, well, let's see what you have to say after my next Update topic. :)


    jkylefulton on
  • jkylefultonjkylefulton Squid...or Kid? NNID - majpellRegistered User regular
    edited November 2008
    Fyrehammer wrote:
    Evil_Mako wrote:
    Good, I look forward to you resubscribing in the near future.

    Over the last week or so I have been playing the game continually focusing on RvR from a solo player's (though I have joined a guild for one of my toons) perspective. I'll talk about some of the changes/additions that have come from that experience in the coming weeks. The first result of that is a 7 page document that I've delivered to the team and I'm working on a second document that might be even longer. :) Changes from the first document are already going into the game and more will be added over the next month or so. Some other changes/additions will take longer (but done in stages) but there is no bigger proponent of open RvR than me (obviously) and I think our oRvR-focused players will really, really like where we are going to end up.


    Good to hear!!

    I know some of us on VN can sound like the game was moving in the wrong direction ( I am guilty of it ) its just we want this game to succeed!! Weird way of going about it I know [face_tongue]

    I think a lot of the “Fire and Pitchforks” would go away if you could possibly keep us in the loop on what’s to come, I know you did that in the SOTG, but maybe a bit more in depth. I might be asking too much but I'm not sure.

    Anyways awesome news and TY!!

    As far as being kept in the loop, well, let's see what you have to say after my next Update topic. :)


    and when should we expect that? :)

    Early this afternoon. The current patch notes for 1.05 are rather *ahem* lengthy. :)


    jkylefulton on
  • rehtonAesoohCrehtonAesoohC Registered User regular
    edited November 2008
    Thanks for posting those updates kyle!

    It's super nice for people like me who are at work.

    rehtonAesoohC on
    Was wowed by Rift so I'm trying that now.
  • ToothyToothy Registered User regular
    edited November 2008
    I concur. Thanks.

    Toothy on
  • ConstrictorConstrictor The Dork Knight SuburbialandRegistered User regular
    edited November 2008
    Thanks for posting those updates kyle!

    It's super nice for people like me who are at work.

    Agreed. Especially because I avoid VN like the plague.

    Why does MJ not post over at WHA? It's regarded as the best fansite forums.

    Constrictor on
  • jkylefultonjkylefulton Squid...or Kid? NNID - majpellRegistered User regular
    edited November 2008
    If I had to guess, it's because he has a history with VN/IGN. And VN isn't so bad...

    jkylefulton on
  • ZzuluZzulu Registered User regular
    edited November 2008
    I would never have seen a single post from MJ if you wouldn't be here to transfer the info <3

    Zzulu on
  • AeonfellAeonfell Registered User regular
    edited November 2008
    Zzulu wrote: »
    I would never have seen a single post from MJ if you wouldn't be here to transfer the info <3

    Seriously, thanks.

    Aeonfell on
  • OatsOats Registered User regular
    edited November 2008
    Aeonfell wrote: »
    Zzulu wrote: »
    I would never have seen a single post from MJ if you wouldn't be here to transfer the info <3

    Seriously, thanks.

    Thank you for keeping us all in the loop.

    Oats on
  • jkylefultonjkylefulton Squid...or Kid? NNID - majpellRegistered User regular
    edited November 2008

    Look for my new topic in a few hours. The notes are 17 pages long and still growing.

    And yes, this is the patch that pretty much everyone has been asking for and talking about here and elsewhere. Brought in from 1.1 to 1.05 as I hoped we could do. :) There's no such thing as a miracle patch, and WAR certainly doesn't need one, but it certainly is a big patch.


    jkylefulton on
  • jkylefultonjkylefulton Squid...or Kid? NNID - majpellRegistered User regular
    edited November 2008
    Evil_Mako wrote:
    17 pages?!!! omg yes! [face_drooling]

    PS, Mark!!! Re make Magestorm omg ill pay 50$ a month for it!!! [face_grin]

    I'd love too, I miss playing that game so much. If I could bring back Silent Death, Aliens Online, Magestorm and Splatterball I'd be sooooo happy.


    jkylefulton on
  • GlalGlal AiredaleRegistered User regular
    edited November 2008
    Glal wrote: »
    Glal wrote: »
    Except that there are situations beside "you're fighting mobs and aren't paying attention". If they haven't seen you yet then it's up to you whether you'll get away or attack them, they won't see you from that point on. Even if they do see you the same time you see them you can just stealth and evade them as long as they're not already upon you.
    It's a RPG based on RvR combat. IMO there shouldn't be any CORE servers, everyone should be flagged for RvR combat, all the time. I don't have a problem with the chicken mechanic though, if you're rank 40 you should never be in a tier 1 or 2 zone.
    That's nice. And completely irrelevant to what it was in response to.
    I really don't understand what your point is. Because 2 classes in the game have a (weak compared to wow) stealth mechanic, open RvR is terrifying to you and people get ganked all the time?
    My point was that "Open RVR rocks! Here are examples of why it rocks from a class that has an upper hand in open RVR!" is a bad example, and trying to defend it as being just like the others is silly. I never said anything about playing on Open RVR, not playing on Open RVR, being scared of doing so or any of the other ad hominem bullshit you piled up into the rest of the post.

    Glal on
  • CmdPromptCmdPrompt Registered User regular
    edited November 2008
    Server transfers are being offered off Ulthuan to:

    * Red Eye Mountain
    * Averheim
    * Bretonnia
    * Ironfist

    Fuck yar

    CmdPrompt on
  • ZzuluZzulu Registered User regular
    edited November 2008

    Zzulu on
  • eelektrikeelektrik Southern CaliforniaRegistered User regular
    edited November 2008
    With Averheim being a destination server, I hope this means we will be getting the XP and renown boost. I just checked and we don't currently, but I hope they turn it on later.

    eelektrik on
  • Hiryu02Hiryu02 Registered User regular
    edited November 2008
    Welp, I'll be going where the Mouths go in any case. Whatever is agreed upon at TSM. Aside from Averheim, I have no idea about those other servers.

    Hiryu02 on
    Sev: Your gameplay is the most heavily yomi based around. Usually you look for characters that allow you to force guessing situations for big dmg. Even if the guess is mathematically nowhere near in your favor lol. You're happiest when you have either a 50/50, 33/33/33 or even a 75/25 situation to go crazy with. And you will take big risks to force those situations to come up.
  • ZzuluZzulu Registered User regular
    edited November 2008
    TSM folk should come with ideas and such in the thread over at the TSM forums

    Zzulu on
  • MalkorMalkor Registered User regular
    edited November 2008
    If we go to Averheim what would happen to my Order dudes on Averheim?

    Malkor on
  • CaedereCaedere S'no regrets BIRDIESRegistered User regular
    edited November 2008
    I vote Averheim, personally - I would like to go up against our rivals in the Candymancers. :D

    EDIT: Failing that, I vote Red Eye Mountain - largest pop there.

    Caedere on
  • eelektrikeelektrik Southern CaliforniaRegistered User regular
    edited November 2008
    That was fast. Between my last post and now, the new transfers have shown up on the herald, and the new destination servers have gotten their XP and Renown bonuses turned on. Time to get my ass to 40.

    And The Six Mouths need to stay off Averheim. We have enough Destruction here as it is. Send any good Order guilds Ulthuan has our way though.

    eelektrik on
  • KiTAKiTA Registered User regular
    edited November 2008
    Wait... The patch notes are 17 PAGES long?


    KiTA on
  • jkylefultonjkylefulton Squid...or Kid? NNID - majpellRegistered User regular
    edited November 2008
    Jagaleer wrote:
    He should be easy to identify.. he's that guy that spams:


    LOL. Actually, I really am a totally solo-oriented player even in the guilds I've joined. My general contribution to any conversation/gameplay is to be a bit snarky/amusing at times and happy to help other people when needed. I hate asking for help whether it is to complete quests or even heals. I try to be pretty nondescript in the guilds I've joined and I'm rather good at it. Doing so allows me to listen to what people want/think that's wrong in a game without coloring their judgment/perception/ideas/etc. because of who I am.

    As to the Iarwin's idea, it would be a lot of fun.


    Note - "Iarwin's idea" refers to a VN poster's idea that there should be secret tome unlocks for kililng Mythic employee characters (you'd get the title a few days later, so you wouldn't be able to peg who is who).

    jkylefulton on
  • ZzuluZzulu Registered User regular
    edited November 2008

    for those of you who want to help coordinating the exodus

    Zzulu on
  • starmanbrandstarmanbrand Registered User regular
    edited November 2008
    So as a member of T7M and T6M What do I have to do to get my characters moved? I am so confused about htis process as I never thought Id have to go through it.

    also I have one other character who is not guilded and I want to move. WHAT DO I DO?

    starmanbrand on
  • ConstrictorConstrictor The Dork Knight SuburbialandRegistered User regular
    edited November 2008
    Glal wrote: »
    Glal wrote: »
    Glal wrote: »
    Except that there are situations beside "you're fighting mobs and aren't paying attention". If they haven't seen you yet then it's up to you whether you'll get away or attack them, they won't see you from that point on. Even if they do see you the same time you see them you can just stealth and evade them as long as they're not already upon you.
    It's a RPG based on RvR combat. IMO there shouldn't be any CORE servers, everyone should be flagged for RvR combat, all the time. I don't have a problem with the chicken mechanic though, if you're rank 40 you should never be in a tier 1 or 2 zone.
    That's nice. And completely irrelevant to what it was in response to.
    I really don't understand what your point is. Because 2 classes in the game have a (weak compared to wow) stealth mechanic, open RvR is terrifying to you and people get ganked all the time?
    My point was that "Open RVR rocks! Here are examples of why it rocks from a class that has an upper hand in open RVR!" is a bad example, and trying to defend it as being just like the others is silly. I never said anything about playing on Open RVR, not playing on Open RVR, being scared of doing so or any of the other ad hominem bullshit you piled up into the rest of the post.

    Somebody needs a nap. My WH is my alt, I have another character who is rank 40 that most definately is NOT good in 1v1 RvR. As I also said, half of my encounters in RvR have resulted in a quick death for me. I've been ambushed as much as I've killed other people. You also changed the text in my post and made it look like I said it, which is fucking rude.

    Uppity carebears these days, sheesh.

    Constrictor on
  • WolveSightWolveSight Registered User regular
    edited November 2008
    Caedere wrote: »
    I vote Averheim, personally - I would like to go up against our rivals in the Candymancers. :D

    EDIT: Failing that, I vote Red Eye Mountain - largest pop there.

    well, won't be much of a fight as we're already outnumbered pretty well. Unless a few large Order guilds come over, you'll find Order will be "scared away" from oRvR due to the zergs running around. As it stands, it's just now starting to become interesting fights where we're not out-manned 3:1, as it's usually only about 2:1 or so now.

    Now, don't get me wrong, I'd love to see ya'll on the other side just for the fun of it. I think it'd be fun as hell. Then again, there are some folks who rolled order alts on averheim as well. Anyhow, I hope these transfers even out the populations a bit, no matter where everyone goes.

    WolveSight on
  • ZzuluZzulu Registered User regular
    edited November 2008
    the best thing is if we can get grudge to move with us, so we don't skewer the population imbalance further (and we all want fast scenario queues as well)

    Zzulu on
  • ConstrictorConstrictor The Dork Knight SuburbialandRegistered User regular
    edited November 2008
    Malkor wrote: »
    If we go to Averheim what would happen to my Order dudes on Averheim?

    I'm guessing you can't transfer to a server where you have a cross-faction toon. You probably have to delete your alliance toons on the destination server.

    Of course, that's assuming they thought about this issue. I don't think they want spies on all transferred to servers.

    Constrictor on
  • FryholeFryhole Registered User regular
    edited November 2008
    Is it just me or does the guy he's responding to sound like a whiney Dbag? I mean seriously, stfu kid and stop acting like you're on the board of directors or some bs and need info asap to make your stock investments. /rant

    Fryhole on
  • jkylefultonjkylefulton Squid...or Kid? NNID - majpellRegistered User regular
    edited November 2008
    Fryhole wrote: »
    Is it just me or does the guy he's responding to sound like a whiney Dbag? I mean seriously, stfu kid and stop acting like you're on the board of directors or some bs and need info asap to make your stock investments. /rant

    Well....it's VN. :P

    jkylefulton on
  • ZekZek Registered User regular
    edited November 2008
    Wait, since when is Ulthuan a low pop server?

    Zek on
  • FryholeFryhole Registered User regular
    edited November 2008
    Fryhole wrote: »
    Is it just me or does the guy he's responding to sound like a whiney Dbag? I mean seriously, stfu kid and stop acting like you're on the board of directors or some bs and need info asap to make your stock investments. /rant

    Well....it's VN. :P

    Right - I give Mark a lot of credit for even replying to that tone of post.
    Just to chime in on any possible relocation to Averheim - wtf?
    It was decided as the order alt server, and also was decided that the two guilds would not compete. It's bad enough trying to choosing a class/side in this game, but seriously people try not to be so indecisive.
    Also, destro is dominating Averheim atm in t4 as it is. Why make it worse?

    Fryhole on
  • starmanbrandstarmanbrand Registered User regular
    edited November 2008
    I think we should avoid going to Averheim because it could spawn forum drama. I think the current set up is best. Although we are opposing factions, we are not opposing players. We can talk about each class and not be all bloo bloo bloo.

    If we are on the same server, I can only imagine the "HEY, WHO THE HELL IS (Character X)!? You ganked me you chickenshit!" and it being very lame.

    Also I would have to delete my lvl 19 swordmaster.

    I say Ironfist (because it sounds the most badass) or Red Eye (For population)

    EDIT: Also, we shoudl get in contact with grudge officials and try to bring then, since both of those servers have a higher pop of Dest already.

    starmanbrand on
  • MalkorMalkor Registered User regular
    edited November 2008
    Zek wrote: »
    Wait, since when is Ulthuan a low pop server?
    I guess they raised the pop caps on the servers or something. So yesterday's med/high is today's low?

    Malkor on
  • jkylefultonjkylefulton Squid...or Kid? NNID - majpellRegistered User regular
    edited November 2008
    So you don't have a guild you play with where people know who you are?

    Nope. It's a lot more fun and useful that way. The guilds that I've played with would be pretty shocked if they ever found out who I am. I certainly don't lie about stuff but I do deflect most questions pretty well and I'm pretty good at fitting in with a guild's personality if I like the guild. Though most of the time I still prefer to play games solo to relax and enjoy myself without having to worry about guild/people issues. I do enough of that at work. :)


    jkylefulton on
This discussion has been closed.