What site was Zeus filming for?

MentholKillerMentholKiller Registered User regular
edited September 2009 in PAX Archive
Hi, this was my first PAX. All weekend long I see this hottie running around with a camera crew following her. On the last day I'm outside smoking, and she ask to bum a smoke. So i ask her name and what she's filming for. I remembered her name (obviously who wouldn't)but I forgot the site. Anybody know the site she was filming for? thx.

MentholKiller on


  • GirlZeusGirlZeus Registered User new member
    edited September 2009
    Haha! Hey there! Guess who?

    The site is called vbs.tv, it's an extension of Vice Magazine. The special will also be syndicated on Dell Motherboard. It won't be out for a while, but keep your eyes peeled and tell your friends.

    Thank you for the cigarette. :)


    GirlZeus on
  • MentholKillerMentholKiller Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Thanks, looking forward to seeing it.

    You didn't actually bum a smoke only asked, you aren't a fan of the menthol. :( ............;P

    MentholKiller on
  • BeastGraphixBeastGraphix Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Thanks, looking forward to seeing it.

    You didn't actually bum a smoke only asked, you aren't a fan of the menthol. :( ............;P

    Always carry them crush's that way you have either on hand.

    BeastGraphix on
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