So I've been having the same issue with my iTunes/iPod functionality for a while, but due to the nature if it comes and goes depending upon my library.
There are a couple albums in my library that are split EPs between one or more artists. I would like to be able to browse to these albums through both the Artist and Album method, but can only do this on iTunes, and not on my iPod. You see, when the only songs I have by an artist are from a compilation, my iPod refuses to list them in the Artist section and only displays it by Album. I had this problem earlier, but it resolved itself when I got another album by one of the split EP artists. My problem right now is twofold:
1) I have an EP by The North Sea & Rameses III that iTunes shows by Artist (how I always view my library) and as an Album, but on my iPod I can only see it on the album listing. It's not a split between the two artists, the band name is effectively The North Sea & Rameses III, but my iPod won't display it. I made sure it has tags for Artist, Album, Album Artist, Sort Artist, Sort Album Artist and all of that junk, but nothing helps.
2) I have an album/split EP by Beirut called March of the Zapotec/Realpeople Holland that is actually half March of the Zapotec by Beirut and half Realpeople Holland by Realpeople (same guy, yeah yeah whatever that's not the point). Right now it shows up in Compilations with all the tracks (by both parties), and the Beirut tracks show up under Beirut when browsing by Artist, but there is no listing for Realpeople when browsing by Artist. The only way I've dodged this issue in the past is to get another album that is solely by the person who's not showing up, but Realpeople only has one release, and it's this one. What the fuck is the problem?
TL;DR: my iPod isn't listing Artists that are on there and that my iTunes already does show by Artist. What the fuck.
Yep, that's the problem. Dunno why it does that in the first place.
Anyway, another iTunes question. Did they get rid of the option to upgrade old songs to iTunes Plus? And are all iTunes songs DRM-free and 256kb/s now?
No, it's still there. There's a button top-right on the iTunes Store front page, but it's not super obvious. All iTunes music is now 100% DRM-free, 256kb/s variable bit rate.
You don't have iTunes 9.0, do you?
Besides, the iTunes Plus page doesn't do anything.
The compilation setting is for real compilations, like dance party mixes or whatever that are entirely by different artists and that you don't want gumming up your artist view.
Yes, I do have iTunes 9.
Open iTunes Store. On the top right there's a box labeled "Quick Links." In that box, click "iTunes Plus." You'll have the option to upgrade your entire library, or individual albums and songs.
If the iTunes Plus page doesn't do anything, then you don't have any music eligible for an upgrade or there's something wrong with your iTunes store account. I see lots of albums when I open it.
For me, the quick links box doesn't have that option. And the only album I bought before iTunes Plus came out was the FF7 soundtrack, which would have to mean there's no new version of that.
Yeah, what Apple didn't publicize is that not all music they sold pre-iTunes Plus is available now. Some percentage of music was dropped when the store went DRM free.
Yeah, but they're still selling FF7 music now. Is that not iTunes Plus?
All music on iTunes is iTunes Plus.
Are you starting to feel like a character in a Kafka book yet?
Is it possible the album/collection that you bought isn't available in the same form? It may be that even though the same basic items are available, they don't directly match up with what you own.