I recently acquired a new laptop, and along with it a new router (Linksys WRT54G) so I can connect to the net wirelessly. Now I have a desktop that is connected to the router with cold hard wire, and my laptop that is wireless, both with static non-conflicting IP's.
My problem is, whenever I enable the connection on my laptop and connect wirelessly, the connection to my desktop is stopped for the blink of an eye, interupting whatever downloads or gaming I am doing, dropping me, but then connecting me just fine right afterwards, hardly noticable when browsing, but someone turns the laptop on while im playing a game online and I get disconnected and have to reconnect, annoying as hell. Once the laptop connection is established, and has caused me the initial connection interuption everything is fine, both can stay online without further trouble.
I've called all kinds of people, and no one has been of any help. The linksys tech support is a joke, and I actually ended up spouting profanity at the foreigner whom had no idea what he was doing or who he was.
Does anybody have any helpful suggestions? Come tomorrow I'm thinking I'll buy another brand of router, and see if that fixes the problem, but before that I thought I'd see if I get any leads here.