So this girl I've been seeing has a cold sore. What's the deal with this? Will I inevitably contract herpes simplex even if I wait for it to go into the remission stage? From experience, is her having a cold sore a huge deal?
I really like the girl, so it's not an issue of if I should break up with her or that it's gross, I just really don't want to contract the virus. How long can I not kiss her, how often will this happen and how long does the infectious period last and things like that?
Thanks, guys!
They say that even when someone doesnt have a cold sore they still have traces of it in their saliva and it is possible to transmit. I have been with my girlfriend now for 2.5 years and I haven't contracted it. We just make sure not to kiss / drink out of the same things when she has one. She usually has it 2-4 times per year, for about a week or so each? I think thats about right. They are triggered by a number of things including stress.
No kissing while she is showing.
No sharing drinks while she is showing.
No pegging while....oh wait.
As long as there isn't an open sore, you should be alright. My wife and I have been married three years and she hasn't gotten it either.
Just be careful.
I'd lay off kissing her while she has symptoms as she's more contagious then, but it's still possible to get it from her while in remission.
Sort of.
It is possible to contract HSV-1 in your genitals. However, HSV-1 doesn't replicate very well in genital neurons and extremely rarely causes outbreaks unless the person is immunosuppressed in some way.
The normal genital herpes is HSV-2. This is a separate virus. HSV-2 can infect oral tissues. If you got genital herpes from oral sex most likely the person who gave you oral sex had genital herpes in their mouth.
Yes, about 75% of people have HSV-1. Between 20 and 25% of people have HSV-2. And HSV-2 is a bit more sinister than HSV-1. HSV-1 only causes serious problems in infants under 6 months old. HSV-2 can cause encephalitis and even death, extremely rarely in healthy people but more commonly in immunosuppressed people.
EDIT: Those numbers were established by looking for antibodies in blood samples. There have been multiple studies but I couldn't find any quickly that are freely available.
if i were a carrier without any symptoms, is it possible i gave it to her? we only first hooked up like 2 weeks ago so i guess not.
If it's just on the mouth, there's not much too worry about... just don't get too fancy during an outbreak.
Abreva is a pretty great product for reducing their duration.
I don't know if I am just over protective and as a guy if I don't shave for a bit it can itch anyways but there are several times where I have thought I was getting one, had a thing of abreva near by, that I have come out of it with out developing a sore.
So my word of wisdom. Even as expensive as it is, get thing of abreva and have you girl keep it in her purse its a lifesaver.
If the oral cold sore is from genital herpes (HSV-2), then yes.