Attention wimps! Please keep us updated on your weight and progress if you're in the anti-fatty program!
Thanks to Talonrazor for this well-written OP; some minor edits have been made.
I want to lose or gain weight!
So do a lot of us. Try to keep us updated regularly with your progress. Some of us are tracking our daily food intakes (here is a good site) and workout for each day and posting those as well.
Guys in the Anti-Fatty Program - Serious Dudes Only Please! This ain't the "I will stop eating McDonalds and lose weight" program
MistaCreepy - Current Weight: 235 Goal Weight: 210
Talonrazor - Current Weight: 213 Goal Weight: 210 - updated 2-2
Javen - Current Weight: 151 Goal Weight: 175
Bucketman - Current Weight: 324lbs Goal Weight: 280
redfenix - Current Weight: 219 Goal Weight: 180
Meissnerd - Current Weight: 220 Goal Weight: 210 - updated 1-21
emericana - Current Weight: 245 Goal Weight: 200 - updated 1-12
SageinaRage - Current Weight: 210 Goal Weight: 180
shorttimin' - Current Weight: 195 Goal Weight: 185
scudo - Current Weight: 157.5 Goal Weight: 175
psyck0 - Current Weight: 200 Goal Weight: 185 - updated 8-6
Tweaked Bat - Current weight: 90kg (198lbs) Target weight: 95kg (209lbs) Former weight: 85kg (187lb) UPDATED 30/10/09
webguy20 - Weight 330, immediate goal, 290, long term 190
Raneados - Current weight 182, former weight 195, goal: non-fatty lbs- updated 8-4
Spherick- Current Weight 173 (79kg), Former Weight 209 (95kg) UPDATED 30/10/09
Well, how do I become a non-fatty?
This is good! Fatties are terrible! Here we are all going to be working hard to get non-fat. Some of us are in bulking stages, adding muscle so they make money selling tickets to the gun show. The rest of us fatties will be cutting, getting rid ourselves of the Michelin Man look. It's going to take hard work and dedication so if you come in here hoping that you'll shed weight by playing your Wii and eating less potato chips, get out. Note that most of this advice is aimed at people cutting.
The first step is diet. You need to not eat shit. Start a food log, either a journal or using or whatever. I like Fit Day's software because the website is shit but you can just as easily use Excel. Examine a typical day of eating calories. Now examine how much calories you burn during the day (you'll need to find a good metabolism counter online). Our goal is to get calories intake to be less than calories burned, to cut, or slightly more if you're bulking. Cutters probably want under 2500 calories a day; bulkers probably want closer to 3000, but calculate this for yourself!!
Now structure new eating habits. The best way to eat is six meals a day, smaller and healthy. Breakfast should be your largest meal, followed by your post-workout meal. Read this post on the's forums. It contains good guidelines for pre-. during and post-workout nutrition. Focus on eating lots of greens, fruit, nuts and seeds, lean meats and fish. Good sources of protein like grilled chicken breasts, eggs, fish, milk and mushrooms are vital. For snacking, try bananas or almonds. Get rid of any and all sodas and drink water instead. Drink a lot of water. A good thread for recipes is here.
If you're cutting, exercise is crucial. Do cardio at least 30 minutes, every day. The best is right when you wake up, before breakfast. For fat-burning, long duration, low intensity is the goal. Run, swim, row or bike are the four best ways to get your cardio. If you are super fatty or have bad knees, you might want to do low-impact like swimming, elliptical trainers or stationary rowing. And yes, you still need to weightlift. If you don't, you'll lose a lot of muscle mass which will make bulking even tougher. Even if you don't want to bulk or "look like Ronnie Coleman", you should still be lifting. Do Mark Ripptoe's program or Tube's program. Both are good for beginners and focus on overall strength.
Add a new sport that you've never played before. Play intermural soccer or basketball in college, join a city rec league or even go play baseball with your friends every week. Pick up some martials arts. Go rock climbing or hiking or an outdoors excursion that lasts several hours on the weekends.
CrossFit has a good summary of what "World Class Fitness" is:
Eat meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch and no sugar. Keep intake to levels that will support exercise but not body fat. Practice and train major lifts: Deadlift, clean, squat, presses, C&J, and snatch. Similarly, master the basics of gymnastics: pull-ups, dips, rope climb, push-ups, sit-ups, presses to handstand, pirouettes, flips, splits, and holds. Bike, run, swim, row, etc, hard and fast. Five or six days per week mix these elements in as many combinations and patterns as creativity will allow. Routine is the enemy. Keep workouts short and intense. Regularly learn and play new sports.
If you need an example, here's what I'm doing
Talon's Plan
Overall Fitness Goal
Prep for Army National Guard Officer courses
Prep for Army Rangers entrance and Ranger School
Prep for Law Enforcement Academy
Body be a Landscape of Sex
- Breakfast (also pre-workout): Omelet at the college cafeteria or five eggs scrambled with glass of skim milk
- Post-workout: Salad with greens, spinach, mushrooms, egg whites, single grilled chicken breast, tomatoes, carrots, peas, no dressing. Two glasses of skim milk
- Lunch: Can of tuna, two pieces of 100% whole wheat bread.
- Supper: Small salad, chicken or tuna or turkey as meat, steamed veggies, glass of skim milk
- Dinner: Grilled chicken breast with cup of brown rice OR salmon patty between two whole wheat bread slices with brown rice
- Late-Night Snack: Handful of almonds, glass of skim milk
- Water consumption goal of a gallon a day
- One cheat meal during the weekend of whatever I want, like a small bowl of icecream or a shake or a single slice of pizza.
- Weightlifting: Tube's workout plan, done MWF. I'll be swapping to a T/TH/Sa routine soon because I'll be taking Advanced Weightlifting through my University.
- Cardio: Every day, before breakfast, either swim for a half-hour to an hour or run for a half-hour. One or twice a week, run for an hour to an hour and half late during the evening.
- Sports: Play soccer for an intermural team once a week, do Brazilian Jui-Jitsu twice a week.
- Weekends: Do a bike ride or a long hike or rock climbing or some kind of excursion lasting at least two hours of intensive activity but also fun.
Every day I log whatever I've done on FitDay and I log my weights, reps and sets in my fitness journal. Every Sunday I weight myself and take body pictures, which I then post here and on my fitness journal.
Now, for bulking!
I want to become The Wook! Where do I start?
First: you may never be equals with this man.
Second:Follow Tube and The Wook's advice. They've been around and know what's best. The plan that Tube created is great for starters (see bottom of the page). A good place to start your weightlifting education is reading Mark Ripptoe's Starting Strength. This article is a good starter for new weightlifters. Read this for basic tips on nutrition. If you need help on certain excercise forms, try this website. The goal is lift hard, eat good nutrition and be very consistent. Pay attention to what Tube and wook recommend, they know what they are talking about. If you're brand new to weights, do Starting Strength to start your bulking. After 3-4 months, graduate to another plan like Tube's. Don't forget your protein shakes!
Other - Good forum and community for fitness - While aimed at the 'sweet kegger party bra' crowd, it's still packed with tons of super useful information - Not for some people, CrossFit is still probably the toughest fitness program out there - A fantastic resource, this is a huge database of animated .gifs that show correct form to various exercises - The website can be slow and some people hate it but I like to use the software to maintain an overview of my general fitness level. - Another good strength and conditioning resource. Good articles. - Dietary supplement guide. Products in these lists are guaranteed to contain everything listed on their labels in the quantities listed. Supps are notorious for fucking you over this way, so buy from a good company.
Tube's plan is at the bottom of the OP of the last thread.
Squats: I was not going deep enough. I was also sticking my knees forward. It was a kind of bastard plie. After a lot of tweaking, I finally got to doing them correctly -- but at 45 fricking pounds. I really really hope that will change quickly, but this time round I am not compromising form.
Bench: I have to tuck my elbows and not flex my wrists. Bar lands at sternum level, not boob level.
Deadlift: really icky back rounding, only beginning to get it right after what must have been a hundred reps.
Hamstrings: Mine are weak. So I have to do a bunch of hyperextensions and it should help my squat. I did yesterday, and now walking hurts so bad.
And my new program is Madcow 5x5.
I hope after my year of dicking around I can actually get some genuine improvements.
Rack pulls
10 @ 405
5 @ 475
4x3 @ 525
5x5 @ 195
Glute-ham raises
5x5 @ 45
Good mornings
5x5 @ 135
Standing unilateral hamstring curls
4x10 @ 50 (each leg)
Standing barbell calf raises
4x10 @ 315
my legs were cramping up during Zombieland tonight
Yeah there could be tons of variables affecting this, I realise, like diet, lifestyle, taking up a couple new classes (Capoeira once a week and an adult gymnastics class once a week).
I've given this program about six weeks now, so maybe I'll stick it out another one or two, but I am feeling like it's not doing me any good. I don't at all feel like my strength is at the point where I should have tons of trouble improving just yet (let's see, squat is at about 1.25xBW for a triple, bench is still about 0.9xBW for a triple, press was at 0.7xBW for a triple but has recently gone backwards).
To refresh memories, the program I was doing was self-designed, Texas-method thing, with squatting every week, other exercises being deads, bench and rows one week and alternating with press, pull-up and power cleans the next.
Possibly in the future I'll cut back to three exercises a session, four really seems like it's too much. Also, since I do have other activites each week I'm thinking that may interfere with the volume/recovery/intensity cycle of the texas method.
Glad the new thread got made so I could tell you guys
Solvent: The two things that are jumping out at me are "six weeks" and "self designed".
Also, presses will occasionally jump forwards and backwards , more so than almost any other lift I find.
Also, S_A, good to hear about your toilet bro. How did that work out for you?
I've kind of stalled on my lifting progress lately and I think it's cause my eating sucks. making an effort to eat more and better
also i am starting to get compliments about my appearance, which is awesome!
how's the routine treating you?
my little brother, this fucker is full of energy and he's pretty skinny already
but the boy has smoked cigarettes and the dang weed and i'm looking for a way to really just get this kid ready for some sort of competitive sport
I used to eat a small carby meal around half an hour before I went to the gym, thinking that gave me the energy I needed. Stopped eating it last month trying to fix the 'wanting to throw up in the middle of every session' problem I was having (which worked) and have suffered no noticeable performance drop. I've even gone in a little hungry and put up some rep records recently.
Pre-workout nutrition starts ~24 hours before you get to the gym. Whenever I have a bad workout I can always find something in that period that I did wrong to blame it on (usually either not sleeping or eating properly).
Maybe carb up a little in the hours leading up to it, but I don't think you need to do anything special if you're eating properly 24/7.
Boo hoo hoo, I don't want to at all.
I'm a big fan of doing presses, but they are frustrating to keep up with. Personally, I can barely maintain my press, much less increase it, without pressing twice a week. Texas method is definitely a good framework for a program, and the exercises you are doing are the right ones. Maybe you have just been working hard lately and need a light week to rest up? It could be the other extra stuff you are doing. I have no actual answers for you, but I figured I wanted to post anyways to get a dot on the thread, so I might as well say that Texas method rules. Presses are tough to figure out.
A way I do the Texas method to get in more pressing is to always press on light Wednesday. So, you alternate bench week (bench 5x5 mon, press light wed, bench heavy fri) and press week (press 5x5 mon, press light wed, press heavy fri), maybe benching light on wed of press week. By sneaking in some pressing during bench week, it keeps you in practice so you don't have a whole week off from benching. And since pressing is at lighter weights anyways, it is well suited for a light day. I do this with push pressing instead of benching, since that's how homie roll, but you see where I'm going with this.
well I've been going every day prescribed. I have squats pretty much down, I think. I can start moving up in weights.
Pull days have kind of devolved into a mish-mash of pull exercises. I just get really discouraged with the pull ups since I can only do a few at a time. I always do them though.
Push day goes by fine; I have no trouble with those.
Basically, it's helped my discipline, I'm slowly getting stronger and looking better!
sounds good
eating right is the hardest part of the whole thing for me. I have a trouble eating enough, keeping up with the calories and 5-6 meals a day thing. and just eating the right stuff period
So anyway, now I have to cut. This shit is going to suuuuuuck balls, as I have become accustomed to wolfing down beef all the goddamn time.
EDIT: Hey, what happens if I switch my bench press to like 4x4@230 instead of 4x10@200, or something like that? While attempting to cut? Does that help, or is higher volume better?
Defender, I thought a week ago you were planning to gain weight?
Myself, I've decided to give the low-carb thing 1-2 more weeks, and if I can't manage to get enough food this way I'll have to make some changes. I don't know how the hell you can find 1600 calories without carbs, let alone >2000 like some people do. Or maybe I'll just have to ask for two plates at dinner, the heck with embarrassment.
But yeah. More food should probably help me lift more and hurt less.
finally have good gym access and I'm thinking whatever your doing/were doing is probably a good beginner routine yes?
Should I still go lift?
Fat is the most calorie dense thing
Low carbs should not be low fat, if you're going low carbs, replace that with fat instead
Eat some bacon and some nuts and whatever else
Sorry D. Fixed now.
I'm leaving in that photo of Pudz though. Because it is so awesome.
Front squats - 5x5
Barbell lunges - 4x10 each leg
Sissy squats - 5x5
Tuesday - Push
Military press - 5x5
Chest dips - 5x5
Incline flyes - 4x10
Bench - 4x10
Thursday - Glutes/hams
Deadlifts - 5x5
Stiff-legged straight-legged deadlifts - 4x10
Modified glute-ham raises - 4x10
Friday - Pull
Pull-ups - 5xfailure (if failure is less than 3, do chin-ups until you can do 3 pull-ups)
Bent-over barbell rows (underhand grip) - 5x5
Face-pulls - 4x10
Shrugs - 4x10
wook made that up for me! it's nice and easy to follow, and the exercises make sense.
So with my interest in physical looks, I took it upon myself to take $200 of my hard earned money and do a ward-robe reboot. Bumped my style from "don't give a fuck" to business casual. Left a little bit of room in my sizes since I (hopefully) will get bigger in the coming months, but they still fit awesome.
Anyway. Tomorrow is the day I try and bench 170 5x3. Wooo. Yeah buddy.
T-Nation blog
1) Protein bars for meal replacements? I know it's not ideal, but Clif Build Bars are like 20g protein. If I can't have a shake or am at work, how terrible are these?
2) Knees. I think I somehow damaged my ACL while stretching. I was doing those butterfly things where you sit and put the soles of your feet together, then press down on your knees. It didn't hurt that much when I did it, but now whenever I get back in that position, it hurts. I haven't lifted for about 4 days and have suspended running. When swimming, I still get pain when I pivot off the wall, so I'm thinking I should just go easy on everything till it stops hurting?
- Gary Busey
A Glass, Darkly
Well, I do eat fat, and it's a lot by percentage, but by the end of the day I haven't eaten a ton. Again, I'm going to try to see if I can hit >1600 for a couple weeks and if not I'll add carbs. (Unfortunately, as I understand, the best carb source is not cake. Drat.)
Right on. I did a bit of a shopping spree in the weekend as well. None of my jeans fit any more after losing weight so I had to replace them. And if I nail the interview today I think I'll also be in the market for a new suit and a couple of new business shirts.
And some whiskey.
Whatever happened to that journal of yours?
It'll make you 54% more awesome.
You've been doing 4x10 for a while, right? If so, I can't imagine switching to a different rep scheme could be anything less than good for you.
Shorter, more intense sessions might be easier for someone cutting weight, maybe, but I don't think it matters all that much. Working hard is 90% of the equation.
yesterday in the gym i tried the dumbell circuit posted on t-nation
it involved RDLs and good mornings and as such my hammies and my bum are sore
it was fun
I only did 10 lbs, but next time i'll do with 15
then after that I tried some pullups
some planks
some sprinting
then rowed 1500m
and felt like vomiting
good times
except then later that night i drank a ton and did vomit
I am planning to gain weight, however I'm doing this in stages because I don't want to have a ton of fat at any one time. So I've hit the top weight for my first bulk, and now it's time to cut and assess if I want to do a second bulk.
Yeah, he's awesome too.
Cel, you should just eat what Pudz eats:
“My energy comes from my diet. Breakfast is 10 eggs and 2-3 pounds of bacon. Between meals, I eat lots of candy…I need it for energy. Lunch, at 1 or 2 p.m., is a double meal of a Polish pork chop, sauerkraut and potatoes.
An hour later, I work out, then take lots of supplements: magnesium, creatine, amino acids, all that stuff, and more chocolate.
Dinner is whatever meat I can get: steaks, pork chops, bacon, plus more sauerkraut and potatoes. [After I work out] I have a protein shake and more chocolate.”
Once I reach 4 eggs and 2 strips of thick bacon I am ready to burst
Why people choose to not work out baffles me. I dunno why I ever stopped.
Let's play Mario Kart or something...