Blog type post ahoy.
I've known this guy for, more or less, going on 10 years or so. In high school we were best friends. He doesn't really take shit from anyone, and if you need the truth about something, he's probably the person to ask.
But as we got older, his pricky-ness was often turned towards me. Where as I grew up, went to college, moved out, got a job, dated girls, did typical smart and not so smart college type THINGS, he seemed to have a problem with it. If it wasn't the girl I was dating then it was the people I hung around. "She's a slut. They're stupid. They don't have a life. Look at his fucked up hair." Etc etc. I stopped listening to much of the same music we listened to and he would crack jokes.
I'm a big boy, I can take it, but whenever I'd point out whatever crappy metalcore band he was into at the moment seemed kinda hoaky (Job for a Cowboy I think was one), he'd get all butt hurt.
He's older than me, still a virgin, and still lives with his parents. He'd have a room mate, but they would always move out and he couldn't afford rent on his own. He moved up to Central MS, and the only time I come into that city is to visit my sister, bar hop, catch a band that might be playing there, or eat at a fancy restaurant (sushi, indian, etc). I would call him every time, and he'd not hang out or I'd have to drive the 45 minutes out to the Jehovah's Witness Bible Camp that his parents live on (I'm not slighting his parents, his mom is an absolute wonderful person who helped me through my teens).
Basically, if we were to hang out, it would be playing video games at HIS house. If I wanted to play video games, I'd have stayed home. So I quit calling him. Then he developed a sixth sense of calling me whenever I was in town and would get upset that I didn't let him know, so I'd just tell him that, hey, I call all the time and you never come out so why bother?
If not that, he'd come down to my little town to visit someone else, and then call me and let me know he's around. If I'm not doing anything that particular Friday, he'd ask to come over and give me an ETA of "about an hour or so". Well, four hours pass, it's 1 AM or so, and he finally comes over. Well, those 6 packs of beer that we had just opened were long gone by then, so after about 45 minutes of him awkwardly sitting on the couch while me, the fiancee, and maybe another friend or so would drunkenly sit around and laugh or whatever, and he'd get up and leave, call me the next day, and bitch. "You know, you could have done something other than sit around drunk off your ass." Well, you're the one that didn't call me ahead of time and were three hours late.
So, you can probably see how this is getting beyond annoying.
Now to the crux of this story.
About two months ago I had a break in. The 10K of musical equipment was untouched but two laptops and my 360 were stolen. I relayed my story of woe to him, and he offered, I didn't ask, he offered to sell me his Xbox Arcade for 100$. He had some bills to pay and was unemployed. Yeah, sure, sounds like a good deal. I get there, ask him if he'd let me take the hard drive as well so I can play online and I'll either give him the cash for the hard drive in a few months or I'll be buying an Elite around Christmas and will sell him his Xbox back for the price I paid for it. Again, good deal.
Well, about a week goes by and I buy a bottle of Gin and make a reference to how shitty of a brand I bought on Facebook. He replies basically saying that if I have money to waste on Gin, I should be buying an Elite instead so I can hurry up and sell him his Xbox back.
I tell him that how I spend my cash is none of his business and we carry on.
Another week goes by and he just texts me about his hard dive and I tell him I'll bring it with me the next time I come into town. All is good.
Well, another week goes by and he starts calling me every night at around 12 or 1. You know. When I'm asleep. Because I have a job. Since I don't answer my phone, I start getting nasty messages on Facebook asking why I'm ignoring him and tells me he's buying an Elite soon.
Another week goes by and I tell him that I may be coming into town, dunno for sure, but just a heads up so we can meet up. Well, he tells me he doesn't want to buy a hard drive transfer cable when he gets an Elite, so I need to buy him a memory card, transfer his profile to it, and then bring him the hard drive and the memory card. Uh, no. I'll bring you the hard drive and that's it. I'm not shelling out an extra 15 bucks. Then says he'll sell me the hard drive for 40$. I tell him I can get it online, with shipping, for under 30$. No deal.
I don't make it up to town, he gets his Elite, calls me wanting me to trouble shoot his Motorola cable modem while I'm on the road home from work. Gets upset when I tell him I just finished doing that at work for 9 hours and I don't feel like doing it again.
Couple of days go by and suddenly, at 12PM on a Saturday night, I get a Facebook message that is a racist, pissed off rant against Microsoft and outsourcing that ends with "I WANT MY SHIT NOW". He then starts blowing my phone up. I have a Blackberry, so this is instantly eMailed to my phone. I just send him a message telling him that I don't care anymore and that he's gonna have to come get it. Then another rant and rave about how he just shouldn't do me any favors anymore. I tell him don't. After pissing and moaning I figure out that he's absolutely obsessed with his gamerscore. He has 60K plus in gamerscore. That's why he wants his old profile back.
He has like... five people on his friends list, so adding them isn't a problem. He has no games, and doesn't care about the games on his hard drive. He's hassling me because he wants his nerd e cock preserved. Any compassion I had for the guy just went out the window. Yes, I told him I'd pay for the hard drive or get it back to him, and I had no problem doing that, but demanding I drive the hour to give it to him at midnight on a Saturday is pushing it. Whining about how he did me a favor is pushing it.
So I told him he has to come and get it, or he has to wait for when it's convenient for me to get it to him, and since I only make it up that way every other weekend or so (and not anytime soon since not this upcoming weekend and not the next since I'll be in New Orleans), I told him I'd mail it to him.
I've already bought another hard drive, so that's not a problem. On the way to me now.
But now I'm giving him the run around. "I can come get it Tuesday", oh, I won't be home till midnight Tuesday. "I can come get it Friday." Gimme a call first, I'll be with the parents Friday. Etc etc.
I think I'm just gonna format the damn thing when he finally does get it back to finally put an end to it. I don't care about the friendship anymore, and I think if I royally piss him off then he'll never bother with me again.
But I gotta string him along a little bit more, I think.
TLDR - Life long friend is a shut in cranky bastard who has gotten on my last nerves. He's obsessed with his gamerscore and Microsoft won't let him migrate his account to another hard drive. Thinking of formatting the hard drive that I have with his 60K + gamerscore, forever banishing his profile to digital hell to piss him off and end the friendship.
I'm not going to read this
Nah. I know what I'm gonna do. Just letting a little steam off.
reading the tldr I can only come to the conclusion that you're an enormous douchebag
there is nothing here for us to talk about
Probably, but that's the intent in this particular situation.
Hush and tell me I'm awesome while linking to your own blog!
Gamerscores are stupid anyway.
i tweet
because i am lazy
To be honest, you kind of sound like the douche here. You could just as easily give him his shit and cut your ties with him, AKA 'doing the mature thing' but instead you choose to act like a bigger whiner than him. Congrats.
are you guys 13?
Can I try to summarize and you can tell me if I'm wrong on any point?
1) Your xbox gets stolen.
2) Your friend offers you a good deal on one to replace it, and loans you his hard drive along with it.
3) He asks for what he loaned you back. You tell him you'll get it to him at your convenience, whenever that ends up being.
4) You tell him that you might be able to get it to him so that he can plan to be available, and then don't show.
5) He gets impatient to have his property returned, you make assumptions regarding his motivation.
6) You decide that if he wants it back, he needs to pick it up from you. Then you decide to sabotage his shit anyways.
Edit: you're also a whiny bitch.
Yes, except that leaves out that he's a racist bastard and everytime I talk to him he acts like my mom and treats me like she did circa 1995.
Nah. I appreciate the favor. I don't appreciate the lecture. I told him I'd have everything sorted out around the Holidays. So instead he posts long, racist, diatribes on my Facebook demanding I bring it to him at random times in the night.
Edit: Probably not the racist part though
cry me a river. you're still a dickbag for planning to mess up his harddrive, regardless of the offenses he's supposedly committed on you.
Holy fuck i'm an asshole!
Probably doesn't remember his password. I'm sure the moment he called Microsoft about it and got a "rag head" on the line he pretty much pissed and moaned about it while on the phone with the guy. So the Microsoft tech probably just told him there's nothing he could do since "Speak English" isn't really a service Microsoft provides.
And you are making fun of him for being racist?
pretty sure the quotations are direct here but still
sheep this is what grown up people do when they don't like someone
they tell them that they don't like them and stop interacting with them
they don't put up with their bullshit until finally they're forced to become as much of an asshole just to cope
I don't understand why you'd do something childish like hold it hostage or decide to destroy what's on it.
Just take your car, drive down to wherever the fuck he's living, drop it off, tell him he's a fucking idiot and you never want to see or hear from him again. Then delete him from your facebook.
Formatting his hard drive is up in the air. Regardless, I'm not gonna associate with the guy anymore.
Eh. Probably the best course of action. The main reason I don't want him to come and get it is because I don't want to have to deal with the shouting match that will come along with it.
I just can't make special trips at the moment. I commute an hour to and from work, and am buying a house, so most of my free time goes to going over inspection, appraisals, and contracts plus actually going out to the house whenever I have free time to keep checking stuff.