So with their new 'green' initiative I'm no longer receiving a paper invoice of my bill with Sprint. Instead I got a carrier transport formatted bill summary which looks like a fancy packaging of CDRs.
I request the layout guide so that I can build a custom SQL database to load my new invoice.
Oh, that's only 9 pages for the programmer's guide and 258 pages for the file layout details.
On top of that noone at Sprint can actually tell me how to pull the AMOUNT DUE from this pile of crap.
Why couldn't they have just generated my old invoice into a PDF and slapped it onto a CD?
lunch with caligulas horse
grinds my gears
he had just eaten some kind of purple ice cream so it was like old-forum-purple liquid with chunks of noodle in it
they should have charged him extra, though because he clearly ate more than he could
do you remember that dilbert comic
you do don't you
i don't
i am also re-reading the OP over and over and over and I think I may have found Zenu.
does anybody else from the forum have gwave?
uuuh, I think that's it.
oh there's a PA wave, nice.
We should make an SE one
nap, that's who my other person is!
I can't figure out how to make the wave public or in fact do anything useful
Thinking about getting an iPhone. I know the dropped call rate is high, but at the moment EVERY call I make is ended by being dropped anyway, so might as well have a neat phone, right?
I've had an Iphone for a year, and maybe dropped 2 calls.
Can't argue with that.
what sql database
I'd kill for that kind of rate. Do you live in a city?
we find these truths to be self-evident
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Decenet coverage, but my dad lives in rural ass ohio, and have service all the way there and back.
hey, that's no cucumber!
Simplify dogies.
And the basic thing is why in the hell do they want me to build a database just to read their bill. Why can't they send the damn thing in PDF format if they want to save the planet.
Edit: just noticed that Photobooth mirrors the image. Huh.. strange..
Also, the blackberry clitoris doesn't let me scroll down and sometimes it'll randomly shut off as well.
My parents used our free upgrade to upgrade my sister's phone because she wanted a different color. Don't get me wrong, I treat my phone well, despite it's looks.