So, because I wanted to practice my india ink stuff, because people kept nagging me for complete works, and because the Silver Surfer is fucking
awesome, I decided to do a picture of the Silver Surfer, all zipping around the cosmos and doing his thing.
Here it is as a WIP
It was around that time that I was informed that the left leg was too long. Oh well, can't be helped now!
And the finished product:
Now, I've used some tremendously shitty brushes for this one, so first thing tomorrow I'm going out to buy me some decent ones. I'm still pretty happy with the result, especially the kirby dots.
Now I ask you, what can I do, besides using better brushes, to improve my future work? How do I get nicer lines? I know the brushes factor into this greatly, because they weren't cooperating at all. But still, my lines have never been steady enough.
Any tips, comments, sage advice from you guys?
By the way, what do you think of it?
Yeah, I'd second the idea of tightening up linework. Spend some more time in the pencil stage getting more finalized lines and you'll build up the experience you need for straight, steady lines with ink.
But then again, brushes. Brushes are hard. You probably just need to use brushes more. to get a better hang of them.
But yeah. Silver Surfer rockage. The pose, like usual, is great and super natural.
And his flight pattern seems... erratic and jerky. Always thought the Surfer was a cool and sleek dude that glides instead of.. jerk.